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Israel Now Under Media Radar

Yeah hobby my ass.

Like I predicted your bigotry clearly comes from your shitty upbringing.

I bet you are a fucking embrassment to to your family. 31 years old and still dependent on your parents. Spends most of the time vomitting antisemtism on social media. Wow. The pride of Poland. Ha ha ha.

What does your bigotry come from?
You've said some very bigoted things about Arabs, and Poles.

But, I suppose that's "Okay"
You sound like a real hypocritical moron.

Are you admitting to your own shitty upbringing?

What's wrong with doing a job with fair pay, that you like, as opposed to a job with good pay, you hate?

You Jews are just greedy as shit.

My dad used to manage a group home, he said much of his clients were Jews who had breakdowns, because they couldn't please their parents in living up to their f*cked up expectations.

You come from a shitty ethnicity, no one likes you other than a few Asians, or Southern hicks whom both haven't experienced your awful people.
You just poopooed in your pants again. Call mammy and ask her to come change your diaper. Pride of Poland!

You're just proving what a child you are mentally.

Rather than addressing why you're a bigot, who accuses others of being "Bad bigots"

You give this childish crap?

You're definitely not all there.
Go ahead and tell us again how you learned to hate Jews from your father...

Nope, it wasn't until I was older than I learned my father thought much similar about Jews as I do
Most of my anti-Jewish sentiments come from Jews like you, who blame Poland for the Holocaust most of all.

But, it doesn't help that Jews were big time Communist butchers in Eastern Europe, or that just about every major Jewish organization was screeching against Trump, or that Jews dominate the media, and Hollywood pushing Liberalism.

Then there goes a good deal of Wall Street Jews pushing jobs to China, Mexico etc.
Nope you explained that when you were a kid your dad told you he doesn't like Jews much. And I'm sure that's the tip of the iceberg of the antisemtism you were exposed to as a child.

But you did a pretty good job reciting the most common antisemtic canards, I was checkmarking them for you. Although, you need to go back to that neo Nazi site you surf while eating the animal feed during lunch hour, looks like you missed a few. Pride of Poland!
I was made the Dean's List for good grades in college for Multimedia design.

I just didn't want to spend 8 hours a day behind a cubicle on a computer.

I much prefer this, I get to be active, and meet lots of cool people.
You moron, there are a billion Indians who do that for 1/4 of what you make and you will be replaced eventually by an H1-B.
Leave him alone! Didn't you know that the animal feed store is hippest place in the boonies that he lives, where you get to meet the coolest people in town! I'm literally jealous, I wish we had an animal feed store where I live!

Well, Pawling is nicer than Putnam Lake, simply because it has more bars, and doesn't have a bunch of fist-fighting big nosed Italian f*cks.
Igor, you live in an area that has an animal feed store, and you WORK there. Case closed.

You sound 100% Negro, they also don't like Animals, or Farms, and love living in violent inner-cities like Sardines.
Negro? Ha ha ha. Funny shit. Who else are you going to blame for being a good for nothing bum at the age of 31, taking handouts from his parents? Instead of you supporting them, they're supporting you. And take that pacifier out of your mouth, Igor!
Most Jews at your age have gotten out of an elite graduate school and are conquering the world, or earning over $250 K at least while you're eating dog shit at the animal feed store, while mommy pays for your expenses. You are pathetic.

I was made the Dean's List for good grades in college for Multimedia design.

I just didn't want to spend 8 hours a day behind a cubicle on a computer.

I much prefer this, I get to be active, and meet lots of cool people.
You moron, there are a billion Indians who do that for 1/4 of what you make and you will be replaced eventually by an H1-B.

What percentage of Wall Street is Jewish?
You know the Wall Street that has f*cked this country with foreigners doing jobs to our demise?
You mean why do non-Jews trust Jews with their assets?
Maybe you should start a thread to find out.

As far as the death of the FDR era, I didn't know that Ronald Reagan and Patrick Moynahan were Jews.
Yeah, you know Jack Shit about who turned us into the nation without borders.

What about Jew Henry Kissinger opening up free trade with China?
Bzzzzt wrong. The worst sec of state by far was the dumb Nazi Polak Jimmy Carter hired. I think his piece of shit daughter is working for PMSNBC with Goofy Joe.
How can someone manage shit, who is given facts about the lack of Polish involvement in the Holocaust, but still blames Poland for the Holocaust anyways?

