Israel is here to stay

Not. Quite. Accurate.

Israeli citizens are (imagine that!!!!) - natives of Israel. :eusa_angel:
Yikes are you ever confused.

I'd estimate perhaps 50% to 75% of the present Arab Muslim people under Israel jurisdiction might be classified as combatants.

I'd further estimate that their repatriation would be spread out over about five years based on the numbers below .

Starting with the largest of the terrorist enclaves, just cut off aid and force them to come out with their hand up in their birthday suits to the determination center where they get a PBJ a robe and some flip flops ;--) Oh and an interview.

Really it doesn't have to be violent at all.

The UN has procedures outlined for admittance to refugee camps that also requires a determination process. They are not allowed to offer aid to combatants.

Except in Israel that is ;--)

Not sure where you thought it would be 8 million people. Pretty sure only about 1.5 million Arabs total are even in Israel.

Even if you process say 1000 a day it would still take about 5 years to vet every Arab Muslim individually.

Plenty of time for the to integrate into say Gaza society, although I'm sure some would chose to go to Jordan.

You've worked yourself up into a lather based on a false premise. The Palestinians aren't going anywhere, neither are the Jews. Demographics will rule the day and eventually the non-Jewish majority in the territory currently ruled by Jews will assume power. It is what happens historically.

Of course they aren't going anywhere - not without a humanitarian nightmare.

But here is a serious question. If demographics "will rule the day" - would you stand by and allow demographics to destroy an entire people?

Not a nightmare at all, they'd just be going home where they belonged. They can get their UN welfare somewhere else, clearly they are not happy in Israel, so out they go.

8 million Israeli's are going to have a tough time figuring out where "they belonged'.

Again not Israel's problem

Where in the Geneva Conventions does it say its Israel's problem to figure out where they end up ?

You're confusing things - the 8 million are the Israeli's Monte wants to export. Your export quota is only 4 million Palestinians.

Either way - whomever does the exporting is screwed - it may not "be their problem" but it is defacto their problem because it's no one else's responsibility. So, either you're opting for genocide, soylent green, or...something else. What something else?
You've worked yourself up into a lather based on a false premise. The Palestinians aren't going anywhere, neither are the Jews. Demographics will rule the day and eventually the non-Jewish majority in the territory currently ruled by Jews will assume power. It is what happens historically.

Of course they aren't going anywhere - not without a humanitarian nightmare.

But here is a serious question. If demographics "will rule the day" - would you stand by and allow demographics to destroy an entire people?

Not a nightmare at all, they'd just be going home where they belonged. They can get their UN welfare somewhere else, clearly they are not happy in Israel, so out they go.

8 million Israeli's are going to have a tough time figuring out where "they belonged'.

Again not Israel's problem

Where in the Geneva Conventions does it say its Israel's problem to figure out where they end up ?

You're confusing things - the 8 million are the Israeli's Monte wants to export. Your export quota is only 4 million Palestinians.

Either way - whomever does the exporting is screwed - it may not "be their problem" but it is defacto their problem because it's no one else's responsibility. So, either you're opting for genocide, soylent green, or...something else. What something else?

Oh yeah, my bad, I don't really pay much attention to ole Monty. He's got one to many screws loose for an intelligent conversation if you ask me.

He can suggest martians land in Mecca for all I care

And no I'm not suggesting the expulsion of 4 million Arab Muslims. I'm suggesting that the requirement is that each be individually vetted for involvement in hostilities and assigned a status accordingly. Based on that status we'd then have some number that would be eligible for repatriation and a number that would be eligible to stay
What are you talking about? Can anybody translate what this thing just said?
Can't you read?

This section became known as Yevsektsia (alternative spelling: Yevsektsiya — the acronym of the department name in Russian) and was run by Jews.

Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia. (by Rabbi Berel Wein)

Jewish Europe Between the Wars

TEAM DESTINY | The Destiny Foundation

People need to open their eyes and know that after the Muslims are gone they will then come after the Christians, yes the Zionist hate religious folk, and sooner or later these neocon Zionist will kill all Christians, first they want the Christians to kill the Muslims.

