Israel Hits Gaza Doctors Without Borders, 2 Dead, Group Calls It "Deliberate"

I thought I recall reading somewhere that if Israel went down, some of their officials would want to nuke the world. So there are without a doubt some of the most craziest Jewish radicals right there in Israel. The enemy of mankind just like Aq
Yes, recently an Israeli cabinet member said nuking the Gaza Strip was an option.
Israel is currently controlled by Jewish racists. They are perhaps the most right wing government in the history of Israel.

One of their security ministers had a portrait of a Jewish terrorist Barach Goldstein in his living room. It’s like the same thing as a Muslim politician having a portrait of Osama bin Laden and his living room.

The United States, 100% must pull all funding for Israel. Overtime we’ve given this country $300 billion. Could you imagine what that money could’ve been used for in America we could’ve ended homelessness.
Ah yes, Itamar Ben-Gvir, their security minister, who lives in a settlement on the West Bank.

This whole fiasco stinks to high hell. Netanyahu openly advocates for one billion dollars of funding to go to Hamas last year. It takes eight hours for the IDF to get to a kibbitz under attack by Hamas. Over eight hundred million dollars in profits was made on short selling of Israeli stocks prior to the attack.

Yes, this is the most right wing government Israel has ever seen, maybe that has ever came to power in the civilized world. So much so that thousands of Israeli citizens were protesting in the streets just a few months ago.

So, I am just going to come out and say it. The attacks of October 6 could not have been as "effective", and sorry to use that word, without the COLLUSION of the Israeli government. This right wing government is replete with some sickass individuals that have no qualms about sacrificing some jewish citizens in order to further their own agenda. And that shit starts at the top. And if they rake in some cash in the process, well that is an added bonus.

Like the OP said, Israel is a rabid damn dog. We absolutely must demand that their funding be cut off.
Really? How many DOCTORS AND NURSES know where the boiler room is or from where to replenish the bog roll?
every doctor and nurse knows where the boiler room-----probably not how to fix or service
the boilers. When the alarms start ringing and the announcement is "CODE 9 -boiler room"---do you think the cardiac victim just drops dead.? you never worked in a hospital--
have you? Even when I was a student just doing the mail room----(that was during
undergraduate school) I still knew where the boiler room and the TUNNELS were
Yes, recently an Israeli cabinet member said nuking the Gaza Strip was an option.

Ah yes, Itamar Ben-Gvir, their security minister, who lives in a settlement on the West Bank.

This whole fiasco stinks to high hell. Netanyahu openly advocates for one billion dollars of funding to go to Hamas last year. It takes eight hours for the IDF to get to a kibbitz under attack by Hamas. Over eight hundred million dollars in profits was made on short selling of Israeli stocks prior to the attack.

Yes, this is the most right wing government Israel has ever seen, maybe that has ever came to power in the civilized world. So much so that thousands of Israeli citizens were protesting in the streets just a few months ago.

So, I am just going to come out and say it. The attacks of October 6 could not have been as "effective", and sorry to use that word, without the COLLUSION of the Israeli government. This right wing government is replete with some sickass individuals that have no qualms about sacrificing some jewish citizens in order to further their own agenda. And that shit starts at the top. And if they rake in some cash in the process, well that is an added bonus.

