Israel - Iran's bomb

Death to Israel death to USA is a daily chant for the hired masses, and almost part of the national anthem. Ha ha ha:

"The Iranian regime is not populated by Nazis, but it is led by people who do, in fact, seek the physical elimination of the Jewish state and its replacement by a Muslim state. It works toward this end, by sponsoring terrorist groups that regularly kill Jews, both in Israel and elsewhere.

So, as a reminder to those who argue that Jews should stop worrying so much about people who threaten to kill them, here is some (just some) of what Iran's leaders, and leaders of its proxy militia, Hezbollah, in Lebanon, have said about Israel:

Mohammad Khatami, the former president of Iran: “If we abide by real legal laws, we should mobilize the whole Islamic world for a sharp confrontation with the Zionist regime … if we abide by the Koran, all of us should mobilize to kill.” (2000)

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: “It is the mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to erase Israel from the map of the region.” (2001)

Hassan Nasrallah, a leader of Hezbollah: “If they [Jews] all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide.” (2002)

Nasrallah: “Israel is our enemy. This is an aggressive, illegal, and illegitimate entity, which has no future in our land. Its destiny is manifested in our motto: ‘Death to Israel.’” (2005)

Yahya Rahim Safavi, the former commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps: “With God’s help the time has come for the Zionist regime’s death sentence.” (2008)

Mohammad Hassan Rahimian, Khamenei’s representative to the Moustazafan Foundation: “We have manufactured missiles that allow us, when necessary to replace [sic] Israel in its entirety with a big holocaust.” (2010)

Mohammad Reza Naqdi, the commander of the Basij paramilitary force: “We recommend them [the Zionists] to pack their furniture and return to their countries. And if they insist on staying, they should know that a time while arrive when they will not even have time to pack their suitcases.” (2011)

Khamenei: “The Zionist regime is a cancerous tumor and it will be removed.” (2012)

Ahmad Alamolhoda, a member of the Assembly of Experts: “The destruction of Israel is the idea of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and is one of the pillars of the Iranian Islamic regime. We cannot claim that we have no intention of going to war with Israel.” (2013)

Nasrallah: “The elimination of Israel is not only a Palestinian interest. It is the interest of the entire Muslim world and the entire Arab world.” (2013)

Hojateleslam Alireza Panahian, the advisor to Office of the Supreme Leader in Universities: “The day will come when the Islamic people in the region will destroy Israel and save the world from this Zionist base.” (2013)

Hojatoleslam Ali Shirazi, Khamenei’s representative in the Revolutionary Guard: “The Zionist regime will soon be destroyed, and this generation will be witness to its destruction." (2013)

Khamenei: “This barbaric, wolflike & infanticidal regime of Israel which spares no crime has no cure but to be annihilated.” (2014)

Hossein Salami, the deputy head of the Revolutionary Guard: "We will chase you [Israelis] house to house and will take revenge for every drop of blood of our martyrs in Palestine, and this is the beginning point of Islamic nations awakening for your defeat." (2014)

Salami: "Today we are aware of how the Zionist regime is slowly being erased from the world, and indeed, soon, there will be no such thing as the Zionist regime on Planet Earth." (2014)

Hossein Sheikholeslam, the secretary-general of the Committee for Support for the Palestinian Intifada: "The issue of Israel's destruction is important, no matter the method. We will obviously implement the strategy of the Imam Khomeini and the Leader [Khamenei] on the issue of destroying the Zionists. The region will not be quiet so long as Israel exists in it ..." (2014)

Mohammad Ali Jafari, the commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Guard: "The Revolutionary Guards will fight to the end of the Zionist regime ... We will not rest easy until this epitome of vice is totally deleted from the region's geopolitics." (2015)

So you read Arabic? Note the "Zionist regime" in most of them quotes. I can only imagine what Iran feels when listening to the GOP debates and reading and listening to PM Bibi and showing is pic of Irans bomb since 1992 and I'm sure they can read all the newspapers.

