Israel attacks civilians

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Arafat was born in Egypt to Palestinian parents. His father happened to be working in Egypt at the time. His siblings were born in Palestine and he spent much of his childhood in Palestine living with relatives.

Arafat was a corrupt thief he stole from his own people his wife lives in France and continues to recieve millions.

Yasser Arafat was a thief.

By all accounts Arafat has stolen billions of dollars in aid money meant for the Palestinian people. While the areas under PLO control have deteriorated precipitously, Arafat stashed away most, if not all, of the monetary aid intended for them.[18]

· Almost one billion dollars collected in taxes from the Palestinian people was retained in investment accounts under Arafat’s name.

· Astonishingly, in the Oslo accords, Israel agreed to pay Arafat the sales taxes collected from Palestinians in Israel, about $1 billion to date. This too went into Arafat’s personal accounts.[19]

· According to the PLO’s own finance minister, Salam Fayyad, Arafat gave commodity monopolies to his friends, who in turn diluted their products and jacked up prices on the Palestinians. For example, the General Petroleum Corporation took fuel purchased from Israel and watered it down with kerosene. In addition to ripping off Palestinian drivers, the poor quality fuel ruined their cars’ engines. Arafat got kickbacks.[20]

FrontPage Magazine - Who Was Yasser Arafat?

French Question $11 Million Sent to Arafat's Wife

.PARIS, Feb. 11— French prosecutors are investigating bank transfers of $11.4 million to accounts controlled by Suha al-Taweel Arafat, the wife of the Palestinian leader, French media reported Wednesday.

The inquiry, disclosed by a satirical French weekly, Le Canard Enchaîné, and confirmed by unidentified judicial officials to The Associated Press, was opened in October after the Bank of France notified the Paris prosecutor's office that Mrs. Arafat's accounts at two banks in France had received relatively regular transfers of nearly $1.27 million each from Switzerland between July 2002 and September 2003. The newspaper also reported that about $2.5 million of the money had been diverted to an account of an interior decorating firm, Alberto Pinto.

The officials told The A.P. there was no evidence that the funds came from illicit sources.

Mrs. Arafat, 40, who lives in Paris with a 7-year-old daughter, could not be reached for comment.

Le Canard Enchaîné also reported that the European Union had begun an investigation into management of an estimated $444 million in aid that the union is giving the Palestinian Authority. The aid accounts for about a third of the authority's budget

French Question $11 Million Sent to Arafat's Wife -
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I posted this earlier Ropey. What do you think about my theory?

My theory on Well to do suicide bombers

I seems like there are a lot of well off musilms who are suicide bombers. And they all seem to have had problems with women. The underwear bomber is said to have had no women, The Fort Hood gunman, No women. the 9/11 terrorist Mohamad Atta was said to have possibly been gay, So thats my theory, A lot of these guys are homosexuals, And they would rather die as a hero, Than to have to live with thier sexual preferences as a disgrace in the muslim religion. What do you guys think of that theory?
Arafat was born in Egypt to Palestinian parents. His father happened to be working in Egypt at the time. His siblings were born in Palestine and he spent much of his childhood in Palestine living with relatives.

Arafat was a corrupt thief he stole from his own people his wife lives in France and continues to recieve millions.

Yasser Arafat was a thief.

By all accounts Arafat has stolen billions of dollars in aid money meant for the Palestinian people. While the areas under PLO control have deteriorated precipitously, Arafat stashed away most, if not all, of the monetary aid intended for them.[18]

· Almost one billion dollars collected in taxes from the Palestinian people was retained in investment accounts under Arafat’s name.

· Astonishingly, in the Oslo accords, Israel agreed to pay Arafat the sales taxes collected from Palestinians in Israel, about $1 billion to date. This too went into Arafat’s personal accounts.[19]

· According to the PLO’s own finance minister, Salam Fayyad, Arafat gave commodity monopolies to his friends, who in turn diluted their products and jacked up prices on the Palestinians. For example, the General Petroleum Corporation took fuel purchased from Israel and watered it down with kerosene. In addition to ripping off Palestinian drivers, the poor quality fuel ruined their cars’ engines. Arafat got kickbacks.[20]

FrontPage Magazine - Who Was Yasser Arafat?

French Question $11 Million Sent to Arafat's Wife

.PARIS, Feb. 11— French prosecutors are investigating bank transfers of $11.4 million to accounts controlled by Suha al-Taweel Arafat, the wife of the Palestinian leader, French media reported Wednesday.

