Israel Denies Palestinians In Yatta Electricity And Orders Solar Panels Removed

They should start paying what they owe the electricity company.

If you don't pay the bills, don't they cut you off, in the USA?

Same logic works here.

You can bark all you want, but there is no reason why Israel should give prizes to the Palestinians when they are not paying for what they get.

You're not obligated to have electricity in this place. Millions live off the grid. Armed jackboots don't come and take your shit because you owe money to a private company.

The electricity company is not private company *facepalm*

I wonder how many of you actually have a clue.

They owe money to the electricity company. they don't PAY.

Electricity doesn't come free, and it doesn't grow on trees.

Pay taxes, pay the debt- get electricity.

It is THAT simple:doubt:

It is not an issue of any debt.

Learn English and read the OP.
Israel demands Yatta villagers remove solar panels

HEBRON (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces on Sunday demanded Palestinians remove 10 solar panels from their rooftops in the Yatta region south of Hebron, a local group said. The coordinator of the Popular Committees against the Settlements and the Wall south of Hebron and east of Yatta, Ratib al-Jbour, said that Israeli forces had visited the village and demanded that villagers remove the solar panels.The solar panels provide electric power for 10 families in the Asfi area east of Yatta in the southern West Bank.Ratib al-Jbour denounced the move and called upon international humanitarian organizations and human rights organizations to prevent them from implementing the decision.The South Hebron Hills, known locally as Masafer Yatta, lies almost entirely in Area C, the 62 percent of the West Bank under full Israel civil and security control since the 1993 Oslo Accords.Only one village in Masafer Yatta has ever been able to connect to the Palestinian electricity grid, after a decade of wrangling with the Israeli military.Masafer Yatta has an electricity network, connecting the four Israeli government-sanctioned settlements and six unauthorized outposts built there since 1981 to Israeli supplied electricity.

Israel demands Yatta villagers remove solar panels | Maan News Agency

An Occupier is required to protect the civilian population, not deny them basic needs like electricity.

Can anyone imagine if our US government singled out a part of our population to deliberately deny basic human needs to, like electricity or water , in this fashion?

What happened to respect for human life and the sanctity of human life?

I guess Rabbi Yosef answered that, the Palestinians simply exist to serve Israel, however Israel deems they shall serve.

What asshole made that decision?
Reading all that Rabbi Yosef said over the years about the Gentile, it kind of explains all of the human rights abuses of the Occupation.

The Torah and Talmud were the guide, and the Occupation the prescription.

Nice bigotry, sherriKKKins. Your Uncle Adolph would be so proud! Especially since Jesus - whom the sherriliar claims to follow! - followed Judaism all his life.
Nice bigotry, sherriKKKins. Your Uncle Adolph would be so proud! Especially since Jesus - whom the sherriliar claims to follow! - followed Judaism all his life.

No, Jesus rejected Judaism.

And he instructed other Jews to do the same.

..which has nothing to do with solar panels in Palestine.

....or how the Israelis are illegally removing them.
Jesus rejected Judaism

I didn't know they let kids hold computers in first grade
Sounds like the Israeli version of freedom. God forbid someone convert sunlight to power without the stupid Israeli dogs becoming jealous.
Isn't it strange that a good "Christian" as this poster supposedly is seems worried about this, but doesn't seem concerned by the "dogs" who are murdering his fellow Christians in Muslim countries? Even Frau Sherri likes this poster calling the Israeli dogs, as if her Muslim buddies were such angels who would never harm a Christian.
I am really not interestecd in Hasbara by Zionist animals masquerading as human beings. I have been following these practices of Israel preventing Palestinians from having electricity for years. They are documented by groups like CPT. So, stop with the lies, noone buys them.

Who granted the Arab beggars and squatters a special exemption from paying utility bills?

Nothing to do with unpaid bills.

The Zionist animals playing Occupation refuse to allow them to have electricity.

And even when the EU gives Palestinians solar panels, they wont allow those to be used either.

Occupation simply takes all that is human out of the Zionist Occupiers.

I can not imagine a worst curse than to be born a Zionist.

Thank God I am not a Zionist.
Don't you think that the majority of posters are so happy that they are not non compus mentis as you are? How about telling us what the Arab world did before electricity was put in. Did they somehow have something magic going on inside their tents? Meanwhile, of course Frau Sherri doesn't think that her friends are animals for killing innocent people in many different locations. By the way, I wonder if Frau Sherri can tell us why, when Egypt and Jordan were administering the territories, they didn't bother putting in infrastructure for these "Palestinians" like the Israelis did.
They should start paying what they owe the electricity company.

If you don't pay the bills, don't they cut you off, in the USA?

Same logic works here.

You can bark all you want, but there is no reason why Israel should give prizes to the Palestinians when they are not paying for what they get.

You're not obligated to have electricity in this place. Millions live off the grid. Armed jackboots don't come and take your shit because you owe money to a private company.

The electricity company is not private company *facepalm*

I wonder how many of you actually have a clue.

They owe money to the electricity company. they don't PAY.

