Israel Helps Impoverished Africans

With all the different forums on the USMB Message Board, it is very telling how you always come here to besmirch the Zionists (anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism). I don't think anyone but the anti-Semites worry about what happened in the 1600's to the 1800's when slavers were so prevalent in the Western Hemisphere. However, people who put up such sites as seem mighty interested in what happened hundreds of years ago only because there is something in those years in which they can blame the Jews, and then the anti-Semites keep on dragging up the same stuff they have read on hate sites.. No group of people have been perfect since the beginning of time, but you evidently want the viewers to think the Jews were so imperfect. Why not focus on what is happening to the rest of the Middle East where hundreds of thousands have been killed. If you want to go back in history, why not tell us what happened to the people who were living in places like Egypt History of Jihad against the Egyptian Coptic Christians (640) or Iran
History Jihad against Zoroaster of Iran | because what happened then is still happening today.

I will repeat yet again to you Hoss that I responded to MJB's post in an accurate way.......I am not Anti Jewish at all BUT am totally against Zionism,that these people have managed to increase power within Israel(mainly with the growth of Synthetic Jews from overseas) only shows how they have undermined Judaisum sic and real Jewishness...I am not alone many Jews detest Zionism,which is well recorded.

I have a high regard for Jews past and present,clearly described in previous posts on this thread......Jews are no more or no less imperfect(as you put it) than anyone else(Zionism apart),so lets leave your inaccurate prose regarding this in the trash can,where it belongs.

As for your assumption I don't wish to talk about the disgusting treatment of the Coptics in Egypt or the Fazis in Iran,you again are sadly mistaken yet again,BUT do you really care about these people or is it just a way of white washing the despicable Zionist Terrorist treatment of the Palestinians.........But what and why would we even start???? considering you cannot accept the concept of dire treatment by Zionists against the Palestinians.

Sorry but until you and others grow a backbone and admit your treatment of the Palestinians is there any your own admission you proudly say you are a ZIONUT....separate the word and you get ZIONIST and NUT,both are an anathema to me.steve

And anti zionism is the new anti semitism and you have just admitted that you are a racist Jew hater. All you have is the hate you read on the extremist web sites and cant answer even the simplest of questions about zionism. You refuse to give any definition of what you see zionism is and just project the lies you pick up from islamonazi propagandists. You refuse to accept that international laws work for the Jews and Zionists as much as they work for fatah and hamas. You refuse to accept that the arab muslims are the illegal immigrants and have no treaty granting them any of the land. You refuse to treat the majority of the Jews as you want the world to treat arab muslim terrorist scum

DUE TO PHEO'S CONTINUAL ridiculous abusive AND malicious replies,I have to take a personal stance against him by NOT RESPONING TO HIM ,

In other words you have been busted and shown to be a rabid LYING POS ANTI SEMITE

Yes anti zionism is the new anti semitism and the courts take a dim view of scum like you.
YES I'd take on the Zionist Filth in Court and Win,just because Americans are so frightened by the Zionist/Israel........We are not.....I note during this Pantomime you call an Election that both Hillary's and Trumps daughters are married to Zionists........I say Zionism should be regarded as a War Crime,because that is what they are Terrorists...I await the Zionistas Scuds to rein down on me.............Bring it On.....theliq
Did you ever have sex with your avatar because you sound THAT stupid.
I will repeat yet again to you Hoss that I responded to MJB's post in an accurate way.......I am not Anti Jewish at all BUT am totally against Zionism,that these people have managed to increase power within Israel(mainly with the growth of Synthetic Jews from overseas) only shows how they have undermined Judaisum sic and real Jewishness...I am not alone many Jews detest Zionism,which is well recorded.

I have a high regard for Jews past and present,clearly described in previous posts on this thread......Jews are no more or no less imperfect(as you put it) than anyone else(Zionism apart),so lets leave your inaccurate prose regarding this in the trash can,where it belongs.

As for your assumption I don't wish to talk about the disgusting treatment of the Coptics in Egypt or the Fazis in Iran,you again are sadly mistaken yet again,BUT do you really care about these people or is it just a way of white washing the despicable Zionist Terrorist treatment of the Palestinians.........But what and why would we even start???? considering you cannot accept the concept of dire treatment by Zionists against the Palestinians.

