Israel Hits Gaza Doctors Without Borders, 2 Dead, Group Calls It "Deliberate"

Mutilation----islamo nazi-----talk to any christian, jew, hindu or zoroastrian that has
survived a shariah shit hole----
I see, so any christian, jew, hindu or zoroastrian that has been to a shariah-oriented nation has witnessed the beheading and incinerating of babies, right? Well, I've been from Morocco to Indonesia overland and I’m here to tell you that you are full of the brown stuff. :cool:
my husband was born in one
Golly! You’re just shit out of luck today because in addition to many other things, I’m also a war veteran and I’ve heard many veterans tell outrageous war stories just to elicit respect and sympathy. So, I’m going to take a wild guess and say that your husband never witnessed a single beheading of a baby or its incineration. You can tell him I said that but don't embarrass him by saying it in front of your neighbours lest he loses face in the community. :eusa_shhh:
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Bullshit. International law provides protection, especially to doctors and nurses. Problem is, Israel thinks they are exempt from international law.
Wrong, international law provides protection IF the medical people stay neutral and don’t provide moral or physical support to combatants. DWB has been complicit in allowing Hamas to use their vehicles and facilities for the support of combatant activities. They've also made public statements supporting Hamas and denigrating Israel.
Look, I don't know your problem. You entered the thread talking about MS-13 getting their own state. Fawker, we already gave them one, it is called "El Salvador". And we gave the Jewish terrorists their country. Matter of fact, the United States of America was founded by terrorists, what the hell you think the Boston Tea Party was, a tea party? Rule number two in my house, behind "Bros before Hoes" is, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Worked for us, worked for Israel, worked for MS-13, worked for Afghanistan, worked for Iraq, worked for Vietnam. Maybe it is time we finally made it work for the Palestinians.

Gaza is broke.
I see, so any christian, jew, hindu or zoroastrian that has been to a shariah-oriented nation has witnessed the beheading and incinerating of babies, right? Well, I've been from Morocco to Indonesia overland and I’m here to tell you that you are full of the brown stuff. :cool:

Golly! You’re just shit out of luck today because in addition to many other things, I’m also a war veteran and I’ve heard many veterans tell outrageous war stories just to licit respect and sympathy. So, I’m going to take a wild guess and say that your husband never witnessed a single beheading of a baby or its incineration. You can tell him I said that but don't embarrass him by saying it in front of your neighbours lest he loses face in the community. :eusa_shhh:
wrong on all counts----at no point did I suggest that a tourist visit to Morocco TELLS ALL---
I mentioned SURVIVORS THEREOF-----like Hindus who grew up in Bangla Desh or
BALI. You embarrass yourself----his cousin was cut into several pieces. You can address me
as MA'AM ----navy officer
Somewhere out there right now in Gaza is a brave Palestinian Christian. He’s got whatever he has maybe an AK-47. And he’s about ready to fight against an evil Jew, someone who is like this guy

Israeli says to American stopped by Israeli police: “The Godly thing to do is to kill you​

these Palestinians they are reminding us of the American revolutionaries. The odds are stacked against the Palestinians, and they’re fighting for liberty fighting for freedom. And the civilized world stands with the Arab nation.


That is a clear war crime. Time the public called for an immediate end to all aid to Israel, redirect the money to the border for all I care. But not one more dollar goes to Israel as long as their leadership continues to refuse to support a two-state solution.
And when the Palis get their state and STILL continue murdering Jews, then what? The Palestinian Arabs have never, EVER accepted the idea of living next to Jews in peace. Israel should demolish as much of Gaza as they need to to kill Hamas and continue killing them as long as they try to reconstitute. As for the 4 billion, that wouldn't harm Israel nearly as much as it would harm US defense contractors. 4 Billion USD is a drop in the bucket for Israel's defense budget.
Somewhere out there right now in Gaza is a brave Palestinian Christian. He’s got whatever he has maybe an AK-47. And he’s about ready to fight against an evil Jew, someone who is like this guy

Israeli says to American stopped by Israeli police: “The Godly thing to do is to kill you​

these Palestinians they are reminding us of the American revolutionaries. The odds are stacked against the Palestinians, and they’re fighting for liberty fighting for freedom. And the civilized world stands with the Arab nation.

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^^^^ read it here----ONE ISLAMO-NAZI shit meme after the other----it is something
like the Cliff Notes of KORANIC FILTH. This stuff is taught in Muslim grammar schools
worldwide which is why 14 year olds tie on bombs and blow themselves to JANNAH to
their eternal reward (of 72 virgin whories) I read it as child----it floated in the breeze of
the little WASP town of my childhood----a few miles from well known nazi enclaves in the
Hudson Valley. As a kid I thought that on one could be THAT STUPID----then I met up with "highly educated people" from muslim countries.
Yes. Spat upon, no doubt, by too many Jews.
I wonder if YOU have ever had a conversation with a muslim----if you do
in the future---TELL HIM YOU ARE A JEW----then you will find out how muslims
feel about christians
I spent 7 years of my life circumnavigating the globe, overland (whenever possible), and consequently I have been to nearly 100 nations, a few in which I chose to temporarily reside. If you think I did all of that without speaking with the indigenous population then your fantasy is as restricted as an adolescent’s. I have had countless hours of chats with old religious men outside of churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples and the experience holds the very best memories of my travels.
I wonder if YOU have ever had a conversation with a muslim----if you do
in the future---TELL HIM YOU ARE A JEW----then you will find out how muslims
feel about christians
I have … you have not … and I can say demonstratively that you don’t know shit about it. Your racist hatred makes me want to puke. :puke: I suggest you cut momma's apron strings and go out in the world. When you return you'll apologize to me and be able to tell me what a sod-assed fool you'd always been.

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