Israel has the most moral army in the world

Purity of Arms:

The IDF serviceman will use force of arms only for the purpose of subduing the enemy to the necessary extent and will limit his use of force so as to prevent unnecessary harm to human life and limb, dignity and property.
The IDF servicemen's purity of arms is their self-control in use of armed force. They will use their arms only for the purpose of achieving their mission, without inflicting unnecessary injury to human life or limb; dignity or property, of both soldiers and civilians, with special consideration for the defenseless, whether in wartime, or during routine security operations, or in the absence of combat, or times of peace. Ruach Tzahal - IDF Code of Ethics | Jewish Virtual Library
See post #130 or type in "IDF beating civillians" to You-Tube, I got 39,200 reesults. Yes, some incidents might be staged or provoked, but the IDF is supposed to be a highly disciplined, well trained, well led force. Actions such as these, reflect poorly on the IDF's self proclaimed "moral stance"
Since palistanian terrists look good beaten on TeeVee, they want to get beaten and get beaten, to which I have no objection, their personal mazochistic preferences should be respected, of course.
Oh dear, another Hasbarist thread designed to show the IDF as fine upstanding chaps upholding “western values” in a barbarous region.

Oh well, in for a penny...

The OP proceeds from several false premises, not least of which is the fact that the IDF and Zionist politicians often declare this as fact based on the high standards, the “Purity of Arms” doctrine, the IDF sets for itself. The real issue should be then, not to compare “morality” between the IDF and other armies or forces in the world, but whether or not the IDF lives up to the ideals it sets for itself.

We can talk about the morality in war until we’re blue in the face; many people have written on the subject since Augustine of Hippo and Thomas Aquinas. The truth is, there is no morality in war, you kill or be killed, war releases humanity’s darkest instincts; in short as Sherman said, “war is Hell”; which brings me neatly to another false premise; the assumption that a war is in progress.

Anyone who looks at this with any degree of objectivity cannot help but notice that that we are dealing with is in fact, a brutal foreign occupation and a native resistance/insurgency against that occupation.

Fundamentally it is the conquest and occupation of Palestine by Zionists itself that is immoral.

You admit you have lost the argument by brining in hasbarist in the opening sentence. You might realise just how racist you are when someone turns round and punches your lights out for your racist utterances, that is if you are brave enough to make them in public
Purity of Arms:

The IDF serviceman will use force of arms only for the purpose of subduing the enemy to the necessary extent and will limit his use of force so as to prevent unnecessary harm to human life and limb, dignity and property.

The IDF servicemen's purity of arms is their self-control in use of armed force. They will use their arms only for the purpose of achieving their mission, without inflicting unnecessary injury to human life or limb; dignity or property, of both soldiers and civilians, with special consideration for the defenseless, whether in wartime, or during routine security operations, or in the absence of combat, or times of peace. Ruach Tzahal - IDF Code of Ethics | Jewish Virtual Library

See post #130 or type in "IDF beating civillians" to You-Tube, I got 39,200 reesults. Yes, some incidents might be staged or provoked, but the IDF is supposed to be a highly disciplined, well trained, well led force. Actions such as these, reflect poorly on the IDF's self proclaimed "moral stance"

And how many of those hits are multiples of the same incident, not related to IDF violence but defence or faked video's

I Get 7,560 when I apply filters to remove multiples, no doubt adding even more filters to remove off topic and fakes will reduces this even more.
Israel bombs family homes by the score killing entire families.

How does that fit into any kind of morality?
Israel bombs family homes by the score killing entire families.

How does that fit into any kind of morality?

You fucking turd, you're complaining about bombing a house? How about a whole fucking neghborhood or city? Never seen you or your c-nt friends here complain about this:

"As the self-proclaimed Islamic State, or ISIS, commits horrendous videotaped executions, it might seem to pose the greatest threat to Syrian civilians. In fact, that ignoble distinction belongs to the barrel bombs being dropped by the military of Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad. The Islamic State has distracted us from this deadly reality.

Barrel bombs are improvised weapons: oil drums or similar canisters filled with explosives and metal fragments. They are dropped without guidance from helicopters hovering just above antiaircraft range, typically hitting the ground with huge explosions and the widespread diffusion of deadly shrapnel. They pulverize neighborhoods, destroy entire buildings and leave broad strips of death and destruction.

