Israel Erased Holy Christian And Muslims Sites in Jerusalem

The zionazis thieves of holy sites in Jerusalem.

Key Muslim and Christian Holy Sites Erased from “Old City” Map

The Israeli tourism ministry has published a map of the occupied Old City of al-Quds (Jerusalem), which omits significant Muslim and Christian holy sites, as well as entire neighborhoods, from the area.

The so-called “Old City” map, which is distributed free of charge at tourist information centers across the city, does not label the venerated 14-hectare compound that comprises al-Aqsa Mosque — Islam’s third holiest site — and the Dome of the Rock, as “al-Haram al-Sharif,” and simply refers to it by its Jewish name of the Temple Mount, Al Jazeera reported.

Moreover, according to Press TV/Al Ray, the map makes no reference to the Church of St. Anne, which is a Roman Catholic church located near the Lions’ Gate and churches of the Flagellation and Condemnation in East al-Quds.

The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, the second Protestant church in Quds, is also shown on the map with a tiny and hard-to-find name.

The map, however, highlights dozens of sites whose historical importance is disputed, and a large number of them are indeed illegal settlements constructed in the Muslim and Christian quarters of the Old City of al-Quds.

» Key Muslim and Christian Holy Sites Erased from “Old City” Map– IMEMC News



What holy sites do muslims have in Jerusalem then as they have none of their own outside of medina. Everything they have they have stolen from the Jews and claimed as theirs, something they do quite regular.

And your source is known for telling LIES just so it can attack the Jews, typical islamonazi tactic

The Alaqsa Mosque is the biggest holy site in the middle east.
Noted Biblical Scholar Says 'Temple Mount' Is A Myth!
IMO, Al Aqsa pig sty should be demolished with wrecking balls. Along with that yellow onion looking thing. Both are a waste of valuable land.

As a coyboy I know you inherit destruction behavior from your fathers! Try to be a civil dude!

UNESCO resolution declared Alaqsa Mosque Place as a islamic site and there is no jewish ties to this place.

The UNESCO issued Tuesday a resolution condemning the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) for attempting to change the Islamic character of Jerusalem’s historical sites. The UNESCO said it is deeply concerned by the persistence of the Israeli illegal excavations and works conducted by settler groups in the Old City of Jerusalem and on both sides of its Walls and the failure of Israel to cease such harmful interventions. The organization urged Israel to timely stop all such violations, in conformity with its obligations under the provisions of related UNESCO conventions and recommendations.

UNESCO: Israeli occupation poses threat to Jerusalem’s Islamic heritage - Palestinian Information Center
No Islamic buildings, artifacts or people belong in Jerusalem. None whatsoever.
The zionazis thieves of holy sites in Jerusalem.



What holy sites do muslims have in Jerusalem then as they have none of their own outside of medina. Everything they have they have stolen from the Jews and claimed as theirs, something they do quite regular.

And your source is known for telling LIES just so it can attack the Jews, typical islamonazi tactic

The Alaqsa Mosque is the biggest holy site in the middle east.
Noted Biblical Scholar Says 'Temple Mount' Is A Myth!
IMO, Al Aqsa pig sty should be demolished with wrecking balls. Along with that yellow onion looking thing. Both are a waste of valuable land.

As a coyboy I know you inherit destruction behavior from your fathers! Try to be a civil dude!

UNESCO resolution declared Alaqsa Mosque Place as a islamic site and there is no jewish ties to this place.

The UNESCO issued Tuesday a resolution condemning the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) for attempting to change the Islamic character of Jerusalem’s historical sites. The UNESCO said it is deeply concerned by the persistence of the Israeli illegal excavations and works conducted by settler groups in the Old City of Jerusalem and on both sides of its Walls and the failure of Israel to cease such harmful interventions. The organization urged Israel to timely stop all such violations, in conformity with its obligations under the provisions of related UNESCO conventions and recommendations.

