Israel Denies Palestinians In Yatta Electricity And Orders Solar Panels Removed

The War of Ideas in the Middle East

A look at Israel’s ‘ethnic cleansing’ zones

Posted by*Jonathan Cook

A warning sign posting for the Israeli military firing zone in the South Hebron Hills.*(Photo: Alternative Information Center viaChristian Peacemaker Teams)
Were it not for the razor wire, giant concrete blocks, steel gates, watchtower and standard-issue surly teenage soldier, it would be impossible to tell at what point the barren uplands of Israel’s eastern Negev give way to the South Hebron Hills of the West Bank.The military checkpoint of Shani vaguely marks the formal demarcation between Israel and occupied Palestinian territory, but in practical terms the distinction is meaningless. On either side of the Green Line, Israel is in charge.In recent weeks it has been intensifying a campaign to summarily evict Palestinian farming communities from their ancestral lands to replace them with Jewish newcomers.

Israeli human rights lawyers, tired of the international community’s formulaic criticisms, say it is time to be more forthright. ]They call these “ethnic cleansing” zones – intended to drive off Palestinians irrespective of the provisions of international law and whether or not the Palestinians in question hold Israeli citizenship.In the occupied South Hebron Hills, a dozen traditional communities – long ago denied by Israel the right to enjoy modern amenities such as electricity and running water – are struggling to remain in the cave-homes that sheltered them for centuries.

Israel has reclassified much of their land as a military firing range and demands that they leave for their own safety. An appeal to the Israeli courts, the latest installment in a 14-year saga to avoid eviction, is due in the next few days.Israel’s concern for the villagers’ welfare might sound more convincing were it not encouraging Jews to live close by in illegal settlements.Palestinians in other parts of the occupied territories coveted by Israel – such as villages next to Jerusalem and those in the fertile Jordan Valley, the territorial backbone of any future Palestinian state – are being squeezed too. Firing ranges, closed military zones and national parks are the pretexts for Israel to seize the farmland these rural communities need to survive.

The policy is clear: Palestinians on both sides of the Green Line are to be treated like sheep, penned into ever-smaller areas, while Jews will have unrestrained access to a Greater Israel envisioned by Netanyahu.The international community has long criticised Israel for the “discrimination” its Palestinian citizens face and for the “oppression” of Palestinians under occupation. This terminology needs overhauling too, say the human rights lawyers.A political system that treats one ethnic group as less human than another already has a legal name: it is called apartheid.

A look at Israel?s 'ethnic cleansing' zones
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The War of Ideas in the Middle East

A look at Israel’s ‘ethnic cleansing’ zones

Posted by*Jonathan Cook

A warning sign posting for the Israeli military firing zone in the South Hebron Hills.*(Photo: Alternative Information Center viaChristian Peacemaker Teams)

Were it not for the razor wire, giant concrete blocks, steel gates, watchtower and standard-issue surly teenage soldier, it would be impossible to tell at what point the barren uplands of Israel’s eastern Negev give way to the South Hebron Hills of the West Bank.The military checkpoint of Shani vaguely marks the formal demarcation between Israel and occupied Palestinian territory, but in practical terms the distinction is meaningless. On either side of the Green Line, Israel is in charge.In recent weeks it has been intensifying a campaign to summarily evict Palestinian farming communities from their ancestral lands to replace them with Jewish newcomers.

Israeli human rights lawyers, tired of the international community’s formulaic criticisms, say it is time to be more forthright. They call these “ethnic cleansing” zones – intended to drive off Palestinians irrespective of the provisions of international law and whether or not the Palestinians in question hold Israeli citizenship.In the occupied South Hebron Hills, a dozen traditional communities – long ago denied by Israel the right to enjoy modern amenities such as electricity and running water – are struggling to remain in the cave-homes that sheltered them for centuries.