Iran or SA, should be an easy choice, but the Zionist regime and SA are sleeping together , so Hezbollah and Hamas are only terrorists when defending their land from Israel. Saudi Arabia, have their terrorist all over, Boko Haram for one, ISIS for another. The Sunni army is also killing Shias in Nigeria.
Iranians speak and write Arabic? That's a new one! Other than that, I truly didn't understand a word you said and how it remotely relates to the discussion.. :cuckoo:

Well you speak and read their language. A couple of your links suggest you do. Or what Farsi, it all looks Arabic to me.

You mean the videos with the English translation in them? Ha ha ha. OMG.

No not the videos, the sayings ones, I opened one and it was in Arabic or Farsi or something, and you could read that.

If you could see the Arabic or farsi writing then pasting it into a translator will give you the English version
If you had the US trying to stop you making a weapon that would prevent the US from invading your country, would you not be a bit secretive about it?

Considering America's terrible record for starting wars against states that have no defence against American invasions and no ability to attack America, I bloody would.


What, to Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Iraq and a whole bunch of others; do you really need them?
None attacked or could attack America, but America invaded/attacked anyway.

Try again as in the case of Iraq American citizens were attacked and killed by Iraqi soldiers before America went in. The rest were to be used as staging posts for communist weapons aimed at the US.
Noooo, the Iranian regime never threatens the destruction of Israel.....nooooo....what made you think that?! It's all Hasbara lies!!! :lmao:

'Death to Israel' chanted at al-Quds day in Iran - CNN Video

Certainly, the Iranian people can express their hate for the Zionist colonial enterprise. Freedom of speech and all that.

Depends on if they have that in their constitution, if not then they cant. And Iran has no freedom of speech so the chants are racist incitement to violence
The Islamoapologists have a lot of overtime work to spin their lies.
Hitler spelled out what he was going to do, as does the worlds leading sponsor of terrorism Iran. And apologists in the 30's are spewing the same crap they are today.
Iran has not attacked anyone for over 200 years. Why would Iran, who has been attacked by the Western proxy Iraq and threatened by the West and Israel constantly attack anyone now?
Noooo, the Iranian regime never threatens the destruction of Israel.....nooooo....what made you think that?! It's all Hasbara lies!!! :lmao:

'Death to Israel' chanted at al-Quds day in Iran - CNN Video

Certainly, the Iranian people can express their hate for the Zionist colonial enterprise. Freedom of speech and all that.

Which is evidence that Iranian leaders openly threaten the destruction of Israel on a daily basis. Besides Iran has no business with Israel. Other than its another country with Islamist animals in charge trying to take over the world.
Iran has not attacked anyone for over 200 years. Why would Iran, who has been attacked by the Western proxy Iraq and threatened by the West and Israel constantly attack anyone now?

You've said that before but that's an obvious lie as Iran has been found to be behind many attacks against the US, Israel, and Western targets. Iran is an IslamoNazi terrorist regime. You need to update your false propaganda.
Iran has not attacked anyone for over 200 years. Why would Iran, who has been attacked by the Western proxy Iraq and threatened by the West and Israel constantly attack anyone now?
Thats not necessarily true as Iran is widely considered responsible for the Beirut bombing in 1983.
Iran has not attacked anyone for over 200 years. Why would Iran, who has been attacked by the Western proxy Iraq and threatened by the West and Israel constantly attack anyone now?

You've said that before but that's an obvious lie as Iran has been found to be behind many attacks against the US, Israel, and Western targets. Iran is an IslamoNazi terrorist regime. You need to update your false propaganda.

Iran has not attacked anyone for the last 200 years. Conspiracy theories and speculation does not constitute an attack.
Iran has not attacked anyone for over 200 years. Why would Iran, who has been attacked by the Western proxy Iraq and threatened by the West and Israel constantly attack anyone now?

