Israel - Iran's bomb

In a recent speech to Chatham House, legendary Channel 4 broadcaster Jon Snow said that the West could not have constructed a worse relationship with another country than they have managed with Iran. 'Iran is a country that has not invaded another country in 300 years. And there are plenty of countries that we could point to with whom we have most fraternal relationships which have had a hand in bombing places of interest to ourselves'.
Jon Snow is a "legendary broadcaster"? A legend in his own mind or yours?

All seriousness aside:

State Sponsors: Iran

The U.S. State Department considers Iran the world's "most active state sponsor of terrorism." U.S. officials say Iran provides funding, weapons, training, and sanctuary to numerous terrorist groups--most notably in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Lebanon--posing a security concern to the international community.

Legendary broadcaster. Ha ha ha. Another of those impeccable "sources". Ya gotta love it. Have you noticed how they bend over backwards for those who are the enemies of humanity and freedom?

He knows quite a bit more than you.
In a recent speech to Chatham House, legendary Channel 4 broadcaster Jon Snow said that the West could not have constructed a worse relationship with another country than they have managed with Iran. 'Iran is a country that has not invaded another country in 300 years. And there are plenty of countries that we could point to with whom we have most fraternal relationships which have had a hand in bombing places of interest to ourselves'.
Jon Snow is a "legendary broadcaster"? A legend in his own mind or yours?

All seriousness aside:

State Sponsors: Iran

The U.S. State Department considers Iran the world's "most active state sponsor of terrorism." U.S. officials say Iran provides funding, weapons, training, and sanctuary to numerous terrorist groups--most notably in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Lebanon--posing a security concern to the international community.

Legendary broadcaster. Ha ha ha. Another of those impeccable "sources". Ya gotta love it. Have you noticed how they bend over backwards for those who are the enemies of humanity and freedom?

He knows quite a bit more than you.

He's laughed at as a nut, a liar, and an idiot consumed by hate. No wonder you are attracted to him, "legendary broadcaster" ha ha ha ha:

Jon Snow’s view of the Middle East is biased, inaccurate and dangerous

This is, after all, a journalist whose first reaction when the Malaysian airline plane was shot down over Ukraine was to express concern that the deaths might distract attention from Israel’s war with Hamas.

"Awful danger that the shooting down of flight MH17 will provide cover for an intensification of Israel’s ground war in Gaza"

— Jon Snow (@jonsnowC4) July 18, 2014

Channel 4's Jon Snow is deluded about Hamas – Telegraph Blogs

UPDATE, 28 July 2014: After tweeting his ‘deep apology’ on 24 July, Jon Snow subsequently discovered that the photograph was in fact, as he had originally thought, of a Gazan child, not a Syrian child, and so he retracted his apology on Twitter.

Channel 4 journalist Jon Snow has tweeted a "deep apology" for presenting photos of injured Syrian as if they were Gazan children. It’s good to correct the record, of course, but careless tweets are not really the problem with his reporting.

Legendary broadcaster?:blowup:

Keep digging... :dig:

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In a recent speech to Chatham House, legendary Channel 4 broadcaster Jon Snow said that the West could not have constructed a worse relationship with another country than they have managed with Iran. 'Iran is a country that has not invaded another country in 300 years. And there are plenty of countries that we could point to with whom we have most fraternal relationships which have had a hand in bombing places of interest to ourselves'.
Jon Snow is a "legendary broadcaster"? A legend in his own mind or yours?

All seriousness aside:

State Sponsors: Iran

The U.S. State Department considers Iran the world's "most active state sponsor of terrorism." U.S. officials say Iran provides funding, weapons, training, and sanctuary to numerous terrorist groups--most notably in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Lebanon--posing a security concern to the international community.

Legendary broadcaster. Ha ha ha. Another of those impeccable "sources". Ya gotta love it. Have you noticed how they bend over backwards for those who are the enemies of humanity and freedom?

He knows quite a bit more than you.

I must admit....He knows quite a bit about being a liar and a fraud:

"Legendary broadcaster":

Did Channel 4″²s Jon Snow Engage in Jon Donnison-Style Fauxtography?

Legendary fauxtographer?