Israel has reclassified much of their land as a military firing range and demands that they leave for their own safety. An appeal to the Israeli courts, the latest installment in a 14-year saga to avoid eviction, is due in the next few days.Israel’s concern for the villagers’ welfare might sound more convincing were it not encouraging Jews to live close by in illegal settlements.Palestinians in other parts of the occupied territories coveted by Israel – such as villages next to Jerusalem and those in the fertile Jordan Valley, the territorial backbone of any future Palestinian state – are being squeezed too. Firing ranges, closed military zones and national parks are the pretexts for Israel to seize the farmland these rural communities need to survive.

The policy is clear: Palestinians on both sides of the Green Line are to be treated like sheep, penned into ever-smaller areas, while Jews will have unrestrained access to a Greater Israel envisioned by Netanyahu.The international community has long criticised Israel for the “discrimination” its Palestinian citizens face and for the “oppression” of Palestinians under occupation. This terminology needs overhauling too, say the human rights lawyers.A political system that treats one ethnic group as less human than another already has a legal name: it is called apartheid.

A look at Israel?s 'ethnic cleansing' zones

I am really not interestecd in Hasbara by Zionist animals masquerading as human beings. I have been following these practices of Israel preventing Palestinians from having electricity for years. They are documented by groups like CPT. So, stop with the lies, noone buys them.

Who granted the Arab beggars and squatters a special exemption from paying utility bills?

Nothing to do with unpaid bills.

The Zionist animals playing Occupation refuse to allow them to have electricity.

And even when the EU gives Palestinians solar panels, they wont allow those to be used either.

Occupation simply takes all that is human out of the Zionist Occupiers.

I can not imagine a worst curse than to be born a Zionist.

Thank God I am not a Zionist.
Denying electricity to Palestinians is what the OP addresses.


And the world is talking about it, Truth is always brought into the Light.
I am really not interestecd in Hasbara by Zionist animals masquerading as human beings. I have been following these practices of Israel preventing Palestinians from having electricity for years. They are documented by groups like CPT. So, stop with the lies, noone buys them.

Who granted the Arab beggars and squatters a special exemption from paying utility bills?

Nothing to do with unpaid bills.

The Zionist animals playing Occupation refuse to allow them to have electricity.

And even when the EU gives Palestinians solar panels, they wont allow those to be used either.

Occupation simply takes all that is human out of the Zionist Occupiers.

I can not imagine a worst curse than to be born a Zionist.

Thank God I am not a Zionist.

OH the EU gave them solar panels how nice-----how does that work?
I was looking at SOLAR PANELS ------in a demonstration place -------and the ones
I saw-----required some OTHER ASSIST in order to work------they did not simply
work alone. One needs ANOTHER POWER SUPPLY-----like a water driven generator--
or -----a WIND MILL driven generator-----or an electrical supply. Of course I do
not know the system the EU gave to palestinians-----but what other energy
source are they using? The solar panels I saw -----could LOWER one's electrical
bills but not END THEM without some sort of some sort of driven generator
I am really not interestecd in Hasbara by Zionist animals masquerading as human beings. I have been following these practices of Israel preventing Palestinians from having electricity for years. They are documented by groups like CPT. So, stop with the lies, noone buys them.

Who granted the Arab beggars and squatters a special exemption from paying utility bills?

Read the OP, Zionist, this has nothing whatsoever to do with unpaid bills.
Who granted the Arab beggars and squatters a special exemption from paying utility bills?

Nothing to do with unpaid bills.

The Zionist animals playing Occupation refuse to allow them to have electricity.

And even when the EU gives Palestinians solar panels, they wont allow those to be used either.

Occupation simply takes all that is human out of the Zionist Occupiers.

I can not imagine a worst curse than to be born a Zionist.

Thank God I am not a Zionist.