You've said that before but that's an obvious lie as Iran has been found to be behind many attacks against the US, Israel, and Western targets. Iran is an IslamoNazi terrorist regime. You need to update your false propaganda.

Iran has not attacked anyone for the last 200 years. Conspiracy theories and speculation does not constitute an attack.
Iran is a third world nation and has not had the resources to attack another foreign nation. Their 8 year long slugfest with Iraq was little more than bumbling fools waring with 18th century tactics.
Death to Israel death to USA is a daily chant for the hired masses, and almost part of the national anthem. Ha ha ha:

"The Iranian regime is not populated by Nazis, but it is led by people who do, in fact, seek the physical elimination of the Jewish state and its replacement by a Muslim state. It works toward this end, by sponsoring terrorist groups that regularly kill Jews, both in Israel and elsewhere.

So, as a reminder to those who argue that Jews should stop worrying so much about people who threaten to kill them, here is some (just some) of what Iran's leaders, and leaders of its proxy militia, Hezbollah, in Lebanon, have said about Israel:

Mohammad Khatami, the former president of Iran: “If we abide by real legal laws, we should mobilize the whole Islamic world for a sharp confrontation with the Zionist regime … if we abide by the Koran, all of us should mobilize to kill.” (2000)

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: “It is the mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to erase Israel from the map of the region.” (2001)

Hassan Nasrallah, a leader of Hezbollah: “If they [Jews] all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide.” (2002)

Nasrallah: “Israel is our enemy. This is an aggressive, illegal, and illegitimate entity, which has no future in our land. Its destiny is manifested in our motto: ‘Death to Israel.’” (2005)

Yahya Rahim Safavi, the former commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps: “With God’s help the time has come for the Zionist regime’s death sentence.” (2008)

Mohammad Hassan Rahimian, Khamenei’s representative to the Moustazafan Foundation: “We have manufactured missiles that allow us, when necessary to replace [sic] Israel in its entirety with a big holocaust.” (2010)

Mohammad Reza Naqdi, the commander of the Basij paramilitary force: “We recommend them [the Zionists] to pack their furniture and return to their countries. And if they insist on staying, they should know that a time while arrive when they will not even have time to pack their suitcases.” (2011)

Khamenei: “The Zionist regime is a cancerous tumor and it will be removed.” (2012)

Ahmad Alamolhoda, a member of the Assembly of Experts: “The destruction of Israel is the idea of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and is one of the pillars of the Iranian Islamic regime. We cannot claim that we have no intention of going to war with Israel.” (2013)

Nasrallah: “The elimination of Israel is not only a Palestinian interest. It is the interest of the entire Muslim world and the entire Arab world.” (2013)

Hojateleslam Alireza Panahian, the advisor to Office of the Supreme Leader in Universities: “The day will come when the Islamic people in the region will destroy Israel and save the world from this Zionist base.” (2013)

Hojatoleslam Ali Shirazi, Khamenei’s representative in the Revolutionary Guard: “The Zionist regime will soon be destroyed, and this generation will be witness to its destruction." (2013)

Khamenei: “This barbaric, wolflike & infanticidal regime of Israel which spares no crime has no cure but to be annihilated.” (2014)

Hossein Salami, the deputy head of the Revolutionary Guard: "We will chase you [Israelis] house to house and will take revenge for every drop of blood of our martyrs in Palestine, and this is the beginning point of Islamic nations awakening for your defeat." (2014)

Salami: "Today we are aware of how the Zionist regime is slowly being erased from the world, and indeed, soon, there will be no such thing as the Zionist regime on Planet Earth." (2014)

Hossein Sheikholeslam, the secretary-general of the Committee for Support for the Palestinian Intifada: "The issue of Israel's destruction is important, no matter the method. We will obviously implement the strategy of the Imam Khomeini and the Leader [Khamenei] on the issue of destroying the Zionists. The region will not be quiet so long as Israel exists in it ..." (2014)

Mohammad Ali Jafari, the commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Guard: "The Revolutionary Guards will fight to the end of the Zionist regime ... We will not rest easy until this epitome of vice is totally deleted from the region's geopolitics." (2015)

So you read Arabic? Note the "Zionist regime" in most of them quotes. I can only imagine what Iran feels when listening to the GOP debates and reading and listening to PM Bibi and showing is pic of Irans bomb since 1992 and I'm sure they can read all the newspapers.

