Israel attacks civilians

like the wall street urinal and a pro-israel jewish college professor are any more believable?. ho ho ho

first, i hope you're not talking to me in terms of the nature of the debate. i showed you what i believe clouds this issue.

so if they're jewish they're not credible? interestingly, i know my own pov is probably more moderate on this issue than many, much to the chagrin of the more neo-con among us. i know i'm moderate because i get called names on this issue by both sides. i figure that's a feather in my cap.

but i'm afraid nazis and groups that ostensibly watch out for human rights, but fundraise in saudi arabia aren't exactly going to be sources i would take very seriously.

Care to elaborate and explain why?
like the wall street urinal and a pro-israel jewish college professor are any more believable?. ho ho ho

first, i hope you're not talking to me in terms of the nature of the debate. i showed you what i believe clouds this issue.

so if they're jewish they're not credible? interestingly, i know my own pov is probably more moderate on this issue than many, much to the chagrin of the more neo-con among us. i know i'm moderate because i get called names on this issue by both sides. i figure that's a feather in my cap.

but i'm afraid nazis and groups that ostensibly watch out for human rights, but fundraise in saudi arabia aren't exactly going to be sources i would take very seriously.

Care to say why you included this in your signature? Do you imagine Willie was writing about you?

O, when she is angry she is keen and shrewd; / She was a vixen when she went to school, / And though she be but little, she is fierce. — Shakespeare
GAZA, (PIC)-- Israeli warplanes at a late hour Monday bombed civilian areas in the densely-populated Gaza Strip wounding 18 Palestinians, mostly children and women, and inflicting considerable damage on property.

Spokesman for the emergency and ambulance authority Adham Abu Salmiya told the Palestinian information center (PIC) that the hospitals received 18 casualties including seven children and six women, 11 of them were taken to Al-Shafa hospital and the others to Kamal Adwan hospital.

Last night, Israeli aerial attacks were waged on densely-populated area in Khan Younis, south of Gaza, destroying homes and a mosque.

Children and women wounded during Israeli air raids on impoverished Gaza
i think we can all agree that the outlets known as MSM are going to have their leanings in accordance with the ideology of the major stockholders and their management team.

to my knowledge, only avrum natan, as captain of the "Shalom", was broadcasting unbiased, non-partisan news about the middle east.

in this instance, i found what looked like a balanced analysis of the indiscriminate fire of both sides and instead of discussing the article, it was trashed not on its merits or lack thereof, but on the merit of HRW to make the observations. that is a variant of the ad hominem fallacy.

Completely incoherent gibberish.

To those who aren't above the average IQ, yes, it may be.
Then, there is the embarrassing matter of Human Rights Watch caught red-handed soliciting donations in Saudi Arabia, the worst human rights violator in the world (6 beheadings in just one month last year) by boasting of its harrassment of Israel...
Human Rights Watch Goes to Saudi Arabia -
Israel Seeks Ways To Silence
Human Rights Groups

Israel Seeks Ways To Silence Human Rights Groups

Robert Bernstein, founder of Human Rights Watch, on HRW's failings...
AS the founder of Human Rights Watch, its active chairman for 20 years and now founding chairman emeritus, I must do something that I never anticipated: I must publicly join the group’s critics. Human Rights Watch had as its original mission to pry open closed societies, advocate basic freedoms and support dissenters. But recently it has been issuing reports on the Israeli-Arab conflict that are helping those who wish to turn Israel into a pariah state.

Now, even YOU know, slut.

Do you have any idea just how common and ignorant it makes you look to constantly be calling other people vulgar names? Are you unable to get a point across without the profanity you seen to highly espouse? You sound like a very bitter person.
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Brilliant Jew, you psycho loser...

Jews are just 0.2% of the global population.

Jewish Nobel Prize Winners
Chemistry: 20% of world total; 28% of US total
Economics: 42% of world total; 56% of US total
Literature: 12% of world total; 27% of US total
Physics: 25% of world total; 36% of US total
Medicine: 27% of world total; 40% of US total

Jewish Pulitzer Prize Winners
Fiction: 14% of all recipients
Poetry: 20% of recipients
Non-Fiction: 51% of recipients
Drama: 34% of recipients

Jewish Academy Award Winners
Best Original Song: 51% of recipients
Best Musical Scoring of A Motion Picture: 50% of total
Best Musical Production: 64% of recipients

Jewish Tony Award Winners
Best Play: 44% of recipients
Best Book: 53% of recipients
Original Screenplay: 36% of recipients

Kyoto Prize Winners
Jews 25% of all recipients

US National Medal Of Science
Jews 38% of all recipients

Lasker Award In Medical Research
Jews 33% of recipients

Gairdner Foundation Award
Jews 27% of recipients

Alfred Sloan Prize For Cancer Research
Jews 35% of recipients

Priestly Medal
Jews 22% of all recipients

Welch Award In Chemistry
30% of all recipients

Cope Award In Chemistry
Jews 27% of all recipients

Debye Award In Chemistry
Jews 24% of all recipients

IEEE Award In Information Theory
Jews 37% of all recipients

von Neumann Mathematics Theory Award
Jews 40% of all recipients

Clark Medal In Economics
Jews 65% of all recipients

Fields Medal In Mathematics
Jews 27% of recipients

Wolf Prize In Mathematics
Jews: 38% of recipients

Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement
Jews: 58% of recipients