The inquiry, disclosed by a satirical French weekly, Le Canard Enchaîné, and confirmed by unidentified judicial officials to The Associated Press, was opened in October after the Bank of France notified the Paris prosecutor's office that Mrs. Arafat's accounts at two banks in France had received relatively regular transfers of nearly $1.27 million each from Switzerland between July 2002 and September 2003. The newspaper also reported that about $2.5 million of the money had been diverted to an account of an interior decorating firm, Alberto Pinto.

The officials told The A.P. there was no evidence that the funds came from illicit sources.

Mrs. Arafat, 40, who lives in Paris with a 7-year-old daughter, could not be reached for comment.

Le Canard Enchaîné also reported that the European Union had begun an investigation into management of an estimated $444 million in aid that the union is giving the Palestinian Authority. The aid accounts for about a third of the authority's budget

French Question $11 Million Sent to Arafat's Wife -

Arafat sold out to Israel and became rich. Abbas is a sellout too.

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It is Proved that Dahlan Killed Arafat Print
Tuesday, 03 July 2007

Hamas broadcasted another secret document that was handed in the former Minister of Domestic Affairs of Palestine,

Muhammed Dahlan's headquarters.

The new document shows that the former Minister of defense Muhammed Dahlan wrote a letter to the Minister of Defense of Israel, Shaul Mofaz in order to decide to kill Arafat.

Dahlan in his letter after determining the general instability in Palestine says to raze the ones who object to live with Israel.

Dahlan who in the letter writes that the death of the Palestinian leader Yaser Arafat is getting close, offer Mofaz this: "Make sure that Dear Arafat is counting his final days. But let us finish this job not with your methods, but with ours."

In Dahlan's letter it is seen that in the Palestinian Parliament a lot of ministers were persuaded or blackmailed in order to be taken to Dahlan's own side and he also says he is ready to give his live to to keep his promises in front of President Bush.

Evidence that Dahlan Killed Arafat
Yeah, always been puzzled by that. Hamas and Fatah build their Islamic theocracy over that quote, yet the stones and trees aren't calling them to kill the Jews, Allah hasn't told them it is doomsday, neither has Mohammad...I guess they think themselves their own god.
Consider this:

Hamas's Charter The Avalon Project : Hamas Covenant 1988

Hamas's Charter Article 7 said:
The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the links in the chain of the struggle against the Zionist invaders. It goes back to 1939, to the emergence of the martyr Izz al-Din al Kissam and his brethren the fighters, members of Moslem Brotherhood. It goes on to reach out and become one with another chain that includes the struggle of the Palestinians and Moslem Brotherhood in the 1948 war and the Jihad operations of the Moslem Brotherhood in 1968 and after.

Moreover, if the links have been distant from each other and if obstacles, placed by those who are the lackeys of Zionism in the way of the fighters obstructed the continuation of the struggle, the Islamic Resistance Movement aspires to the realisation of Allah's promise, no matter how long that should take.

The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said:

"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharqad tree, would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem).

(I bolded the fonts in the last paragraph

How it became one of the Jews trees when it is not native to Israel is beyond my poor discernment though. :razz:
GAZA, (PIC)-- A Palestinian young man was wounded on Tuesday in Israeli army shelling at a group of people east of Khan Younis, south of the Gaza Strip, medical sources announced.

He said that the young man was taken to a hospital in Deir Al-Balah in moderate condition.

IOF armored vehicles earlier withdrew from Khuza'a also east of Khan Younis after advancing a few meters into the area. Palestinian resistance factions had confronted the troops.

Palestinian youth wounded in IOF shelling
RAFAH, (PIC)-- A Palestinian fishing boat was destroyed on Tuesday when Israeli navy gunboats shelled a group of boats anchored at the Rafah coast, to the south of the Gaza Strip.

PIC reporter said that the navy vessels fired a number of shells at the fishing boats directly hitting one of them. He added that fire started in the small boat but no casualties were reported.

Israeli gunboats shell Palestinian fishing boats
"In Israel there is ethnic democracy: democracy for 80 percent of the public and exclusion and discrimination for 20 percent, and a regime of oppression and dictatorship in the occupied territories."


Ah, ah,
We come from the land of the ice and snow,
From the midnight sun where the hot springs blow.
Hammer of the gods will drive our ships to new land,
To fight the horde, sing and cry: Valhalla, I am coming!

On we sweep with threshing oar, Our only goal will be the western shore.

Ah, ah,
We come from the land of the ice and snow,
From the midnight sun where the hot springs blow.
How soft your fields so green, can whisper tales of gore,
Of how we calmed the tides of war. We are young overlords.

On we sweep with threshing oar, Our only goal will be the western shore.