Iran or SA, should be an easy choice, but the Zionist regime and SA are sleeping together , so Hezbollah and Hamas are only terrorists when defending their land from Israel. Saudi Arabia, have their terrorist all over, Boko Haram for one, ISIS for another. The Sunni army is also killing Shias in Nigeria.
Iranians speak and write Arabic? That's a new one! Other than that, I truly didn't understand a word you said and how it remotely relates to the discussion.. :cuckoo:

Well you speak and read their language. A couple of your links suggest you do. Or what Farsi, it all looks Arabic to me.

You mean the videos with the English translation in them? Ha ha ha. OMG.

No not the videos, the sayings ones, I opened one and it was in Arabic or Farsi or something, and you could read that.

You having trouble reading English? They videos all had English subtext. Or maybe you see double when you're off your meds.
Iran has not attacked anyone for over 200 years. Why would Iran, who has been attacked by the Western proxy Iraq and threatened by the West and Israel constantly attack anyone now?

You've said that before but that's an obvious lie as Iran has been found to be behind many attacks against the US, Israel, and Western targets. Iran is an IslamoNazi terrorist regime. You need to update your false propaganda.

Iran has not attacked anyone for the last 200 years. Conspiracy theories and speculation does not constitute an attack.

Let's hear it from Iranians, not psychotic antisemites:

The Myth of "Iran has Not Attacked Anyone in 400 Years" |

The Myth of "Iran has Not Attacked Anyone in 400 Years"

Often times when there is a discussion about IR’s belligerence and warmongering, we hear the IR created myth and propaganda that Iran is a peaceful nation and that it has not attacked anyone in 400 years.The same nonsense is repeated by its supporters, lackeys and wannabes everywhere, including on this site.And now we’re hearing it again after the arrest of that retarded terrorist monkey from Texas.

While it is true that Iranians, pre-IR, were a peaceful nation, the IR cannot, and should not, take credit for the Iran’s peaceful past, as it has shown for the past 32 years that it is one of the most dangerous and aggressive regimes that has ever existed on this planet.Indeed, the IR has, on many occasions throughout the past 32 years, attacked various nations.Here are some examples:

-Taking U.S. diplomats in Iran hostage (attack on the U.S.);

-U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut (attack on the U.S.);

-Hijacking on TWA flight and killing an American citizens through its agent Imad Moghniyeh (attack on the U.S.);

-Hijacking of Kuwait Airways (attack on Kuwait);

-Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia (attack on U.S. and Saudi);

-Jewish center bombing in Argentina (attack on Argentina);

-Last but not the least: the latest terror plot in the U.S. (attack on Saudi Arabia and U.S.).

So, let’s not confuse IR’s incompetence and lack of military ability to launch a full scale war against another nation as “evidence” of its “peaceful” nature.The IR has perpetrated acts of war against various nations even without having a pot to piss in (in a military sense.)We can only imagine what it would have done if it actually had some military power.

Khoda khar ro shenaakht ke behesh shakh nadad!
Iran has not attacked anyone for over 200 years. Why would Iran, who has been attacked by the Western proxy Iraq and threatened by the West and Israel constantly attack anyone now?

You've said that before but that's an obvious lie as Iran has been found to be behind many attacks against the US, Israel, and Western targets. Iran is an IslamoNazi terrorist regime. You need to update your false propaganda.