UNESCO: Israeli occupation poses threat to Jerusalem’s Islamic heritage - Palestinian Information Center

That's ridiculous. Solomon's Temple and Herod's Temple both stood on the Temple Mount. The Holy of Holies stood there, containing the Ark of the Covenant. The High Priest could only enter that room once a year, on the Day of Atonement. It was from the Temple Mount, also known as the Foundation of the Earth, that G-d took earth to create Adam. Melkizedek (Shem, son of Noah) ruled there as king. Abraham bound Isaac there, while Jacob dreamt of a ladder to Heaven. David made it the capital of a united Israel. In contrast, Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Quran.
Actually Jerusalem is never mentioned but the land of Israel is mentioned, and according to Koran the land clearly belongs to the Jews, forever. Majority of Muslims are totally ignorant that even their holy book is Zionist. Evidently Freeman doesn't know that it is considered a hate site. Mohammed just had a dream that he got on his horse and flew to some far-away place. How do you know that he didn't dream he flew to Bali in his dream?

Most jews are atheist, they don't believe on temple mount myth!
What is the percentage of athiests among the Jews? Any idea?

Most jews are atheists according to many writers!
Judaism without God? Yes, say American atheists

Jewish Writers Admit: "50 Percent of Religious Jews are Atheists" - David

BERKELEY, Calif 2011??

David Duke???
Astounding, isn't it? He's even ignorant of who David Duke is.

We have told him enough times.
Most jews are atheist, they don't believe on temple mount myth!
What is the percentage of athiests among the Jews? Any idea?

Most jews are atheists according to many writers!
Judaism without God? Yes, say American atheists

Jewish Writers Admit: "50 Percent of Religious Jews are Atheists" - David

BERKELEY, Calif 2011??

David Duke???
Astounding, isn't it? He's even ignorant of who David Duke is.

We have told him enough times.

He seems very comfortable trolling hate sites for antisemitic information and then posting it here on a daily basis.
And most muslims are psychopathic killers which they prove by accepting the whole of the koran as factual and relevant. Just look at the over 200 verses commanding the deaths by violent means of all non muslims.

Now how about a link to your claim from an unbiased and non partisan source ?

"Most muslims are killers"! said the Goofy Phoenall!

This is how hate is making some ignorants!

The hate is all yours as shown by your religion and its commands to " KILL THE JEWS" and "KILL THE UNBELIEVERS" until there is only islam left as the worlds religion.

Look at the tally of murders of innocents since the 1890's by muslims that exceeds 75million mainly unarmed women and children. Close to 50 million in India alone in your attempt at world domination, you forget that history is now freely available online and pictures of your atrocities are everywhere. We dont need to manipulate the evidence like you do to demonise the Jews, the reality is so alarming as to be unbelievable
You give lessons to others about hate!
I never read such stupid and racist comment like "most muslims are killers"!, where were you educated?!

It wasnt in an islamonazi school, which is why I tell the truth about islam. Now what does your religion command again in regards to the Jews and Christians if they refuse to convert ?

No comment on the mass murders and genocides by muslims overt the last 100 years, the cold blooded murder of 50,000 palestinians by Jordan in one month. The atrocities carried out in ramalla when muslims resorted to cannabilism to defile the two Jewish boys bodies.

Did you mean your jewish terrorists mates of Hagana and Stern who killed british soldiers and civilians?

King David Hotel bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

NO as they were in responce to the mass murders of Jews by the British nazi's, assisted by the UN who illegally gave away Jewish sovereign lands to illegal arab muslim immigrants. If you ask monte he will give you a link telling how the British were attacked by the arab muslims from 1925 to 1948 when they left the mandate.

Your LIES no longer work as the truth is now being told about who was the biggest offenders and the arab muslims are starting to be hated by everyone
The zionazis thieves of holy sites in Jerusalem.



What holy sites do muslims have in Jerusalem then as they have none of their own outside of medina. Everything they have they have stolen from the Jews and claimed as theirs, something they do quite regular.

And your source is known for telling LIES just so it can attack the Jews, typical islamonazi tactic

The Alaqsa Mosque is the biggest holy site in the middle east.
Noted Biblical Scholar Says 'Temple Mount' Is A Myth!
IMO, Al Aqsa pig sty should be demolished with wrecking balls. Along with that yellow onion looking thing. Both are a waste of valuable land.

As a coyboy I know you inherit destruction behavior from your fathers! Try to be a civil dude!

UNESCO resolution declared Alaqsa Mosque Place as a islamic site and there is no jewish ties to this place.

