Israel, Gaza, and the Struggle for Oil


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California

In 2000 and 2010 $500 billion worth of oil and natural gas was discovered off the coast of Gaza, Israel, and Lebanon. This caught the attention of greedy capitalists from the US to Saudi Arabia and beyond.

As the war in Ukraine interrupted fossil fuel transit to Europe, the eastern Mediterranean became a heavily militarized energy corridor capable of fueling Europe.

This may provide a partial explanation for why Biden and Netanyahu are willing to risk their standing in the world and ignore calls for a ceasefire in Gaza;

DECEMBER 11, 2023

Israel, Gaza, and the Struggle for Oil

"Netanyahu has succeeded so far in averting questions about how Israel’s much vaunted security apparatus could have been taken by surprise by the Hamas attack of October 7, 2023..."

"Which raises the unavoidable question: Did Netanyahu let October 7 happen to achieve his ambitions: silencing his critics, fighting corruption charges, staying out of jail, and rallying the country around a wartime president bent on destroying Hamas?

Much of northern Gaza has been reduced to rubble, and it is his goal to obliterate southern Gaza as well.

"Perhaps he is thinking that only then, after destroying Hamas and forcing Palestinians out of Gaza, can he convince international lenders to support his long-held scheme of turning Israel into an energy corridor.

"Netanyahu — and possibly President Joe Biden — are likely taking the 'long view,' convincing themselves that the world will forget what happened once economic development takes off in the region, powered by Israel’s abundant offshore natural gas in the Leviathan Field and Gaza Marine."

In 2000 and 2010 $500 billion worth of oil and natural gas was discovered off the coast of Gaza, Israel, and Lebanon. This caught the attention of greedy capitalists from the US to Saudi Arabia and beyond.

As the war in Ukraine interrupted fossil fuel transit to Europe, the eastern Mediterranean became a heavily militarized energy corridor capable of fueling Europe.

This may provide a partial explanation for why Biden and Netanyahu are willing to risk their standing in the world and ignore calls for a ceasefire in Gaza;

DECEMBER 11, 2023

Israel, Gaza, and the Struggle for Oil

"Netanyahu has succeeded so far in averting questions about how Israel’s much vaunted security apparatus could have been taken by surprise by the Hamas attack of October 7, 2023..."

"Which raises the unavoidable question: Did Netanyahu let October 7 happen to achieve his ambitions: silencing his critics, fighting corruption charges, staying out of jail, and rallying the country around a wartime president bent on destroying Hamas?

Much of northern Gaza has been reduced to rubble, and it is his goal to obliterate southern Gaza as well.

"Perhaps he is thinking that only then, after destroying Hamas and forcing Palestinians out of Gaza, can he convince international lenders to support his long-held scheme of turning Israel into an energy corridor.

"Netanyahu — and possibly President Joe Biden — are likely taking the 'long view,' convincing themselves that the world will forget what happened once economic development takes off in the region, powered by Israel’s abundant offshore natural gas in the Leviathan Field and Gaza Marine."
PHILIP---you can foil DA JOOOOS by convincing Hamas to release those damned
annoying hostages and stop the arab league from bombing Israel, South, west and

In 2000 and 2010 $500 billion worth of oil and natural gas was discovered off the coast of Gaza, Israel, and Lebanon. This caught the attention of greedy capitalists from the US to Saudi Arabia and beyond.

As the war in Ukraine interrupted fossil fuel transit to Europe, the eastern Mediterranean became a heavily militarized energy corridor capable of fueling Europe.

This may provide a partial explanation for why Biden and Netanyahu are willing to risk their standing in the world and ignore calls for a ceasefire in Gaza;

DECEMBER 11, 2023

Israel, Gaza, and the Struggle for Oil

"Netanyahu has succeeded so far in averting questions about how Israel’s much vaunted security apparatus could have been taken by surprise by the Hamas attack of October 7, 2023..."

"Which raises the unavoidable question: Did Netanyahu let October 7 happen to achieve his ambitions: silencing his critics, fighting corruption charges, staying out of jail, and rallying the country around a wartime president bent on destroying Hamas?

