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Israel has been spying, AGAIN!!

No kidding, donnie..

The industrial revolution was busy making America a super power long before israel was ever a nation. One might as well say that we are a great nation because we speak engrish.
Fellas, you either get it or you don't,...I am sorry for you both. God loves you regardless, and I am sure you mean well.

Hate to break the news, but politics today is only about religion,....get some!
If you are our christian example I think I'll remain a free agent, thanks.

We get it.. It's pretty easy to see that it's a turd you are polishing.
Oh, how rich the irony!

Please, all you people crying about how innocent poor israelis caught in America for spying are just picked on by big evil jew hating antisemite have fun chewing on this piece of hebrew grissle..

IDF major suspected of attempted spying



1. PUNISHMENT BY DEATH would not be a good enough punishment for him. Unfortunately our weak courts will slap him on the wrist.
j - jerusalem, israel
11/23/2007 10:36

2. Israel's enemies
laila naim
11/23/2007 10:52

Another self-hating Jew. Israel's enemies lie within its very own

3. A fitting punishment for David Shamir
Leona Stern - israel
11/23/2007 11:07

If ever there was a case for the death penalty, this is it. If any Israelis are killed as a result of the info that he supplied to our enemies, then Major Shamir is certainly guilty of murder and this would be a good time to legalize the death penalty in Israel.

4. What a snake!
Martin - Sweden
11/23/2007 11:34

Maybe HE needs psychiatric help.......

5. Is he proven guilty?
Gershon ben David - Australia
11/23/2007 12:21

If he is proven guilty, his crime deserves the capital punishment.

6. Traitor
frank - israel
11/23/2007 12:30

if all these incidents prove to be true than he should be jailed for his natural life without parole, visits or the opportunity to ever breath free air again. But as with all things in this country he will probably walk out a free individual and take a responsible government position. Possibly vice pm or certainly a knessett position.

7. Death Penalty Must Be Law
11/23/2007 12:39

We must have a death penalty law to deworm this country.

8. No Good Swapping For Pollard
Guran Walker - Ur-th
11/23/2007 12:43

Nobody WANTS Pollard

9. Shavach
YeHudit - United States
11/23/2007 12:45

This guy could be: 1) A mental case 2) A rotten apple. Either way â¿" once a thorough investigation is completed he should be dealt with accordingly.

10. USA neuk response..
Allen Ols - usa
11/23/2007 13:49

Log on to "Middle East Imperative" by Gen. Jim Nash former commander of Cheyenne Mountain neuk responsive division Colorado.

11. Traitor's punishment
Pablo - Sweden
11/23/2007 13:52

Jews that hate other jews, jews who are traitors, etc, should be treated as Eichmann was - strung up and hung like animals for slaughter. But probably he will be "punished" Mordechai Vanunu-style - which is not at all. Israel is a sick country...

12. Psychiatrist arrested
Eph - Israel
11/23/2007 13:51

Alas, Things just get worse and worse without a king in Israel, as David Grossman famously said in a speech a year ago (a speech which had unfortunate elements in it, as well, because, after all, there is no king in Israel).

13. The enemy within
Hymie Zoltsweis
11/23/2007 13:51

Another good reason why Israel needs a death penalty. Further proof of the damage being done by liberalism, drugs and greed.

14. He'll Get Three Years--Max
TaylorN - USA
11/23/2007 13:56

Israel is morally bankrupt and it's leaders only care about being seen as enlightened (even though everyone is laughing at Israel--including it's former friends). This traitor should be either be executed or kept in a high-security prison for the rest of his life, but he'll get off with a few years, max.

15. Guilty !! so...
Alfredo - Argentina
11/23/2007 14:05

punishment: 20 years in Eilat, suffering the warm and the red sea. Hang him !!!!

16. if guilty
11/23/2007 14:07

may he spend the rest of his life with PTSD. What a miserable worm.

17. The Death Penalty is the right Penalty here.
Gary A. MD - USA
11/23/2007 14:21

This bum must be executed after he is found guilty.

18. Jonathan Pollard?
R. B in Tel Aviv - Israel
11/23/2007 14:27

And what if the Americans took that attitude towards Jonathan Pollard???

19. New wave of treason and desertion
11/23/2007 14:41

I hope that this is an isolated incident, but I fear that there is a new wave of treason, because right now there is a sudden fear among all Jews that Israel is not viable, and that those who change sides, might be allowed to survive, just like the kapos in Auschwitz. What we need is strong Jewish tradition (not necessarily Orthodox) worldwide. Unless the new generation is educated by parents to have a deep understanding of Jewish tradition, we are doomed in this coming war.