The UNESCO issued Tuesday a resolution condemning the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) for attempting to change the Islamic character of Jerusalem’s historical sites. The UNESCO said it is deeply concerned by the persistence of the Israeli illegal excavations and works conducted by settler groups in the Old City of Jerusalem and on both sides of its Walls and the failure of Israel to cease such harmful interventions. The organization urged Israel to timely stop all such violations, in conformity with its obligations under the provisions of related UNESCO conventions and recommendations.

UNESCO: Israeli occupation poses threat to Jerusalem’s Islamic heritage - Palestinian Information Center

That's ridiculous. Solomon's Temple and Herod's Temple both stood on the Temple Mount. The Holy of Holies stood there, containing the Ark of the Covenant. The High Priest could only enter that room once a year, on the Day of Atonement. It was from the Temple Mount, also known as the Foundation of the Earth, that G-d took earth to create Adam. Melkizedek (Shem, son of Noah) ruled there as king. Abraham bound Isaac there, while Jacob dreamt of a ladder to Heaven. David made it the capital of a united Israel. In contrast, Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Quran.

And held no significance in islam until some islamonazi warlord decided that he would steal the land from the Jews by claiming Jerusalem was alaqsa from the night journey. The only religiously significant structure to islam is in Medina as the black stone is actually Jewish
And most muslims are psychopathic killers which they prove by accepting the whole of the koran as factual and relevant. Just look at the over 200 verses commanding the deaths by violent means of all non muslims.

Now how about a link to your claim from an unbiased and non partisan source ?

"Most muslims are killers"! said the Goofy Phoenall!

This is how hate is making some ignorants!

The hate is all yours as shown by your religion and its commands to " KILL THE JEWS" and "KILL THE UNBELIEVERS" until there is only islam left as the worlds religion.

Look at the tally of murders of innocents since the 1890's by muslims that exceeds 75million mainly unarmed women and children. Close to 50 million in India alone in your attempt at world domination, you forget that history is now freely available online and pictures of your atrocities are everywhere. We dont need to manipulate the evidence like you do to demonise the Jews, the reality is so alarming as to be unbelievable
You give lessons to others about hate!
I never read such stupid and racist comment like "most muslims are killers"!, where were you educated?!

You give garbage from sources we all know to be racist and unreliable.

You skim the bottom of the barrel

Usatoday, Jerusalem Post are garbage for you!
You prefer Elder Of Zion site! :2up:

News and hate speech are very different. One deals in facts while the other deals in lies.

I rare would use an article from USA Today, but I do use news from JP because it is the first to report many thing in english.

I read and use many other news source.

EoZ reports and correct many errors in news and writes on stories the news misses. They were just given a reward. They usually have link to original articles, and sometimes retractions. There are reference or sources most of the time.

I read IMEMC, (trying not to barf) and then search for other sources on the same "facts" without the strong bias and hate. Much of what they publish is fiction or news so twisted it is like a Gordian knot.

News and hate speech are very different. One deals in facts while the other deals in lies.

Its usually apparent very quickly in the language used. "Extremist settlers storm Al-Aqsa" as compared to what really happened: "Jewish people visit their own holy site".
I will add, though, that saying, "all muslims are murderers" is unacceptable. We can do better.
"Most muslims are killers"! said the Goofy Phoenall!

This is how hate is making some ignorants!

The hate is all yours as shown by your religion and its commands to " KILL THE JEWS" and "KILL THE UNBELIEVERS" until there is only islam left as the worlds religion.

Look at the tally of murders of innocents since the 1890's by muslims that exceeds 75million mainly unarmed women and children. Close to 50 million in India alone in your attempt at world domination, you forget that history is now freely available online and pictures of your atrocities are everywhere. We dont need to manipulate the evidence like you do to demonise the Jews, the reality is so alarming as to be unbelievable
You give lessons to others about hate!
I never read such stupid and racist comment like "most muslims are killers"!, where were you educated?!

You give garbage from sources we all know to be racist and unreliable.

You skim the bottom of the barrel

Usatoday, Jerusalem Post are garbage for you!
You prefer Elder Of Zion site! :2up:

News and hate speech are very different. One deals in facts while the other deals in lies.

I rare would use an article from USA Today, but I do use news from JP because it is the first to report many thing in english.

I read and use many other news source.