Iran has not attacked anyone for the last 200 years. Conspiracy theories and speculation does not constitute an attack.
Iran is a third world nation and has not had the resources to attack another foreign nation. Their 8 year long slugfest with Iraq was little more than bumbling fools waring with 18th century tactics.

Yes of course Iran hasn't attacked anyone, except for........

How many countries did Iran attack in the last 30 Years?

How many countries did Islamic Republic of Iran attack in the last 30 Years?

Today, Mr. Rehab of CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relation) asked spinned Bill O'reilly "How many countries did Iran attack in the last 30 Years..."?

Hijacking of Americans (direct attack on the US) in 1979.

Action by its government directly and/or via its armed -Hezbollah- wing:

US Marine Barracks in Oct. 1983, killing 241 Americans and 58 French soldiers.

1984-8 string of hijacking US personell.

Bombing of US embassy in Lebanon in April 18, 1983, killing 63.

Bombings in Paris, France in 1985 and 1986. Dozens killed.

Attacking Israel since the 1980s via Hezbollah and Hamas terror "freedom fighting" Jihadi organizations.

Unsuccessful attempt to carry out attacks in Cyprus in 1988; a plot, foiled by Spanish police, to carry out attacks against Jewish targets in Europe in 1989; an unsuccessful attempt to detonate a car bomb outside a Jewish community building in Romania in 1992; and a planned 1996 attack, also foiled by police, on an Israeli institution in Paris.

1992 Bombing of Israeli embassy in Argentina. Killed 29.

1994 Bombing of AMIA Jewish community building, killed 85 and wounded 300, both, Iran and Hezbollah were charged.

July 19, 1994 bombing of Panamanian airline. Kills everyone (21) on board.

Killing of many American and British soldiers in Iraq (its trainors and weapons found there).

Killing of many of US, NATO soldiers in Afghanistan (backing Taliban).

Hezbollah "activities" in Somalia.

Many (Christian and pro western) Lebanese citizens fell victims to the terrorizing Hezbollah mob.

Use of Lebanese civilians, in its wars against Israel.


Hezbollah's criminal activities streches from "blood diamonds" in Africa to Latin Amerca's drug trafficking.


I'd say that attacking: US, France, Britain, Afghaistan, Iraq, Somalia, Lebanon, and its own oppression and constant crimes against humanity on its millions of Iranian citizens... threatening 'Death to US' - the "big Satan," planning a nuclear attack for genocide on 6,000,000 Jews in Israel (with an introduction of denying the Holocaust), treatening its immediate neighbours, Europe... dreaming of becoming the "Mahdi" to dominate the world under a theocratic Islamic totalitarian system run by the mullahs, constitute a serious treat, Don't you?
1999: An Israeli military official claims that Iran will have a nuclear weapon within five years.

2001: The Israeli Minister of Defence claims that Iran will be ready to launch a nuclear weapon in less than four years.

2002: The CIA warns that the danger of nuclear weapons from Iran is higher than during the Cold War, because its missile capability has grown more quickly than expected since 2000 – putting it on par with North Korea.

2003: A high-ranking Israeli military officer tells the Knesset that Iran will have the bomb by 2005 — 17 months away.

2006: A State Department official claims that Iran may be capable of building a nuclear weapon in 16 days.

2008: An Israeli general tells the Cabinet that Iran is “half-way” to enriching enough uranium to build a nuclear weapon and will have a working weapon no later than the end of 2010.

2009: Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak estimates that Iran is 6-18 months away from building an operative nuclear weapon.

2010: Israeli decision-makers believe that Iran is at most 1-3 years away from being able to assemble a nuclear weapon.

2011: IAEA report indicates that Iran could build a nuclear weapon within months.

2013: Israeli intelligence officials claim that Iran could have the bomb by 2015 or 2016.

Global nuclear watchdog IAEA ends Iran 'weapons' probe - BBC News

The global nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, has ended its 12-year investigation into concerns that Iran might be developing nuclear weapons.