The Syrian military has dropped barrel bombs, sometimes dozens in one day, on opposition-held neighborhoods in Aleppo, Idlib, Dara’a and other cities and towns. They have pulverized markets, schools, hospitals and countless residences. Syrians have described to me the sheer terror of waiting the 30 seconds or so for the barrel bomb to tumble to earth from a helicopter hovering overhead, not knowing until near the very end where its deadly point of impact will be.

From the start of the war, the Assad government has pursued a murderous policy toward Syrian citizens who happen to live in areas that have been seized by opposition armed groups. The apparent aim is to kill and terrorize civilians (and destroy civilian structures) so as to drive civilians from opposition-held areas and to send a warning of the misery that attends anyone whose neighborhood is taken by opposition groups. Mr. Assad is thus pursuing the “total war” strategy that the Geneva Conventions and the laws of war flatly prohibit and criminalize."
Israel bombs family homes by the score killing entire families.

How does that fit into any kind of morality?

You fucking turd, you're complaining about bombing a house? How about a whole fucking neghborhood or city? Never seen you or your c-nt friends here complain about this:

"As the self-proclaimed Islamic State, or ISIS, commits horrendous videotaped executions, it might seem to pose the greatest threat to Syrian civilians. In fact, that ignoble distinction belongs to the barrel bombs being dropped by the military of Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad. The Islamic State has distracted us from this deadly reality.

Barrel bombs are improvised weapons: oil drums or similar canisters filled with explosives and metal fragments. They are dropped without guidance from helicopters hovering just above antiaircraft range, typically hitting the ground with huge explosions and the widespread diffusion of deadly shrapnel. They pulverize neighborhoods, destroy entire buildings and leave broad strips of death and destruction.

The Syrian military has dropped barrel bombs, sometimes dozens in one day, on opposition-held neighborhoods in Aleppo, Idlib, Dara’a and other cities and towns. They have pulverized markets, schools, hospitals and countless residences. Syrians have described to me the sheer terror of waiting the 30 seconds or so for the barrel bomb to tumble to earth from a helicopter hovering overhead, not knowing until near the very end where its deadly point of impact will be.

From the start of the war, the Assad government has pursued a murderous policy toward Syrian citizens who happen to live in areas that have been seized by opposition armed groups. The apparent aim is to kill and terrorize civilians (and destroy civilian structures) so as to drive civilians from opposition-held areas and to send a warning of the misery that attends anyone whose neighborhood is taken by opposition groups. Mr. Assad is thus pursuing the “total war” strategy that the Geneva Conventions and the laws of war flatly prohibit and criminalize."
Off topic.

This is the Israel and Palestine forum.

BTW, Israel bombs entire neighborhoods into oblivion killing hundreds.
Israel bombs family homes by the score killing entire families.

How does that fit into any kind of morality?

You fucking turd, you're complaining about bombing a house? How about a whole fucking neghborhood or city? Never seen you or your c-nt friends here complain about this:

"As the self-proclaimed Islamic State, or ISIS, commits horrendous videotaped executions, it might seem to pose the greatest threat to Syrian civilians. In fact, that ignoble distinction belongs to the barrel bombs being dropped by the military of Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad. The Islamic State has distracted us from this deadly reality.

Barrel bombs are improvised weapons: oil drums or similar canisters filled with explosives and metal fragments. They are dropped without guidance from helicopters hovering just above antiaircraft range, typically hitting the ground with huge explosions and the widespread diffusion of deadly shrapnel. They pulverize neighborhoods, destroy entire buildings and leave broad strips of death and destruction.

The Syrian military has dropped barrel bombs, sometimes dozens in one day, on opposition-held neighborhoods in Aleppo, Idlib, Dara’a and other cities and towns. They have pulverized markets, schools, hospitals and countless residences. Syrians have described to me the sheer terror of waiting the 30 seconds or so for the barrel bomb to tumble to earth from a helicopter hovering overhead, not knowing until near the very end where its deadly point of impact will be.

From the start of the war, the Assad government has pursued a murderous policy toward Syrian citizens who happen to live in areas that have been seized by opposition armed groups. The apparent aim is to kill and terrorize civilians (and destroy civilian structures) so as to drive civilians from opposition-held areas and to send a warning of the misery that attends anyone whose neighborhood is taken by opposition groups. Mr. Assad is thus pursuing the “total war” strategy that the Geneva Conventions and the laws of war flatly prohibit and criminalize."
Off topic.

This is the Israel and Palestine forum.