Here’s What A Jewish Journalist Has To Say About Iran After Meeting With Ayotallahs
The Jewish Forward’s Larry Cohler-Esses recently traveled to Iran, where he learned that, despite the cries of the Israel lobby and Benjamin Netanyahu, Iranians are a lot like Israelis -- they’ve got hopes and fears and they’re also critical of their government.

"There are important differences, of course. For example, Iran has not attacked one of its neighbors in nearly 300 years, while Israel has launched countless wars and military operations against frontline states."

Here’s What A Jewish Journalist Has To Say About Iran After Meeting With Ayotallahs

Another idiot posting. Majority of Iranian Jews have fled the Islamic republic. A nation who's leader held "Holocaust Denial Conventions". This guy doesn't even live on this planet. :cuckoo:

Another idiot posting. Majority of Iranian Jews have fled the Islamic republic. A nation who's leader held "Holocaust Denial Conventions". This guy doesn't even live on this planet. :cuckoo:

Of course Ruddy, of course.
Of course. Iran, the holocaust denial capital who's bloodthirsty Islamic terrorist ayatollah's are "misunderstood". Ha ha ha.

Keep digging.

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Of course. Iran, the holocaust denial capital who's bloodthirsty Islamic terrorist ayatollah's are "misunderstood". Ha ha ha.

Keep digging.


You have dug deep enough for both of us.

"In a pattern of propaganda now well-established in the mainstream media, fear-mongering against Iran is reaching an all-time peak. A case in point includes ongoing accusations that Iran is in violation of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, despite statements to the contrary from U.S. Defence Secretary Leon Panetta as well as a number of American intelligence officials[1].

In addition, claims that Iran is involved in terrorist activities were released by the Obama administration, fabricating an Iranian conspiracy with the goal to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to the U.S.......
In addition, while the strategic motivation behind arguments made by Israeli decision-makers is clear, the facts are not. In fact, the alleged statements made by Ahmadinejad calling for Israel to be “wiped of the map” were proven to be fake thanks to a false translation from Farsi into English. (See:Lost in translation) This has been well known already for some time, although it does not seem to faze the war propagandists.

The other question that should be asked by anyone investigating accusations against the Iranian government of being the “foremost threat against Jews” is how do Jews actually live in Iran? If the Iranian president is supposed to be some kind of reborn Hitler, would that not be reflected in imposed anti-Jewish legislature in his country, calls for pogroms, etc.?

The evidence on Jewish life in Iran, from various sources, including Jewish and American mainstream is revealing. For example, a website belonging to the Foundation for the Advancement of Sephardic Studies and Culture (FASSAC) acknowledges that:

“While Jewish communities in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, Morocco and Algeria have all but vanished, Iran is home to 25,000 – some here say 35,000 – Jews."

Today, Jewish religion and culture is still present in everyday life in Iran:

“Tehran has 11 functioning synagogues, many of them with Hebrew schools. It has two kosher restaurants, and a Jewish hospital, an old-age home and a cemetery. There is a Jewish representative in the Iranian parliament. There is a Jewish library with 20,000 titles…”

It can’t be denied that there must have been considerable concern among Iranian Jews in the time following the Islamic Revolution in 1979, as it was hard to predict how things would develop under the new radically anti-Zionist leadership, and many chose to emigrate on this account. Nonetheless:

“Khomeini [the spiritual leader of the Islamic Revolution] met with the Jewish community upon his return from exile in Paris and issued a ”fatwa” decreeing that the Jews were to be protected. Similar edicts also protect Iran’s tiny Christian minority.”

The Iranian leadership seems to draw a clear line between Zionism as a political ideology (inspired by Western European colonialist ideas in the 19th century), and Judaism. This conclusion can be underlined by several statements President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made throughout recent years. In a Christmas message to the people of Great Britain, broadcast by Channel Four, Ahmadinejad started his speech with the following lines:

“Upon the anniversary of the birth of Jesus, Son of Mary, the Word of God, the Messenger of mercy, I would like to congratulate the followers of Abrahamic faiths, especially the followers of Jesus Christ, and the people of Britain.”

Debunking Anti-Iran Propaganda: The Myth of the "New Holocaust"

And it goes on and on with Ruddy the Kubota excavator.
Of course. Iran, the holocaust denial capital who's bloodthirsty Islamic terrorist ayatollah's are "misunderstood". Ha ha ha.