Sorry but until you and others grow a backbone and admit your treatment of the Palestinians is there any your own admission you proudly say you are a ZIONUT....separate the word and you get ZIONIST and NUT,both are an anathema to me.steve

And anti zionism is the new anti semitism and you have just admitted that you are a racist Jew hater. All you have is the hate you read on the extremist web sites and cant answer even the simplest of questions about zionism. You refuse to give any definition of what you see zionism is and just project the lies you pick up from islamonazi propagandists. You refuse to accept that international laws work for the Jews and Zionists as much as they work for fatah and hamas. You refuse to accept that the arab muslims are the illegal immigrants and have no treaty granting them any of the land. You refuse to treat the majority of the Jews as you want the world to treat arab muslim terrorist scum

DUE TO PHEO'S CONTINUAL ridiculous abusive AND malicious replies,I have to take a personal stance against him by NOT RESPONING TO HIM ,

In other words you have been busted and shown to be a rabid LYING POS ANTI SEMITE

Yes anti zionism is the new anti semitism and the courts take a dim view of scum like you.
YES I'd take on the Zionist Filth in Court and Win,just because Americans are so frightened by the Zionist/Israel........We are not.....I note during this Pantomime you call an Election that both Hillary's and Trumps daughters are married to Zionists........I say Zionism should be regarded as a War Crime,because that is what they are Terrorists...I await the Zionistas Scuds to rein down on me.............Bring it On.....theliq
Did you ever have sex with your avatar because you sound THAT stupid.
Scud 1, for sex with a beast,I'll leave to the Zionists.....But Your Avie,maybe...LOL

Not Stupid,just bringing the Zionists out into the open
With all the different forums on the USMB Message Board, it is very telling how you always come here to besmirch the Zionists (anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism). I don't think anyone but the anti-Semites worry about what happened in the 1600's to the 1800's when slavers were so prevalent in the Western Hemisphere. However, people who put up such sites as seem mighty interested in what happened hundreds of years ago only because there is something in those years in which they can blame the Jews, and then the anti-Semites keep on dragging up the same stuff they have read on hate sites.. No group of people have been perfect since the beginning of time, but you evidently want the viewers to think the Jews were so imperfect. Why not focus on what is happening to the rest of the Middle East where hundreds of thousands have been killed. If you want to go back in history, why not tell us what happened to the people who were living in places like Egypt History of Jihad against the Egyptian Coptic Christians (640) or Iran
History Jihad against Zoroaster of Iran | because what happened then is still happening today.

I will repeat yet again to you Hoss that I responded to MJB's post in an accurate way.......I am not Anti Jewish at all BUT am totally against Zionism,that these people have managed to increase power within Israel(mainly with the growth of Synthetic Jews from overseas) only shows how they have undermined Judaisum sic and real Jewishness...I am not alone many Jews detest Zionism,which is well recorded.

I have a high regard for Jews past and present,clearly described in previous posts on this thread......Jews are no more or no less imperfect(as you put it) than anyone else(Zionism apart),so lets leave your inaccurate prose regarding this in the trash can,where it belongs.

As for your assumption I don't wish to talk about the disgusting treatment of the Coptics in Egypt or the Fazis in Iran,you again are sadly mistaken yet again,BUT do you really care about these people or is it just a way of white washing the despicable Zionist Terrorist treatment of the Palestinians.........But what and why would we even start???? considering you cannot accept the concept of dire treatment by Zionists against the Palestinians.

Sorry but until you and others grow a backbone and admit your treatment of the Palestinians is there any your own admission you proudly say you are a ZIONUT....separate the word and you get ZIONIST and NUT,both are an anathema to me.steve

And anti zionism is the new anti semitism and you have just admitted that you are a racist Jew hater. All you have is the hate you read on the extremist web sites and cant answer even the simplest of questions about zionism. You refuse to give any definition of what you see zionism is and just project the lies you pick up from islamonazi propagandists. You refuse to accept that international laws work for the Jews and Zionists as much as they work for fatah and hamas. You refuse to accept that the arab muslims are the illegal immigrants and have no treaty granting them any of the land. You refuse to treat the majority of the Jews as you want the world to treat arab muslim terrorist scum

DUE TO PHEO'S CONTINUAL ridiculous abusive AND malicious replies,I have to take a personal stance against him by NOT RESPONING TO HIM ,