OMG! The Jew Zionists are gonna kill the Chrisitans. I didn't know that. Hey, and did you know that those Zionists planned 911 & hired Muslims to commit the destruction & killings of the innocents? And that Snoopy the Zionist shot down the Red Baron? Pass it on. 'Atta girl.

Don't make lite of the situation in Israel and Palestine, Zionist are guilty of genocide and terrorism in a land they had no right to.
Guess who's actually guilty of genocide and terrorism? Yup....

ISIS Has Committed Genocide, Kerry Declares
What are you talking about? Can anybody translate what this thing just said?
Can't you read?

This section became known as Yevsektsia (alternative spelling: Yevsektsiya — the acronym of the department name in Russian) and was run by Jews.

Jewish communists were incredibly ruthless in stamping out any type of religious activity by fellow Jews. They killed rabbis, closed the yeshivos and synagogues, banned all religious practices, and enforced it by getting friends to turn in neighbors, children to turn in parents and send them to Siberia for observing the religion. It was the Yevsektsia more than anything else that destroyed the Jewish community in Russia. (by Rabbi Berel Wein)

Jewish Europe Between the Wars

TEAM DESTINY | The Destiny Foundation

People need to open their eyes and know that after the Muslims are gone they will then come after the Christians, yes the Zionist hate religious folk, and sooner or later these neocon Zionist will kill all Christians, first they want the Christians to kill the Muslims.

OMG! The Jew Zionists are gonna kill the Chrisitans. I didn't know that. Hey, and did you know that those Zionists planned 911 & hired Muslims to commit the destruction & killings of the innocents? And that Snoopy the Zionist shot down the Red Baron? Pass it on. 'Atta girl.

Don't make lite of the situation in Israel and Palestine, Zionist are guilty of genocide and terrorism in a land they had no right to.
Guess who's actually guilty of genocide and terrorism? Yup....

ISIS Has Committed Genocide, Kerry Declares

No surprise there. Azidi's, Shia, Christians...anyone who serves to make an example of....
It amazes me, but the people that propose expelling millions of other people - Palestinians...Israeli's - seem to think they can just take them to a border somewhere and dump them. Or...even better - deport them. But where the hell do you deport someone who's nationality is right where they are? There is never a coherent answer to that.

8 million Israeli's
4 million Palestinians
add that to the millions of Syrians, Iraqi's and Libyans milling around...

Yes, we have some brilliant lights hidden under the bushels....but the batteries died.

Its called repatriation when its in relation to a wartime event. And its perfectly legal.

And its no Israel's problem where they go.

I'm not sure why some people get all in a tizzy at the suggestion that the combatants be treated in the exact manor specified in international law.

Its the only thing thats going to lead to peace in this region.

Israel needs to toughen up some

So how are you going to "repatriate" 8 million Israeli's?

Yikes are you ever confused.

I'd estimate perhaps 50% to 75% of the present Arab Muslim people under Israel jurisdiction might be classified as combatants.

I'd further estimate that their repatriation would be spread out over about five years based on the numbers below .

Starting with the largest of the terrorist enclaves, just cut off aid and force them to come out with their hand up in their birthday suits to the determination center where they get a PBJ a robe and some flip flops ;--) Oh and an interview.

Really it doesn't have to be violent at all.

The UN has procedures outlined for admittance to refugee camps that also requires a determination process. They are not allowed to offer aid to combatants.

Except in Israel that is ;--)

Not sure where you thought it would be 8 million people. Pretty sure only about 1.5 million Arabs total are even in Israel.

Even if you process say 1000 a day it would still take about 5 years to vet every Arab Muslim individually.

Plenty of time for the to integrate into say Gaza society, although I'm sure some would chose to go to Jordan, and of course not all would qualify for repatriation, some would of course maintain their protected person status and be allowed to stay.

If Global warming kicks in they can all move to Greenland, they can divide it right down the middle with the Palestinians on one side and the Jews on the other. anybody want to guess which side would prosper? and no doubt the Palestinians would still be firing rockets.
For those who want it destroyed, BRING IT ON!