EoZ reports and correct many errors in news and writes on stories the news misses. They were just given a reward. They usually have link to original articles, and sometimes retractions. There are reference or sources most of the time.

I read IMEMC, (trying not to barf) and then search for other sources on the same "facts" without the strong bias and hate. Much of what they publish is fiction or news so twisted it is like a Gordian knot.

So the extremist Elder Of Zion site is a reputable source for aris2cake! :2up:
What holy sites do muslims have in Jerusalem then as they have none of their own outside of medina. Everything they have they have stolen from the Jews and claimed as theirs, something they do quite regular.

And your source is known for telling LIES just so it can attack the Jews, typical islamonazi tactic

The Alaqsa Mosque is the biggest holy site in the middle east.
Noted Biblical Scholar Says 'Temple Mount' Is A Myth!
IMO, Al Aqsa pig sty should be demolished with wrecking balls. Along with that yellow onion looking thing. Both are a waste of valuable land.

As a coyboy I know you inherit destruction behavior from your fathers! Try to be a civil dude!

UNESCO resolution declared Alaqsa Mosque Place as a islamic site and there is no jewish ties to this place.

The UNESCO issued Tuesday a resolution condemning the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) for attempting to change the Islamic character of Jerusalem’s historical sites. The UNESCO said it is deeply concerned by the persistence of the Israeli illegal excavations and works conducted by settler groups in the Old City of Jerusalem and on both sides of its Walls and the failure of Israel to cease such harmful interventions. The organization urged Israel to timely stop all such violations, in conformity with its obligations under the provisions of related UNESCO conventions and recommendations.

UNESCO: Israeli occupation poses threat to Jerusalem’s Islamic heritage - Palestinian Information Center

That's ridiculous. Solomon's Temple and Herod's Temple both stood on the Temple Mount. The Holy of Holies stood there, containing the Ark of the Covenant. The High Priest could only enter that room once a year, on the Day of Atonement. It was from the Temple Mount, also known as the Foundation of the Earth, that G-d took earth to create Adam. Melkizedek (Shem, son of Noah) ruled there as king. Abraham bound Isaac there, while Jacob dreamt of a ladder to Heaven. David made it the capital of a united Israel. In contrast, Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Quran.
Actually Jerusalem is never mentioned but the land of Israel is mentioned, and according to Koran the land clearly belongs to the Jews, forever. Majority of Muslims are totally ignorant that even their holy book is Zionist.

1- Jews lived in Egypt more than Palestine, does it mean that Egypt is belonging to jews?!

2-Most jews there converted to Christianism and Islam.

3-Canaanites lived in Palestine more than 15 centuries before israelites, they are the father of palestinians.
The Alaqsa Mosque is the biggest holy site in the middle east.
Noted Biblical Scholar Says 'Temple Mount' Is A Myth!
IMO, Al Aqsa pig sty should be demolished with wrecking balls. Along with that yellow onion looking thing. Both are a waste of valuable land.

As a coyboy I know you inherit destruction behavior from your fathers! Try to be a civil dude!

UNESCO resolution declared Alaqsa Mosque Place as a islamic site and there is no jewish ties to this place.

The UNESCO issued Tuesday a resolution condemning the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) for attempting to change the Islamic character of Jerusalem’s historical sites. The UNESCO said it is deeply concerned by the persistence of the Israeli illegal excavations and works conducted by settler groups in the Old City of Jerusalem and on both sides of its Walls and the failure of Israel to cease such harmful interventions. The organization urged Israel to timely stop all such violations, in conformity with its obligations under the provisions of related UNESCO conventions and recommendations.

UNESCO: Israeli occupation poses threat to Jerusalem’s Islamic heritage - Palestinian Information Center

That's ridiculous. Solomon's Temple and Herod's Temple both stood on the Temple Mount. The Holy of Holies stood there, containing the Ark of the Covenant. The High Priest could only enter that room once a year, on the Day of Atonement. It was from the Temple Mount, also known as the Foundation of the Earth, that G-d took earth to create Adam. Melkizedek (Shem, son of Noah) ruled there as king. Abraham bound Isaac there, while Jacob dreamt of a ladder to Heaven. David made it the capital of a united Israel. In contrast, Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Quran.
Actually Jerusalem is never mentioned but the land of Israel is mentioned, and according to Koran the land clearly belongs to the Jews, forever. Majority of Muslims are totally ignorant that even their holy book is Zionist.