In other words you have been busted and shown to be a rabid LYING POS ANTI SEMITE

Yes anti zionism is the new anti semitism and the courts take a dim view of scum like you.
YES I'd take on the Zionist Filth in Court and Win,just because Americans are so frightened by the Zionist/Israel........We are not.....I note during this Pantomime you call an Election that both Hillary's and Trumps daughters are married to Zionists........I say Zionism should be regarded as a War Crime,because that is what they are Terrorists...I await the Zionistas Scuds to rein down on me.............Bring it On.....theliq

And anti zionism is the new anti semitism and you have just admitted that you are a racist Jew hater. All you have is the hate you read on the extremist web sites and cant answer even the simplest of questions about zionism. You refuse to give any definition of what you see zionism is and just project the lies you pick up from islamonazi propagandists. You refuse to accept that international laws work for the Jews and Zionists as much as they work for fatah and hamas. You refuse to accept that the arab muslims are the illegal immigrants and have no treaty granting them any of the land. You refuse to treat the majority of the Jews as you want the world to treat arab muslim terrorist scum

DUE TO PHEO'S CONTINUAL ridiculous abusive AND malicious replies,I have to take a personal stance against him by NOT RESPONING TO HIM ,

In other words you have been busted and shown to be a rabid LYING POS ANTI SEMITE

Yes anti zionism is the new anti semitism and the courts take a dim view of scum like you.
YES I'd take on the Zionist Filth in Court and Win,just because Americans are so frightened by the Zionist/Israel........We are not.....I note during this Pantomime you call an Election that both Hillary's and Trumps daughters are married to Zionists........I say Zionism should be regarded as a War Crime,because that is what they are Terrorists...I await the Zionistas Scuds to rein down on me.............Bring it On.....theliq
Did you ever have sex with your avatar because you sound THAT stupid.
Scud 1, for sex with a beast,I'll leave to the Zionists.....But Your Avie,maybe...LOL

Not Stupid,just bringing the Zionists out into the open

You don't have to bring Zionists out into the open; they're proud of who they are.
... The only ones here who believe your nonsense are the other anti-Semites, the ones that you praise now and then for their posts. ...
Not everyone who agrees with Steve an anti-Semite.

I feel it is great that Israel helps poor Africans, and so should too. Those Africans need all the help they can get. ...
We all what is behind an obscene gesture of help by the Israelis for people in Africa when on their doorstep is third world impoverishment caused by them in Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.
Obscene gesture helping poor Africans??? Yes, you and Steve belong in the same category so keep on trying to fool people. Has anyone seen the Africans trying to destroy the State of Israel?
They are busy enough destroying each other.
Why don't you admit that you have no compassion for the poor Africans who need help?
Why don't you admit that you have no compassion for the poor Palestinians who need help?
... The only ones here who believe your nonsense are the other anti-Semites, the ones that you praise now and then for their posts. ...
Not everyone who agrees with Steve an anti-Semite.

I feel it is great that Israel helps poor Africans, and so should too. Those Africans need all the help they can get. ...
We all what is behind an obscene gesture of help by the Israelis for people in Africa when on their doorstep is third world impoverishment caused by them in Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.
Obscene gesture helping poor Africans??? Yes, you and Steve belong in the same category so keep on trying to fool people. Has anyone seen the Africans trying to destroy the State of Israel?
They are busy enough destroying each other.
Why don't you admit that you have no compassion for the poor Africans who need help?
Why don't you admit that you have no compassion for the poor Palestinians who need help?
Why don't you ask their leaders why they pilfer all the money handed to them.
Not everyone who agrees with Steve an anti-Semite.