BTW, Israel bombs entire neighborhoods into oblivion killing hundreds.
BTW, Israel targets Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians who wage war from civilian areas. The Islamic terrorists you laud as heroes certainly could wear identifiable uniforms and wage war from areas other than where women and children would not be put explicitly and intentionally in harms way but then, the Islamic terrorists you worship as heroes are called cowards for a reason.

This has been explained to you more times than I can remember.
Israel bombs family homes by the score killing entire families.

How does that fit into any kind of morality?

You fucking turd, you're complaining about bombing a house? How about a whole fucking neghborhood or city? Never seen you or your c-nt friends here complain about this:

"As the self-proclaimed Islamic State, or ISIS, commits horrendous videotaped executions, it might seem to pose the greatest threat to Syrian civilians. In fact, that ignoble distinction belongs to the barrel bombs being dropped by the military of Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad. The Islamic State has distracted us from this deadly reality.

Barrel bombs are improvised weapons: oil drums or similar canisters filled with explosives and metal fragments. They are dropped without guidance from helicopters hovering just above antiaircraft range, typically hitting the ground with huge explosions and the widespread diffusion of deadly shrapnel. They pulverize neighborhoods, destroy entire buildings and leave broad strips of death and destruction.

The Syrian military has dropped barrel bombs, sometimes dozens in one day, on opposition-held neighborhoods in Aleppo, Idlib, Dara’a and other cities and towns. They have pulverized markets, schools, hospitals and countless residences. Syrians have described to me the sheer terror of waiting the 30 seconds or so for the barrel bomb to tumble to earth from a helicopter hovering overhead, not knowing until near the very end where its deadly point of impact will be.

From the start of the war, the Assad government has pursued a murderous policy toward Syrian citizens who happen to live in areas that have been seized by opposition armed groups. The apparent aim is to kill and terrorize civilians (and destroy civilian structures) so as to drive civilians from opposition-held areas and to send a warning of the misery that attends anyone whose neighborhood is taken by opposition groups. Mr. Assad is thus pursuing the “total war” strategy that the Geneva Conventions and the laws of war flatly prohibit and criminalize."
Off topic.

This is the Israel and Palestine forum.

BTW, Israel bombs entire neighborhoods into oblivion killing hundreds.
BTW, Israel targets Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians who wage war from civilian areas. The Islamic terrorists you laud as heroes certainly could wear identifiable uniforms and wage war from areas other than where women and children would not be put explicitly and intentionally in harms way but then, the Islamic terrorists you worship as heroes are called cowards for a reason.

This has been explained to you more times than I can remember.
Yeah, yeah, Israel shovels that same shit every time they bomb the crap out of civilians.
Israel bombs family homes by the score killing entire families.

How does that fit into any kind of morality?

You fucking turd, you're complaining about bombing a house? How about a whole fucking neghborhood or city? Never seen you or your c-nt friends here complain about this:

"As the self-proclaimed Islamic State, or ISIS, commits horrendous videotaped executions, it might seem to pose the greatest threat to Syrian civilians. In fact, that ignoble distinction belongs to the barrel bombs being dropped by the military of Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad. The Islamic State has distracted us from this deadly reality.

Barrel bombs are improvised weapons: oil drums or similar canisters filled with explosives and metal fragments. They are dropped without guidance from helicopters hovering just above antiaircraft range, typically hitting the ground with huge explosions and the widespread diffusion of deadly shrapnel. They pulverize neighborhoods, destroy entire buildings and leave broad strips of death and destruction.

The Syrian military has dropped barrel bombs, sometimes dozens in one day, on opposition-held neighborhoods in Aleppo, Idlib, Dara’a and other cities and towns. They have pulverized markets, schools, hospitals and countless residences. Syrians have described to me the sheer terror of waiting the 30 seconds or so for the barrel bomb to tumble to earth from a helicopter hovering overhead, not knowing until near the very end where its deadly point of impact will be.

From the start of the war, the Assad government has pursued a murderous policy toward Syrian citizens who happen to live in areas that have been seized by opposition armed groups. The apparent aim is to kill and terrorize civilians (and destroy civilian structures) so as to drive civilians from opposition-held areas and to send a warning of the misery that attends anyone whose neighborhood is taken by opposition groups. Mr. Assad is thus pursuing the “total war” strategy that the Geneva Conventions and the laws of war flatly prohibit and criminalize."
Off topic.

This is the Israel and Palestine forum.

