Israel Denies Palestinians In Yatta Electricity And Orders Solar Panels Removed

As of last May the Palestinian Authority (abbreviated to PA in this article) owe Israel US$204,693,638.

Electric Company: PA Residents Not Forced to Pay
Palestinian Authority Arabs who do not pay for electricity are not cut off.

By Maayana Miskin
First Publish: 5/22/2013, 2:33 PM

MK Orit Struk challenged Electric Corporation Director Yiftach Ron-Tal during a meeting of the Knesset’s Economics Committee on Wednesday. Struk asked Ron-Tal why the Electric Corporation does not cut off Palestinian Authority households that do not pay for electricity as it does for Israelis.

Many PA residents do not pay their electric bills. The Electric Corporation is owed a total of 730 million shekels (US$204,693,638) by PA residents.

Electric Company: PA Residents Not Forced to Pay - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

As usual, the Islamophiles only report the punishment, as if there were no crime preceding it. Couldn't jihadist OPEC hire agents with more ability to cover up their lies?

The OP has nothing to do with PA bills.

Can you address the OP?

The Israelis cited safety issues as well.
Why don't you Palestinian beggars, instead of begging from Israel, pay your bills or start up your own electricity generators instead of continuously moan about your self-inflicted problems?

And to the OP.... your continual declarations of hatred towards Israel make it very clear why there can't be any peace with people like you.

Learn to read English, this is not about unpaid bills.

This is about a deliberate refusal to provide electricity services and impeding alternative methods people are using for power, solar panels

Apartheid in action, one people, illegal settlers provided access to electricity, another people denied electricity.

What would you know about English......
As usual you are confusing issues to suit your own propaganda, all the issues you have ever raised are due to the stupidity of people like you in refusing to aknowledge that a peaceful settlement of the problems is the only way to go!

You still are so blind, that you can not see that your continual spewing out of hate propaganda in a mass production basis here, does your pathetic cause no good at all!
Palestinians prepare to lose the solar panels that provide a lifeline

Israel is planning to demolish 'illegal' solar panels that are the only source of electricity for Palestinians in West Bank villages

Palestinians prepare to lose the solar panels that provide a lifeline | Global development |

Two large solar panels jut out of the barren landscape near Imneizil in the Hebron hills. The hi-tech structures sit incongruously alongside the tents and rough stone buildings of the Palestinian village, but they are fundamental to life here: they provide electricity.Imneizil is not connected to the national electricity grid. Nor are the vast majority of Palestinian communities in*Area C, the 62% of the West Bank controlled by Israel. The solar energy has replaced expensive and clunky oil-powered generators.
Why don't you Palestinian beggars, instead of begging from Israel, pay your bills or start up your own electricity generators instead of continuously moan about your self-inflicted problems?

And to the OP.... your continual declarations of hatred towards Israel make it very clear why there can't be any peace with people like you.

Learn to read English, this is not about unpaid bills.

This is about a deliberate refusal to provide electricity services and impeding alternative methods people are using for power, solar panels

Apartheid in action, one people, illegal settlers provided access to electricity, another people denied electricity.

What would you know about English......
As usual you are confusing issues to suit your own propaganda, all the issues you have ever raised are due to the stupidity of people like you in refusing to aknowledge that a peaceful settlement of the problems is the only way to go!

You still are so blind, that you can not see that your continual spewing out of hate propaganda in a mass production basis here, does your pathetic cause no good at all!

Your post did not address the OP, and neither does this one.

Do you have the capacity to read the OP and respond to it?
The EU builds and Zionists tear down all that they build.

Yatta, Yatta ,Yatta...:eusa_hand:

There are safety issues and these people need to move. Unless you can come up with some salient reasons why they should get electricity, these people appear to be squatters and should not get any electricity.
Saving Jephthah's Daughter: Dvar Torah for Parashat "Hukkat" | Rabbi Jeremy Milgrom | Rabbis for Human RightsRabbis for Human Rights SOLAR AND WIND POWER IN SOUTH HEBRON MOUNTAINS

Over the last three months, the Israeli Civil Administration has issued demolition orders to six renewable energy systems in South Mount Hebron. More than 500 men, women, and children depend exclusively on these solar panels and wind turbines for light, refrigeration and agriculture.*Watch: a call for help from Comet-ME’s co-founder Elad OrianNow, with Comet-ME’s work under real threat, we need your help. The struggle against demolitions carries costly legal and media work. Please consider lending your support by making a*donation.

