Israel Denies Palestinians In Yatta Electricity And Orders Solar Panels Removed


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
Israel demands Yatta villagers remove solar panels

HEBRON (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces on Sunday demanded Palestinians remove 10 solar panels from their rooftops in the Yatta region south of Hebron, a local group said. The coordinator of the Popular Committees against the Settlements and the Wall south of Hebron and east of Yatta, Ratib al-Jbour, said that Israeli forces had visited the village and demanded that villagers remove the solar panels.The solar panels provide electric power for 10 families in the Asfi area east of Yatta in the southern West Bank.Ratib al-Jbour denounced the move and called upon international humanitarian organizations and human rights organizations to prevent them from implementing the decision.The South Hebron Hills, known locally as Masafer Yatta, lies almost entirely in Area C, the 62 percent of the West Bank under full Israel civil and security control since the 1993 Oslo Accords.Only one village in Masafer Yatta has ever been able to connect to the Palestinian electricity grid, after a decade of wrangling with the Israeli military.Masafer Yatta has an electricity network, connecting the four Israeli government-sanctioned settlements and six unauthorized outposts built there since 1981 to Israeli supplied electricity.

Israel demands Yatta villagers remove solar panels | Maan News Agency

An Occupier is required to protect the civilian population, not deny them basic needs like electricity.

Can anyone imagine if our US government singled out a part of our population to deliberately deny basic human needs to, like electricity or water , in this fashion?

What happened to respect for human life and the sanctity of human life?

I guess Rabbi Yosef answered that, the Palestinians simply exist to serve Israel, however Israel deems they shall serve.
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Reading all that Rabbi Yosef said over the years about the Gentile, it kind of explains all of the human rights abuses of the Occupation.

The Torah and Talmud were the guide, and the Occupation the prescription.
Reading all that Rabbi Yosef said over the years about the Gentile, it kind of explains all of the human rights abuses of the Occupation.

The Torah and Talmud were the guide, and the Occupation the prescription.

what did R' Ovadia Yosef say about gentiles over the years and to what writings \
in the torah and talmud are you referring?. An interesting factoid---is that the
word used in Hebrew for "electricity"-----is ---I believe "chashmal" and it
is derived from the talmud. I do not know anything about the orgin of that word
or what it meant----when used in the talmud ANYONE???? Sherri is a scholar
of ancient writings-----maybe she knows

As to R' Ovadia Yosef-----I do recall that when he was about 90----made a
comment about "GENTILES" I do not think he spoke english----so he must
have said "GOYIM"------however some mizrachi jews seem to use the term
"ARAVIM" to refer to non jews------since arabs were their 'non jews'
Goyim means "nations" and is colloquially used to indicate "other nations" ---
ie non jewish people ----in the same sense that ARISTOTLE used the term
"barbarians" to describe non greeks.

It is well to remember that R' Ovadia Yosef ----was born in Baghdad---which
was-----in the early part of the first Millenium AD-------the center of study
of GREEK PHILOSOPHY -------generally by zoroastrians, jews and some
christians -------they did the math too-----which was orginiated largely
in India----------then---welll---you know what happened
Reading all that Rabbi Yosef said over the years about the Gentile, it kind of explains all of the human rights abuses of the Occupation.

The Torah and Talmud were the guide, and the Occupation the prescription.

what did R' Ovadia Yosef say about gentiles over the years and to what writings \
in the torah and talmud are you referring?. An interesting factoid---is that the
word used in Hebrew for "electricity"-----is ---I believe "chashmal" and it
is derived from the talmud. I do not know anything about the orgin of that word
or what it meant----when used in the talmud ANYONE???? Sherri is a scholar
of ancient writings-----maybe she knows

As to R' Ovadia Yosef-----I do recall that when he was about 90----made a
comment about "GENTILES" I do not think he spoke english----so he must
have said "GOYIM"------however some mizrachi jews seem to use the term
"ARAVIM" to refer to non jews------since arabs were their 'non jews'
Goyim means "nations" and is colloquially used to indicate "other nations" ---
ie non jewish people ----in the same sense that ARISTOTLE used the term
"barbarians" to describe non greeks.

It is well to remember that R' Ovadia Yosef ----was born in Baghdad---which
was-----in the early part of the first Millenium AD-------the center of study
of GREEK PHILOSOPHY -------generally by zoroastrians, jews and some
christians -------they did the math too-----which was orginiated largely
in India----------then---welll---you know what happened
Sherri seems to be an official translator of ancient Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic and Farsi. What comes out of her mouth is a blend of Pidgen English, Pig Latin and Plain Old Bullshit. She didn't mention why the solar panels were removed.
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I think it's about time Palestinians start paying the milliard Shekels in deabt that they owe the elecricity company.