We all what is behind an obscene gesture of help by the Israelis for people in Africa when on their doorstep is third world impoverishment caused by them in Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.
Obscene gesture helping poor Africans??? Yes, you and Steve belong in the same category so keep on trying to fool people. Has anyone seen the Africans trying to destroy the State of Israel?
They are busy enough destroying each other.
Why don't you admit that you have no compassion for the poor Africans who need help?
Why don't you admit that you have no compassion for the poor Palestinians who need help?
Why don't you ask their leaders why they pilfer all the money handed to them.
You write like a Zionist.
Obscene gesture helping poor Africans??? Yes, you and Steve belong in the same category so keep on trying to fool people. Has anyone seen the Africans trying to destroy the State of Israel?
They are busy enough destroying each other.
Why don't you admit that you have no compassion for the poor Africans who need help?
Why don't you admit that you have no compassion for the poor Palestinians who need help?
Why don't you ask their leaders why they pilfer all the money handed to them.
You write like a Zionist.
And you did NOT respond to my post.
... The only ones here who believe your nonsense are the other anti-Semites, the ones that you praise now and then for their posts. ...
Not everyone who agrees with Steve an anti-Semite.

I feel it is great that Israel helps poor Africans, and so should too. Those Africans need all the help they can get. ...
We all what is behind an obscene gesture of help by the Israelis for people in Africa when on their doorstep is third world impoverishment caused by them in Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.
Obscene gesture helping poor Africans??? Yes, you and Steve belong in the same category so keep on trying to fool people. Has anyone seen the Africans trying to destroy the State of Israel?
They are busy enough destroying each other.
Why don't you admit that you have no compassion for the poor Africans who need help?
Why don't you admit that you have no compassion for the poor Palestinians who need help?
I do have compassion for the people, not their leaders. Their leaders should be hanged or shot.
Not everyone who agrees with Steve an anti-Semite.

We all what is behind an obscene gesture of help by the Israelis for people in Africa when on their doorstep is third world impoverishment caused by them in Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.
Obscene gesture helping poor Africans??? Yes, you and Steve belong in the same category so keep on trying to fool people. Has anyone seen the Africans trying to destroy the State of Israel?
They are busy enough destroying each other.
Why don't you admit that you have no compassion for the poor Africans who need help?
Why don't you admit that you have no compassion for the poor Palestinians who need help?
I do have compassion for the people, not their leaders. Their leaders should be hanged or shot.
You sound like a violent person.
Obscene gesture helping poor Africans??? Yes, you and Steve belong in the same category so keep on trying to fool people. Has anyone seen the Africans trying to destroy the State of Israel?
They are busy enough destroying each other.
Why don't you admit that you have no compassion for the poor Africans who need help?
Why don't you admit that you have no compassion for the poor Palestinians who need help?
I do have compassion for the people, not their leaders. Their leaders should be hanged or shot.
You sound like a violent person.
Thanks, I thought I was getting soft in my old age.
I will repeat yet again to you Hoss that I responded to MJB's post in an accurate way.......I am not Anti Jewish at all BUT am totally against Zionism,that these people have managed to increase power within Israel(mainly with the growth of Synthetic Jews from overseas) only shows how they have undermined Judaisum sic and real Jewishness...I am not alone many Jews detest Zionism,which is well recorded.

I have a high regard for Jews past and present,clearly described in previous posts on this thread......Jews are no more or no less imperfect(as you put it) than anyone else(Zionism apart),so lets leave your inaccurate prose regarding this in the trash can,where it belongs.

As for your assumption I don't wish to talk about the disgusting treatment of the Coptics in Egypt or the Fazis in Iran,you again are sadly mistaken yet again,BUT do you really care about these people or is it just a way of white washing the despicable Zionist Terrorist treatment of the Palestinians.........But what and why would we even start???? considering you cannot accept the concept of dire treatment by Zionists against the Palestinians.

Sorry but until you and others grow a backbone and admit your treatment of the Palestinians is there any your own admission you proudly say you are a ZIONUT....separate the word and you get ZIONIST and NUT,both are an anathema to me.steve

And anti zionism is the new anti semitism and you have just admitted that you are a racist Jew hater. All you have is the hate you read on the extremist web sites and cant answer even the simplest of questions about zionism. You refuse to give any definition of what you see zionism is and just project the lies you pick up from islamonazi propagandists. You refuse to accept that international laws work for the Jews and Zionists as much as they work for fatah and hamas. You refuse to accept that the arab muslims are the illegal immigrants and have no treaty granting them any of the land. You refuse to treat the majority of the Jews as you want the world to treat arab muslim terrorist scum

DUE TO PHEO'S CONTINUAL ridiculous abusive AND malicious replies,I have to take a personal stance against him by NOT RESPONING TO HIM ,

In other words you have been busted and shown to be a rabid LYING POS ANTI SEMITE