Much of northern Gaza has been reduced to rubble, and it is his goal to obliterate southern Gaza as well.

"Perhaps he is thinking that only then, after destroying Hamas and forcing Palestinians out of Gaza, can he convince international lenders to support his long-held scheme of turning Israel into an energy corridor.

"Netanyahu — and possibly President Joe Biden — are likely taking the 'long view,' convincing themselves that the world will forget what happened once economic development takes off in the region, powered by Israel’s abundant offshore natural gas in the Leviathan Field and Gaza Marine."

Sure, let the Gazans become OPECkers so they can afford WMDs. After they wipe out the Jews (which makes your legs tingle), they can get even more cred in the Arab Street when they blow up Europeans and Americans.

In 2000 and 2010 $500 billion worth of oil and natural gas was discovered off the coast of Gaza, Israel, and Lebanon. This caught the attention of greedy capitalists from the US to Saudi Arabia and beyond.

As the war in Ukraine interrupted fossil fuel transit to Europe, the eastern Mediterranean became a heavily militarized energy corridor capable of fueling Europe.

This may provide a partial explanation for why Biden and Netanyahu are willing to risk their standing in the world and ignore calls for a ceasefire in Gaza;

DECEMBER 11, 2023

Israel, Gaza, and the Struggle for Oil

"Netanyahu has succeeded so far in averting questions about how Israel’s much vaunted security apparatus could have been taken by surprise by the Hamas attack of October 7, 2023..."

"Which raises the unavoidable question: Did Netanyahu let October 7 happen to achieve his ambitions: silencing his critics, fighting corruption charges, staying out of jail, and rallying the country around a wartime president bent on destroying Hamas?

Much of northern Gaza has been reduced to rubble, and it is his goal to obliterate southern Gaza as well.

"Perhaps he is thinking that only then, after destroying Hamas and forcing Palestinians out of Gaza, can he convince international lenders to support his long-held scheme of turning Israel into an energy corridor.

"Netanyahu — and possibly President Joe Biden — are likely taking the 'long view,' convincing themselves that the world will forget what happened once economic development takes off in the region, powered by Israel’s abundant offshore natural gas in the Leviathan Field and Gaza Marine."
So youre saying that not only are we going to kill Hamas by the thousands, we are also going to get a bunch of oil in the end?

That sounds pretty fuckin awesome to me. :dunno:
PHILIP---you can foil DA JOOOOS by convincing Hamas to release those damned
annoying hostages and stop the arab league from bombing Israel, South, west and
Except Netanyahu is just another GREEDY J000 whose concern for the hostages approaches zero when compared to how he can profit from the "Great Game for Oil."

DECEMBER 11, 2023

Israel, Gaza, and the Struggle for Oil

"Less known is the fact that the (Balfour) declaration was actually a letter written to Walter Rothschild, a scion of Europe’s powerful oil and banking family.

"Both men understood the stakes were high for protecting a pipeline planned to bring oil from Iraq (which was seen as an especially promising source) to the West, through the port of Haifa.

"Establishing a colony of European Jews in and around the pipeline’s terminal point in Haifa would assuage their security concerns. :stir:

"Netanyahu: ‘Soon the Oil Will Be Flowing to Haifa..."’
Who here thinks any multi-national oil company would ink a deal with the likes of Hamas who would kidnap their grandchildren and hold them for ransom in tunnels?
That seems unrealistic to me, but there is also no way that Palestinians could ever manage to get a drop of oil out of the ground without a tremendous amount of help from white westerners. They are in quite the pickle.
That seems unrealistic to me, but there is also no way that Palestinians could ever manage to get a drop of oil out of the ground without a tremendous amount of help from white westerners. They are in quite the pickle.
Okay they let's say some multi-billion dollar oil company invests millions in Gaza oil exploration Then let's say the Hamas get PO'd because said oil company female employees are covering their hair properly. What happens then?

Sure, let the Gazans become OPECkers so they can afford WMDs. After they wipe out the Jews (which makes your legs tingle), they can get even more cred in the Arab Street when they blow up Europeans and Americans.
You ever wonder why Jews have been persecuted hundreds of times over thousands of years?