OH the EU gave them solar panels how nice-----how does that work?
I was looking at SOLAR PANELS ------in a demonstration place -------and the ones
I saw-----required some OTHER ASSIST in order to work------they did not simply
work alone. One needs ANOTHER POWER SUPPLY-----like a water driven generator--
or -----a WIND MILL driven generator-----or an electrical supply. Of course I do
not know the system the EU gave to palestinians-----but what other energy
source are they using? The solar panels I saw -----could LOWER one's electrical
bills but not END THEM without some sort of some sort of driven generator

What right do Occupiers have to deliberately deny the occupied population electricity?

We would have to go back very far in American history to find a time Americans treated her inhabitants like this.

Why treat human beings like animals?

Why do you defend Israels depraved acts?
well---there seems to be more-----it seems that solar panels have to be "GRID TIED"----I think
a grid is the place which functions like a BIG BATTERY to store the electrical potential That
grid thing -----is not at home-----it is the commercial aspect of electrical supply----as I understand what I read------you need the COMMERCIAL GRID and also some sort of
generated electricity for solar panels to work out----so that solar panels do not do it
all-----they just LOWER ones electricity bill ----not end it Anyone understand all this
stuff? Is it possible that the arabs involved did not know that their HOOK UPS to the
commercial grids would have to be FUNCTIONING (and ---kinda paid for)???
Sherri seems to claim that someone is CONFISCATING the solar panels-----maybe
what they are doing is ----taking them off illegal hookups. In my town there are people who know how to HOOK themselves up to STREET LINES and bypass the commercial
----meters-------its even cheaper than using solar panels-----but not legal. In fact its called
Nothing to do with unpaid bills.

The Zionist animals playing Occupation refuse to allow them to have electricity.

And even when the EU gives Palestinians solar panels, they wont allow those to be used either.

Occupation simply takes all that is human out of the Zionist Occupiers.

I can not imagine a worst curse than to be born a Zionist.

Thank God I am not a Zionist.

OH the EU gave them solar panels how nice-----how does that work?
I was looking at SOLAR PANELS ------in a demonstration place -------and the ones
I saw-----required some OTHER ASSIST in order to work------they did not simply
work alone. One needs ANOTHER POWER SUPPLY-----like a water driven generator--
or -----a WIND MILL driven generator-----or an electrical supply. Of course I do
not know the system the EU gave to palestinians-----but what other energy
source are they using? The solar panels I saw -----could LOWER one's electrical
bills but not END THEM without some sort of some sort of driven generator

What right do Occupiers have to deliberately deny the occupied population electricity?

We would have to go back very far in American history to find a time Americans treated her inhabitants like this.

Why treat human beings like animals?

Why do you defend Israels depraved acts?

you would not have to go back far at all to find a time when virtually no arabs
in the erstwhile "palestine" had electricity In fact not all that far when lots
of americans did not ----too. In order to get electricity -----whenever I moved---
I had to leave deposits and DNA samples and proof of all kinds of things right here
in the USA-------It did not occur to me that ELECTRICITY IS A RIGHT-----

the gas companies are even worse

At one point I was on the VERGE of an ELECTRICITY SHUT OFF
------it was a time of great
difficulty for me-----LIFE STRESS and I neglected the bills--
----the wicked Isa respecter SHOWED UP AT MY DOOR--
---fortunately I had a check. The wicked isa-respecter told me----
GOOD THING you were home------if we turn it off-----you have pay BIG
just to get it turned on again HOW CAN ISA RESPECTERS BE SO DEPRAVED???
I was living alone with my baby son-------imagine----no electricity ---to keep
fresh the meagre food I had for the little tyke
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OH the EU gave them solar panels how nice-----how does that work?
I was looking at SOLAR PANELS ------in a demonstration place -------and the ones
I saw-----required some OTHER ASSIST in order to work------they did not simply
work alone. One needs ANOTHER POWER SUPPLY-----like a water driven generator--
or -----a WIND MILL driven generator-----or an electrical supply. Of course I do
not know the system the EU gave to palestinians-----but what other energy
source are they using? The solar panels I saw -----could LOWER one's electrical
bills but not END THEM without some sort of some sort of driven generator

What right do Occupiers have to deliberately deny the occupied population electricity?

