Israel attacks civilians

The Israelis are the foreigners. Of the 37 people who signed Israel's declaration of independence, Only one was born in Palestine and that was to immigrant parents. The troops that Israel used to attack and expel Palestinian civilians were foreigners. The settlers that Israel moved onto the expelled Palestinian's land were foreigners. Israel is a foreign invasion and occupation of Palestine.
"This illegal [Arab] immigration was not only going on from the Sinai, but also from Transjordan and Syria, and it is very difficult to make a case out for the misery of the Arabs if at the same time their compatriots from adjoining states could not be kept from going in to share that misery."
Royal Commission Report, 1937.
Foreigners, calling others foreigners.
"This illegal [Arab] immigration was not only going on from the Sinai, but also from Transjordan and Syria, and it is very difficult to make a case out for the misery of the Arabs if at the same time their compatriots from adjoining states could not be kept from going in to share that misery."
Royal Commission Report, 1937.
Foreigners, calling others foreigners.

The Arab population declined from about 93% at the turn of the century to about 65% by 1947.

Where are all these Arabs that the liars are talking about?
The Arab population declined from about 93% at the turn of the century to about 65% by 1947. Where are all these Arabs that the liars are talking about?
"This illegal [Arab] immigration was not only going on from the Sinai, but also from Transjordan and Syria, and it is very difficult to make a case out for the misery of the Arabs if at the same time their compatriots from adjoining states could not be kept from going in to share that misery."
Royal Commission Report, 1937.
From the heewwd, of course.
The Arab population declined from about 93% at the turn of the century to about 65% by 1947. Where are all these Arabs that the liars are talking about?
"This illegal [Arab] immigration was not only going on from the Sinai, but also from Transjordan and Syria, and it is very difficult to make a case out for the misery of the Arabs if at the same time their compatriots from adjoining states could not be kept from going in to share that misery."
Royal Commission Report, 1937.
From the heewwd, of course.

You keep quoting the same liars without answering the question.
The Arab population declined from about 93% at the turn of the century to about 65% by 1947. Where are all these Arabs that the liars are talking about?
"This illegal [Arab] immigration was not only going on from the Sinai, but also from Transjordan and Syria, and it is very difficult to make a case out for the misery of the Arabs if at the same time their compatriots from adjoining states could not be kept from going in to share that misery."
Royal Commission Report, 1937.
From the heewwd, of course.
You keep quoting the same liars without answering the question.
The British Royal Mandate commission answered the question. Arab illiteracy in foreign-language compehension doesn't count.
"This illegal [Arab] immigration was not only going on from the Sinai, but also from Transjordan and Syria, and it is very difficult to make a case out for the misery of the Arabs if at the same time their compatriots from adjoining states could not be kept from going in to share that misery."
Royal Commission Report, 1937.
From the heewwd, of course.
You keep quoting the same liars without answering the question.
The British Royal Mandate commission answered the question. Arab illiteracy in foreign-language compehension doesn't count.

Britain created most of the problems in the ME. What makes you think they are a credible source for anything.

The facts blow these clowns out of the water yet you still quote them.
You keep quoting the same liars without answering the question.
The British Royal Mandate commission answered the question. Arab illiteracy in foreign-language compehension doesn't count.
Britain created most of the problems in the ME. What makes you think they are a credible source for anything.
Their ass is what arabs should be going on kissing.
The facts blow these clowns out of the water yet you still quote them.
Yeah, "facts", i.e. bull.
The British Royal Mandate commission answered the question. Arab illiteracy in foreign-language compehension doesn't count.
Britain created most of the problems in the ME. What makes you think they are a credible source for anything.
Their ass is what arabs should be going on kissing.
The facts blow these clowns out of the water yet you still quote them.
Yeah, "facts", i.e. bull.

The Arab population declined from about 93% at the turn of the century to about 65% by 1947.

This is true, look it up.