Israel Military Strength

The Israeli military is leaps ahead of its regional competition - who also struggle with ongoing internal stability issues.

Ranked as 11 of 126
GFP Power Index rating of 0.4976 (0.0000 being perfect)

also the 11th happiest country to live in...................... jordan and other middle east countries are in 87 and lower.

Strong, smart, happy................ lessons to learn perhaps?
'Stab the Zionist': Palestinian songs celebrate killing Jews
'Stab the Zionist': Palestinian songs celebrate killing Jews | Fox News

In Israeli Shops, Knives Get Harder To Find, Demand For Guns Goes Up
In Israeli Shops, Knives Get Harder To Find, Demand For Guns Goes Up

srael-Palestinian violence: Knife attackers shot dead - BBC ...
ترجمه این صفحه۲۵ مهر ۱۳۹۴ ه‍.ش. - Israel-Palestinian violence: Knife attackers shot dead ... And in the evening, an Israeli police officer killed a Palestinian who attempted to stab him at the Qalandiya checkpoint ... Video Jerusalem unrest as tensions rise.
Israeli stabs another Jew by mistake, trying to avenge wave ...
ترجمه این صفحه۲۳ مهر ۱۳۹۴ ه‍.ش. - An Israeli man stabbed a fellow Jew by mistake, in apparent ... in place by Israel, as it struggles to cope with the rising incidence of knife attacks.
Knife intifada: Israel starts firing Arab workers as stabbing ...
ترجمه این صفحه۲۰ آبان ۱۳۹۴ ه‍.ش. - Knife intifada: Israel starts firing Arab workers as stabbing attacks incite ... settlement homes amid rising violence · Israel and Gaza: Residents ...
Tensions rise in Israel and the West Bank following series ...
ترجمه این صفحه۱۷ مهر ۱۳۹۴ ه‍.ش. - A 14-year-old Israeli and a police officer were stabbed in separate ... police officer with a knife and tried to grab his gun near the entrance to the ...
Israeli Stabbing Victim Pulls Knife Out Of Own Neck To Stab ...
ترجمه این صفحه۱۹ اسفند ۱۳۹۴ ه‍.ش. - The victim then went back into the store, pulled the knife from his neck and stabbed the man with it. An Israeli police photo of the weapon ...

Palestinians are getting themselves killed and hurting other palestinians by their actions.

It is not bringing peace, more jobs, more land, more money or more freedom, just the opposite.

Same mentality for the last 40+ yrs. They are stuck in the same cycle.

I am sure its the Israelites who don't want peace, you either have the ring wing Zionist regime, or the Jew zealots. Also Palestinians have every right to fight for their land against the intruders. Probably a Zionist in that pic, posing with a knife. Some do dress like the Palestinians now, the IDF's , undercover.
It amazes me, but the people that propose expelling millions of other people - Palestinians...Israeli's - seem to think they can just take them to a border somewhere and dump them. Or...even better - deport them. But where the hell do you deport someone who's nationality is right where they are? There is never a coherent answer to that.

8 million Israeli's
4 million Palestinians
add that to the millions of Syrians, Iraqi's and Libyans milling around...

Yes, we have some brilliant lights hidden under the bushels....but the batteries died.

You put them into the ground like the Israelites are doing.
Jerusalem is in the West Bank, Jaffa is historically Palestinian city. Hopefully Israel ends its expansionist and violent policies, so peace can be shared between the two peoples. We know that Jews are not peaceful people, they're totalitarian types, who dominate every aspect of society with no way to alter that order besides a cultural revolution like the one Germany had in 1930's. If that doesn't happen again, the world will continue to be enslaved at Jewish behest. Jews wouldn't dare project themselves from position of leadership against the American people while being a minority like they do today had American people been wide awake like our German counterparts of the past. Your time will come again, even Jesus(historical figure) resented you.

