Israel attacks civilians


Yeah, always been puzzled by that. Hamas and Fatah build their Islamic theocracy over that quote, yet the stones and trees aren't calling them to kill the Jews, Allah hasn't told them it is doomsday, neither has Mohammad...I guess they think themselves their own god.

But then again they do not fight for their god but their selfish and perverse desires, they enjoy murdering women and children, murdering their fellow Muslims, and raping women, they are in it for power and control, and in the case of many Fatah members wealth.

They call themselves morally superior to other Muslims and standing up for their fellow Palestinians, yet are the exact opposite. They are not 'holy soldiers' but cowards hiding behind women and children, and killing women and children, and when not doing that they torture their own people either in Israeli prisons or their own secret prisons.

But they keep to their fantasy, ignoring the atrocities they commit on themselves and others in a mad quest to destroy the 'Zionist aggressor', so far all they have managed is to kill a few soldiers, murder women and children, destroy property, torture their own people, and violate women.

Let them venerate figures like Saladin, while violating his own codes of war and moral codes in regards to the treatment of women, and the enemy, but it's all okay right, so long as a few Jews die and Muslims go forth as blind, mindless minions of a god that never called them to a doomsday battle with Jews save in the minds of a few deluded religious zealots that pervert the very religion they claim to protect. :eusa_shhh:
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RAFAH, (PIC)-- A 37-year-old Palestinian man was wounded with shrapnel of Israeli shelling while passing near the Gaza international airport in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, on Monday, medical sources reported.

The spokesman for medical services Adham Abu Salmiya said that the man was carried to hospital in moderate condition.

The PIC reporter in the area said that the Israeli occupation forces shelled the airport vicinity during an incursion east of Rafah city.
Of the 37 people who signed Israel declaration of independence, only one was born in Palestine. The rest were all foreigners.
Oh, and arab immigrants from the hood are, of course, "natives". Funny, Yassir Arafat was born in Egypt, thus he was qualified enough to represent egyptian arab immigrants. No?
Of the 37 people who signed Israel declaration of independence, only one was born in Palestine. The rest were all foreigners.
Oh, and arab immigrants from the hood are, of course, "natives". Funny, Yassir Arafat was born in Egypt, thus he was qualified enough to represent egyptian arab immigrants. No?

Arafat was born in Egypt to Palestinian parents. His father happened to be working in Egypt at the time. His siblings were born in Palestine and he spent much of his childhood in Palestine living with relatives.

Then stop using them for media purposes.

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There is a resurgence in the horde. The horde teaches their young all over the 57 Muslim countries.
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The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing years ago.

You need to update your propaganda crap.
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing years ago.

You need to update your propaganda crap.

They stopped because Israel built a wall to stop them from coming in PF. Still, they kill our soldiers (and their own) at our border crossings. They just can't get in to kill our young and citizens anymore. Oh, right, you said that there are no such thing as civilians in Israel. That's why the Hamas still teach their young. Look at the dates.

And still, they train and teach for the day when they can get into Israel again.

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