The propagandists say that the Arabs were not Palestinians but flooded into the country in those years. The numbers prove them to be liars.
Britain created most of the problems in the ME. What makes you think they are a credible source for anything.
Their ass is what arabs should be going on kissing.
The facts blow these clowns out of the water yet you still quote them.
Yeah, "facts", i.e. bull.
The Arab population declined from about 93% at the turn of the century to about 65% by 1947. This is true, look it up. The propagandists say that the Arabs were not Palestinians but flooded into the country in those years. The numbers prove them to be liars.
Yeah, right. So, Tafik Bey El-Hurani, who was the governor of the syrian Huran, was lying like a pornstar, when he noted that in 1934 in a few months more than 30,000 huran syrians galloped to palestine on the jovish development opportunities. What would we be doing without covering the foreign (and fluid) nature of arabs? By the way,
"There is no such country as Palestine. Palestine is a term the Zionists invented. Palestine is alien to us."
Bey Abdul Hadi, 1937.
Nothing new here. Israel was created by attacking civilians and they continue today.

Israel was first created before most Arabs and Muslims were even in Palestine, having originated from Arabia. The reestablishment of the modern state of Israel coincided with the offer of a Pallie state, the first such opportunity in history. Pallies rejected the offer.

In fact, had Jews not pressed for a homeland after dissolution of the Ottoman Empire in WW I, Palestine would be part of the French Syrian Mandate and Pallies would be Syrian.

Thus, Pallies owe Jews big time for the only true chance for statehood. But, they are uncivilized savages incapable of statehood and never will get one.

Uncivilized savages are people who denigrate others in a forum where those denigrated have no way of replying. N'est-ce pas?
Nothing new here. Israel was created by attacking civilians and they continue today.

More Pallies were attacked by King Hussein of Jordan during a few months in Black September than Pallies who have died in conflicts with Israel over the course of 60 years.

Kuwait expelled 400,000 Pallies during the Gulf War.

Your history lesson for the day, gratis.

Total lie!!
In fact, Israel has violated no international law.

Pallies are in violation of international law in providing safe haven to Hamas and other Muslim terrorist factions dedicated to Israel's destruction, such as UN Res. 1373 and 1566.

Thus, you, once, again, are PWNED and left with no reputational pts for your lack of credibility.

Israel is constantly violating human rights, U.N. resolutions, and any other things they want to, knowing Uncle Sap is behind them all the way.
In fact, Israel has violated no international law.

Pallies are in violation of international law in providing safe haven to Hamas and other Muslim terrorist factions dedicated to Israel's destruction, such as UN Res. 1373 and 1566.

Thus, you, once, again, are PWNED and left with no reputational pts for your lack of credibility.

UN Res. 1373

Reaffirming its unequivocal condemnation of the terrorist acts that took place in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania on 11 September, the Security Council this evening unanimously adopted a wide-ranging, comprehensive resolution with steps and strategies to combat international terrorism.
Hamas has never attacked anyone outside Palestine.

As a matter of strict policy, as a democratic government,

Israel is not a democratic government as long as Palestinians are treated as second-class citizens by having to use special license plates on their vehicles, are not allowed on "Jewish only" roads, and other daily infringements on their democratic rights.

the Israeli military does not target non-combatant populations.

Someone is killing 20 times more Palestinian civilians as Israeli civilians are dying.

Indeed, every military maneuver is guided by legal counsel, making the IDF the most highly scrutinized and regulated military in the world.

Bogus. Link? Proof?

For this reason, the sharing of democratic principles and a respect for the rules of engagement, Israel is a close US ally.

So we are told by your people and our bought-and-paid-for politicians.

Indeed, Hamas and other Pallie terrorist factions designated by the US as terrorists, intentionally target civilian Israeli population centers, including childrens' school buses and are in flagrant violation of the law of armed conflict as well as UN Res. 1373 and 1566.