20. Good excuse!
11/23/2007 14:53

He did it because of "greed". Very good excuse , he is right there with the government and will get a good position for the next elections in Kadima. Who knows he may be made a minister.

21. the guy ought to be deep-fat fried
bob - md usa
11/23/2007 14:54

If that is not feasible, then he should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law

22. Nuts Anyone?
Your Momma
11/23/2007 14:56

Hey Guy's don't be so harsh, Shamir was tripping on weed and probably thought he was playing an undercover agent like James Bond 007...you should feel sorry for him....actually, this is not unlike what Lee Harvey Oswald attempted to do, prior to shooting the American President, JFK. He also tried to join the Russians!...perhaps he was a nutter on weed too?

23. Alimony/child support issues?
11/23/2007 14:57

Situation suggests Dr. Shamir is a lonely divorced guy alientated from his children dragged under financially by today's abusively high alimony/child support orders.

24. This fellow needs a psychiatrist. Right Dr. Klein?
11/23/2007 15:31

This is a classic battle between the ID and SUPEREGO with the EGO caught in between. In this case the ID apparently has won out turning what had been a respectable individual into an IDiot.

25. IDF psychiatrist
11/23/2007 15:48

Who says marijuana is a harmless drug. Look what it did to this guys brain- a reasonable man ?

26. To RB re Pollard, Shamir and the death penalty
steve levy - USA
11/23/2007 17:20

I am no fan of Pollard, but he is serving a virtual life sentence after entering into a plea bargain with the US govt, who reneged on the agreement to save themselves embarrassment. Ultimately, Pollard spied against his native country for a friendly gov't. Shamir offered to spy for the deadliest enemies of Israel, and actively sought to expedite Israel's death and destruction. Your kneejerk liberalism has eaten your brain.

27. What about Jonathan Pollard?
Ana - USA
11/23/2007 17:36

To #18. Jonathan helped a friendly country, Israel, or maybe for the Liberals Israel is the enemy?. I wouldn't be surprised!

28. IDF Psychiatrist
irene - usa
11/23/2007 17:38

He loves Iran so much, send him there!

29. Traitors
Itzrak Freilich - Canada
11/23/2007 17:54

Hang the traitor? No wait, I have a better idea..exile to Gaza.

30. Dr David Shamir
Sean oCceallaigh - Ireland
11/23/2007 17:56

A man to be commended! Obviously an educated thinking human being, a truly righteous man who was probably sickened with the daily goings in the brutal apartheid Zionist state. Time will vindicate him!

31. Treason
Anita - USA
11/23/2007 17:57

Why doesn't anyone seem to take TREASON seriously anymore? It should be met with the stiffest of punishments under the law. Set an example for the next greedy &^$tard. Too many think its no big deal. He should be made an example for Isreal and the world.

32. Not High-Quality Intelligence
kleeneth - New Jersey
11/23/2007 18:03

Does not seem like he had anything approaching top-tier intelligence information. Completely meshuggah, yes, world-class spy, no!

33. Mark Klein
Jay - NY
11/23/2007 18:04

I see no indication of that in this article but let's say that he IS divorced and IS paying alimony and child support-the more logical conclusion is that he is divorced and estranged from his children for the same reasons he was willing to spy for Iran and Hamas. That is, he is severely disturbed and/or a bad person.

34. Offering info to any taker, for money. Sound familiar?
Abe Froman
11/23/2007 18:06

Will this be Iran's Pollard? Will Iran launch media campaigns in years to come, asking to let their patriot go? I bring this up to show how ridiculous it looks to Americans when the Right asks for Pollard's release. Espionage is espionage, whether friend or foe.

35. And what about Olmert's DEAL ?
Dr. Dave
11/23/2007 18:07

He gives Tehran WHAT they want WHEN they want it, on or before schedule. Despised by the electorate, police on his tail he clings to his chair while turning over weapons and terrorists to insatiable Abbas. Now he heads to Annapolis with a long laundry list of concessions. Prediction: Upon eventual ouster from the Knesset he & Aliza will join AWOL son in Paris and take up exile residency there just like Ayatollah Khomeni. Anyone care to guess which "unnamed" source will be footing the bill?