Bocher Memorial Prize In Mathematics
Jews: 45% of recipients

Cole Prize In Mathematics
Jews: 46% of recipients

Jews Profiled In 20th Century Thinkers: 30% of those profiled

Enrico Fermi Award
Jews 52% of all recipients

Atoms For Peace Award
Jews 52% of recipients

Dirac Medal
Jews 37% of recipients

100 Most Psychologists of 20th Century
Jews 39% of total

This shows that Jews are in control of giving out Nobel Prizes, that's all.
Israel strikes Terror tunnel in response to DAILY CONTINUAL MORTAR ATTACKS***********

IDF strikes in Gaza after mortar fire - Israel News, Ynetnews

4 mortar shells hit Israel
Four mortar shells were fired into Israel from Gaza in two different barrages on Tuesday. The Color Red rocket alert system was sounded at 11 am in Gaza vicinity communities, followed by a loud blast caused by a mortar shell which exploded in a parking lot in the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council.

The first mortar shell damaged one car. A second one landed in a nearby field and damaged a hose. There were no reports of injuries.

About three hours later, the Color Red alert system was activated once again and two more explosions were heard in the area. There were no reports of injuries.

The al-Quds Brigades, the Islamic Jihad's military wing, claimed responsibility, saying the mortars were directed at a military post east of the Gaza Strip town of Khan Younis.

From your link:

"Four mortar shells were fired into Israel from Gaza..."

Israel has built a cage around Gaza but there is no border there.

I'm certain, being the entire Middle East is lined with Muslim nations, that one of those nations would welcome the "Palestinians" in? No?? The only cage Palestinians find themselves in is the one they voted to represent them, "Hamas."

Why should the Palestinians go to another country when they have their own, which is occupied by Zionists?
I'm certain, being the entire Middle East is lined with Muslim nations, that one of those nations would welcome the "Palestinians" in? No?? The only cage Palestinians find themselves in is the one they voted to represent them, "Hamas."
Hamas did not impose a blockade.[/size][/i]
Their jihading antics asked for it, and gazastanians seem to be loving it.
Why should any of those other countries pick up Israel's slack?
That's what bros are for, of course.

If a bunch of Zionists came to my state and took it with terrorism and arms, I would hardly expect the next-door states to take me in and ruin their economy and other things that would be affected, I would fight the Zionist invaders to my death to get my state back, which is exactly what the Palestinians are doing. To do less would be cowardly and unthinkable.
"The new vice-president of Egypt, Omar Suleiman, is a long-standing favourite of Israel’s who spoke daily to the Tel Aviv government via a secret 'hotline' to Cairo, leaked documents disclose.

"Mr Suleiman, who is widely tipped to take over from Hosni Mubarak as president, was named as Israel’s preferred candidate for the job after discussions with American officials in 2008.

"As a key figure working for Middle East peace, he once suggested that Israeli troops would be 'welcome' to invade Egypt to stop weapons being smuggled to Hamas terrorists in neighbouring Gaza."

Suleiman's bros?

More proof the whole situation in the M.E. is a plot for regime-change of all the countries to align the governments with Israel and eventually become property of the Zionists, and the United states government is complicit in it from the git-go.
Israel strikes Terror tunnel in response to DAILY CONTINUAL MORTAR ATTACKS***********

Whats sad is that there seems to be hatred for Jews being taught by
Muslims. "Religion of peace", my ass!

What's sadder is that Jewish kids are being taught hatred for all non-Jews by the Talmud, and extreme hatred for Muslims by their parents and their "shuls."
Israel strikes Terror tunnel in response to DAILY CONTINUAL MORTAR ATTACKS***********

IDF strikes in Gaza after mortar fire - Israel News, Ynetnews

4 mortar shells hit Israel
Four mortar shells were fired into Israel from Gaza in two different barrages on Tuesday. The Color Red rocket alert system was sounded at 11 am in Gaza vicinity communities, followed by a loud blast caused by a mortar shell which exploded in a parking lot in the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council.

The first mortar shell damaged one car. A second one landed in a nearby field and damaged a hose. There were no reports of injuries.

About three hours later, the Color Red alert system was activated once again and two more explosions were heard in the area. There were no reports of injuries.

The al-Quds Brigades, the Islamic Jihad's military wing, claimed responsibility, saying the mortars were directed at a military post east of the Gaza Strip town of Khan Younis.

Whats sad is that there seems to be hatred for Jews being taught by
Muslims. "Religion of peace", my ass!

Islamic schools across Britain are reportedly teaching their students how to cut off thieves’ hands and that Jews are plotting to take over the world.