When you steal someone's homeland, you have to expect retaliation, and Israeli's have no compunction about murdering Palestinian children and women. The world knows what's going on in the M.E., that is, where the Zionists don't own the media, as they do in America, England, and other "allied" nations.
Why don't you tell those of us who aren't as learned as you are just what those U.N. resolutions are? How many U.N. resolutions do you think Israel is now in violation of?

Now, you know.

And now you do too.
Last edited:
UN Res. 1373

Reaffirming its unequivocal condemnation of the terrorist acts that took place in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania on 11 September, the Security Council this evening unanimously adopted a wide-ranging, comprehensive resolution with steps and strategies to combat international terrorism.
Hamas has never attacked anyone outside Palestine.

The facts contradict your claim.

Indeed, Hamas and other Pallie terrorist factions designated by the US as terrorists, intentionally target civilian Israeli population centers, including childrens' school buses and are in flagrant violation of the law of armed conflict as well as UN Res. 1373 and 1566.

Israel intentionally targets Palestinian civilian population centers, including schools, hospitals, Mosques, etc., and are also in violation of armed conflict as well as .

Now, you know.

Resolution 1373 deals with international terrorism. Hamas never attacks anyone outside of Palestine leaving 1373 irrelevant. Hamas only attacks people who occupy land inside Palestine's borders.

I'm well-versed in anti-terror laws and first posted about UN Res. 1373, which is how you learned about it.

ANY intentional attacks on a civilian population is a flagrant violation of international law. Hamas does so vis-a-vis Israel on a routine basis. Since Hamas came to power, over 5,000 rockets have been fired into southern Israel, including school buses carrying children. Such actions constitute terrorism.

Israel is a sovereign country.
Gaza is not a sovereign Pallie state and remains part of the Palestine Mandate according Gaza part of the Jewish homeland.

Now, you know, Forum Dunce with no reputational pts.

Bogus, bogus, bogus!!
would somebody be so kind as to publish a list of what they consider to be fair, unbiased , objective media sources for the middle east? is there even one broadcaster or publisher who isn't motivated by some agenda other than reporting the news?

the problem is that with respect to this issue, you probably won't find a lot of people without an ax to grind of some sort. it's clear that the U.N. has done a hack job on Israel given that of the 300 something resolutions passed by the security council, over 200 are directed at israel. surely with all of the terrible things happening in the world, israel does not deserve the lion's share of criticism.

israel seems to be judged by a standard far more stringent than anyone would direct at any other country. and while certainly there are fair criticims, when those criticisms are raised without discussion of terrorist acts, such as the firing of missiles into s'derot, then i think one can discount the source of the criticisms.

in determining what is fair criticism and what isn't, perhaps the Report on Global Anti-Semitism prepared by our state department would be helpful.

Report on Global Anti-Semitism

The Report on Global Anti-Semitism, prepared by the Zionists in "our" State Department, is, itself, prima facie evidence of the universal hatred of Jews engendered by their behavior, actions, and attitude toward non-Jews.
it appears mr gelasco was jammed for a collection of memorabilia that had nothing to do with his belief systems (B.S.)

it is clearly a waste of time to provide material to a crowd that is hell bent on defaming everything and everybody that isn't in lockstep with their own agenda and world view.

let me be clear on one thing: whenever there is a violent conflict, i consider all participants to be in the wrong. clearly, there is a history of both arabs and jews slaughtering non-combatants.

none of you naysayers can address that issue? apparently it is more entertaining to wallow in name-calling.

Then, there is the embarrassing matter of Human Rights Watch caught red-handed soliciting donations in Saudi Arabia, the worst human rights violator in the world (6 beheadings in just one month last year) by boasting of its harrassment of Israel...
Human Rights Watch Goes to Saudi Arabia -

There were many more executions performed in America, and, I would guess Israel than six, so what is your point? An execution is an execution - when you're dead, you're dead, no matter what the method.

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