Keep digging.


You have dug deep enough for both of us.

"In a pattern of propaganda now well-established in the mainstream media, fear-mongering against Iran is reaching an all-time peak. A case in point includes ongoing accusations that Iran is in violation of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, despite statements to the contrary from U.S. Defence Secretary Leon Panetta as well as a number of American intelligence officials[1].

In addition, claims that Iran is involved in terrorist activities were released by the Obama administration, fabricating an Iranian conspiracy with the goal to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to the U.S.......
In addition, while the strategic motivation behind arguments made by Israeli decision-makers is clear, the facts are not. In fact, the alleged statements made by Ahmadinejad calling for Israel to be “wiped of the map” were proven to be fake thanks to a false translation from Farsi into English. (See:Lost in translation) This has been well known already for some time, although it does not seem to faze the war propagandists.

The other question that should be asked by anyone investigating accusations against the Iranian government of being the “foremost threat against Jews” is how do Jews actually live in Iran? If the Iranian president is supposed to be some kind of reborn Hitler, would that not be reflected in imposed anti-Jewish legislature in his country, calls for pogroms, etc.?

The evidence on Jewish life in Iran, from various sources, including Jewish and American mainstream is revealing. For example, a website belonging to the Foundation for the Advancement of Sephardic Studies and Culture (FASSAC) acknowledges that:

“While Jewish communities in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, Morocco and Algeria have all but vanished, Iran is home to 25,000 – some here say 35,000 – Jews."

Today, Jewish religion and culture is still present in everyday life in Iran:

“Tehran has 11 functioning synagogues, many of them with Hebrew schools. It has two kosher restaurants, and a Jewish hospital, an old-age home and a cemetery. There is a Jewish representative in the Iranian parliament. There is a Jewish library with 20,000 titles…”

It can’t be denied that there must have been considerable concern among Iranian Jews in the time following the Islamic Revolution in 1979, as it was hard to predict how things would develop under the new radically anti-Zionist leadership, and many chose to emigrate on this account. Nonetheless:

“Khomeini [the spiritual leader of the Islamic Revolution] met with the Jewish community upon his return from exile in Paris and issued a ”fatwa” decreeing that the Jews were to be protected. Similar edicts also protect Iran’s tiny Christian minority.”

The Iranian leadership seems to draw a clear line between Zionism as a political ideology (inspired by Western European colonialist ideas in the 19th century), and Judaism. This conclusion can be underlined by several statements President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made throughout recent years. In a Christmas message to the people of Great Britain, broadcast by Channel Four, Ahmadinejad started his speech with the following lines:

“Upon the anniversary of the birth of Jesus, Son of Mary, the Word of God, the Messenger of mercy, I would like to congratulate the followers of Abrahamic faiths, especially the followers of Jesus Christ, and the people of Britain.”

Debunking Anti-Iran Propaganda: The Myth of the "New Holocaust"

And it goes on and on with Ruddy the Kubota excavator.

The Perils Of Religious Persecution In Iran
The Perils Of Religious Persecution In Iran

The Islamic state is a particularly inhospitable home to religious minorities—Christians, Baha’is, Jews, Sunni Muslims. Iran is Exhibit #1 for the threat posed by Islamic fundamentalists gaining control of government.

Nevertheless, Iranian repression is increasing and the space available to regime opponents is diminishing. Observed the Washington Post: “the anti-establishment energy that drove violent protests four years ago has disappeared, quashed by the heavy-handed crackdown in 2009 that followed Mahmud Ahmadinejad’s contested reelection.”


Iran’s small Jewish community suffers through a public environment dominated by anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial. Overt persecution was on display in 2000 when 13 Iranian Jews, including a rabbi, butcher, and teenager, were tried for allegedly spying for America and Israel. Ten of the 13 were convicted on dubious charges; the only good news was that all received prison terms. In the preceding 21 years since the Islamic revolution 17 Iranian Jews had been executed for allegedly spying.

Sounds like a party.
Of course. Iran, the holocaust denial capital who's bloodthirsty Islamic terrorist ayatollah's are "misunderstood". Ha ha ha.

