Israel has the most moral army in the world

Pallywood Productions, Inc., will take every opportunity to stage a confrontation. You simpletons are sure to find the video on the YouTube and mouth the bait.
That wasn't even a good innuendo.

Try again. Maybe it will be better next time?
I'm still waiting for you to offer something more than a YouTube video that you cut and pasted.
I'm still waiting for you to offer something more than a YouTube video that you cut and pasted.
First off, until you post evidence to the contrary, I don't need to provide anything else and second, how else do you post a video without cutting and pasting?
It's not up to me to spend time refuting the entirety of your cutting and pasting. Your cut and pasted videos are without attribution, context or circumstances.

You Pallywood Production groupies are a hoot.
It's not up to me to spend time refuting the entirety of your cutting and pasting. Your cut and pasted videos are without attribution, context or circumstances.

You Pallywood Production groupies are a hoot.
It took you 9 minutes to come up with that drivel?
Why should anyone accept your silly YouTube videos as accurate or reliable?
Are you saying the children you SEE being beaten, are not being beaten?

Or are you so mentally vapid, that you think you could come up with something that would justify those beatings?
Meanwhile, in Syria, there are half a million dead civilians and something, if I remember correctly, like seven millions displaced and evidence of the use of chemical weapons on civilians and we are discussing the morality of stealing women's clothing and the destruction of inanimate objects.

Unbelievable. The world has gone mad.
Alright, I'm going to try to take a stab at the criteria for morality when fighting in armed conflict. Please feel free to add anything I might miss as I doubt it will be comprehensive on the first go-around.

1. Any engagement of armed conflict must have a "just cause" -- in particular the protection of citizen's from physical harm.
2. There must be an overall demonstrated military goal and a reasonable expectation of success.
3. There must be explicit military objectives for each operation.
4. Non-combatants and civilian infrastructure should never be targeted.
5. Engagement should minimize harm to non-combatants and civilian infrastructure as much as possible.
6. Indiscriminate weapons should not be used where there is the presence of non-combatants.
7. Use of non-violent means (economic sanctions, etc) should be used where possible.
8. Ensure passage of humanitarian aide.

Its a start.
Okay, in every one of those videos, the IDF has violated rules 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8.

LINKS PLEASE from trusted unbiased non partisan sources

3, every Israeli action is in response to a palestinian attack, sometimes as many as 100 attacks before a response is made.

4, Every Israeli target is a military one, fire an illegal rocket from a school and the school becomes a military target. There is no minimum distance for where the perimeter is

5, Israel takes every possible precaution to minimise the deaths/injuries of civilians and their property. If the Palestinians hold life so cheap that they ignore the warnings or move in from surrounding areas then it is not Israel's fault they are killed/injured

7, Blockade is a non violent option so now you are saying that Israel is not using this ?

8, Israel allows in many thousands of tons of humanitarian aid, and the UN have accepted this. So why cant you. ( the mavimarmara was carrying rotten food and out of date medication, the whole aid could have been placed on one of the life boats and still have room for another 100 boxes )
Oh dear, another Hasbarist thread designed to show the IDF as fine upstanding chaps upholding “western values” in a barbarous region.

Oh well, in for a penny...

The OP proceeds from several false premises, not least of which is the fact that the IDF and Zionist politicians often declare this as fact based on the high standards, the “Purity of Arms” doctrine, the IDF sets for itself. The real issue should be then, not to compare “morality” between the IDF and other armies or forces in the world, but whether or not the IDF lives up to the ideals it sets for itself.

We can talk about the morality in war until we’re blue in the face; many people have written on the subject since Augustine of Hippo and Thomas Aquinas. The truth is, there is no morality in war, you kill or be killed, war releases humanity’s darkest instincts; in short as Sherman said, “war is Hell”; which brings me neatly to another false premise; the assumption that a war is in progress.

Anyone who looks at this with any degree of objectivity cannot help but notice that that we are dealing with is in fact, a brutal foreign occupation and a native resistance/insurgency against that occupation.

Fundamentally it is the conquest and occupation of Palestine by Zionists itself that is immoral.
Pallywood Productions, Inc., will take every opportunity to stage a confrontation. You simpletons are sure to find the video on the YouTube and mouth the bait.
That wasn't even a good innuendo.

Try again. Maybe it will be better next time?
I'm still waiting for you to offer something more than a YouTube video that you cut and pasted.

...and I'm still waiting for you to tell us all what your tasks are on this forum.
Meanwhile, in Syria, there are half a million dead civilians and something, if I remember correctly, like seven millions displaced and evidence of the use of chemical weapons on civilians and we are discussing the morality of stealing women's clothing and the destruction of inanimate objects.

Unbelievable. The world has gone mad.

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