You seem more like one of those welfare Jews, like the ones who liter Kiryas Joel.
Hey, I think we have an opening for toilet cleaner. Would you like to submit your resume? Just label it "The pride of Poland" and I'll tell human resources to streamline it the job of your dreams. Side benefits: all you can eat buffet.

Does it bother the 31 year old mammy's boy that Jews are and Israel are so successful? Maybe mammy can bring you a pacifier.

Israel isn't exactly all that successful.
In IQ, PISA scores, and wealth it would be a bit lower than the European average.

You sound like a wanna be schoolyard bully, talk about a dumb, brutish loser.
Sounds like you're eating the animal feed again. I'm surprised they haven't fired your ass yet. Probably because you're a stupid grunt who's only good for loading heavy stuff into trucks.

Sure, Israel is successful, but not as successful as many Western European nations.

You're clearly very uncivilized, and can't hold a proper debate.

If I didn't know better, I'd think you were a Negro.

Israel is the most heavily subsidized nation on earth...to even use the word 'success' is inapplicable because the Jews' success was guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars...yet still the parasites brag about their 'rugged independence"...LOL
I think...you're a fulla shit...jihadi Internet warrior...who can't admit that Israel is a free...successful...strong nation. Dot dot dot.
Sounds like you're eating the animal feed again. I'm surprised they haven't fired your ass yet. Probably because you're a stupid grunt who's only good for loading heavy stuff into trucks.

Sure, Israel is successful, but not as successful as many Western European nations.

You're clearly very uncivilized, and can't hold a proper debate.

If I didn't know better, I'd think you were a Negro.

Israel is the most heavily subsidized nation on earth...to even use the word 'success' is inapplicable because the Jews' success was guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars...yet still the parasites brag about their 'rugged independence"...LOL

You have this unique ability to make yourself the object of ridicule with your silly stuttering and mumbling.

Why even bother posting a puerile comment like this? It just makes you appear all that dumber...

Just pointing out your usual errors from ignorance.

But you 'pointed out' nothing beyond your own signature idiocy
O.M.G. Classic Millenial pajama boy.
And about 2 weeks ago he was veering from that story.
I really have to bookmark the posts where they put my foot in their mouths.
His admitting he needs his mommy to support him is a keeper.

I've personally got about 80K saved up, and make about 40K a year, at age 31.
So, I'm actually in better shape than most at my age.
Compared to my Town, you're pathetic.
40K/year at 31...no self-respecting Jewess would go out with you.
You need one with no self-respect.

Because there's nothing more graceful, or beautiful than a Jewish woman.

Some polish beauties.


And about 2 weeks ago he was veering from that story.
I really have to bookmark the posts where they put my foot in their mouths.
His admitting he needs his mommy to support him is a keeper.

I've personally got about 80K saved up, and make about 40K a year, at age 31.
So, I'm actually in better shape than most at my age.
Compared to my Town, you're pathetic.
40K/year at 31...no self-respecting Jewess would go out with you.
You need one with no self-respect.

Because there's nothing more graceful, or beautiful than a Jewish woman.

Some polish beauties.



Take it back!
Sounds like you're eating the animal feed again. I'm surprised they haven't fired your ass yet. Probably because you're a stupid grunt who's only good for loading heavy stuff into trucks.

Sure, Israel is successful, but not as successful as many Western European nations.

You're clearly very uncivilized, and can't hold a proper debate.

If I didn't know better, I'd think you were a Negro.

Israel is the most heavily subsidized nation on earth...to even use the word 'success' is inapplicable because the Jews' success was guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars...yet still the parasites brag about their 'rugged independence"...LOL

You have this unique ability to make yourself the object of ridicule with your silly stuttering and mumbling.

Why even bother posting a puerile comment like this? It just makes you appear all that dumber...

Just pointing out your usual errors from ignorance.

Funny but I missed that...do you always make up reality?
Sure, Israel is successful, but not as successful as many Western European nations.

You're clearly very uncivilized, and can't hold a proper debate.

If I didn't know better, I'd think you were a Negro.