Jerusalem was to be an international city until the Palestinians invaded and took it as their land. The same thing you claim Israel does that is illegal, double standards and hypocrisy much

Jaffa by its very name is Jewish

As for Jesus he was a Rabbinical Jew that preached the Torah, and it was the true torah Jews of his time that he despised so much. You know the Jews you fawn over and think the world of.

One more blood libel to add to the list
Yawn. One incoherent thought at a time please. Israel is here to stay. Muslims are killing each other and decimating their armies in the process. I'd say Israel is in a very good position for the next 50 years at least.

You're naive if you believe your demise will come at the hands of Muslims. It never was that way historically, and won't be that way in the future to come.

Strange that as more people qare attacked by muslims in Europe than by Jews, in fact more people are attacked by muslims that by Europeans. Care to explain why, then explain why most of Europes prison population is muslims serving time for violent crimes.
Gaza fires rocket at Israel almost every week, al aqsa declared open war, there are stabbing and other attacks on Israel almost daily and you think Israel is trying to destroy palestine?

Homemade scrap 'rocket' doesn't mean shit pussy, those scraps are fired by fuses and singe barrel launchers. These are what you call rockets genius:

Get back to me Gaza has something like that. They were firing their homemade metal scraps when you militarily occupied them and built settlements there. They fired rockets at those locations. Now you besiege them and commit daily incursions on their borders. If not shoot at fisherman or shoot at people at the border. And they fire back which a little scrap metal 'rocket'.

Stabbings are not random, they are directed at Israeli soldiers in the occupied West Bank, which is completely justifiable. Only Jews think they can occupy another peoples land without a fight/resistance.

Only the evil Jooos! Well Achmed, the Jews aren't going anywhere. They are here to stay, like it or not.

Go to your God that awarded you the 'chosen' title, if your God loves you so much, doesn't he want to rejoice with you guys in Heaven? We should arrange a one way trip to heaven for your community. :lol:

Another one that does not understand the purpose of "chosen". It is a job, a service, not a gift or label of superiority. Some would call it a labor or burden.

Neat doublespeak term 'service' to explain supremacy. :lol:

Service for God= Jews reign supreme over goyim

You're confirming exactly what I stated.

And who happens to be the new chosen of god after one of his angels told the mad prophet that they were now gods chosen and had the whole world to conquer and dominate.
For those who want it destroyed, BRING IT ON!

Israel Military Strength

The Israeli military is leaps ahead of its regional competition - who also struggle with ongoing internal stability issues.

Ranked as 11 of 126
GFP Power Index rating of 0.4976 (0.0000 being perfect)

also the 11th happiest country to live in...................... jordan and other middle east countries are in 87 and lower.

Strong, smart, happy................ lessons to learn perhaps?
'Stab the Zionist': Palestinian songs celebrate killing Jews
'Stab the Zionist': Palestinian songs celebrate killing Jews | Fox News

In Israeli Shops, Knives Get Harder To Find, Demand For Guns Goes Up
In Israeli Shops, Knives Get Harder To Find, Demand For Guns Goes Up

srael-Palestinian violence: Knife attackers shot dead - BBC ...
ترجمه این صفحه۲۵ مهر ۱۳۹۴ ه‍.ش. - Israel-Palestinian violence: Knife attackers shot dead ... And in the evening, an Israeli police officer killed a Palestinian who attempted to stab him at the Qalandiya checkpoint ... Video Jerusalem unrest as tensions rise.
Israeli stabs another Jew by mistake, trying to avenge wave ...
ترجمه این صفحه۲۳ مهر ۱۳۹۴ ه‍.ش. - An Israeli man stabbed a fellow Jew by mistake, in apparent ... in place by Israel, as it struggles to cope with the rising incidence of knife attacks.
Knife intifada: Israel starts firing Arab workers as stabbing ...
ترجمه این صفحه۲۰ آبان ۱۳۹۴ ه‍.ش. - Knife intifada: Israel starts firing Arab workers as stabbing attacks incite ... settlement homes amid rising violence · Israel and Gaza: Residents ...
Tensions rise in Israel and the West Bank following series ...
ترجمه این صفحه۱۷ مهر ۱۳۹۴ ه‍.ش. - A 14-year-old Israeli and a police officer were stabbed in separate ... police officer with a knife and tried to grab his gun near the entrance to the ...
Israeli Stabbing Victim Pulls Knife Out Of Own Neck To Stab ...
ترجمه این صفحه۱۹ اسفند ۱۳۹۴ ه‍.ش. - The victim then went back into the store, pulled the knife from his neck and stabbed the man with it. An Israeli police photo of the weapon ...