Like the OP said, Israel is a rabid damn dog. We absolutely must demand that their funding be cut off.
Ben Gvir was not born in Russia-----his family background is IRAQI----such people have told me during discussion "WE KNOW THEM, YOU DON'T" ----neither do YOU
the current islamo nazi libel includes the charge that ISRAEL ORCHESTRATED THE ISLAMO NAZI PIG MASSACRE AND MUTILATION AND BABY FRY OF OCT 7. It's simple---a variation of the blood in the matzoh libel---some things NEVER change
The what? "ISLAMO NAZI PIG"? I don't know what you represent but it sure ain't TRUTH BY PROOF. Your mutilation fantasy fell apart before the ink was dry. Take a bite, Bonso. 🇵🇸 :laughing0301:
every doctor and nurse knows where the boiler room-----probably not how to fix or service
the boilers. When the alarms start ringing and the announcement is "CODE 9 -boiler room"---do you think the cardiac victim just drops dead.? you never worked in a hospital--
have you? Even when I was a student just doing the mail room----(that was during
undergraduate school) I still knew where the boiler room and the TUNNELS were
Show me one doctor, one nurse, that will confirm that Hamas used those hospitals as a center of operation. From my knowledge, none have said as much. And the so-called "proof" that Israel has provided was so bad that they took it down.
The what? "ISLAMO NAZI PIG"? I don't know what you represent but it sure ain't TRUTH BY PROOF. Your mutilation fantasy fell apart before the ink was dry. Take a bite, Bonso. 🇵🇸 :laughing0301:
Mutilation----islamo nazi-----talk to any christian, jew, hindu or zoroastrian that has
survived a shariah shit hole----my husband was born in one
Yes, recently an Israeli cabinet member said nuking the Gaza Strip was an option.

Ah yes, Itamar Ben-Gvir, their security minister, who lives in a settlement on the West Bank.

This whole fiasco stinks to high hell. Netanyahu openly advocates for one billion dollars of funding to go to Hamas last year. It takes eight hours for the IDF to get to a kibbitz under attack by Hamas. Over eight hundred million dollars in profits was made on short selling of Israeli stocks prior to the attack.

Yes, this is the most right wing government Israel has ever seen, maybe that has ever came to power in the civilized world. So much so that thousands of Israeli citizens were protesting in the streets just a few months ago.

So, I am just going to come out and say it. The attacks of October 6 could not have been as "effective", and sorry to use that word, without the COLLUSION of the Israeli government. This right wing government is replete with some sickass individuals that have no qualms about sacrificing some jewish citizens in order to further their own agenda. And that shit starts at the top. And if they rake in some cash in the process, well that is an added bonus.

Like the OP said, Israel is a rabid damn dog. We absolutely must demand that their funding be cut off.
The Gaza strip doesn't need to be nuked. A few MOABs should take care of Gaza. save the nukes for Mecca and Medina.

USMB remembers. This is from a 2018 post.
Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian nurse working for Doctors Without Borders (MSF) after the man opened fire on troops at the Gaza border.
some things never change.

Fun question. How do Muslims say thank you for a work baby shower?
By killing your coworkers, silly.
Who gave the order to ignore the warnings and stand down on 10/7?
That’s what so many people in Israel are asking. I mean it is the people of Israel, who are really upset about that thing.

It’s the most monitored area in the world. makes absolutely no sense that attack occurred .
If you are trying to be a cheerleader for murderous Palestinians in particular or monstrous Muslims in general you are failing miserably. Not that kiss ass for Allah doesn't have it's points. It will hammer down the coffin of a democrat presidency for 2024.
That’s what so many people in Israel are asking. I mean it is the people of Israel, who are really upset about that thing.

It’s the most monitored area in the world. makes absolutely no sense that attack occurred .
That's not what my Israeli friends say. My former landlord's son has gone to Israel to fight with his Israeli family.
Show me one doctor, one nurse, that will confirm that Hamas used those hospitals as a center of operation.
I know one!

ask me.gif

...... oh, sorry. I was thinking of something else. :dunno:
That’s what so many people in Israel are asking. I mean it is the people of Israel, who are really upset about that thing.

It’s the most monitored area in the world. makes absolutely no sense that attack occurred .
there is an apt term for that activity---it is called MONDAY MORNING QUARTERBACKING---
everyone does it. Islamo nazi pigs use it to create libels
Gave it to them? Did that include the British training and arming the Arab armies?
Look, I don't know your problem. You entered the thread talking about MS-13 getting their own state. Fawker, we already gave them one, it is called "El Salvador". And we gave the Jewish terrorists their country. Matter of fact, the United States of America was founded by terrorists, what the hell you think the Boston Tea Party was, a tea party? Rule number two in my house, behind "Bros before Hoes" is, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Worked for us, worked for Israel, worked for MS-13, worked for Afghanistan, worked for Iraq, worked for Vietnam. Maybe it is time we finally made it work for the Palestinians.

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