BTW, Israel bombs entire neighborhoods into oblivion killing hundreds.
BTW, Israel targets Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians who wage war from civilian areas. The Islamic terrorists you laud as heroes certainly could wear identifiable uniforms and wage war from areas other than where women and children would not be put explicitly and intentionally in harms way but then, the Islamic terrorists you worship as heroes are called cowards for a reason.

This has been explained to you more times than I can remember.
Yeah, yeah, Israel shovels that same shit every time they bomb the crap out of civilians.
Yeah is correct. You can't refute the fact that Israel acts with restraint until the Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians touch a tipping point that causes the Israeli army to take measures that will eliminate any immediate Islamic terrorist attacks.

It's pretty clear that the Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians willingly sacrifice women and children in the cause and furtherance of Islamist ideology.

What a bunch of despicable cowards.
Israel bombs family homes by the score killing entire families.

How does that fit into any kind of morality?

You fucking turd, you're complaining about bombing a house? How about a whole fucking neghborhood or city? Never seen you or your c-nt friends here complain about this:

"As the self-proclaimed Islamic State, or ISIS, commits horrendous videotaped executions, it might seem to pose the greatest threat to Syrian civilians. In fact, that ignoble distinction belongs to the barrel bombs being dropped by the military of Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad. The Islamic State has distracted us from this deadly reality.

Barrel bombs are improvised weapons: oil drums or similar canisters filled with explosives and metal fragments. They are dropped without guidance from helicopters hovering just above antiaircraft range, typically hitting the ground with huge explosions and the widespread diffusion of deadly shrapnel. They pulverize neighborhoods, destroy entire buildings and leave broad strips of death and destruction.

The Syrian military has dropped barrel bombs, sometimes dozens in one day, on opposition-held neighborhoods in Aleppo, Idlib, Dara’a and other cities and towns. They have pulverized markets, schools, hospitals and countless residences. Syrians have described to me the sheer terror of waiting the 30 seconds or so for the barrel bomb to tumble to earth from a helicopter hovering overhead, not knowing until near the very end where its deadly point of impact will be.

From the start of the war, the Assad government has pursued a murderous policy toward Syrian citizens who happen to live in areas that have been seized by opposition armed groups. The apparent aim is to kill and terrorize civilians (and destroy civilian structures) so as to drive civilians from opposition-held areas and to send a warning of the misery that attends anyone whose neighborhood is taken by opposition groups. Mr. Assad is thus pursuing the “total war” strategy that the Geneva Conventions and the laws of war flatly prohibit and criminalize."
Off topic.

This is the Israel and Palestine forum.

BTW, Israel bombs entire neighborhoods into oblivion killing hundreds.
BTW, Israel targets Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians who wage war from civilian areas. The Islamic terrorists you laud as heroes certainly could wear identifiable uniforms and wage war from areas other than where women and children would not be put explicitly and intentionally in harms way but then, the Islamic terrorists you worship as heroes are called cowards for a reason.

This has been explained to you more times than I can remember.
Yeah, yeah, Israel shovels that same shit every time they bomb the crap out of civilians.
Yeah is correct. You can't refute the fact that Israel acts with restraint until the Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians touch a tipping point that causes the Israeli army to take measures that will eliminate any immediate Islamic terrorist attacks.

It's pretty clear that the Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians willingly sacrifice women and children in the cause and furtherance of Islamist ideology.

What a bunch of despicable cowards.
Israel bombs homes by the thousands but only kills "terrorists" in the hundreds.

Your bullshit does not add up.
You fucking turd, you're complaining about bombing a house? How about a whole fucking neghborhood or city? Never seen you or your c-nt friends here complain about this:

"As the self-proclaimed Islamic State, or ISIS, commits horrendous videotaped executions, it might seem to pose the greatest threat to Syrian civilians. In fact, that ignoble distinction belongs to the barrel bombs being dropped by the military of Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad. The Islamic State has distracted us from this deadly reality.

Barrel bombs are improvised weapons: oil drums or similar canisters filled with explosives and metal fragments. They are dropped without guidance from helicopters hovering just above antiaircraft range, typically hitting the ground with huge explosions and the widespread diffusion of deadly shrapnel. They pulverize neighborhoods, destroy entire buildings and leave broad strips of death and destruction.

The Syrian military has dropped barrel bombs, sometimes dozens in one day, on opposition-held neighborhoods in Aleppo, Idlib, Dara’a and other cities and towns. They have pulverized markets, schools, hospitals and countless residences. Syrians have described to me the sheer terror of waiting the 30 seconds or so for the barrel bomb to tumble to earth from a helicopter hovering overhead, not knowing until near the very end where its deadly point of impact will be.

