Israel - Iran's bomb

You silly goose, that's like saying that Turkey's downing of the Russian bomber is an act of war by the U.S. on Russia because Turkey's military is financed in part by the U.S. Grow up.
You silly goose, that's like saying that Turkey's downing of the Russian bomber is an act of war by the U.S. on Russia because Turkey's military is financed in part by the U.S. Grow up.
...actually the Russians did treat the Turks downing their jet as an act of war, you friggin moron. And the Russians probably violated Turkish airspace, while the Iranians had no business attacking American soldiers in Iraq.

"Iranians never attacked anyone" :cuckoo:
You silly goose, that's like saying that Turkey's downing of the Russian bomber is an act of war by the U.S. on Russia because Turkey's military is financed in part by the U.S. Grow up.
"Iran never attacked anyone", said the fucken idiot.

Tell that to the federal judge:

Beirut Marine Barracks Bombing Fast Facts -

(CNN)Here is a look at what you need to know about the 1983 bombing at a Marine compound in Beirut, Lebanon that killed 241 U.S. service personnel.

October 23, 1983 - 241 U.S. service personnel -- including 220 Marines and 21 other service personnel -- are killed by a truck bomb at a Marine compound in Beirut, Lebanon.

Three hundred service members had been living at the four-story building at the airport in Beirut. There were 1,800 Marines stationed in Beirut at the time.

A multi-national force with units from France, Italy and the United Kingdom was also on peacekeeping duty in Lebanon at the same time.

At the same time the Marine barracks was hit, a suicide bomber drove a pickup truck full of explosives and crashed into a building housing French paratroopers. Approximately 58 French soldiers were killed in the attack.

This was the deadliest attack against U.S. Marines since the battle over Iwo Jima in February 1945.

The bombing was traced to Hezbollah, a militant and political group that originated in Lebanon in 1982. Iranian involvement was suspected.

The Marines were criticized for having lax security at the barracks.

The commander of the barracks, Col. Timothy J. Geraghty, said in congressional hearings investigating the attacks that the compound was hard to defend because it was on flat ground and vehicles drove by it daily to access the airport.

1982 - President Ronald Reagan sends Marines to Lebanon on a peacekeeping mission.

October 23, 1983 - At 6:22 am, a truck carrying 2000 pounds of explosives drives into the Marine compound in Beirut, Lebanon, and crashes into the 1st Battalion, 8th Marine Regimental Battalion Landing Team barracks.

February 1984 - U.S. troops withdraw from Lebanon.

1985 - The Inman Report is released. It finds that Marine officers did not take proper steps to protect the barracks against terrorist attacks.

May 30, 2003 - A U.S. federal judge rules that the terrorist group Hezbollah carried out the attack at the direction of the Iranian government. The ruling allows families of the victims to sue Iran.

September 7, 2007 - U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth orders Iran to pay $2.65 billion to survivors and to family members of the service members killed in the 1983 bombing.

March 1, 2010 - A lawsuit is filed in New York City seeking to force Iran to pay the $2.65 billion awarded to survivors and family members in 2007.

March 30, 2012 - U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth issues a judgment against Iran of $2.1 billion, to be paid to the families and survivors of the attack.

July 2013 - U.S. District Court Judge Katherine Forrest rules to release $1.75 billion of Iranian funds, held in a New York Citibank account, to set up a fund for victims of the 1983 bombing.

July 9, 2014 - A federal appeals court affirms a 2013 ruling that $1.75 billion in Iranian funds should be awarded to the victims' family members.
You silly goose, that's like saying that Turkey's downing of the Russian bomber is an act of war by the U.S. on Russia because Turkey's military is financed in part by the U.S. Grow up.
"Iran never attacked anyone", said the fucken idiot.

Tell that to the federal judge:

Beirut Marine Barracks Bombing Fast Facts -

(CNN)Here is a look at what you need to know about the 1983 bombing at a Marine compound in Beirut, Lebanon that killed 241 U.S. service personnel.

