Israel MP - Mothers of all Palestinians must be killed

So you are saying if your son ended up killing someone you should be punished?


I disagree. When a child reaches adulthood - he is responsible for his own choices.

Punishing his mother smacks of biblical barbarity where punishments are visited down the generations.

Not to mention why does the father get off scott free?

Or the grandparents?

This is not just a failure of parenthood when the kid smoke pot does vandalism or even kill someone over a fight or something, spot the difference - its deliberately assisting terrorist. what Shaked said, that if the mother is assisting and brainwashing kid to terrorism, I fully agree SHE is the most responsible for it.
IMHO I think its another case when the press is taking out of context words to make headlines, in Hebrew the 'go to hell' syntax is 'go die' go figure. :lol:
Would you hold the kid responsible for that?

Who determines that? Who decides that the mother is responsible? Should the mother's of Mohammed's killers be killed then? Seriously?

There are a lot of fucked up parents in the world who produce fucked up kids who commit acts of murder. There are a lot of fucked up parents in the world who produce kids who - despite it - don't.

Being a bad parent - or thinking hateful thoughts - is not a crime.

Murder is, and in the end - it's the person who committed it who is responsible for his own actions.

Indoctrination in murder has consequences.
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This is not just a failure of parenthood when the kid smoke pot does vandalism or even kill someone over a fight or something, spot the difference - its deliberately assisting terrorist. what Shaked said, that if the mother is assisting and brainwashing kid to terrorism, I fully agree SHE is the most responsible for it.
IMHO I think its another case when the press is taking out of context words to make headlines, in Hebrew the 'go to hell' syntax is 'go die' go figure. :lol:
Would you hold the kid responsible for that?

Who determines that? Who decides that the mother is responsible? Should the mother's of Mohammed's killers be killed then? Seriously?

There are a lot of fucked up parents in the world who produce fucked up kids who commit acts of murder. There are a lot of fucked up parents in the world who produce kids who - despite it - don't.

Being a bad parent - or thinking hateful thoughts - is not a crime.

Murder is, and in the end - it's the person who committed it who is responsible for his own actions.

Indoctrination in murder has consequences.

No. Crimes have consequences. If you commit a crime you pay the penalty.

People have every right to be hateful until they cross the line and commit a crime.

What should the consequences be for the parents of Mohamed's killers?
Who determines that? Who decides that the mother is responsible? Should the mother's of Mohammed's killers be killed then? Seriously?

There are a lot of fucked up parents in the world who produce fucked up kids who commit acts of murder. There are a lot of fucked up parents in the world who produce kids who - despite it - don't.

Being a bad parent - or thinking hateful thoughts - is not a crime.

Murder is, and in the end - it's the person who committed it who is responsible for his own actions.

Indoctrination in murder has consequences.

No. Crimes have consequences. If you commit a crime you pay the penalty.

People have every right to be hateful until they cross the line and commit a crime.

What should the consequences be for the parents of Mohamed's killers?

If 95+% of parents in a neighborhood are teaching their children to commit murder there WILL be consequences.
These are one of those situations where I am NOT a bleeding heart liberal.
Indoctrination in murder has consequences.

No. Crimes have consequences. If you commit a crime you pay the penalty.

People have every right to be hateful until they cross the line and commit a crime.

What should the consequences be for the parents of Mohamed's killers?

If 95+% of parents in a neighborhood are teaching their children to commit murder there WILL be consequences.
These are one of those situations where I am NOT a bleeding heart liberal. we've moved the goal posts.

Do you have any evidence that 95 plus percent of the parents are teaching their children to commit murder in any neighborhood?

I'm assuming that the parents of Mohammed's murderers (glad to see it's not just Mom's now) are reprieved because since they aren't Palestinians we can "assume" that the magical 95 plus percent mark doesn't apply. Or maybe there is some other reason?
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No. Crimes have consequences. If you commit a crime you pay the penalty.

People have every right to be hateful until they cross the line and commit a crime.

What should the consequences be for the parents of Mohamed's killers?

If 95+% of parents in a neighborhood are teaching their children to commit murder there WILL be consequences.
These are one of those situations where I am NOT a bleeding heart liberal. we've moved the goal posts.

Do you have any evidence that 95 plus percent of the parents are teaching their children to commit murder in any neighborhood?

I'm assuming that the parents of Mohammed's murderers (glad to see it's not just Mom's now) are reprieved because since they aren't Palestinians we can "assume" that the magical 95 plus percent mark doesn't apply. Or maybe there is some other reason?

Are you going to start pontificating about how minorities are not HORRIBLY persecuted throughout the Muslim world.
Sorry, but there comes a point where too much shit happens amongst a common attribute connecting a people and that attribute simply happens to be a religion.

For instance, I am bothered by all the bullshit about how Gaza has over 1 million people and ONLY 15,000 of them are member of Hamas.
Well, honey pie, that's 66 non-Hamas to 1 Hamas and there's WAY too much hatred circulating through that population.
So I surmise that there are a shit load MORE than 15,000 Gazans who brainwash their kids to hate and murder.
These people, in MY opinion, are disposable.
If 95+% of parents in a neighborhood are teaching their children to commit murder there WILL be consequences.
These are one of those situations where I am NOT a bleeding heart liberal. we've moved the goal posts.

Do you have any evidence that 95 plus percent of the parents are teaching their children to commit murder in any neighborhood?