From the start of the war, the Assad government has pursued a murderous policy toward Syrian citizens who happen to live in areas that have been seized by opposition armed groups. The apparent aim is to kill and terrorize civilians (and destroy civilian structures) so as to drive civilians from opposition-held areas and to send a warning of the misery that attends anyone whose neighborhood is taken by opposition groups. Mr. Assad is thus pursuing the “total war” strategy that the Geneva Conventions and the laws of war flatly prohibit and criminalize."
Off topic.

This is the Israel and Palestine forum.

BTW, Israel bombs entire neighborhoods into oblivion killing hundreds.
BTW, Israel targets Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians who wage war from civilian areas. The Islamic terrorists you laud as heroes certainly could wear identifiable uniforms and wage war from areas other than where women and children would not be put explicitly and intentionally in harms way but then, the Islamic terrorists you worship as heroes are called cowards for a reason.

This has been explained to you more times than I can remember.
Yeah, yeah, Israel shovels that same shit every time they bomb the crap out of civilians.
Yeah is correct. You can't refute the fact that Israel acts with restraint until the Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians touch a tipping point that causes the Israeli army to take measures that will eliminate any immediate Islamic terrorist attacks.

It's pretty clear that the Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians willingly sacrifice women and children in the cause and furtherance of Islamist ideology.

What a bunch of despicable cowards.
Israel bombs homes by the thousands but only kills "terrorists" in the hundreds.

Your bullshit does not add up.
Israel retaliates to acts of war by Islamic terrorists. Dead Pal'istanians are the result of acts of war waged by Islamic terrorists.

It's a very simple dynamic you're unable to understand.
Off topic.

This is the Israel and Palestine forum.

BTW, Israel bombs entire neighborhoods into oblivion killing hundreds.
BTW, Israel targets Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians who wage war from civilian areas. The Islamic terrorists you laud as heroes certainly could wear identifiable uniforms and wage war from areas other than where women and children would not be put explicitly and intentionally in harms way but then, the Islamic terrorists you worship as heroes are called cowards for a reason.

This has been explained to you more times than I can remember.
Yeah, yeah, Israel shovels that same shit every time they bomb the crap out of civilians.
Yeah is correct. You can't refute the fact that Israel acts with restraint until the Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians touch a tipping point that causes the Israeli army to take measures that will eliminate any immediate Islamic terrorist attacks.

It's pretty clear that the Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians willingly sacrifice women and children in the cause and furtherance of Islamist ideology.

What a bunch of despicable cowards.
Israel bombs homes by the thousands but only kills "terrorists" in the hundreds.

Your bullshit does not add up.
Israel retaliates to acts of war by Islamic terrorists. Dead Pal'istanians are the result of acts of war waged by Islamic terrorists.

It's a very simple dynamic you're unable to understand.
Is that why Israel kills civilians by the thousands?
BTW, Israel targets Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians who wage war from civilian areas. The Islamic terrorists you laud as heroes certainly could wear identifiable uniforms and wage war from areas other than where women and children would not be put explicitly and intentionally in harms way but then, the Islamic terrorists you worship as heroes are called cowards for a reason.

This has been explained to you more times than I can remember.
Yeah, yeah, Israel shovels that same shit every time they bomb the crap out of civilians.
Yeah is correct. You can't refute the fact that Israel acts with restraint until the Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians touch a tipping point that causes the Israeli army to take measures that will eliminate any immediate Islamic terrorist attacks.

It's pretty clear that the Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians willingly sacrifice women and children in the cause and furtherance of Islamist ideology.

What a bunch of despicable cowards.
Israel bombs homes by the thousands but only kills "terrorists" in the hundreds.

Your bullshit does not add up.
Israel retaliates to acts of war by Islamic terrorists. Dead Pal'istanians are the result of acts of war waged by Islamic terrorists.

It's a very simple dynamic you're unable to understand.
Is that why Israel kills civilians by the thousands?
Your Islamic terrorist heroes are responsible for retaliation to acts of war. Are you suggesting it's not honorable and noble to die to further the goals of islamo-fascism?

Aren't you willing to sacrifice and die to further the goals of the Hamss Charter? (in your case, that's a rhetorical question). It seems you're primarily concerned with promoting others to die so you can use their misfortune to flail your Pom Poms for further acts of Islamic terrorism.
Israel bombs family homes by the score killing entire families.