Here's a clue:

DECEMBER 11, 2023

Israel, Gaza, and the Struggle for Oil

"In the summer of 2014, Netanyahu launched a massive invasion of Gaza with the aim of uprooting Hamas and ensuring Israeli monopoly over the Gazan gas fields, killing 2,100 Palestinians, three-quarters of them civilians.

"Journalist Nafeez Ahmed, writing for The Guardian, claimed 'resource competition has increasingly been at the heart of the conflict [in Gaza], motivated largely by Israel’s increasing domestic energy woes.'

"He continued, 'In an age of expensive energy, competition to dominate regional fossil fuels is increasingly influencing the critical decision that can inflame war.'"
So youre saying that not only are we going to kill Hamas by the thousands, we are also going to get a bunch of oil in the end?

That sounds pretty fuckin awesome to me. :dunno:
Are you some kind of terrorist?

DECEMBER 11, 2023

Israel, Gaza, and the Struggle for Oil

"After World War II, the US would replace a much-weakened Britain as the overseer of what was to become Israel.

"And Israel, following its war for independence in 1948 and its expulsion of 750,000 Palestinians from their homeland, would rapidly become a heavily militarized outpost hitched to US interests, with pro-Western European Jews who had survived the Holocaust settling there to protect their lives — and unwittingly to most — to protect Saudi oil 'at all costs.'"
Who here thinks any multi-national oil company would ink a deal with the likes of Hamas who would kidnap their grandchildren and hold them for ransom in tunnels?
Tony Blair for one:

DECEMBER 11, 2023 Israel, Gaza, and the Struggle for Oil

"In 2007, Moshe Yaalon, a military hardliner (who would become Israel’s defense minister from 2013 to 2016) rejected claims by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair that the development of Gaza’s offshore gas by British Gas would bring badly needed economic development to the area.

"Although proceeds of a Palestinian gas deal could amount up to $1 billion, Yaalon asserted in a paper for Jerusalem Issue Briefs that the revenue 'would not likely trickle down to an impoverished Palestinian people.'

"He insisted that the proceeds would 'likely serve to fund terror attacks against Israel.'

"'It is clear, he added, that, 'without an overall military operation to uproot Hamas’s control of Gaza, no drilling work can take place without the consent of the radical Islamic movement.'"
Why doesn't the OP demand that Hamas lay down their weapons, and surrender?
Because Jews are inflicting an illegal occupation/blockade on Gaza, and Hamas is resisting that war crime.

Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza—Debunked

"As the occupying power of the Gaza Strip, and the Palestinian Territories more broadly, Israel has an obligation and a duty to protect the civilians under its occupation.

"It governs by military and law enforcement authority to maintain order, protect itself and protect the civilian population under its occupation. It cannot simultaneously occupy the territory, thus usurping the self-governing powers that would otherwise belong to Palestinians, and declare war upon them."
You ever wonder why Jews have been persecuted hundreds of times over thousands of years?
Anti-Semitism Always Leaves a Yellow Stain

You ever wonder why thousands of years of hereditary tyranny has always needed a scapegoat for its own crimes against humanity? Why don't you man up and stand up to the clear and present toxic rule instead of imagining a greater power hiding behind the scenes?
Except Netanyahu is just another GREEDY J000 whose concern for the hostages approaches zero when compared to how he can profit from the "Great Game for Oil."

DECEMBER 11, 2023

Israel, Gaza, and the Struggle for Oil

"Less known is the fact that the (Balfour) declaration was actually a letter written to Walter Rothschild, a scion of Europe’s powerful oil and banking family.

"Both men understood the stakes were high for protecting a pipeline planned to bring oil from Iraq (which was seen as an especially promising source) to the West, through the port of Haifa.

"Establishing a colony of European Jews in and around the pipeline’s terminal point in Haifa would assuage their security concerns. :stir:

"Netanyahu: ‘Soon the Oil Will Be Flowing to Haifa..."’

The Israelis destroyed the pipeline to Haifa.

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