Keep digging.


You have dug deep enough for both of us.

"In a pattern of propaganda now well-established in the mainstream media, fear-mongering against Iran is reaching an all-time peak. A case in point includes ongoing accusations that Iran is in violation of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, despite statements to the contrary from U.S. Defence Secretary Leon Panetta as well as a number of American intelligence officials[1].

In addition, claims that Iran is involved in terrorist activities were released by the Obama administration, fabricating an Iranian conspiracy with the goal to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to the U.S.......
In addition, while the strategic motivation behind arguments made by Israeli decision-makers is clear, the facts are not. In fact, the alleged statements made by Ahmadinejad calling for Israel to be “wiped of the map” were proven to be fake thanks to a false translation from Farsi into English. (See:Lost in translation) This has been well known already for some time, although it does not seem to faze the war propagandists.

The other question that should be asked by anyone investigating accusations against the Iranian government of being the “foremost threat against Jews” is how do Jews actually live in Iran? If the Iranian president is supposed to be some kind of reborn Hitler, would that not be reflected in imposed anti-Jewish legislature in his country, calls for pogroms, etc.?

The evidence on Jewish life in Iran, from various sources, including Jewish and American mainstream is revealing. For example, a website belonging to the Foundation for the Advancement of Sephardic Studies and Culture (FASSAC) acknowledges that:

“While Jewish communities in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, Morocco and Algeria have all but vanished, Iran is home to 25,000 – some here say 35,000 – Jews."

Today, Jewish religion and culture is still present in everyday life in Iran:

“Tehran has 11 functioning synagogues, many of them with Hebrew schools. It has two kosher restaurants, and a Jewish hospital, an old-age home and a cemetery. There is a Jewish representative in the Iranian parliament. There is a Jewish library with 20,000 titles…”

It can’t be denied that there must have been considerable concern among Iranian Jews in the time following the Islamic Revolution in 1979, as it was hard to predict how things would develop under the new radically anti-Zionist leadership, and many chose to emigrate on this account. Nonetheless:

“Khomeini [the spiritual leader of the Islamic Revolution] met with the Jewish community upon his return from exile in Paris and issued a ”fatwa” decreeing that the Jews were to be protected. Similar edicts also protect Iran’s tiny Christian minority.”

The Iranian leadership seems to draw a clear line between Zionism as a political ideology (inspired by Western European colonialist ideas in the 19th century), and Judaism. This conclusion can be underlined by several statements President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made throughout recent years. In a Christmas message to the people of Great Britain, broadcast by Channel Four, Ahmadinejad started his speech with the following lines:

“Upon the anniversary of the birth of Jesus, Son of Mary, the Word of God, the Messenger of mercy, I would like to congratulate the followers of Abrahamic faiths, especially the followers of Jesus Christ, and the people of Britain.”

Debunking Anti-Iran Propaganda: The Myth of the "New Holocaust"

And it goes on and on with Ruddy the Kubota excavator.


Brought to you by a bullshit propoganda site named "global research"?

Another of your "reliable sources" I would assume? :cuckoo:

Keep digging....


U.S. Says Iran’s Support of Terrorism ‘Undiminished’

U.S. Says Iran’s Support of Terrorism ‘Undiminished’

Iraqis inspect the site of a car bomb attack in eastern Baghdad, earlier this month. Photo: Karim Kadim/Associated Press

Updated June 19, 2015 6:45 p.m. ET
WASHINGTON—The State Department said Iran’s support for terrorism was “undiminished” in 2014, and the U.S. remains very concerned about the activities of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and its proxies in the Middle East.

The U.S. worries about Iran’s activities were included in an annual report of global terrorism between 2013 and 2014, released Friday.

Of particular concern, the report said, was Iran’s continued support of the powerful Hezbollah militia and political party in Lebanon; and its assistance to fighters supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime. Iran also hasn’t identified or initiated judicial proceedings against senior al Qaeda leaders it has in custody.

The release comes less than two weeks before a June 30 deadline for a deal on limiting Iran’s nuclear program. U.S. officials say those talks are separate from any destabilizing activities in the region by Tehran.