They get free electricity while I have to pay rediculous prices.

Why is THAT ok?!
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I think it's about time Palestinians start paying the milliart Shekels in deabt that they owe the elecricity company.

They get free electricity while I have to pay rediculous prices.

Why is THAT ok?!

Lipush ----everytime I read one of Sherri's "the occupiers are responsible for...."
spews-----I whisper a prayer of thanks ----for the fact that the Germans and
Japanese occupied by the USA did not have sherri's mindset. The USA
would have been bankrupted Based on what I know about the lifestyles
of LOTS OF MUSLIMS world wide------including in the middle east------if sherri's
demands were met--------90% of the muslims of the world would demand to be
"OCCUPIED" by Israel. You may be too young----but there was a movie---
done LONG AGO------I think about 50 years ago called "THE MOUSE THE ROARED"--
It featured a tiny country that made note of the ADVANTAGES losing
a war to the USA.----and so ----declared war on the USA-----but its
advantages did not come close to that which SHERRI claims for the
"indigenous balestinians"
Reading all that Rabbi Yosef said over the years about the Gentile, it kind of explains all of the human rights abuses of the Occupation.

The Torah and Talmud were the guide, and the Occupation the prescription.

what did R' Ovadia Yosef say about gentiles over the years and to what writings \
in the torah and talmud are you referring?. An interesting factoid---is that the
word used in Hebrew for "electricity"-----is ---I believe "chashmal" and it
is derived from the talmud. I do not know anything about the orgin of that word
or what it meant----when used in the talmud ANYONE???? Sherri is a scholar
of ancient writings-----maybe she knows

As to R' Ovadia Yosef-----I do recall that when he was about 90----made a
comment about "GENTILES" I do not think he spoke english----so he must
have said "GOYIM"------however some mizrachi jews seem to use the term
"ARAVIM" to refer to non jews------since arabs were their 'non jews'
Goyim means "nations" and is colloquially used to indicate "other nations" ---
ie non jewish people ----in the same sense that ARISTOTLE used the term
"barbarians" to describe non greeks.

It is well to remember that R' Ovadia Yosef ----was born in Baghdad---which
was-----in the early part of the first Millenium AD-------the center of study
of GREEK PHILOSOPHY -------generally by zoroastrians, jews and some
christians -------they did the math too-----which was orginiated largely
in India----------then---welll---you know what happened
Sherri seems to be an official translator of ancient Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic and Farsi. What comes out of her mouth is a blend of Pidgen English, Pig Latin and Plain Old Bullshit. She didn't mention why the solar panels were removed.

I am still waiting for sherri to tell me ALL ABOUT that massive body of comment ---
commented by R' Ovadia Yosef ----upon "GENTILES" I miswrote a bit-----
actually MIZRACHI jews do not always called gentiles "aravim"----now that I
think about it--------when my grandmother said GOYIM---she meant christians---
but lots of MIZRACHIS I know----when THEY say GOYIM mean----arabs.

I wonder what Iraqi jews mean by this or that word -------My own hubby ---
is a bit abstracted------I am not sure what he means when he says "goyim"---
I think he has something like Rashi's concept of Goyim in mind-----people from a
distant place-----who make idols like the ancient greeks or who worship stars---
like-----who ever worshipped stars------the zoroastrians were into stars-----but they
were scientists------I think.

I wonder what sherri thought when she was a kid when she heard the word "jew"
Sounds like the Israeli version of freedom. God forbid someone convert sunlight to power without the stupid Israeli dogs becoming jealous.

They should start paying what they owe the electricity company.

If you don't pay the bills, don't they cut you off, in the USA?

Same logic works here.

You can bark all you want, but there is no reason why Israel should give prizes to the Palestinians when they are not paying for what they get.
Sounds like the Israeli version of freedom. God forbid someone convert sunlight to power without the stupid Israeli dogs becoming jealous.

They should start paying what they owe the electricity company.

If you don't pay the bills, don't they cut you off, in the USA?

Same logic works here.

You can bark all you want, but there is no reason why Israel should give prizes to the Palestinians when they are not paying for what they get.

Zionists will not let them have electricity.

They have been trying to get it for years.

Disgusting Zionist scum bags do this!

And you support every human rights abuse committed.

How disgusting!

How do you stand to look at yourself in the mirror?
As of last May the Palestinian Authority (abbreviated to PA in this article) owe Israel US$204,693,638.

Electric Company: PA Residents Not Forced to Pay
Palestinian Authority Arabs who do not pay for electricity are not cut off.