October 23, 1983 - 241 U.S. service personnel -- including 220 Marines and 21 other service personnel -- are killed by a truck bomb at a Marine compound in Beirut, Lebanon.

Three hundred service members had been living at the four-story building at the airport in Beirut. There were 1,800 Marines stationed in Beirut at the time.

A multi-national force with units from France, Italy and the United Kingdom was also on peacekeeping duty in Lebanon at the same time.

At the same time the Marine barracks was hit, a suicide bomber drove a pickup truck full of explosives and crashed into a building housing French paratroopers. Approximately 58 French soldiers were killed in the attack.

This was the deadliest attack against U.S. Marines since the battle over Iwo Jima in February 1945.

The bombing was traced to Hezbollah, a militant and political group that originated in Lebanon in 1982. Iranian involvement was suspected.

The Marines were criticized for having lax security at the barracks.

The commander of the barracks, Col. Timothy J. Geraghty, said in congressional hearings investigating the attacks that the compound was hard to defend because it was on flat ground and vehicles drove by it daily to access the airport.

1982 - President Ronald Reagan sends Marines to Lebanon on a peacekeeping mission.

October 23, 1983 - At 6:22 am, a truck carrying 2000 pounds of explosives drives into the Marine compound in Beirut, Lebanon, and crashes into the 1st Battalion, 8th Marine Regimental Battalion Landing Team barracks.

February 1984 - U.S. troops withdraw from Lebanon.

1985 - The Inman Report is released. It finds that Marine officers did not take proper steps to protect the barracks against terrorist attacks.

May 30, 2003 - A U.S. federal judge rules that the terrorist group Hezbollah carried out the attack at the direction of the Iranian government. The ruling allows families of the victims to sue Iran.

September 7, 2007 - U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth orders Iran to pay $2.65 billion to survivors and to family members of the service members killed in the 1983 bombing.

March 1, 2010 - A lawsuit is filed in New York City seeking to force Iran to pay the $2.65 billion awarded to survivors and family members in 2007.

March 30, 2012 - U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth issues a judgment against Iran of $2.1 billion, to be paid to the families and survivors of the attack.

July 2013 - U.S. District Court Judge Katherine Forrest rules to release $1.75 billion of Iranian funds, held in a New York Citibank account, to set up a fund for victims of the 1983 bombing.

July 9, 2014 - A federal appeals court affirms a 2013 ruling that $1.75 billion in Iranian funds should be awarded to the victims' family members.

Well, what would a U.S. Court say? Note: The frozen Iranian funds are under international control, what the U.S. court says, has no validity.

Again, Iran has not attacked any other country for the past 200 years. Any country can be accused of financing proxies and it can be claimed that there is some sort of direct control. The U.S. has been accused of controlling and financing the Contra terrorists, for example. Does that constitute an attack by the U.S. on Nicaragua? I think not.
You silly goose, that's like saying that Turkey's downing of the Russian bomber is an act of war by the U.S. on Russia because Turkey's military is financed in part by the U.S. Grow up.
"Iran never attacked anyone", said the fucken idiot.

Tell that to the federal judge:

Beirut Marine Barracks Bombing Fast Facts -

(CNN)Here is a look at what you need to know about the 1983 bombing at a Marine compound in Beirut, Lebanon that killed 241 U.S. service personnel.

October 23, 1983 - 241 U.S. service personnel -- including 220 Marines and 21 other service personnel -- are killed by a truck bomb at a Marine compound in Beirut, Lebanon.

Three hundred service members had been living at the four-story building at the airport in Beirut. There were 1,800 Marines stationed in Beirut at the time.

A multi-national force with units from France, Italy and the United Kingdom was also on peacekeeping duty in Lebanon at the same time.

At the same time the Marine barracks was hit, a suicide bomber drove a pickup truck full of explosives and crashed into a building housing French paratroopers. Approximately 58 French soldiers were killed in the attack.

This was the deadliest attack against U.S. Marines since the battle over Iwo Jima in February 1945.