As 2011 was coming to an end, we celebrated the completion of six new wind and solar installations, providing clean energy to more than 630 residents. We did not imagine then that only a few days later, we will be diverting our energy from building new systems in communities who are still disconnected from power, to fighting Israeli demolition orders.The first order was issued on January 4th in Tha’ale, where we installed 30 solar panels only a few months earlier. Together with our German partner, Medico International, we launched an intensive effort to trace the origins of the orders and fight the decision in court and in the public sphere.Two weeks later, bulldozers showed up without warning, taking apart a residential shack, four animal shelters and two water cisterns. Fifteen sheep died under the ruins, and water that could have served the community long into the spring and summer was lost.
What is happening in Yatta is ethnic cleansing in Palestine. And its happening all over the OPT.

Human rights groups like Rabbis For Human Rights in Israel keep rebuilding what Zionist ethnic cleansers destroy.
What is happening in Yatta is ethnic cleansing in Palestine. And its happening all over the OPT.

Human rights groups like Rabbis For Human Rights in Israel keep rebuilding what Zionist ethnic cleansers destroy.

I do not give a rat's ass for these groups. What I care about is who has a legal right to the electricity or the withholding thereof.
The OP discusses electricity not apartheid.

Taking the solar panels is Apartheid in action, ethnic cleansing in action.

You wish to make this legal action a political action. Please cite the reasons why these people should get the electricity and should not be made to move.

I am stating the actions are unlawful under intl law.

1. The International Court of Justice has held Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza. That means Israel has no sovereignty rights there. They have an obligation as Occupier to protect the civilian population there. That includes insuring the population has basic services like electricity. These obligations are imposed by The Fourth Geneva Convention.

2. The people are being pushed from the land and the land given to illegal settlers. The International Court of Justice has held the settlements are illegal under The Fourth Geneva Convention.

3. Apartheid is a crime under intl law. Discrimination between Jewish settlers and Palestinians is unlawful.
Taking the solar panels is Apartheid in action, ethnic cleansing in action.

You wish to make this legal action a political action. Please cite the reasons why these people should get the electricity and should not be made to move.

I am stating the actions are unlawful under intl law.

1. The International Court of Justice has held Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza. That means Israel has no sovereignty rights there. They have an obligation as Occupier to protect the civilian population there. That includes insuring the population has basic services like electricity. These obligations are imposed by The Fourth Geneva Convention.

2. The people are being pushed from the land and the land given to illegal settlers. The International Court of Justice has held the settlements are illegal under The Fourth Geneva Convention.

3. Apartheid is a crime under intl law. Discrimination between Jewish settlers and Palestinians is unlawful.

Is the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice compulsory with regard to Israel?
What are the most important principles governing occupation? *

The duties of the occupying power are spelled out primarily in the 1907 Hague Regulations (arts 42-56) and the Fourth Geneva Convention (GC IV, art. 27-34 and 47-78), as well as in certain provisions of Additional Protocol I and customary international humanitarian law.Agreements concluded between the occupying power and the local authorities cannot deprive the population of occupied territory of the protection afforded by international humanitarian law (GC IV, art. 47) and protected persons themselves can in no circumstances renounce their rights (GC IV, art. 8).The main rules o f the law applicable in case of occupation state that:The occupant does not acquire sovereignty over the territory.Occupation is only a temporary situation, and the rights of the occupant are limited to the extent of that period.The occupying power must respect the laws in force in the occupied territory, unless they constitute a threat to its security or an obstacle to the application of the international law of occupation.The occupying power must take measures to restore and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety.To the fullest extent of the means available to it, the occupying power must ensure sufficient hygiene and public health standards, as well as the provision of food and medical care to the population under occupation.The population in occupied territory cannot be forced to enlist in the occupier's armed forces.Collective or individual forcible transfers of population from and within the occupied territory are prohibited.Transfers of the civilian population of the occupying power into the occupied territory, regardless whether forcible or voluntary, are prohibited.Collective punishment is prohibited.The taking of hostages is prohibited.Reprisals against protected persons or their property are prohibited.The confiscation of private property by the occupant is prohibited.The destruction or seizure of enemy property is prohibited, unless absolutely required by military necessity during the conduct of hostilities.Cultural property must be respected.People accused of criminal offences shall be provided with proceedings respecting internationally recognized judicial guarantees (for example, they must be informed of the reason for their arrest, charg ed with a specific offence and given a fair trial as quickly as possible).Personnel of the International Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement must be allowed to carry out their humanitarian activities. The ICRC, in particular, must be given access to all protected persons, wherever they are, whether or not they are deprived of their liberty.