We would have to go back very far in American history to find a time Americans treated her inhabitants like this.

Why treat human beings like animals?

Why do you defend Israels depraved acts?

you would not have to go back far at all to find a time when virtually no arabs
in the erstwhile "palestine" had electricity In fact not all that far when lots
of americans did not ----too. In order to get electricity -----whenever I moved---
I had to leave deposits and DNA samples and proof of all kinds of things right here
in the USA-------It did not occur to me that ELECTRICITY IS A RIGHT-----

the gas companies are even worse

At one point I was on the VERGE of an ELECTRICITY SHUT OFF
------it was a time of great
difficulty for me-----LIFE STRESS and I neglected the bills--
----the wicked Isa respecter SHOWED UP AT MY DOOR--
---fortunately I had a check. The wicked isa-respecter told me----
GOOD THING you were home------if we turn it off-----you have pay BIG
just to get it turned on again HOW CAN ISA RESPECTERS BE SO DEPRAVED???
I was living alone with my baby son-------imagine----no electricity ---to keep
fresh the meagre food I had for the little tyke

The issue is here a government deliberately denying to inhabitants of land , access to electrical power. This is not an issue of electricity being shut off.
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I read the cited article from that disgusting islamo nazi piece of crap propaganda rag
MAAN------the article makes no attempt to provide the REASON for removing the
SOLAR PANELS it does mention Israeli electrical lines in existence-------
in the area. UHM well it also does NOT MENTION anything about
the JIHADO PIGS paying to be connected to the GRID -----but ----I do
know that HOOKING ONESELF TO THE GRID----without paying
seems to be something lots of 15 year olds know how to do in my town.---
there are parts of my city in which extra lines from the street things--- pop up like mushrooms----before they
are torn down and in all cases the KIDS WHO MADE THE CONNECTIONS are
damned PISSED. They also feel that their RIGHTS have been violated.

In my town----if anyone creates trouble-----someone pops in and TEARS OUT
THE ELECTRICITY METER------getting one back requires something like
an edict from the Pope
Sounds like the Israeli version of freedom. God forbid someone convert sunlight to power without the stupid Israeli dogs becoming jealous.

They should start paying what they owe the electricity company.

If you don't pay the bills, don't they cut you off, in the USA?

Same logic works here.

You can bark all you want, but there is no reason why Israel should give prizes to the Palestinians when they are not paying for what they get.

Zionists will not let them have electricity.

They have been trying to get it for years.

Disgusting Zionist scum bags do this!

And you support every human rights abuse committed.

How disgusting!

How do you stand to look at yourself in the mirror?

Israel wants these people to move why should they allow them to have electricity. Do these people have a legal basis for living there sherri? There is a power that runs through the area.
Why don't you Palestinian beggars, instead of begging from Israel, pay your bills or start up your own electricity generators instead of continuously moan about your self-inflicted problems?

And to the OP.... your continual declarations of hatred towards Israel make it very clear why there can't be any peace with people like you.
Sounds like the Israeli version of freedom. God forbid someone convert sunlight to power without the stupid Israeli dogs becoming jealous.

They should start paying what they owe the electricity company.

If you don't pay the bills, don't they cut you off, in the USA?

Same logic works here.

You can bark all you want, but there is no reason why Israel should give prizes to the Palestinians when they are not paying for what they get.

You're not obligated to have electricity in this place. Millions live off the grid. Armed jackboots don't come and take your shit because you owe money to a private company.
Why don't you Palestinian beggars, instead of begging from Israel, pay your bills or start up your own electricity generators instead of continuously moan about your self-inflicted problems?

And to the OP.... your continual declarations of hatred towards Israel make it very clear why there can't be any peace with people like you.

Learn to read English, this is not about unpaid bills.