I'm assuming that the parents of Mohammed's murderers (glad to see it's not just Mom's now) are reprieved because since they aren't Palestinians we can "assume" that the magical 95 plus percent mark doesn't apply. Or maybe there is some other reason?

Are you going to start pontificating about how minorities are not HORRIBLY persecuted throughout the Muslim world.

Nothing to do with this discussion.

Sorry, but there comes a point where too much shit happens amongst a common attribute connecting a people and that attribute simply happens to be a religion.

And thus starts the justification for bigotry.

For instance, I am bothered by all the bullshit about how Gaza has over 1 million people and ONLY 15,000 of them are member of Hamas.
Well, honey pie, that's 66 non-Hamas to 1 Hamas and there's WAY too much hatred circulating through that population.
So I surmise that there are a shit load MORE than 15,000 Gazans who brainwash their kids to hate and murder.
These people, in MY opinion, are disposable.

All you are providing is conjecture based upon your own personal bias.

No human is "disposable". we've moved the goal posts.

Do you have any evidence that 95 plus percent of the parents are teaching their children to commit murder in any neighborhood?

I'm assuming that the parents of Mohammed's murderers (glad to see it's not just Mom's now) are reprieved because since they aren't Palestinians we can "assume" that the magical 95 plus percent mark doesn't apply. Or maybe there is some other reason?

Are you going to start pontificating about how minorities are not HORRIBLY persecuted throughout the Muslim world.

Nothing to do with this discussion.

Sorry, but there comes a point where too much shit happens amongst a common attribute connecting a people and that attribute simply happens to be a religion.

And thus starts the justification for bigotry.

For instance, I am bothered by all the bullshit about how Gaza has over 1 million people and ONLY 15,000 of them are member of Hamas.
Well, honey pie, that's 66 non-Hamas to 1 Hamas and there's WAY too much hatred circulating through that population.
So I surmise that there are a shit load MORE than 15,000 Gazans who brainwash their kids to hate and murder.
These people, in MY opinion, are disposable.

All you are providing is conjecture based upon your own personal bias.

No human is "disposable".

Especially serial killers...they're the best!
No goal posts have been moved; that statement is an appeal to emotion.
There is a point where one must be eliminated for the good of humanity.
Should we punish the mothers of the men who killed that boy Mohammed?

Yes. Let's punish innocent people. As long as they are Palestinians.

Didn't say that.

If mothers raise killers, I see no reason why they should not be punished. I didn't narrow the option to Palestinian terrorists alone.

So you are saying if your son ended up killing someone you should be punished?


I disagree. When a child reaches adulthood - he is responsible for his own choices.

Punishing his mother smacks of biblical barbarity where punishments are visited down the generations.

Not to mention why does the father get off scott free?

Or the grandparents?

If I taught my son to kill people based on their nationality I deserve the same punishment he will. Yes.

I remember the story of a little boy who was spoiled, since was small he used to steal things from his friends, but his mother was tender with him, never punished him or even scolded him, she praised him always no matter what he did.

He grew up to steal from shops and old ladies, in his maturity he robbed banks. That was until he got cought and was sentenced to die in hanging.

When being asked by the judge if he has any last request, he looked at the crowd, found his tearful mother, and asked just one last time to hold her.

The crying mother, seeind her son, spread her arms to hug him one last time, but was shocked when he approached, not to hug her back, but to bite her ear strongly.

"Why did you do that?" she yelped, and he answered, furious, "Stupid woman, if you hadn't raised me to become a thief, I wouldn't be here today!"
Wow, that is a sterile, messed up, brutally truthful statement of which I do not agree.

They should make ovens. Jews should know how to make those!

What a scumbag this Jew is.

shut up. there's millions of 'scumbag' type people alllllll over the place. but, i do have to say 'scumbag' Islamic terrorists and their supporters take the cake.

Wow, that is a sterile, messed up, brutally truthful statement of which I do not agree.

They should make ovens. Jews should know how to make those!

What a scumbag this Jew is.

NO your lot know how to make ovensm you have had plenty of practise over the years.
How is veterans today a neo-nazi website? I dont see any swastikas, or racist symbols there. I dont see anything racially offensive anywhere on that website. Looking over it now. Some of the comments being made might be offensive, but the ones commenting don't reflect the website as a whole. What if they just let anyone say whatever they want? The USA has freedom of speech, but your calling a website neo-nazi because they dont block offensive comments? Also look at the names of the featured Columnists on their home page. At least 2 of them appear to be jewish, Stephen Lendman, Jane Rosenstein.

How is fox news any more credible? They flip the media bias to be severely in favor of israel. PressTV is just telling it from the other side. Some of you jews just dont like receiving any criticism. Quick to call someone an antisemite or neo-nazi when they say something you dont wanna hear.

People of all races are wising up to the genocide committed by the israeli mass murdering machine. Thousands of children blown to bits, anyone can look up the pictures on the internet. The rockets hamas are launching dont inflict massive damage. I saw a hole in the ground where one landed and it wasnt even 5 inches in diameter. So dropping 500lb bombs on hospitals, schools, UN buildings full of women and children is suddenly justified? You all are psycho.

We don't see swastikas and Aryan symbols on some of the posts by members of this board but we still know they are NEO-NAZIS by what the post. Just look at the one from RC that typifies NEO-NAZISM and stinks of ANTI SEMITISM AND JEW HATRED

" They should make ovens. Jews should know how to make those!"

So were are the swastikas or racist symbols in those 12 words ?

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