Occupation and international humanitarian law: questions and answers
You wish to make this legal action a political action. Please cite the reasons why these people should get the electricity and should not be made to move.

I am stating the actions are unlawful under intl law.

1. The International Court of Justice has held Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza. That means Israel has no sovereignty rights there. They have an obligation as Occupier to protect the civilian population there. That includes insuring the population has basic services like electricity. These obligations are imposed by The Fourth Geneva Convention.

2. The people are being pushed from the land and the land given to illegal settlers. The International Court of Justice has held the settlements are illegal under The Fourth Geneva Convention.

3. Apartheid is a crime under intl law. Discrimination between Jewish settlers and Palestinians is unlawful.

Is the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice compulsory with regard to Israel?

The UN requested an Advisory Opinion, resulting Iin the 2004 Advisory Opinion holding the Wall is largely unlawful.

Israel was not a party in the case.

But the Opinion stands as setting forth statements of law on multiple issues handed down by the highest international court.

As always, in areas involving international law, while we have mechanisms of establishing what the law is, enforcing it is often the problem.

And that is the problem with Israels present ethnic cleansing and Apartheid in Palestine, it is unlawful, and just as was the case in South Africa, the people victims of the unlawful practices are struggling to end them, through resistance, mostly popular resistance by methods such as rebuilding destroyed homes and villages, and a global solidarity movement.
What is happening in Yatta is ethnic cleansing in Palestine. And its happening all over the OPT.

Human rights groups like Rabbis For Human Rights in Israel keep rebuilding what Zionist ethnic cleansers destroy.
Since this is a Middle East forum, I wonder if Frau Sherri can tell us of some Muslim clergy group which is speaking out against the murders of the Christians in the Middle East. However, then again, Frau Sherri might have no interest in the Christians being murdered in the Middle East even though supposedly she is a "good Christian woman."
Sounds like the Israeli version of freedom. God forbid someone convert sunlight to power without the stupid Israeli dogs becoming jealous.

They should start paying what they owe the electricity company.

If you don't pay the bills, don't they cut you off, in the USA?

Same logic works here.

You can bark all you want, but there is no reason why Israel should give prizes to the Palestinians when they are not paying for what they get.

Zionists will not let them have electricity.

They have been trying to get it for years.

Disgusting Zionist scum bags do this!

And you support every human rights abuse committed.

How disgusting!

How do you stand to look at yourself in the mirror?

I don't stand. I usually sit. My mirror is quite big, actually.
Sounds like the Israeli version of freedom. God forbid someone convert sunlight to power without the stupid Israeli dogs becoming jealous.

They should start paying what they owe the electricity company.

If you don't pay the bills, don't they cut you off, in the USA?

Same logic works here.

You can bark all you want, but there is no reason why Israel should give prizes to the Palestinians when they are not paying for what they get.

You're not obligated to have electricity in this place. Millions live off the grid. Armed jackboots don't come and take your shit because you owe money to a private company.

The electricity company is not private company *facepalm*

I wonder how many of you actually have a clue.

They owe money to the electricity company. they don't PAY.

Electricity doesn't come free, and it doesn't grow on trees.

Pay taxes, pay the debt- get electricity.

It is THAT simple:doubt:

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