Yes anti zionism is the new anti semitism and the courts take a dim view of scum like you.
YES I'd take on the Zionist Filth in Court and Win,just because Americans are so frightened by the Zionist/Israel........We are not.....I note during this Pantomime you call an Election that both Hillary's and Trumps daughters are married to Zionists........I say Zionism should be regarded as a War Crime,because that is what they are Terrorists...I await the Zionistas Scuds to rein down on me.............Bring it On.....theliq

YAWN as usual
And anti zionism is the new anti semitism and you have just admitted that you are a racist Jew hater. All you have is the hate you read on the extremist web sites and cant answer even the simplest of questions about zionism. You refuse to give any definition of what you see zionism is and just project the lies you pick up from islamonazi propagandists. You refuse to accept that international laws work for the Jews and Zionists as much as they work for fatah and hamas. You refuse to accept that the arab muslims are the illegal immigrants and have no treaty granting them any of the land. You refuse to treat the majority of the Jews as you want the world to treat arab muslim terrorist scum

DUE TO PHEO'S CONTINUAL ridiculous abusive AND malicious replies,I have to take a personal stance against him by NOT RESPONING TO HIM ,

In other words you have been busted and shown to be a rabid LYING POS ANTI SEMITE

Yes anti zionism is the new anti semitism and the courts take a dim view of scum like you.
YES I'd take on the Zionist Filth in Court and Win,just because Americans are so frightened by the Zionist/Israel........We are not.....I note during this Pantomime you call an Election that both Hillary's and Trumps daughters are married to Zionists........I say Zionism should be regarded as a War Crime,because that is what they are Terrorists...I await the Zionistas Scuds to rein down on me.............Bring it On.....theliq

YAWN as usual
So stop talking to yourself.
Obscene gesture helping poor Africans??? Yes, you and Steve belong in the same category so keep on trying to fool people. Has anyone seen the Africans trying to destroy the State of Israel?
They are busy enough destroying each other.
Why don't you admit that you have no compassion for the poor Africans who need help?
Why don't you admit that you have no compassion for the poor Palestinians who need help?
I do have compassion for the people, not their leaders. Their leaders should be hanged or shot.
You sound like a violent person.
Eloy,No Hoss is a good man..steve....Though he can be influenced by Sythetic Zionists
They are busy enough destroying each other.
Why don't you admit that you have no compassion for the poor Africans who need help?
Why don't you admit that you have no compassion for the poor Palestinians who need help?
I do have compassion for the people, not their leaders. Their leaders should be hanged or shot.
You sound like a violent person.
Eloy,No Hoss is a good man..steve....Though he can be influenced by Sythetic Zionists

DUE TO PHEO'S CONTINUAL ridiculous abusive AND malicious replies,I have to take a personal stance against him by NOT RESPONING TO HIM ,

In other words you have been busted and shown to be a rabid LYING POS ANTI SEMITE

Yes anti zionism is the new anti semitism and the courts take a dim view of scum like you.
YES I'd take on the Zionist Filth in Court and Win,just because Americans are so frightened by the Zionist/Israel........We are not.....I note during this Pantomime you call an Election that both Hillary's and Trumps daughters are married to Zionists........I say Zionism should be regarded as a War Crime,because that is what they are Terrorists...I await the Zionistas Scuds to rein down on me.............Bring it On.....theliq
Did you ever have sex with your avatar because you sound THAT stupid.
Scud 1, for sex with a beast,I'll leave to the Zionists.....But Your Avie,maybe...LOL

Not Stupid,just bringing the Zionists out into the open

You don't have to bring Zionists out into the open; they're proud of who they are.
Delusion is a terrible thing
Why don't you admit that you have no compassion for the poor Africans who need help?
Why don't you admit that you have no compassion for the poor Palestinians who need help?
I do have compassion for the people, not their leaders. Their leaders should be hanged or shot.
You sound like a violent person.
Eloy,No Hoss is a good man..steve....Though he can be influenced by Sythetic Zionists

Deliberately Man Made,the originator of Zionism by the way was an ATHIEST JEW
In other words you have been busted and shown to be a rabid LYING POS ANTI SEMITE