How does that fit into any kind of morality?

Because they don't and it is the immoral islamonazi propagandists that spread these blood libels. Israel bombs military targets set up in homes after first issuing warnings of their intent to do so. It hamas and its policy of forcing families to stay that kill scores of entire families in the process.
Israel bombs family homes by the score killing entire families.

How does that fit into any kind of morality?

You fucking turd, you're complaining about bombing a house? How about a whole fucking neghborhood or city? Never seen you or your c-nt friends here complain about this:

"As the self-proclaimed Islamic State, or ISIS, commits horrendous videotaped executions, it might seem to pose the greatest threat to Syrian civilians. In fact, that ignoble distinction belongs to the barrel bombs being dropped by the military of Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad. The Islamic State has distracted us from this deadly reality.

Barrel bombs are improvised weapons: oil drums or similar canisters filled with explosives and metal fragments. They are dropped without guidance from helicopters hovering just above antiaircraft range, typically hitting the ground with huge explosions and the widespread diffusion of deadly shrapnel. They pulverize neighborhoods, destroy entire buildings and leave broad strips of death and destruction.

The Syrian military has dropped barrel bombs, sometimes dozens in one day, on opposition-held neighborhoods in Aleppo, Idlib, Dara’a and other cities and towns. They have pulverized markets, schools, hospitals and countless residences. Syrians have described to me the sheer terror of waiting the 30 seconds or so for the barrel bomb to tumble to earth from a helicopter hovering overhead, not knowing until near the very end where its deadly point of impact will be.

From the start of the war, the Assad government has pursued a murderous policy toward Syrian citizens who happen to live in areas that have been seized by opposition armed groups. The apparent aim is to kill and terrorize civilians (and destroy civilian structures) so as to drive civilians from opposition-held areas and to send a warning of the misery that attends anyone whose neighborhood is taken by opposition groups. Mr. Assad is thus pursuing the “total war” strategy that the Geneva Conventions and the laws of war flatly prohibit and criminalize."
Off topic.

This is the Israel and Palestine forum.

BTW, Israel bombs entire neighborhoods into oblivion killing hundreds.

No it bombs military targets set up in those neighbourhoods by hamas, who have been cited by the ICC/ICJ for these crimes against humanity. So it is the Palestinians who have ultimately killed themselves by waging war illegally from civilian areas when over 50% of gaza is open land
Israel bombs family homes by the score killing entire families.

How does that fit into any kind of morality?

You fucking turd, you're complaining about bombing a house? How about a whole fucking neghborhood or city? Never seen you or your c-nt friends here complain about this:

"As the self-proclaimed Islamic State, or ISIS, commits horrendous videotaped executions, it might seem to pose the greatest threat to Syrian civilians. In fact, that ignoble distinction belongs to the barrel bombs being dropped by the military of Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad. The Islamic State has distracted us from this deadly reality.

Barrel bombs are improvised weapons: oil drums or similar canisters filled with explosives and metal fragments. They are dropped without guidance from helicopters hovering just above antiaircraft range, typically hitting the ground with huge explosions and the widespread diffusion of deadly shrapnel. They pulverize neighborhoods, destroy entire buildings and leave broad strips of death and destruction.

The Syrian military has dropped barrel bombs, sometimes dozens in one day, on opposition-held neighborhoods in Aleppo, Idlib, Dara’a and other cities and towns. They have pulverized markets, schools, hospitals and countless residences. Syrians have described to me the sheer terror of waiting the 30 seconds or so for the barrel bomb to tumble to earth from a helicopter hovering overhead, not knowing until near the very end where its deadly point of impact will be.

From the start of the war, the Assad government has pursued a murderous policy toward Syrian citizens who happen to live in areas that have been seized by opposition armed groups. The apparent aim is to kill and terrorize civilians (and destroy civilian structures) so as to drive civilians from opposition-held areas and to send a warning of the misery that attends anyone whose neighborhood is taken by opposition groups. Mr. Assad is thus pursuing the “total war” strategy that the Geneva Conventions and the laws of war flatly prohibit and criminalize."
Off topic.

This is the Israel and Palestine forum.

BTW, Israel bombs entire neighborhoods into oblivion killing hundreds.
BTW, Israel targets Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians who wage war from civilian areas. The Islamic terrorists you laud as heroes certainly could wear identifiable uniforms and wage war from areas other than where women and children would not be put explicitly and intentionally in harms way but then, the Islamic terrorists you worship as heroes are called cowards for a reason.