Israel is the most heavily subsidized nation on earth...to even use the word 'success' is inapplicable because the Jews' success was guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars...yet still the parasites brag about their 'rugged independence"...LOL

You have this unique ability to make yourself the object of ridicule with your silly stuttering and mumbling.

Why even bother posting a puerile comment like this? It just makes you appear all that dumber...

Just pointing out your usual errors from ignorance.

Funny but I missed that...do you always make up reality?
Speaking of reality, you haven't back up even one post with a Link; not even a Link from a rag publication.
Sure, Israel is successful, but not as successful as many Western European nations.

You're clearly very uncivilized, and can't hold a proper debate.

If I didn't know better, I'd think you were a Negro.

Israel is the most heavily subsidized nation on earth...to even use the word 'success' is inapplicable because the Jews' success was guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars...yet still the parasites brag about their 'rugged independence"...LOL

You have this unique ability to make yourself the object of ridicule with your silly stuttering and mumbling.

Why even bother posting a puerile comment like this? It just makes you appear all that dumber...

Just pointing out your usual errors from ignorance.

Funny but I missed that...do you always make up reality?
Here's some made up IslamoNazi reality:

"Israel is the most heavily subsidized nation on earth" Ha ha ha ho ho ho!...to even use the word 'success' is inapplicable because the Jews' success was guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars...yet still the parasites brag about their 'rugged independence"
Last edited:
His admitting he needs his mommy to support him is a keeper.

I've personally got about 80K saved up, and make about 40K a year, at age 31.
So, I'm actually in better shape than most at my age.
Compared to my Town, you're pathetic.
40K/year at 31...no self-respecting Jewess would go out with you.
You need one with no self-respect.

Because there's nothing more graceful, or beautiful than a Jewish woman.

Some polish beauties.



Take it back!

I think the one on the bottom is Igor's girlfriend.
Bad bingo bad bingo!
I started working in a warehouse and made my way up. When I was 28 years old I was an entrepreneur that ran a small electronics manufacturing firm with 120 employees.

How can someone manage shit, who is given facts about the lack of Polish involvement in the Holocaust, but still blames Poland for the Holocaust anyways?

You seem more like one of those welfare Jews, like the ones who liter Kiryas Joel.
Hey, I think we have an opening for toilet cleaner. Would you like to submit your resume? Just label it "The pride of Poland" and I'll tell human resources to streamline it the job of your dreams. Side benefits: all you can eat buffet.

Does it bother the 31 year old mammy's boy that Jews are and Israel are so successful? Maybe mammy can bring you a pacifier.

Israel isn't exactly all that successful.
In IQ, PISA scores, and wealth it would be a bit lower than the European average.

You sound like a wanna be schoolyard bully, talk about a dumb, brutish loser.
Sounds like you're eating the animal feed again. I'm surprised they haven't fired your ass yet. Probably because you're a stupid grunt who's only good for loading heavy stuff into trucks.

Sure, Israel is successful, but not as successful as many Western European nations.

You're clearly very uncivilized, and can't hold a proper debate.

If I didn't know better, I'd think you were a Negro.
I'd trust a black man far more than a dumb Neo Nazi bum like you who blames the world for his own shortcomings in life. In fact I'd trust blacks even more than whites. Not all though.
Israel is the most heavily subsidized nation on earth...to even use the word 'success' is inapplicable because the Jews' success was guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars...yet still the parasites brag about their 'rugged independence"...LOL

You have this unique ability to make yourself the object of ridicule with your silly stuttering and mumbling.

Why even bother posting a puerile comment like this? It just makes you appear all that dumber...

Just pointing out your usual errors from ignorance.

Funny but I missed that...do you always make up reality?
Here's some made up IslamoNazi reality:

"Israel is the most heavily subsidized nation on earth" Ha ha ha ho ho ho!...to even use the word 'success' is inapplicable because the Jews' success was guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars...yet still the parasites brag about their 'rugged independence"

Absolutely amazing!!! Who could withstand the scintillating brilliance of such posts?
You have this unique ability to make yourself the object of ridicule with your silly stuttering and mumbling.

Why even bother posting a puerile comment like this? It just makes you appear all that dumber...

Just pointing out your usual errors from ignorance.