Palestinians are getting themselves killed and hurting other palestinians by their actions.

It is not bringing peace, more jobs, more land, more money or more freedom, just the opposite.

Same mentality for the last 40+ yrs. They are stuck in the same cycle.

I am sure its the Israelites who don't want peace, you either have the ring wing Zionist regime, or the Jew zealots. Also Palestinians have every right to fight for their land against the intruders. Probably a Zionist in that pic, posing with a knife. Some do dress like the Palestinians now, the IDF's , undercover.

If they don't want peace then why have they asked for it since 1948, it is even in the declaration of Jewish independence.

It is the arabs that refuse to even talk peace as the Khartoum resolution states.
It amazes me, but the people that propose expelling millions of other people - Palestinians...Israeli's - seem to think they can just take them to a border somewhere and dump them. Or...even better - deport them. But where the hell do you deport someone who's nationality is right where they are? There is never a coherent answer to that.

8 million Israeli's
4 million Palestinians
add that to the millions of Syrians, Iraqi's and Libyans milling around...

Yes, we have some brilliant lights hidden under the bushels....but the batteries died.

You put them into the ground like the Israelites are doing.

Not very good at it as they are still multiplying at a rate higher than any other group. And it is all down to Israeli medical know how.
Now if they wanted to rid the world of Palestinians all they need to is engineer a disease that only kills Palestinians, and they would die out in 2 or 3 generations.
It amazes me, but the people that propose expelling millions of other people - Palestinians...Israeli's - seem to think they can just take them to a border somewhere and dump them. Or...even better - deport them. But where the hell do you deport someone who's nationality is right where they are? There is never a coherent answer to that.

8 million Israeli's
4 million Palestinians
add that to the millions of Syrians, Iraqi's and Libyans milling around...

Yes, we have some brilliant lights hidden under the bushels....but the batteries died.

You put them into the ground like the Israelites are doing. heartwarming. Perhaps you need to check your batteries.
It amazes me, but the people that propose expelling millions of other people - Palestinians...Israeli's - seem to think they can just take them to a border somewhere and dump them. Or...even better - deport them. But where the hell do you deport someone who's nationality is right where they are? There is never a coherent answer to that.

8 million Israeli's
4 million Palestinians
add that to the millions of Syrians, Iraqi's and Libyans milling around...

Yes, we have some brilliant lights hidden under the bushels....but the batteries died.

You put them into the ground like the Israelites are doing.
It amazes me, but the people that propose expelling millions of other people - Palestinians...Israeli's - seem to think they can just take them to a border somewhere and dump them. Or...even better - deport them. But where the hell do you deport someone who's nationality is right where they are? There is never a coherent answer to that.

8 million Israeli's
4 million Palestinians
add that to the millions of Syrians, Iraqi's and Libyans milling around...

Yes, we have some brilliant lights hidden under the bushels....but the batteries died.

Its called repatriation when its in relation to a wartime event. And its perfectly legal.

And its no Israel's problem where they go.

I'm not sure why some people get all in a tizzy at the suggestion that the combatants be treated in the exact manor specified in international law.

Its the only thing thats going to lead to peace in this region.

Israel needs to toughen up some

So how are you going to "repatriate" 8 million Israeli's?

Yikes are you ever confused.

I'd estimate perhaps 50% to 75% of the present Arab Muslim people under Israel jurisdiction might be classified as combatants.

I'd further estimate that their repatriation would be spread out over some period of time.

Starting with the largest of the terrorist enclaves, just cut off aid and force them to come out with their hand up in their birthday suits to the determination center where they get a robe and some flip flops ;--) Oh and an interview.