1- Jews lived in Egypt more than Palestine, does it mean that Egypt is belonging to jews?!

2-Most jews there converted to Christianism and Islam.

3-Canaanites lived in Palestine more than 15 centuries before israelites, they are the father of palestinians.
They might be the father but the land was taken from them and given to Israel.
The zionazis thieves of holy sites in Jerusalem.



What holy sites do muslims have in Jerusalem then as they have none of their own outside of medina. Everything they have they have stolen from the Jews and claimed as theirs, something they do quite regular.

And your source is known for telling LIES just so it can attack the Jews, typical islamonazi tactic

The Alaqsa Mosque is the biggest holy site in the middle east.
Noted Biblical Scholar Says 'Temple Mount' Is A Myth!
IMO, Al Aqsa pig sty should be demolished with wrecking balls. Along with that yellow onion looking thing. Both are a waste of valuable land.

As a coyboy I know you inherit destruction behavior from your fathers! Try to be a civil dude!

UNESCO resolution declared Alaqsa Mosque Place as a islamic site and there is no jewish ties to this place.

The UNESCO issued Tuesday a resolution condemning the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) for attempting to change the Islamic character of Jerusalem’s historical sites. The UNESCO said it is deeply concerned by the persistence of the Israeli illegal excavations and works conducted by settler groups in the Old City of Jerusalem and on both sides of its Walls and the failure of Israel to cease such harmful interventions. The organization urged Israel to timely stop all such violations, in conformity with its obligations under the provisions of related UNESCO conventions and recommendations.

UNESCO: Israeli occupation poses threat to Jerusalem’s Islamic heritage - Palestinian Information Center
No Islamic buildings, artifacts or people belong in Jerusalem. None whatsoever.
Concerning the myth of Mount Temple there is also discord among jewish writers themselves, some think that it doesn't exist and its place is not known.

‘I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple.’ ~Revelation 21:22
IMO, Al Aqsa pig sty should be demolished with wrecking balls. Along with that yellow onion looking thing. Both are a waste of valuable land.

As a coyboy I know you inherit destruction behavior from your fathers! Try to be a civil dude!

UNESCO resolution declared Alaqsa Mosque Place as a islamic site and there is no jewish ties to this place.

The UNESCO issued Tuesday a resolution condemning the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) for attempting to change the Islamic character of Jerusalem’s historical sites. The UNESCO said it is deeply concerned by the persistence of the Israeli illegal excavations and works conducted by settler groups in the Old City of Jerusalem and on both sides of its Walls and the failure of Israel to cease such harmful interventions. The organization urged Israel to timely stop all such violations, in conformity with its obligations under the provisions of related UNESCO conventions and recommendations.

UNESCO: Israeli occupation poses threat to Jerusalem’s Islamic heritage - Palestinian Information Center

That's ridiculous. Solomon's Temple and Herod's Temple both stood on the Temple Mount. The Holy of Holies stood there, containing the Ark of the Covenant. The High Priest could only enter that room once a year, on the Day of Atonement. It was from the Temple Mount, also known as the Foundation of the Earth, that G-d took earth to create Adam. Melkizedek (Shem, son of Noah) ruled there as king. Abraham bound Isaac there, while Jacob dreamt of a ladder to Heaven. David made it the capital of a united Israel. In contrast, Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Quran.
Actually Jerusalem is never mentioned but the land of Israel is mentioned, and according to Koran the land clearly belongs to the Jews, forever. Majority of Muslims are totally ignorant that even their holy book is Zionist.

1- Jews lived in Egypt more than Palestine, does it mean that Egypt is belonging to jews?!

2-Most jews there converted to Christianism and Islam.

3-Canaanites lived in Palestine more than 15 centuries before israelites, they are the father of palestinians.
They might be the father but the land was taken from them and given to Israel.

Taken by who?
As a coyboy I know you inherit destruction behavior from your fathers! Try to be a civil dude!

UNESCO resolution declared Alaqsa Mosque Place as a islamic site and there is no jewish ties to this place.