The bombing was traced to Hezbollah, a militant and political group that originated in Lebanon in 1982. Iranian involvement was suspected.

The Marines were criticized for having lax security at the barracks.

The commander of the barracks, Col. Timothy J. Geraghty, said in congressional hearings investigating the attacks that the compound was hard to defend because it was on flat ground and vehicles drove by it daily to access the airport.

1982 - President Ronald Reagan sends Marines to Lebanon on a peacekeeping mission.

October 23, 1983 - At 6:22 am, a truck carrying 2000 pounds of explosives drives into the Marine compound in Beirut, Lebanon, and crashes into the 1st Battalion, 8th Marine Regimental Battalion Landing Team barracks.

February 1984 - U.S. troops withdraw from Lebanon.

1985 - The Inman Report is released. It finds that Marine officers did not take proper steps to protect the barracks against terrorist attacks.

May 30, 2003 - A U.S. federal judge rules that the terrorist group Hezbollah carried out the attack at the direction of the Iranian government. The ruling allows families of the victims to sue Iran.

September 7, 2007 - U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth orders Iran to pay $2.65 billion to survivors and to family members of the service members killed in the 1983 bombing.

March 1, 2010 - A lawsuit is filed in New York City seeking to force Iran to pay the $2.65 billion awarded to survivors and family members in 2007.

March 30, 2012 - U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth issues a judgment against Iran of $2.1 billion, to be paid to the families and survivors of the attack.

July 2013 - U.S. District Court Judge Katherine Forrest rules to release $1.75 billion of Iranian funds, held in a New York Citibank account, to set up a fund for victims of the 1983 bombing.

July 9, 2014 - A federal appeals court affirms a 2013 ruling that $1.75 billion in Iranian funds should be awarded to the victims' family members.

Well, what would a U.S. Court say? Note: The frozen Iranian funds are under international control, what the U.S. court says, has no validity.

Again, Iran has not attacked any other country for the past 200 years. Any country can be accused of financing proxies and it can be claimed that there is some sort of direct control. The U.S. has been accused of controlling and financing the Contra terrorists, for example. Does that constitute an attack by the U.S. on Nicaragua? I think not.

Well I'll take what a US court says over an antisemtic internet troll, that Iran has indeed attacked and killed Americans. In this case 250 marines slaughtered by Iran as part of an international peace keeping mission.

But what am I saying?! "Iran hasn't attacked anybody" :cuckoo: ha ha ha ha.

May 30, 2003: A U.S. federal judge rules that the terrorist group Hezbollah carried out the attack at the direction of the Iranian government. The ruling allows families of the victims to sue Iran.
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Iran hasn't attacked anorher country for over 200 yesrs. Unlike Israel that attacks other countries non stop.
Not according to a US Federal judge. Iran engaged in an unprovoked attack on American peace keeping soldiers which killed over 240 marines. The families then sued and were awarded compensation in a US court of law. So it really doesn't matter what an antisemitic internet troll's opinion is.

"Iran never attacked anyone" :cuckoo:

March 30, 2012 - U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth issues a judgment against Iran of $2.1 billion, to be paid to the families and survivors of the attack.

July 2013 - U.S. District Court Judge Katherine Forrest rules to release $1.75 billion of Iranian funds, held in a New York Citibank account, to set up a fund for victims of the 1983 bombing.

July 9, 2014 - A federal appeals court affirms a 2013 ruling that $1.75 billion in Iranian funds should be awarded to the victims' family members.
The International Court of Justice found the U.S, guilty of financing the Contras in Nicaragua and made a 1 billion dollar judgement for Nicaragua. The U.S. ignored the decision claiming the Contras were the culprits not the U.S. The same logic applies to Iran.

International Court of Justice
"International court of justice" ha ha ha. Meaningless organization with a big name.

Off topic and irrelevant too.