The move is seen as a key step towards lifting UN, EU and US sanctions.
The IAEA concluded that Iran conducted nuclear weapons-related research until 2003 and to a lesser extent until 2009, but found no evidence of this since.

What - Israel and the US lied?

The US has spend billions of Dollars on military forces to encircle Iran, and destroyed Iran's economy with crippling sanctions, all over a threat that wasn't there most of the time, and was wildly overstated the rest of it.

A few questions need to be answered by the Israeli and US governments.

Not really, a few lessons need to be learnt as to why Iran insisted on enriching uranium to weapons grade when they had a contract with Russia to supply all the enriched uranium they could ever need for the foreseeable future. Why have they stockpiled tons of enriched uranium if they don't need it, why have they built more centrifuges to enrich the ore and why are they developing long range missiles capable of carrying a nuclear payload. Why are/were they so secretive over their nuclear testing and enrichment if they were not going for weapons production, and why did they LIE so much.

If you had the US trying to stop you making a weapon that would prevent the US from invading your country, would you not be a bit secretive about it?

Nothing to do with the US at all as the Iranian leaders have repeatedly threatened Israel with attacks using conventional and nuclear weapons. All the while paying Russia to build them a nuclear power station and supply them with enriched uranium power rods to fuel the reactor. Why do they need to enrich uranium over and above power station grades if they are not planning to build a nuclear device and carry out their threats.

Your claims fall at the first hurdle as the US has never once threatened to invade Iran, but the UN has placed sanctions in the country that Obama had lifted on the orders of his imam.

Wow, your logic is very.... simplistic. You don't seem to see it from the Iranian point of view.

Okay, they don't like Israel. Well, no one in the region does. I'm not defending them. However I'm also not going to make silly assumptions pretending that the Iranians think like Americans.

My claim falls at the first hurdle because you don't understand the situation. I got it.
If you had the US trying to stop you making a weapon that would prevent the US from invading your country, would you not be a bit secretive about it?

Considering America's terrible record for starting wars against states that have no defence against American invasions and no ability to attack America, I bloody would.


What, to Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Iraq and a whole bunch of others; do you really need them?
None attacked or could attack America, but America invaded/attacked anyway.

Try again as in the case of Iraq American citizens were attacked and killed by Iraqi soldiers before America went in. The rest were to be used as staging posts for communist weapons aimed at the US.

Could you link to that, please?
As a note, you do realize America supported Saddam, don't you?
It was part of America's attempt to remove the Iranian government.
Iran has not attacked anyone for over 200 years. Why would Iran, who has been attacked by the Western proxy Iraq and threatened by the West and Israel constantly attack anyone now?

You've said that before but that's an obvious lie as Iran has been found to be behind many attacks against the US, Israel, and Western targets. Iran is an IslamoNazi terrorist regime. You need to update your false propaganda.

Iran has not attacked anyone for the last 200 years. Conspiracy theories and speculation does not constitute an attack.

Let's hear it from Iranians, not psychotic antisemites:

The Myth of "Iran has Not Attacked Anyone in 400 Years" |

The Myth of "Iran has Not Attacked Anyone in 400 Years"

Often times when there is a discussion about IR’s belligerence and warmongering, we hear the IR created myth and propaganda that Iran is a peaceful nation and that it has not attacked anyone in 400 years.The same nonsense is repeated by its supporters, lackeys and wannabes everywhere, including on this site.And now we’re hearing it again after the arrest of that retarded terrorist monkey from Texas.