36. IRAN .. expressing interest in Evacuation Plans........ Clear indication of Intent to attack Israel. THIS is the Story ... Not This idiot Major
Enoch - USA
11/23/2007 18:11

37. If is true, the guy is a criminal
Luminita - Romania
11/23/2007 18:22

38. spy for Iran
Karonshaye - USA
11/23/2007 18:23

Death Penalty for putting all of the military in danger.

39. Reads like a Mossad planted story
Bubba Ganush
11/23/2007 19:04

This story reads like a Mossad-planted disinformation article.

40. IDF psychiatrist
Arnold Harris - USA
11/23/2007 19:24

Strip him of his citizenship and deport him to Gaza. Then bribe Hamas never to allow him to leave that place.

41. Israelis have lost their soul!
Michael Dar - Israel
11/23/2007 19:24

This is the direct result of our liberal, leftist over tolerant, permissive, greedy, ego-centric society. Where Zionism has become a dirty word. Society without principles where all and every red lines and proper behaviour have been transgressed.

42. Another Mordechai Vanunu
11/23/2007 19:31

43. He should be injected with AIDS...
Mike - USA
11/23/2007 19:32

... dressed up like a camel, and sent back over to Hamas. We can get rid of him and get rid of some of them in one shot. Seriously, he's a drug counselor who uses and distributes drugs himself? Just shows what kind of morality he has.

44. Better Think About Trying a Nut Case like Elazar Stern right next to this guy
11/23/2007 20:08

Stern, the scumbag. The so-called "religious general" who cheered the goon squads on as they forced Jews from their homes. The guy who cries today about wise boys not wanting to share the fate of Regev, Goldwasser and Shalit, or take part in removing their families from their homes while Olmert's kids wax rich. Stern is NO better than this David Shamir.

45. Not a traitor, only a guy desperate after money
11/23/2007 20:10

The guys doesn't seem normal, he acted as a nut or as someone desperate after money : Iran, Hamas, Russians..what the heck..is he crazy or what ? did he tried North-Korea too ?

46. Anothery Clinton Donor Busted
J Kerry - USA
11/23/2007 20:32

Yet another foreigner raising money for Clinton gets exposed as a spy. When will the electorate learn?

47. Chun
Gary - United States of America
11/23/2007 20:43

Hang 'em. The same thing we should do with all these Dim traitors in the U.S.

48. Traitor
Drider - USA
11/23/2007 20:50

Ahhh, the intellectual. Hard to believe these are the types running actual countries. So full of themselves, so smart and wise. I'm quite certain there are other weak Nancy's out there who feel what he did was for the common good. This stalwart of humanity should be put in Gitmo withthe rest of his terrorist kind, as well as letting the fact that he is a Jew be known...Im sure the boys down there would be very understanding.

49. good thing privacy rights are history...
11/23/2007 20:52

any thoughts? ...that's all right, we know what you think

50. to Al Ols ... # 10...
Linda 2 - usa
11/23/2007 21:00

Al, thank you for posting that web site. I found it very informative. btw...do you know Marsha van W..? linda kropp

indeed, It's pretty clear how Israel would handle a spy... The irony of accusing the US for picking on jews every time we catch one is rich. If israel is able to execute a spy for iran then guess what the US should do with an israeli spy caught in the US...

spare me the standard anti-semite reaction and automatic blank check double standard.

Please, all you people crying about how innocent poor israelis caught in America for spying are just picked on by big evil jew hating antisemite have fun chewing on this piece of hebrew grissle..

Show me one person who's called you a bigot in this thread.

Yep, that's what I thought.

Lay off the Jenkem, dude.

ETA: Tell me you aren't relying on JPost "TalkBack" to make a point. I'm embarrassed for you. Seriously. Which one are you? Shlomo? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Way to run to the rescue, dude. I notice you don't even make the slightest effort to compare the Israeli reaction on what amounts to the jpost forum to a spy with the standard blank check policy conveyed by the local zionists when the issue is a JEWISH spy...

I wonder why that is. not really.

as far as the anti-semite thing.. I'm just heading you off at the pass, ya goyim hater. I've been through enough of these threads to know exactly how the eventual israeli enabler chooses to handle criticism of all things jewish.

Heading me off at the pass. Good idea, given my extensive history of accusing you of being bigoted towards Jews.

I can really see where you're coming from, I mean the Israeli enablers have just been out of control in this thread.

And by the way, in spite of the supposed eagerness of the pro-Zionism crowd to label Israel's critics anti-Semites, you're the only person in this thread to have called another member a bigot. "Goyim hater." I love the hypocrisy. If someone called me that to my face I'd bitchslap him.

Fuck you, Shogun.

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