Israel Intel Chief: Deal with Iran Better Than Talks Failing

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

And it's reasoned that the talks would give Israel more time to prepare an attack on Iran.

Could that be true or could it be the admittance we expect to hear on account of Israel not daring to attack Iran now? Considering that the US will take part and can't be any better prepared, I suspect the latter.

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While neither side likes each other neither side wants war as they know it would result in massive destruction of both countries with the loss of countless lives. Israel does nothing ever unless they 100% believe we would intervene and we should let them know that is not going to happen.
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Ultimately, the existential nature of risk for Israel should guide their choices. My guess is they understand that not only will the Biden admin not help, but they might also even hinder any attack against Iran. Once Iran announces they've tested a nuclear weapon and mounted it on an ICBM, Israel needs to ramp up their systems to launch a NUKE against Iran as soon as they see ANY ICBM coming in their direction. They should also make it clear that any attack with WMD against Israel's population will be answered with a nuclear strike.
Israel does nothing ever unless they 100% believe we would intervene and we should let them know that is not going to happen.

The US hasn't intervened in a single Israeli conflict. Not a single US soldier's life has ever been lost on Israeli soil. For a large part of Israel's history, the US had a total arms embargo against Israel, not a single bullet could be sold to Israel. It wasn't until Israel proved it could defend itself in 1967 that we agreed to sell arms to Israel.

So, no ... Israel will do what is best to defend Israel and won't give a fetid dingo's kidney what the current denizen of The White House thinks about it.
Israel does nothing ever unless they 100% believe we would intervene and we should let them know that is not going to happen.
Israel has not faced annihilation from a nuclear-armed Islamic government before. They certainly don't want nuclear war but they have a peculiar experience with those who hate them and are willing to totally destroy them. I wouldn't bet the farm that they'd hesitate to reduce the nuke sites to radioactive ash if they get reliable info that the mullahs are willing to roll the dice.
The US hasn't intervened in a single Israeli conflict. Not a single US soldier's life has ever been lost on Israeli soil. For a large part of Israel's history, the US had a total arms embargo against Israel, not a single bullet could be sold to Israel. It wasn't until Israel proved it could defend itself in 1967 that we agreed to sell arms to Israel.

So, no ... Israel will do what is best to defend Israel and won't give a fetid dingo's kidney what the current denizen of The White House thinks about it.

Neither country is going to attack the other. They know that would be extremely stupid.
Their war is written in history books?

All wars are in the same book ...

Ok, you REALLY need to read a book if this ^ weird shit is your response.

I ignore responses such as yours here. You aren't saying anything because you have nothing to say.
I ignore responses such as yours here. You aren't saying anything because you have nothing to say.
Im saying youre a fucking retard for thinking countries wont go to war with each other because it will hurt them both. Youre just not smart enough to see the obvious.
Im saying youre a fucking retard for thinking countries wont go to war with each other because it will hurt them both. Youre just not smart enough to see the obvious.

eh? Our stupid wars hurt us big time. The difference was Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, etc wasn't our neighbors and weren't so easily able to start destroying our cities like with what will happen with Israel and Iraq.

Now if they want to destroy each other, they can go for it.
While neither side likes each other neither side wants war as they know it would result in massive destruction of both countries with the loss of countless lives. Israel does nothing ever unless they 100% believe we would intervene and we should let them know that is not going to happen.
America may have already told Israel that there won't be any help coming. Or at least America must be demanding to be fully in the loop if Israel intends an attack on Iran.

It sounds like the talks are showing progress, but all sides must make it appear that they aren't weak and are winning concessions.
America may have already told Israel that there won't be any help coming. Or at least America must be demanding to be fully in the loop if Israel intends an attack on Iran.

It sounds like the talks are showing progress, but all sides must make it appear that they aren't weak and are winning concessions.

Sure, and when we know it's all empty rhetoric we should still applaud the agreement.
Sure, and when we know it's all empty rhetoric we should still applaud the agreement.
We don't know yet but it's starting to look like there will be an agreement that is more advantagous to Iran than the previous one.
But as I suggested, the political spin will varnish the truth.

But do you think America controls the situation or do you think Israel could renegade and start the war on its own? I think there are definite indications that Israel understands that the damage to their country can't be prevented. Even Israel's use of nuclear weapons can't stop Iran's resolve to get it's licks in now.

Israel must at least demand an ironclad agreement and so far Iran has agreed to limit enrichment. The demands on the inspection process is the key.

But is there anything that can make Israel happy, considering that their agenda is expansion of their territory into Syria?

That's my read on the situation.
We don't know yet but it's starting to look like there will be an agreement that is more advantagous to Iran than the previous one.
But as I suggested, the political spin will varnish the truth.

But do you think America controls the situation or do you think Israel could renegade and start the war on its own? I think there are definite indications that Israel understands that the damage to their country can't be prevented. Even Israel's use of nuclear weapons can't stop Iran's resolve to get it's licks in now.

Israel must at least demand an ironclad agreement and so far Iran has agreed to limit enrichment. The demands on the inspection process is the key.

But is there anything that can make Israel happy, considering that their agenda is expansion of their territory into Syria?

That's my read on the situation.

I am far from an expert on Israel so I can only comment from my point of view. It seems to me that the people of Israel are perfectly happy with the status quo. Leave them alone and they will do the same.

Now some of the leadership they have had (pretty easy to understand who I am speaking about) often see's things differently.

I see the fact that both could destroy each other as a good thing.

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