“We think it’s essential that we pursue those negotiations,” said Tina Kaidanow,the State Department’s coordinator for counterterrorism. “None of that implies that we would be, again, in any way taking our eye off the ball with respect to what Iran is doing as a supporter of terrorism.”

She said sanctions on Iran related to terrorism would remain in place even if a nuclear deal is reached.

The report said “Iran’s state sponsorship of terrorism worldwide remained undiminished” in 2014 and Ms. Kaidanow said the U.S. continued to be “very, very concerned” about its activities, adding that Tehran hasn’t changed its behavior this year.

The U.S. and five other world powers are negotiating with Iran to curtail its nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief. Critics of the deal fear Iran will funnel funds it gains access to into supporting terrorist activities.

President Barack Obama told The Atlantic magazine last month that Iran supports terrorism despite the current sanctions, and that its leaders will be under pressure to improve the Iranian economy.

More broadly, the report found that global terror attacks surged 35% between 2013 and 2014 and the violence caused deaths to jump more than 80%. That came on top of a 43% increase between 2012 and 2013.

Last year’s report connected the increase to the rise of aggressive al Qaeda affiliates while this year’s sources the surge to Islamic State and the conflict in Syria.

The State Department report said nearly 33,000 people were killed in almost 13,500 terror attacks around the world last year. It attributed the surge in deaths in part to attacks that were “exceptionally lethal,” including 20 attacks that killed more than 100 people compared with two on that scale in 2013. In 2013, there were 9,707 terrorist attacks that killed more than 17,800 people.

The increase in global terror attacks follows Islamic State’s unprecedented seizure of territory in Iraq and Syria and the continued prevalence of weak or failed governments in Yemen, Syria, Libya, Nigeria and Iraq.

More than 9,400 people were kidnapped or taken hostage in terrorist attacks in 2014, three times as many as in 2013. Most of the kidnappings occurred in Iraq, Nigeria and Syria.

The report also pointed to troubling trends in the flow of foreign fighters to Syria and Islamic State’s use of social media to attract recruits as well as communicate with local Sunni Arab populations. Though Islamic State has begun to form relationships with affiliates beyond Iraq and Syria, it is unclear if those contacts are simply opportunistic or more significant, the report said.

Lone wolf terror attacks are becoming an increasing concern, the report found, pointing to killings in Quebec and Ottawa last October and Sydney last December. As Western nations have increased border security, groups like al Qaeda and Islamic State might increasingly rely on inspiring “lone actors” to wage attacks.

The report said the threat of core al Qaeda decreased in 2014 as the group continued to lose leaders and Islamic State touted itself as a leader of a global movement. Still, al Qaeda continues to inspire affiliates like AQAP in Yemen, the Nusra Front in Syria and al-Shabaab in North Africa to carry out attacks.

Of course. Iran, the holocaust denial capital who's bloodthirsty Islamic terrorist ayatollah's are "misunderstood". Ha ha ha.

Keep digging.


You have dug deep enough for both of us.

"In a pattern of propaganda now well-established in the mainstream media, fear-mongering against Iran is reaching an all-time peak. A case in point includes ongoing accusations that Iran is in violation of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, despite statements to the contrary from U.S. Defence Secretary Leon Panetta as well as a number of American intelligence officials[1].

In addition, claims that Iran is involved in terrorist activities were released by the Obama administration, fabricating an Iranian conspiracy with the goal to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to the U.S.......
In addition, while the strategic motivation behind arguments made by Israeli decision-makers is clear, the facts are not. In fact, the alleged statements made by Ahmadinejad calling for Israel to be “wiped of the map” were proven to be fake thanks to a false translation from Farsi into English. (See:Lost in translation) This has been well known already for some time, although it does not seem to faze the war propagandists.

The other question that should be asked by anyone investigating accusations against the Iranian government of being the “foremost threat against Jews” is how do Jews actually live in Iran? If the Iranian president is supposed to be some kind of reborn Hitler, would that not be reflected in imposed anti-Jewish legislature in his country, calls for pogroms, etc.?

The evidence on Jewish life in Iran, from various sources, including Jewish and American mainstream is revealing. For example, a website belonging to the Foundation for the Advancement of Sephardic Studies and Culture (FASSAC) acknowledges that:

“While Jewish communities in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, Morocco and Algeria have all but vanished, Iran is home to 25,000 – some here say 35,000 – Jews."