"Iran hasn't attacked anybody". :cuckoo:

CAIRO — Saudi Arabia has arrested the man accused as the mastermind of a 1996 bombing that killed 19 American airmen, a Saudi-owned pan-Arab newspaper reported on Wednesday, citing unnamed officials.
  • The suspect, Ahmed al-Mughassil, was identified in an American federal indictment as a senior leader of an Iranian-backed Saudi militant group that sought to kill American military personnel in the Persian Gulf.

The bombing destroyed an eight-story building in Khobar Towers, a complex housing American Air Force personnel stationed in Saudi Arabia. Four hundred people were wounded in the blast, in addition to the 19 who were killed.

Mr. Mughassil is believed to have been living in Beirut since the attack, under the protection of Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed Lebanese group. Asharq al-Awsat, the newspaper that reported the arrest, said he had been detained in Beirut and handed over to the Saudi authorities; it gave no further explanation.
Again, Iran has not attacked any country for the past 200 years. All speculation and conspiracy theories are just that.
Again I have shown many instances where Iran has attacked America and Americans, and found guilty in an American court of law. When in hole, stop digging.

No you have not. You have provided examples of locals committing attacks. The Iranian military has not invaded any other country.
Nope, Iran actively participated in the killing of American soldiers in Iraq. Keep up.

The defense of a regime with so much American blood on it's hands tells us where one's interests lie.

No, Iran had no interest in bombing Americans or French soldiers. The Lebanese of any faction not Maronite, had that interest, But, carry on.
No, Iran had no interest in bombing Americans or French soldiers. The Lebanese of any faction not Maronite, had that interest, But, carry on.
No, the Iranian Mullocrats had no interest in bombing the Great Satan infidels, except in Beirut.
No, Iran had no interest in bombing Americans or French soldiers. The Lebanese of any faction not Maronite, had that interest, But, carry on.

Bzzzz wrong, not according to American mi'itary officials. Not only did Iranians supply Iraqis with ammo and bombs to American soldiers, but they also participated. The Iranian mi'itary ID cards were found in Iraq.

Keep digging.

:cuckoo: "Iran has never attacked anyone" :cuckoo:

In a recent speech to Chatham House, legendary Channel 4 broadcaster Jon Snow said that the West could not have constructed a worse relationship with another country than they have managed with Iran. 'Iran is a country that has not invaded another country in 300 years. And there are plenty of countries that we could point to with whom we have most fraternal relationships which have had a hand in bombing places of interest to ourselves'.
In a recent speech to Chatham House, legendary Channel 4 broadcaster Jon Snow said that the West could not have constructed a worse relationship with another country than they have managed with Iran. 'Iran is a country that has not invaded another country in 300 years. And there are plenty of countries that we could point to with whom we have most fraternal relationships which have had a hand in bombing places of interest to ourselves'.
Jon Snow is a "legendary broadcaster"? A legend in his own mind or yours?

All seriousness aside:

State Sponsors: Iran

The U.S. State Department considers Iran the world's "most active state sponsor of terrorism." U.S. officials say Iran provides funding, weapons, training, and sanctuary to numerous terrorist groups--most notably in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Lebanon--posing a security concern to the international community.
In a recent speech to Chatham House, legendary Channel 4 broadcaster Jon Snow said that the West could not have constructed a worse relationship with another country than they have managed with Iran. 'Iran is a country that has not invaded another country in 300 years. And there are plenty of countries that we could point to with whom we have most fraternal relationships which have had a hand in bombing places of interest to ourselves'.
Jon Snow is a "legendary broadcaster"? A legend in his own mind or yours?

All seriousness aside:

State Sponsors: Iran

The U.S. State Department considers Iran the world's "most active state sponsor of terrorism." U.S. officials say Iran provides funding, weapons, training, and sanctuary to numerous terrorist groups--most notably in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Lebanon--posing a security concern to the international community.

Legendary broadcaster. Ha ha ha. Another of those impeccable "sources". Ya gotta love it. Have you noticed how they bend over backwards for those who are the enemies of humanity and freedom?

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