Electricity doesn't come free, and it doesn't grow on trees.

Pay taxes, pay the debt- get electricity.

It is THAT simple:doubt:

Yeah, I was pretty sure the company wasn't private but I didn't suggest that it was.

I have a better idea, let them keep their panels and you can just throw some white phosphorous at them or spray Jewish sewage on them, oh wait, you've already done that.

Since you've learned from the best I suggest you make the semites wear flair, confiscate their shit, and gas them. Might as well do it right. You can steal their gold teeth to compensate all the precious money you care about most.
I am stating the actions are unlawful under intl law.

1. The International Court of Justice has held Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza. That means Israel has no sovereignty rights there. They have an obligation as Occupier to protect the civilian population there. That includes insuring the population has basic services like electricity. These obligations are imposed by The Fourth Geneva Convention.

2. The people are being pushed from the land and the land given to illegal settlers. The International Court of Justice has held the settlements are illegal under The Fourth Geneva Convention.

3. Apartheid is a crime under intl law. Discrimination between Jewish settlers and Palestinians is unlawful.

Is the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice compulsory with regard to Israel?

The UN requested an Advisory Opinion, resulting Iin the 2004 Advisory Opinion holding the Wall is largely unlawful.

Israel was not a party in the case.

But the Opinion stands as setting forth statements of law on multiple issues handed down by the highest international court.

As always, in areas involving international law, while we have mechanisms of establishing what the law is, enforcing it is often the problem.

And that is the problem with Israels present ethnic cleansing and Apartheid in Palestine, it is unlawful, and just as was the case in South Africa, the people victims of the unlawful practices are struggling to end them, through resistance, mostly popular resistance by methods such as rebuilding destroyed homes and villages, and a global solidarity movement.
Can you tell us a little bit, Frau Sherri, regarding international law with the Turks occupying part of Cyprus? You probably don't care at all that the Chinese are occupying Tibet and trying to have the Tibetan culture die out by forcing young Tibetan women to have abortions. Why should you care? The Jews are not involved in this so I wouldn't think anyone expects you to pull up any international law against this.
You're not obligated to have electricity in this place. Millions live off the grid. Armed jackboots don't come and take your shit because you owe money to a private company.

The electricity company is not private company *facepalm*

I wonder how many of you actually have a clue.

They owe money to the electricity company. they don't PAY.

Electricity doesn't come free, and it doesn't grow on trees.

Pay taxes, pay the debt- get electricity.

It is THAT simple:doubt:

It is not an issue of any debt.

Learn English and read the OP.
No doubt her English is much better than your Farsi is, Frau Sherri, especially when you don't have friends with whom to practice. I wonder if Frau Sherri can tell us what will happen to her if she didn't pay her utility bills. Maybe she will call on R.C. Christian to help her out.
I didn't attack you, I attacked your ignorance.

Jesus was a Jewish prophet. Saying he didn't follow Judaism is like saying Moses was an atheist:cuckoo:

There is not one single religious Jew who considers Jesus to have been a Prophet, similar to Moses, Isaiah, and Daniel.

so stop lying about Judaism.
As of last May the Palestinian Authority (abbreviated to PA in this article) owe Israel US$204,693,638.

Electric Company: PA Residents Not Forced to Pay
Palestinian Authority Arabs who do not pay for electricity are not cut off.

By Maayana Miskin
First Publish: 5/22/2013, 2:33 PM

MK Orit Struk challenged Electric Corporation Director Yiftach Ron-Tal during a meeting of the Knesset’s Economics Committee on Wednesday. Struk asked Ron-Tal why the Electric Corporation does not cut off Palestinian Authority households that do not pay for electricity as it does for Israelis.

Many PA residents do not pay their electric bills. The Electric Corporation is owed a total of 730 million shekels (US$204,693,638) by PA residents.

Electric Company: PA Residents Not Forced to Pay - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

As usual, the Islamophiles only report the punishment, as if there were no crime preceding it. Couldn't jihadist OPEC hire agents with more ability to cover up their lies?

The OP has nothing to do with PA bills.

Can you address the OP?

A Thread Is Not a Tightrope.
Taking the solar panels is Apartheid in action, ethnic cleansing in action.

You wish to make this legal action a political action. Please cite the reasons why these people should get the electricity and should not be made to move.

I am stating the actions are unlawful under intl law.

1. The International Court of Justice has held Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza. That means Israel has no sovereignty rights there. They have an obligation as Occupier to protect the civilian population there. That includes insuring the population has basic services like electricity. These obligations are imposed by The Fourth Geneva Convention.

2. The people are being pushed from the land and the land given to illegal settlers. The International Court of Justice has held the settlements are illegal under The Fourth Geneva Convention.

3. Apartheid is a crime under intl law. Discrimination between Jewish settlers and Palestinians is unlawful.

Europe is enslaved by jihadist OPEC's price-gouging extortion. Their Golden Rule is "Whoever has the black gold makes the rules." The only entity that has no sovereignty rights is the International Court of Justice, which is a tool of multiculturalist treason.

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