Yes anti zionism is the new anti semitism and the courts take a dim view of scum like you.
YES I'd take on the Zionist Filth in Court and Win,just because Americans are so frightened by the Zionist/Israel........We are not.....I note during this Pantomime you call an Election that both Hillary's and Trumps daughters are married to Zionists........I say Zionism should be regarded as a War Crime,because that is what they are Terrorists...I await the Zionistas Scuds to rein down on me.............Bring it On.....theliq
Did you ever have sex with your avatar because you sound THAT stupid.
Scud 1, for sex with a beast,I'll leave to the Zionists.....But Your Avie,maybe...LOL

Not Stupid,just bringing the Zionists out into the open

You don't have to bring Zionists out into the open; they're proud of who they are.
Delusion is a terrible thing
Why don't you admit that you have no compassion for the poor Palestinians who need help?
I do have compassion for the people, not their leaders. Their leaders should be hanged or shot.
You sound like a violent person.
Eloy,No Hoss is a good man..steve....Though he can be influenced by Sythetic Zionists

Deliberately Man Made,the originator of Zionism by the way was an ATHIEST JEW
Whose family was being destroyed by the wonderful non-Jews.
Any other insights?
YES I'd take on the Zionist Filth in Court and Win,just because Americans are so frightened by the Zionist/Israel........We are not.....I note during this Pantomime you call an Election that both Hillary's and Trumps daughters are married to Zionists........I say Zionism should be regarded as a War Crime,because that is what they are Terrorists...I await the Zionistas Scuds to rein down on me.............Bring it On.....theliq
Did you ever have sex with your avatar because you sound THAT stupid.
Scud 1, for sex with a beast,I'll leave to the Zionists.....But Your Avie,maybe...LOL

Not Stupid,just bringing the Zionists out into the open

You don't have to bring Zionists out into the open; they're proud of who they are.
Delusion is a terrible thing
I do have compassion for the people, not their leaders. Their leaders should be hanged or shot.
You sound like a violent person.
Eloy,No Hoss is a good man..steve....Though he can be influenced by Sythetic Zionists

Deliberately Man Made,the originator of Zionism by the way was an ATHIEST JEW
Whose family was being destroyed by the wonderful non-Jews.
Any other insights?
Could you explain your comment in plain English please........what on Earth are you jabbering about...steven
Did you ever have sex with your avatar because you sound THAT stupid.
Scud 1, for sex with a beast,I'll leave to the Zionists.....But Your Avie,maybe...LOL

Not Stupid,just bringing the Zionists out into the open

You don't have to bring Zionists out into the open; they're proud of who they are.
Delusion is a terrible thing
You sound like a violent person.
Eloy,No Hoss is a good man..steve....Though he can be influenced by Sythetic Zionists

Deliberately Man Made,the originator of Zionism by the way was an ATHIEST JEW
Whose family was being destroyed by the wonderful non-Jews.
Any other insights?
Could you explain your comment in plain English please........what on Earth are you jabbering about...steven
Your ignorance is worthy of nothing more than ridicule.
Self-hating Scum such as yourself are too full of revisionist history to allow actual facts to enter into your fermented brain-cells.
Scud 1, for sex with a beast,I'll leave to the Zionists.....But Your Avie,maybe...LOL

Not Stupid,just bringing the Zionists out into the open

You don't have to bring Zionists out into the open; they're proud of who they are.
Delusion is a terrible thing
Eloy,No Hoss is a good man..steve....Though he can be influenced by Sythetic Zionists

Deliberately Man Made,the originator of Zionism by the way was an ATHIEST JEW
Whose family was being destroyed by the wonderful non-Jews.
Any other insights?
Could you explain your comment in plain English please........what on Earth are you jabbering about...steven
Your ignorance is worthy of nothing more than ridicule.
Self-hating Scum such as yourself are too full of revisionist history to allow actual facts to enter into your fermented brain-cells.
How TYPICAL OF THE SYNTHETIC ZIONIST,TYPICAL ABUSIVE RESPONSE..........they do this to impair critics to desist from calling these Zionist Terrorists what they are>>>>>>>>Murdering Filth...BUT theliq is far too intelligent to take a backward step against these HORDES....grow a backbone and act like a Real Man Indie and just Admit you have tried to ELIMINATE THE Palestinians.....BUT YOU cannot because you basically are GUTLESS COWARD WITH A BIG BAD MOUTH.

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