Today, Jewish religion and culture is still present in everyday life in Iran:

“Tehran has 11 functioning synagogues, many of them with Hebrew schools. It has two kosher restaurants, and a Jewish hospital, an old-age home and a cemetery. There is a Jewish representative in the Iranian parliament. There is a Jewish library with 20,000 titles…”

It can’t be denied that there must have been considerable concern among Iranian Jews in the time following the Islamic Revolution in 1979, as it was hard to predict how things would develop under the new radically anti-Zionist leadership, and many chose to emigrate on this account. Nonetheless:

“Khomeini [the spiritual leader of the Islamic Revolution] met with the Jewish community upon his return from exile in Paris and issued a ”fatwa” decreeing that the Jews were to be protected. Similar edicts also protect Iran’s tiny Christian minority.”

The Iranian leadership seems to draw a clear line between Zionism as a political ideology (inspired by Western European colonialist ideas in the 19th century), and Judaism. This conclusion can be underlined by several statements President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made throughout recent years. In a Christmas message to the people of Great Britain, broadcast by Channel Four, Ahmadinejad started his speech with the following lines:

“Upon the anniversary of the birth of Jesus, Son of Mary, the Word of God, the Messenger of mercy, I would like to congratulate the followers of Abrahamic faiths, especially the followers of Jesus Christ, and the people of Britain.”

Debunking Anti-Iran Propaganda: The Myth of the "New Holocaust"

And it goes on and on with Ruddy the Kubota excavator.

The Perils Of Religious Persecution In Iran
The Perils Of Religious Persecution In Iran

The Islamic state is a particularly inhospitable home to religious minorities—Christians, Baha’is, Jews, Sunni Muslims. Iran is Exhibit #1 for the threat posed by Islamic fundamentalists gaining control of government.

Nevertheless, Iranian repression is increasing and the space available to regime opponents is diminishing. Observed the Washington Post: “the anti-establishment energy that drove violent protests four years ago has disappeared, quashed by the heavy-handed crackdown in 2009 that followed Mahmud Ahmadinejad’s contested reelection.”


Iran’s small Jewish community suffers through a public environment dominated by anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial. Overt persecution was on display in 2000 when 13 Iranian Jews, including a rabbi, butcher, and teenager, were tried for allegedly spying for America and Israel. Ten of the 13 were convicted on dubious charges; the only good news was that all received prison terms. In the preceding 21 years since the Islamic revolution 17 Iranian Jews had been executed for allegedly spying.

Sounds like a party.

Speaking highly of Iran's Ayatollah's requires a special level of mental illness.
He's one Jew and isn't even an Iranian. Islamist ayatollahs are bloodthirsty animals, even the majority of Iranian Muslims agree with this. They will all be hung publicly for destroying Iran and everything it stands for, when this barbaric terrorist regime is overthrown.

Irans ayatollahs are the Shiite version of ISIS, only a lunatic in need of a psychiatrist would defend the Ayatollahs.
He's one Jew and isn't even an Iranian. Islamist ayatollahs are bloodthirsty animals, even the majority of Iranian Muslims agree with this. They will all be hung publicly for destroying Iran and everything it stands for, when this barbaric terrorist regime is overthrown.

Irans ayatollahs are the Shiite version of ISIS, only a lunatic in need of a psychiatrist would defend the Ayatollahs.
A Roudy animal post. He loves to equal non-Jews with animals and when his Zion-servicing regime reduces another country to ashes, he arranges splatter-parties.
He's one Jew and isn't even an Iranian. Islamist ayatollahs are bloodthirsty animals, even the majority of Iranian Muslims agree with this. They will all be hung publicly for destroying Iran and everything it stands for, when this barbaric terrorist regime is overthrown.

Irans ayatollahs are the Shiite version of ISIS, only a lunatic in need of a psychiatrist would defend the Ayatollahs.
A Roudy animal post. He loves to equal non-Jews with animals and when his Zion-servicing regime reduces another country to ashes, he arranges splatter-parties.
I equate Iran's ayatollahs and Islamists in general to animals, and they are. Actually that is an insult to animals.

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