While it is true that Iranians, pre-IR, were a peaceful nation, the IR cannot, and should not, take credit for the Iran’s peaceful past, as it has shown for the past 32 years that it is one of the most dangerous and aggressive regimes that has ever existed on this planet.Indeed, the IR has, on many occasions throughout the past 32 years, attacked various nations.Here are some examples:

-Taking U.S. diplomats in Iran hostage (attack on the U.S.);

-U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut (attack on the U.S.);

-Hijacking on TWA flight and killing an American citizens through its agent Imad Moghniyeh (attack on the U.S.);

-Hijacking of Kuwait Airways (attack on Kuwait);

-Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia (attack on U.S. and Saudi);

-Jewish center bombing in Argentina (attack on Argentina);

-Last but not the least: the latest terror plot in the U.S. (attack on Saudi Arabia and U.S.).

So, let’s not confuse IR’s incompetence and lack of military ability to launch a full scale war against another nation as “evidence” of its “peaceful” nature.The IR has perpetrated acts of war against various nations even without having a pot to piss in (in a military sense.)We can only imagine what it would have done if it actually had some military power.

Khoda khar ro shenaakht ke behesh shakh nadad!

Conspiracy theories and speculation do not coincide with war or invasions.
Iran has not attacked anyone for over 200 years. Why would Iran, who has been attacked by the Western proxy Iraq and threatened by the West and Israel constantly attack anyone now?

You've said that before but that's an obvious lie as Iran has been found to be behind many attacks against the US, Israel, and Western targets. Iran is an IslamoNazi terrorist regime. You need to update your false propaganda.

Iran has not attacked anyone for the last 200 years. Conspiracy theories and speculation does not constitute an attack.

Let's hear it from Iranians, not psychotic antisemites:

The Myth of "Iran has Not Attacked Anyone in 400 Years" |

The Myth of "Iran has Not Attacked Anyone in 400 Years"

Often times when there is a discussion about IR’s belligerence and warmongering, we hear the IR created myth and propaganda that Iran is a peaceful nation and that it has not attacked anyone in 400 years.The same nonsense is repeated by its supporters, lackeys and wannabes everywhere, including on this site.And now we’re hearing it again after the arrest of that retarded terrorist monkey from Texas.

While it is true that Iranians, pre-IR, were a peaceful nation, the IR cannot, and should not, take credit for the Iran’s peaceful past, as it has shown for the past 32 years that it is one of the most dangerous and aggressive regimes that has ever existed on this planet.Indeed, the IR has, on many occasions throughout the past 32 years, attacked various nations.Here are some examples:

-Taking U.S. diplomats in Iran hostage (attack on the U.S.);

-U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut (attack on the U.S.);

-Hijacking on TWA flight and killing an American citizens through its agent Imad Moghniyeh (attack on the U.S.);

-Hijacking of Kuwait Airways (attack on Kuwait);

-Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia (attack on U.S. and Saudi);

-Jewish center bombing in Argentina (attack on Argentina);

-Last but not the least: the latest terror plot in the U.S. (attack on Saudi Arabia and U.S.).

So, let’s not confuse IR’s incompetence and lack of military ability to launch a full scale war against another nation as “evidence” of its “peaceful” nature.The IR has perpetrated acts of war against various nations even without having a pot to piss in (in a military sense.)We can only imagine what it would have done if it actually had some military power.

Khoda khar ro shenaakht ke behesh shakh nadad!

Conspiracy theories and speculation do not coincide with war or invasions.

Conspiracy theory is saying "Iran hasn't attacked anyone".
The Iranian military has not attacked or invaded anyone over the past 200 years. They have defended themselves from Western supported Iraq when Iran was invaded by the Iraqis, that's it.
The Iranian military has not attacked or invaded anyone over the past 200 years. They have defended themselves from Western supported Iraq when Iran was invaded by the Iraqis, that's it.
What are you talking about? :cuckoo:

Iranian military and its officials were in Iraq murdering Americans and supplying the insurgency with IED's. They are responsible for thousands of casualties and wounded American soldiers. Hezbollah is the Iranian proxy army, and it's murdered hundreds of Americans as well. Only those who hate America claim that Iran hasn't attacked anyone.

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