So now you'd better stop and rebuild all your ruins,
For peace and trust can win the day despite of all your losing.
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HEBRON, Palestinian Territories (AFP) – Israeli troops on Wednesday destroyed three water wells belonging to Palestinian villagers living near a sprawling Jewish settlement outside Hebron, witnesses said.

Two of the wells were located in Wadi al-Ghrous, just east of Kiryat Arba settlement, and were used for agriculture by a family of 10, they said.

The third well was used by 20 people and sited in the nearby village of Al-Beqa.

Israel destroys wells near Hebron: witnesses - Yahoo! News
More information:

Shabtay is Orkuting: The Gharqad subtext

[ame=""]Islam: Talking Trees and Stones! [/ame]

[ame=""]The Jews Are the Eternal Enemies of Muslims Regardless of the Occupation of Palestine[/ame]

I posted this earlier Ropey. What do you think about my theory?

My theory on Well to do suicide bombers

I seems like there are a lot of well off musilms who are suicide bombers. And they all seem to have had problems with women. The underwear bomber is said to have had no women, The Fort Hood gunman, No women. the 9/11 terrorist Mohamad Atta was said to have possibly been gay, So thats my theory, A lot of these guys are homosexuals, And they would rather die as a hero, Than to have to live with thier sexual preferences as a disgrace in the muslim religion. What do you guys think of that theory?

Hey, with the high degrees of consanguinity, who can say. Anything is possible.
GAZA, (PIC)-- An Israeli occupation surveillance drone at dawn Friday fired at least one rocket at a Palestinian civilian car at Nusairat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip according to security and local sources.

The sources told PIC correspondent that the drone targeted a parked Jeep in the refugee camp resulting in the complete destruction of the car.

Unofficial medical sources told the correspondent that the attack did not result in any human casualties.

Israeli occupation airstrike targets civilian car in Gaza
GAZA, (PIC)-- An Israeli occupation surveillance drone at dawn Friday fired at least one rocket at a Palestinian civilian car at Nusairat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip according to security and local sources.

The sources told PIC correspondent that the drone targeted a parked Jeep in the refugee camp resulting in the complete destruction of the car.

Unofficial medical sources told the correspondent that the attack did not result in any human casualties.

Israeli occupation airstrike targets civilian car in Gaza
Yeah, most Palestinians under Hamas theocracy can afford that if they are not connected to the Hamas thugs, not. :cuckoo:
JORDAN VALLEY, (PIC)-- Palestinian activists sat in at the Ain al-Halwa school in the northern Jordan Valley on Saturday with hopes to raise awareness on the Israeli occupation which has rendered meeting the educational needs of Area C impossible.

The ”save the Jordan Valley” campaign, one of the sit-in organizers, said Israeli policies have hampered the building of schools, and military checkpoints have restricted movement of teachers and students.

Israeli authorities have pursued a policy of destruction of private and public facilities including schools, said Wahba Usfour, a sit-in coordinator, citing as an example what happened in Khirbet Tana, a village east of the city of Nablus with a population of about 300.

In October 2010, Israel leveled there 30 structures including a school, houses and animal stables. Of the 40 students frequenting the local school before the demolition, only 17 had continued to hold studies in a small tent.

N. Jordan Valley sit-in highlights education dilemma under occupation
Palestinian activists sat in at the Ain al-Halwa school in the northern Jordan Valley on Saturday with hopes to raise awareness on the Israeli occupation which has rendered meeting the educational needs of Area C impossible.
Which, basically, means the aid money designated for education purposes is mostly misused and stolen, and we must find a way to blame it on evil jooze.

Dozens of Palestinians and foreign activists were injured when Israeli forces cracked down on a weekly Bil'in march protesting the apartheid wall, witnesses reported.


Meanwhile, more clashes broke out in the Al-Bustan area in the East Jerusalem district of Silwan between hundreds of youth and the Israeli army.

Soldiers exhausted their arsenal of tear gas before backup arrived as they fired at the homes of Palestinians injuring many, locals reported.

At least two policemen preparing to launch tear gas were injured after being hit with stones hurled by the protesters.


The same Friday, Israeli forces cracked down on a weekly anti-wall march in the Bethlehem town of Ma'sara.

Soldiers blocked the marchers from entering their land threatened to be seized and attacked them with batons and stun grenades.

Dozens injured in clashes across the West Bank
Dozens of Palestinians and foreign activists were injured when Israeli forces cracked down on a weekly Bil'in march protesting the apartheid wall, witnesses reported.
They gather, rampage like baboons in a zoo, trying to damage somebody else's property, get their asses kicked in an animal control operation and babble bull. A cool occupation.

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