This is about a deliberate refusal to provide electricity services and impeding alternative methods people are using for power, solar panels

Apartheid in action, one people, illegal settlers provided access to electricity, another people denied electricity.
As of last May the Palestinian Authority (abbreviated to PA in this article) owe Israel US$204,693,638.

Electric Company: PA Residents Not Forced to Pay
Palestinian Authority Arabs who do not pay for electricity are not cut off.

By Maayana Miskin
First Publish: 5/22/2013, 2:33 PM

MK Orit Struk challenged Electric Corporation Director Yiftach Ron-Tal during a meeting of the Knesset’s Economics Committee on Wednesday. Struk asked Ron-Tal why the Electric Corporation does not cut off Palestinian Authority households that do not pay for electricity as it does for Israelis.

Many PA residents do not pay their electric bills. The Electric Corporation is owed a total of 730 million shekels (US$204,693,638) by PA residents.

Electric Company: PA Residents Not Forced to Pay - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

As usual, the Islamophiles only report the punishment, as if there were no crime preceding it. Couldn't jihadist OPEC hire agents with more ability to cover up their lies?
Israel Denies Electricity to Palestinians: Orders Removal of EU-funded Solar Cells

Global Research, March 19, 2013

AL-KHALIL (HEBRON): The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) ordered the removal of solar cell panels providing a Palestinian community east of Yatta town in Al-Khalil with electric power.Local sources reported that the occupation civil administration handed on Friday notices to the residents of Umm Al-Kharouba area near Yatta stating that the solar panels they use to generate electricity will be confiscated.The solar energy system in this area was funded by the European Union several years ago and is used to supply 15 Palestinian homes with power.Ratib Al-Jabour, the coordinator of popular and national committees in south of Al-Khalil, said that the notification was also glued on those panels.He charged that the IOA step was meant to harass Bedouins and shepherds in the area and force them to abandon their lands in a prelude to confiscating those lands.

Israel Denies Electricity to Palestinians: Orders Removal of EU-funded Solar Cells | Occupied Palestine | ??????
I am really not interestecd in Hasbara by Zionist animals masquerading as human beings. I have been following these practices of Israel preventing Palestinians from having electricity for years. They are documented by groups like CPT. So, stop with the lies, noone buys them.

OH ok so tell us-------how does Israel "PREVENT" "palestinians" from having
electricity ------Lots of muslims I know -----never had electricity in their homes---till
they got to the USA -----well-----some Jews I know did not have electricity until fairly
recently ---------then again ------lots of hindus I have known do not have
electricity for more than a few hours per day-----back home I wonder how many
I am intrigued HOW DO JEWS STOP PALESTINIANS from having electricity?
And how many had it before 1967? When the jews showed up did they destroy

I am deslighted we have an EXPERT on availability of electricity around the world .
Anyone know what percentage of the world's population has electricity in their

They got light from burning dried camel dung.
As of last May the Palestinian Authority (abbreviated to PA in this article) owe Israel US$204,693,638.

Electric Company: PA Residents Not Forced to Pay
Palestinian Authority Arabs who do not pay for electricity are not cut off.

By Maayana Miskin
First Publish: 5/22/2013, 2:33 PM

MK Orit Struk challenged Electric Corporation Director Yiftach Ron-Tal during a meeting of the Knesset’s Economics Committee on Wednesday. Struk asked Ron-Tal why the Electric Corporation does not cut off Palestinian Authority households that do not pay for electricity as it does for Israelis.

Many PA residents do not pay their electric bills. The Electric Corporation is owed a total of 730 million shekels (US$204,693,638) by PA residents.

Electric Company: PA Residents Not Forced to Pay - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

As usual, the Islamophiles only report the punishment, as if there were no crime preceding it. Couldn't jihadist OPEC hire agents with more ability to cover up their lies?

The OP has nothing to do with PA bills.

Can you address the OP?

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