Really it doesn't have to be violent at all.

The UN has procedures outlined for admittance to refugee camps that also requires a determination process. They are not allowed to offer aid to combatants.

Except in Israel that is ;--)

Not sure where you thought it would be 8 million people. Pretty sure only about 1.5 million Arabs total are even in Israel.

Even if you process say 1000 a day it would still take about 5 years to vet every Arab Muslim individually.

Plenty of time for the to integrate into say Gaza society, although I'm sure some would chose to go to Jordan.

Ok - I mixed up who was expelling whom (is that grammatically correct)? We have one side calling for the expulsion of 8 million Israeli's and the other side calling for the expulsion of 4 million Palestinians.

That's a lot of homeless people milling around.

I think you misread what I wrote. I implied that it is impossible, by definition, to "repatriate" natives of a particular territory away from their native territory.
It amazes me, but the people that propose expelling millions of other people - Palestinians...Israeli's - seem to think they can just take them to a border somewhere and dump them. Or...even better - deport them. But where the hell do you deport someone who's nationality is right where they are? There is never a coherent answer to that.

8 million Israeli's
4 million Palestinians
add that to the millions of Syrians, Iraqi's and Libyans milling around...

Yes, we have some brilliant lights hidden under the bushels....but the batteries died.

You put them into the ground like the Israelites are doing.
It amazes me, but the people that propose expelling millions of other people - Palestinians...Israeli's - seem to think they can just take them to a border somewhere and dump them. Or...even better - deport them. But where the hell do you deport someone who's nationality is right where they are? There is never a coherent answer to that.

8 million Israeli's
4 million Palestinians
add that to the millions of Syrians, Iraqi's and Libyans milling around...

Yes, we have some brilliant lights hidden under the bushels....but the batteries died.

Its called repatriation when its in relation to a wartime event. And its perfectly legal.

And its no Israel's problem where they go.

I'm not sure why some people get all in a tizzy at the suggestion that the combatants be treated in the exact manor specified in international law.

Its the only thing thats going to lead to peace in this region.

Israel needs to toughen up some

So how are you going to "repatriate" 8 million Israeli's?

Yikes are you ever confused.

I'd estimate perhaps 50% to 75% of the present Arab Muslim people under Israel jurisdiction might be classified as combatants.

I'd further estimate that their repatriation would be spread out over some period of time.

Starting with the largest of the terrorist enclaves, just cut off aid and force them to come out with their hand up in their birthday suits to the determination center where they get a robe and some flip flops ;--) Oh and an interview.

Really it doesn't have to be violent at all.

The UN has procedures outlined for admittance to refugee camps that also requires a determination process. They are not allowed to offer aid to combatants.

Except in Israel that is ;--)

Not sure where you thought it would be 8 million people. Pretty sure only about 1.5 million Arabs total are even in Israel.

Even if you process say 1000 a day it would still take about 5 years to vet every Arab Muslim individually.

Plenty of time for the to integrate into say Gaza society, although I'm sure some would chose to go to Jordan.

Ok - I mixed up who was expelling whom (is that grammatically correct)? We have one side calling for the expulsion of 8 million Israeli's and the other side calling for the expulsion of 4 million Palestinians.

That's a lot of homeless people milling around.

I think you misread what I wrote. I implied that it is impossible, by definition, to "repatriate" natives of a particular territory away from their native territory.

Unless they lied are were not natives in the first place, like many arab muslims that deserted in 1948/49 and 1967 and became stateless Palestinians.
The terrorist state of Israel is eventually gonna fall.......and fall hard. ...... :thup:

oh please, if it were a "terrorist state" - there'd be travel restrictions and warnings..... People wouldn't be booking tours [as we speak] to the Holy Land.

Nobody's booking anything to visit those terrorist hot beds:

The Ramallah Refugee camp, the West Bank, The Gaza Strip....and, well, all of it.

Even he knows,tourism? :sigh: i want to go on a pony ride and have cotton candy


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