By Maayana Miskin
First Publish: 5/22/2013, 2:33 PM

MK Orit Struk challenged Electric Corporation Director Yiftach Ron-Tal during a meeting of the Knesset’s Economics Committee on Wednesday. Struk asked Ron-Tal why the Electric Corporation does not cut off Palestinian Authority households that do not pay for electricity as it does for Israelis.

Many PA residents do not pay their electric bills. The Electric Corporation is owed a total of 730 million shekels (US$204,693,638) by PA residents.

Electric Company: PA Residents Not Forced to Pay - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News
Sounds like the Israeli version of freedom. God forbid someone convert sunlight to power without the stupid Israeli dogs becoming jealous.

They should start paying what they owe the electricity company.

If you don't pay the bills, don't they cut you off, in the USA?

Same logic works here.

You can bark all you want, but there is no reason why Israel should give prizes to the Palestinians when they are not paying for what they get.

Zionists will not let them have electricity.

They have been trying to get it for years.

Disgusting Zionist scum bags do this!

And you support every human rights abuse committed.

How disgusting!

How do you stand to look at yourself in the mirror?

gee sherri in my town disgusting isa-respecting scum turn off
electricity if jews do not pay the bill just for two months How
do you disgsting isa-respecting filth bags tolerate your own STENCH.

am delighted you told me so
Reading all that Rabbi Yosef said over the years about the Gentile, it kind of explains all of the human rights abuses of the Occupation.

The Torah and Talmud were the guide, and the Occupation the prescription.

what did R' Ovadia Yosef say about gentiles over the years and to what writings \
in the torah and talmud are you referring?. An interesting factoid---is that the
word used in Hebrew for "electricity"-----is ---I believe "chashmal" and it
is derived from the talmud. I do not know anything about the orgin of that word
or what it meant----when used in the talmud ANYONE???? Sherri is a scholar
of ancient writings-----maybe she knows

As to R' Ovadia Yosef-----I do recall that when he was about 90----made a
comment about "GENTILES" I do not think he spoke english----so he must
have said "GOYIM"------however some mizrachi jews seem to use the term
"ARAVIM" to refer to non jews------since arabs were their 'non jews'
Goyim means "nations" and is colloquially used to indicate "other nations" ---
ie non jewish people ----in the same sense that ARISTOTLE used the term
"barbarians" to describe non greeks.

It is well to remember that R' Ovadia Yosef ----was born in Baghdad---which
was-----in the early part of the first Millenium AD-------the center of study
of GREEK PHILOSOPHY -------generally by zoroastrians, jews and some
christians -------they did the math too-----which was orginiated largely
in India----------then---welll---you know what happened

Still waiting for sherri to tell me all about the horrible stuff R Ovadia Yosef
did and told people to do to "GENTILES" and the horrible stuff
it says in the torah and talmud to DO TO GENTILES
I am really not interestecd in Hasbara by Zionist animals masquerading as human beings. I have been following these practices of Israel preventing Palestinians from having electricity for years. They are documented by groups like CPT. So, stop with the lies, noone buys them.
I am really not interestecd in Hasbara by Zionist animals masquerading as human beings. I have been following these practices of Israel preventing Palestinians from having electricity for years. They are documented by groups like CPT. So, stop with the lies, noone buys them.

OH ok so tell us-------how does Israel "PREVENT" "palestinians" from having
electricity ------Lots of muslims I know -----never had electricity in their homes---till
they got to the USA -----well-----some Jews I know did not have electricity until fairly
recently ---------then again ------lots of hindus I have known do not have
electricity for more than a few hours per day-----back home I wonder how many
I am intrigued HOW DO JEWS STOP PALESTINIANS from having electricity?
And how many had it before 1967? When the jews showed up did they destroy

I am deslighted we have an EXPERT on availability of electricity around the world .
Anyone know what percentage of the world's population has electricity in their
I am really not interestecd in Hasbara by Zionist animals masquerading as human beings. I have been following these practices of Israel preventing Palestinians from having electricity for years. They are documented by groups like CPT. So, stop with the lies, noone buys them.

Who granted the Arab beggars and squatters a special exemption from paying utility bills?
I am really not interestecd in Hasbara by Zionist animals masquerading as human beings. I have been following these practices of Israel preventing Palestinians from having electricity for years. They are documented by groups like CPT. So, stop with the lies, noone buys them.

Who granted the Arab beggars and squatters a special exemption from paying utility bills?

Isa did. it works like this-----bedouins cannot SEE the electricity ---nor can they
eat it-------so why PAY FOR IT? It is a magical DJINNI created thing-----so why
hand over some money to jews for it? No one pays to gas up the MAGIC CARPET

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