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Israel Needs a New Map

georgephillip, et al,

Please do not read into this, I do not intent to antagonize or insult anyone.

The occupation is a direct result of 650,000 Jews and their western corporate enablers inflicting a Jewish State on 1.2 million Arabs in 1948. Something Sir Ronald Storrs anticipated a generation earlier:

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, certainly had no illusions about what a “Jewish homeland” in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,” he said, 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'”

BTW, Rocco, trusting someone who claims advertising is "just another type of news" isn't conducive to making good moral choices in life.
  • What are the "western corporate enablers?"
  • Who profited?

Generally speaking, the pre-conflict violence (before May 1948) were Arab inspired insurgencies to oppose a whole host of agenda, attempting to achieve some Arab style greedy regime, unsatisfied with receiving 100% of the French Mandate and about 85% of the British Mandate; excluding the Arab Kingdoms of Iraq and Kuwait. The Arab was totally unwilling to share any portion of the of the former Ottoman Sovereignty. It was this greedy mentality that spawned the conflict. Any attempt to blame it entirely on the Jewish Settlers is just a rationalization of the Arab attempt to steal and control the relinquished Ottoman Territory.

Generally speaking, one can consider the 1948, '67 and '73 wars as conflicts of necessity to the survival survival of Israel. The requirement to suppress the Arab Palestinian attempt to dismantle Israel. In contrast, the 1956 and 1982 wars (and all operations since) can be viewed as political-military (pol-mil) options, seeking to achieve specific geo-political goals. The Arab Palestinian insistance on the continuation of the conflict was the principle concern. The Israelis have been faced with a perennial security dilemma that re-emerges with every non-productive generation that has become the parasite to peace; breaking down any tolerance the Jewish might have had toward reconciliation.

The three principle enablers:

1) The Populace
  • The Israelis: Driven by a long history of persecution.
  • The Palestinians: Driven by the inability to make any prosperous or going concern, with a violent history.
2) a political system that defers policy decisions to the state’s defense establishment,
  • The Israelis: Driven by a long history of persecution.
  • The Palestinians: Driven by the inability to make any prosperous or going concern, with a violent history.
3) a gradually evolving economy historically tethered to its own military-industrial complex.
  • The Israelis: Driven by a long history of persecution.
  • The Palestinians: Driven by the inability to make any prosperous or going concern, with a violent history.
BTW, Rocco, trusting someone who claims advertising is "just another type of news" isn't conducive to making good moral choices in life.

I would rather trust Paul Harvey than a Palestinian that justifies the terrorism they for which they have become so famous. Anyone that tries to justify that the Palestinians has some right to conduct Munich Olympic event, the Achille Lauro, numerous airport attacks, numerous hijackings, etc, has something of a moral dilemma to explain. Sovereignty was never a question, in that the territory has been under other than Palestinian sovereignty for a millenium or more.

I'll stick with appreciating the peaceful approach, advocating the Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States. Conversely, the Palestinian consistently argues that they have some inherent right to pursue a course of violence and terrorism as a means of coercion; violent acts which were intended to create fear; perpetrated for a religious (Islam), political (statehood, sovereignty, destruction of Israel), and ideological (anti-Semitic, prejudice, hatred and discrimination against Jews) goal.

Remember the MAO-A and VMAT-2 Genes.

Most Respectfully,
My memories of the MAO-A and VMAT-2 Genes are a little fuzzy; could you explain their relevance to Israel's illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza since The Principles of International Law and anything remotely resembling Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States seems to have little to do with Israel filling the Occupied Territories with its civilian population.

It goes (or should go) without saying Palestinian terrorism has been dwarfed by that of the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet, as Leon Klinghoffer might well attest if he had read a Tass report which claimed two men who hijacked a Soviet airliner received refuge in the US AFTER killing a stewardess and wounding several crew members. The US refused extradition requests.

Finally, I'm not really clear on how Arabs are supposed to produce a prosperous Palestine when Jews steal land, water, and other valuable resources whenever they so desire:

"This 'barrier,' in some places a cast of eight-meter high concrete and in others ditches and barbed wire, has been an important contribution to the quelling of Palestinian terrorism.

"This is a statistically proven fact.

"The psychological humiliation and exploitation of natural resources that are taking place beyond it, however, cannot in any way be justified by the legitimate need for Israel to rely on safe 'borders.'

"Even today, as confirmed by this recently filmed video by European and Israeli activists, dozens of quarries are currently active in the West Bank, providing some 12 million tons of stone, gravel, and dolomite annually, 75 percent of which is used for construction inside Israel."

Colonizing the West Bank in the name of security and religion | +972 Magazine

I greatly appreciate your knowledge and patience, Rocco, but I can't help believing your moral code had been shaped more by an accident of birth than by the Golden Rule.

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