The UNESCO issued Tuesday a resolution condemning the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) for attempting to change the Islamic character of Jerusalem’s historical sites. The UNESCO said it is deeply concerned by the persistence of the Israeli illegal excavations and works conducted by settler groups in the Old City of Jerusalem and on both sides of its Walls and the failure of Israel to cease such harmful interventions. The organization urged Israel to timely stop all such violations, in conformity with its obligations under the provisions of related UNESCO conventions and recommendations.

UNESCO: Israeli occupation poses threat to Jerusalem’s Islamic heritage - Palestinian Information Center

That's ridiculous. Solomon's Temple and Herod's Temple both stood on the Temple Mount. The Holy of Holies stood there, containing the Ark of the Covenant. The High Priest could only enter that room once a year, on the Day of Atonement. It was from the Temple Mount, also known as the Foundation of the Earth, that G-d took earth to create Adam. Melkizedek (Shem, son of Noah) ruled there as king. Abraham bound Isaac there, while Jacob dreamt of a ladder to Heaven. David made it the capital of a united Israel. In contrast, Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Quran.
Actually Jerusalem is never mentioned but the land of Israel is mentioned, and according to Koran the land clearly belongs to the Jews, forever. Majority of Muslims are totally ignorant that even their holy book is Zionist.

1- Jews lived in Egypt more than Palestine, does it mean that Egypt is belonging to jews?!

2-Most jews there converted to Christianism and Islam.

3-Canaanites lived in Palestine more than 15 centuries before israelites, they are the father of palestinians.
They might be the father but the land was taken from them and given to Israel.

Taken by who?
You have one guess.
The zionazis thieves of holy sites in Jerusalem.



What holy sites do muslims have in Jerusalem then as they have none of their own outside of medina. Everything they have they have stolen from the Jews and claimed as theirs, something they do quite regular.

And your source is known for telling LIES just so it can attack the Jews, typical islamonazi tactic

The Alaqsa Mosque is the biggest holy site in the middle east.
Noted Biblical Scholar Says 'Temple Mount' Is A Myth!
IMO, Al Aqsa pig sty should be demolished with wrecking balls. Along with that yellow onion looking thing. Both are a waste of valuable land.

As a coyboy I know you inherit destruction behavior from your fathers! Try to be a civil dude!

UNESCO resolution declared Alaqsa Mosque Place as a islamic site and there is no jewish ties to this place.

The UNESCO issued Tuesday a resolution condemning the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) for attempting to change the Islamic character of Jerusalem’s historical sites. The UNESCO said it is deeply concerned by the persistence of the Israeli illegal excavations and works conducted by settler groups in the Old City of Jerusalem and on both sides of its Walls and the failure of Israel to cease such harmful interventions. The organization urged Israel to timely stop all such violations, in conformity with its obligations under the provisions of related UNESCO conventions and recommendations.

UNESCO: Israeli occupation poses threat to Jerusalem’s Islamic heritage - Palestinian Information Center
No Islamic buildings, artifacts or people belong in Jerusalem. None whatsoever.

Completely false.

Alaqsa Mosque and Morrocan gate. the best architecture in the city.


Jerusalem Citadel built by mamlouki then Othomans


Abbasside Artifacts in Jerusalem


Concerning the myth of Mount Temple there is also discord among jewish writers themselves, some think that it doesn't exist and its place is not known.

Oh come on! You want to play the myth game? As though this is the criteria for which people have or do not have religious rights?

This one isn't even hard. The "night journey" never happened. Or, if you prefer, it wasn't to Jerusalem.

Just stop trying to disenfranchise Jewish rights.
I know "Israel" is famous for defying all UNESCO and UN resolutions.

Seriously? If UNESCO said that there is NO connection between Islam and the Temple Mount, would Muslims worldwide accept that resolution? Would they abandon Al-Aqsa and the Dome?

A resolution which states that there is no connection between Muslims and Masjid al-Aqsa is a LIE. It is both an historical lie and a religious lie.

Just so, a resolution which states that there is no connection between the Jewish people and the Temple is a LIE. It is both an historical lie and a religious lie.

Why would anyone support the removal of people's rights based on a lie? Does your religious faith teach you that this is permissible? To tell lies in order to remove people's rights? Does your religious faith tell you that only people of your faith have rights?

oh wait....
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