Jews ARE plotting to take over the world (Western world first), and there probably isn't much crime in Muslim nations.
One textbook given to 15-year-old students outlines physical punishments for violating Shariah law, according to BBC.

Textbooks given to American school children outline how to put on condoms, "fist" another person, perform oral sex, etc., and during black history month they are told that Beethoven, Hannibal, and other historic figures were negroid, and that blacks once had wings which allowed them to build the Pyramids. This is a fact.“

For thieves their hands will be cut off for a first offence, and their foot for a subsequent offence,” the book says.

Rather spend years in a prison?
Israel strikes Terror tunnel in response to DAILY CONTINUAL MORTAR ATTACKS***********

IDF strikes in Gaza after mortar fire - Israel News, Ynetnews

4 mortar shells hit Israel
Four mortar shells were fired into Israel from Gaza in two different barrages on Tuesday. The Color Red rocket alert system was sounded at 11 am in Gaza vicinity communities, followed by a loud blast caused by a mortar shell which exploded in a parking lot in the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council.

The first mortar shell damaged one car. A second one landed in a nearby field and damaged a hose. There were no reports of injuries.

About three hours later, the Color Red alert system was activated once again and two more explosions were heard in the area. There were no reports of injuries.

The al-Quds Brigades, the Islamic Jihad's military wing, claimed responsibility, saying the mortars were directed at a military post east of the Gaza Strip town of Khan Younis.

From your link:

"Four mortar shells were fired into Israel from Gaza..."

Israel has built a cage around Gaza but there is no border there.

Animals deserve a cage. If they want to act like human
beings, they can be let out, anytime.

I used to think of myself as a staunch conservative, but since the Zionists took over, and made all conservatives Israel-worshipers, I have rethought my conservatism, and have decided that all those who now call themselves conservative are brain-washed dupes of the neo-cons. To a man, you people defend the atrocities of the Israeli government toward the Palestinians, and for what reason, I can't guess, except that you are all just followers of whichever Zionists you are exposed to. I voted for people like Pat Buchanan, George Wallace, etc., so that should show my conservative credentials. All you pseudo-conservatives who have been hornswoggled by the neo-cons into being Zio-philes need to wake up and smell the duplicity of the Zionists.
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Israel strikes Terror tunnel in response to DAILY CONTINUAL MORTAR ATTACKS***********

IDF strikes in Gaza after mortar fire - Israel News, Ynetnews

4 mortar shells hit Israel
Four mortar shells were fired into Israel from Gaza in two different barrages on Tuesday. The Color Red rocket alert system was sounded at 11 am in Gaza vicinity communities, followed by a loud blast caused by a mortar shell which exploded in a parking lot in the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council.

The first mortar shell damaged one car. A second one landed in a nearby field and damaged a hose. There were no reports of injuries.

About three hours later, the Color Red alert system was activated once again and two more explosions were heard in the area. There were no reports of injuries.

The al-Quds Brigades, the Islamic Jihad's military wing, claimed responsibility, saying the mortars were directed at a military post east of the Gaza Strip town of Khan Younis.

From your link:

"Four mortar shells were fired into Israel from Gaza..."

Israel has built a cage around Gaza but there is no border there.

Animals deserve a cage. If they want to act like human
beings, they can be let out, anytime.

"Animals," eh? What do you consider those who bull-doze young girls and shoot babies in their parents' arms, or retain pregnant women at checkpoints until the baby is dead?
I'm certain, being the entire Middle East is lined with Muslim nations, that one of those nations would welcome the "Palestinians" in? No?? The only cage Palestinians find themselves in is the one they voted to represent them, "Hamas."

Hamas did not impose a blockade.

Why should any of those other countries pick up Israel's slack?

You shoot at me, i shoot back....:eek:

Simple, Hamas stops there crap, and they get to live another

The Palestinian people probably feel the same way, wouldn't you think?

Zionist terrorists stop THEIR crap, they get to live another day.
If a bunch of Zionists came to my state and took it with terrorism and arms, I would hardly expect the next-door states to take me in and ruin their economy and other things that would be affected, I would fight the Zionist invaders to my death to get my state back, which is exactly what the Palestinians are doing. To do less would be cowardly and unthinkable.
Pity, those "my" and other palistanians never had a state to bitch about.
If a bunch of Zionists came to my state and took it with terrorism and arms, I would hardly expect the next-door states to take me in and ruin their economy and other things that would be affected, I would fight the Zionist invaders to my death to get my state back, which is exactly what the Palestinians are doing. To do less would be cowardly and unthinkable.
Pity, those "my" and other palistanians never had a state to bitch about.

Please consult a tutor about sentence structure, old sport.
If a bunch of Zionists came to my state and took it with terrorism and arms, I would hardly expect the next-door states to take me in and ruin their economy and other things that would be affected, I would fight the Zionist invaders to my death to get my state back, which is exactly what the Palestinians are doing. To do less would be cowardly and unthinkable.
Pity, those "my" and other palistanians never had a state to bitch about.

Please consult a tutor about sentence structure, old sport.


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