This has been explained to you more times than I can remember.
Yeah, yeah, Israel shovels that same shit every time they bomb the crap out of civilians.

Prove they are civilians after Al Jazeera dropped the bombshell and gave the details of the dead. Over 90% were males between the ages of 14 and 40, and those are the same profile of Palestinian militia/terrorists.
Israel bombs family homes by the score killing entire families.

How does that fit into any kind of morality?

You fucking turd, you're complaining about bombing a house? How about a whole fucking neghborhood or city? Never seen you or your c-nt friends here complain about this:

"As the self-proclaimed Islamic State, or ISIS, commits horrendous videotaped executions, it might seem to pose the greatest threat to Syrian civilians. In fact, that ignoble distinction belongs to the barrel bombs being dropped by the military of Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad. The Islamic State has distracted us from this deadly reality.

Barrel bombs are improvised weapons: oil drums or similar canisters filled with explosives and metal fragments. They are dropped without guidance from helicopters hovering just above antiaircraft range, typically hitting the ground with huge explosions and the widespread diffusion of deadly shrapnel. They pulverize neighborhoods, destroy entire buildings and leave broad strips of death and destruction.

The Syrian military has dropped barrel bombs, sometimes dozens in one day, on opposition-held neighborhoods in Aleppo, Idlib, Dara’a and other cities and towns. They have pulverized markets, schools, hospitals and countless residences. Syrians have described to me the sheer terror of waiting the 30 seconds or so for the barrel bomb to tumble to earth from a helicopter hovering overhead, not knowing until near the very end where its deadly point of impact will be.

From the start of the war, the Assad government has pursued a murderous policy toward Syrian citizens who happen to live in areas that have been seized by opposition armed groups. The apparent aim is to kill and terrorize civilians (and destroy civilian structures) so as to drive civilians from opposition-held areas and to send a warning of the misery that attends anyone whose neighborhood is taken by opposition groups. Mr. Assad is thus pursuing the “total war” strategy that the Geneva Conventions and the laws of war flatly prohibit and criminalize."
Off topic.

This is the Israel and Palestine forum.

BTW, Israel bombs entire neighborhoods into oblivion killing hundreds.
BTW, Israel targets Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians who wage war from civilian areas. The Islamic terrorists you laud as heroes certainly could wear identifiable uniforms and wage war from areas other than where women and children would not be put explicitly and intentionally in harms way but then, the Islamic terrorists you worship as heroes are called cowards for a reason.

This has been explained to you more times than I can remember.
Yeah, yeah, Israel shovels that same shit every time they bomb the crap out of civilians.

Prove they are civilians after Al Jazeera dropped the bombshell and gave the details of the dead. Over 90% were males between the ages of 14 and 40, and those are the same profile of Palestinian militia/terrorists.
You fucking turd, you're complaining about bombing a house? How about a whole fucking neghborhood or city? Never seen you or your c-nt friends here complain about this:

"As the self-proclaimed Islamic State, or ISIS, commits horrendous videotaped executions, it might seem to pose the greatest threat to Syrian civilians. In fact, that ignoble distinction belongs to the barrel bombs being dropped by the military of Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad. The Islamic State has distracted us from this deadly reality.

Barrel bombs are improvised weapons: oil drums or similar canisters filled with explosives and metal fragments. They are dropped without guidance from helicopters hovering just above antiaircraft range, typically hitting the ground with huge explosions and the widespread diffusion of deadly shrapnel. They pulverize neighborhoods, destroy entire buildings and leave broad strips of death and destruction.

The Syrian military has dropped barrel bombs, sometimes dozens in one day, on opposition-held neighborhoods in Aleppo, Idlib, Dara’a and other cities and towns. They have pulverized markets, schools, hospitals and countless residences. Syrians have described to me the sheer terror of waiting the 30 seconds or so for the barrel bomb to tumble to earth from a helicopter hovering overhead, not knowing until near the very end where its deadly point of impact will be.

From the start of the war, the Assad government has pursued a murderous policy toward Syrian citizens who happen to live in areas that have been seized by opposition armed groups. The apparent aim is to kill and terrorize civilians (and destroy civilian structures) so as to drive civilians from opposition-held areas and to send a warning of the misery that attends anyone whose neighborhood is taken by opposition groups. Mr. Assad is thus pursuing the “total war” strategy that the Geneva Conventions and the laws of war flatly prohibit and criminalize."
Off topic.

This is the Israel and Palestine forum.

BTW, Israel bombs entire neighborhoods into oblivion killing hundreds.
BTW, Israel targets Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians who wage war from civilian areas. The Islamic terrorists you laud as heroes certainly could wear identifiable uniforms and wage war from areas other than where women and children would not be put explicitly and intentionally in harms way but then, the Islamic terrorists you worship as heroes are called cowards for a reason.

This has been explained to you more times than I can remember.
Yeah, yeah, Israel shovels that same shit every time they bomb the crap out of civilians.
Yeah is correct. You can't refute the fact that Israel acts with restraint until the Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians touch a tipping point that causes the Israeli army to take measures that will eliminate any immediate Islamic terrorist attacks.

It's pretty clear that the Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians willingly sacrifice women and children in the cause and furtherance of Islamist ideology.

What a bunch of despicable cowards.
Israel bombs homes by the thousands but only kills "terrorists" in the hundreds.

Your bullshit does not add up.

And your numbers are skewed by islamonazi propaganda and blood libels. The only source you have for your claim is an islamonazi terrorist one. Even assad only kills in the hundreds and he is using chemical weapons , but he is still in the hundreds of thousands ahead of Israel
You fucking turd, you're complaining about bombing a house? How about a whole fucking neghborhood or city? Never seen you or your c-nt friends here complain about this:

"As the self-proclaimed Islamic State, or ISIS, commits horrendous videotaped executions, it might seem to pose the greatest threat to Syrian civilians. In fact, that ignoble distinction belongs to the barrel bombs being dropped by the military of Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad. The Islamic State has distracted us from this deadly reality.

Barrel bombs are improvised weapons: oil drums or similar canisters filled with explosives and metal fragments. They are dropped without guidance from helicopters hovering just above antiaircraft range, typically hitting the ground with huge explosions and the widespread diffusion of deadly shrapnel. They pulverize neighborhoods, destroy entire buildings and leave broad strips of death and destruction.

The Syrian military has dropped barrel bombs, sometimes dozens in one day, on opposition-held neighborhoods in Aleppo, Idlib, Dara’a and other cities and towns. They have pulverized markets, schools, hospitals and countless residences. Syrians have described to me the sheer terror of waiting the 30 seconds or so for the barrel bomb to tumble to earth from a helicopter hovering overhead, not knowing until near the very end where its deadly point of impact will be.

From the start of the war, the Assad government has pursued a murderous policy toward Syrian citizens who happen to live in areas that have been seized by opposition armed groups. The apparent aim is to kill and terrorize civilians (and destroy civilian structures) so as to drive civilians from opposition-held areas and to send a warning of the misery that attends anyone whose neighborhood is taken by opposition groups. Mr. Assad is thus pursuing the “total war” strategy that the Geneva Conventions and the laws of war flatly prohibit and criminalize."
Off topic.

This is the Israel and Palestine forum.

BTW, Israel bombs entire neighborhoods into oblivion killing hundreds.
BTW, Israel targets Islamic terrorist Pal'istanians who wage war from civilian areas. The Islamic terrorists you laud as heroes certainly could wear identifiable uniforms and wage war from areas other than where women and children would not be put explicitly and intentionally in harms way but then, the Islamic terrorists you worship as heroes are called cowards for a reason.

This has been explained to you more times than I can remember.
Yeah, yeah, Israel shovels that same shit every time they bomb the crap out of civilians.

Prove they are civilians after Al Jazeera dropped the bombshell and gave the details of the dead. Over 90% were males between the ages of 14 and 40, and those are the same profile of Palestinian militia/terrorists.

REALITY CHECK just kicked in and he cant answer, typical islamonazi propagandist
Purity of Arms:

The IDF serviceman will use force of arms only for the purpose of subduing the enemy to the necessary extent and will limit his use of force so as to prevent unnecessary harm to human life and limb, dignity and property.

The IDF servicemen's purity of arms is their self-control in use of armed force. They will use their arms only for the purpose of achieving their mission, without inflicting unnecessary injury to human life or limb; dignity or property, of both soldiers and civilians, with special consideration for the defenseless, whether in wartime, or during routine security operations, or in the absence of combat, or times of peace. Ruach Tzahal - IDF Code of Ethics | Jewish Virtual Library

Thanks, Challenger. I agree with you that is the code of a very moral army.

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