Funny but I missed that...do you always make up reality?
Here's some made up IslamoNazi reality:

"Israel is the most heavily subsidized nation on earth" Ha ha ha ho ho ho!...to even use the word 'success' is inapplicable because the Jews' success was guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars...yet still the parasites brag about their 'rugged independence"

Absolutely amazing!!! Who could withstand the scintillating brilliance of such posts?
Calling Jews parasites, wow, you're a fucking genius, Achmed.
Israel is the most heavily subsidized nation on earth...to even use the word 'success' is inapplicable because the Jews' success was guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars...yet still the parasites brag about their 'rugged independence"...LOL

You have this unique ability to make yourself the object of ridicule with your silly stuttering and mumbling.

Why even bother posting a puerile comment like this? It just makes you appear all that dumber...

Just pointing out your usual errors from ignorance.

Funny but I missed that...do you always make up reality?
Here's some made up IslamoNazi reality:

"Israel is the most heavily subsidized nation on earth" Ha ha ha ho ho ho!...to even use the word 'success' is inapplicable because the Jews' success was guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars...yet still the parasites brag about their 'rugged independence"
Ha! With what Israel has stolen and mooched, Haiti would be a prosperous country.
Israel is the most heavily subsidized nation on earth...to even use the word 'success' is inapplicable because the Jews' success was guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars...yet still the parasites brag about their 'rugged independence"...LOL

You have this unique ability to make yourself the object of ridicule with your silly stuttering and mumbling.

Why even bother posting a puerile comment like this? It just makes you appear all that dumber...

Just pointing out your usual errors from ignorance.

Funny but I missed that...do you always make up reality?
Here's some made up IslamoNazi reality:

"Israel is the most heavily subsidized nation on earth" Ha ha ha ho ho ho!...to even use the word 'success' is inapplicable because the Jews' success was guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars...yet still the parasites brag about their 'rugged independence"
Israel is the most heavily subsidized nation on earth...to even use the word 'success' is inapplicable because the Jews' success was guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars...yet still the parasites brag about their 'rugged independence"...LOL
You have this unique ability to make yourself the object of ridicule with your silly stuttering and mumbling.

Why even bother posting a puerile comment like this? It just makes you appear all that dumber...

Just pointing out your usual errors from ignorance.

Funny but I missed that...do you always make up reality?
Here's some made up IslamoNazi reality:

"Israel is the most heavily subsidized nation on earth" Ha ha ha ho ho ho!...to even use the word 'success' is inapplicable because the Jews' success was guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars...yet still the parasites brag about their 'rugged independence"
Ha! With what Israel has stolen and mooched, Haiti would be a prosperous country.

Haiti...The Dominican Repuplic...Jamaica...Sub-Saharan Africa...Cuba...etc...etc. The most ironic part is you never here the Jews express gratitude to America for the hundreds of billions doled out...instead the bottom-feeders preen and swagger an brag about the 'rugged independence' of the Jewish people...


  • upload_2017-10-26_21-46-47.png
    209 KB · Views: 13
Why even bother posting a puerile comment like this? It just makes you appear all that dumber...

Just pointing out your usual errors from ignorance.

Funny but I missed that...do you always make up reality?
Here's some made up IslamoNazi reality:

"Israel is the most heavily subsidized nation on earth" Ha ha ha ho ho ho!...to even use the word 'success' is inapplicable because the Jews' success was guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars...yet still the parasites brag about their 'rugged independence"

Absolutely amazing!!! Who could withstand the scintillating brilliance of such posts?
Calling Jews parasites, wow, you're a fucking genius, Achmed.

Pray tell us low-brow...what part of 'parasites' do you question? Stick to your stale Hasbara #101
You have this unique ability to make yourself the object of ridicule with your silly stuttering and mumbling.

Why even bother posting a puerile comment like this? It just makes you appear all that dumber...

Just pointing out your usual errors from ignorance.

Funny but I missed that...do you always make up reality?
Here's some made up IslamoNazi reality:

"Israel is the most heavily subsidized nation on earth" Ha ha ha ho ho ho!...to even use the word 'success' is inapplicable because the Jews' success was guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars...yet still the parasites brag about their 'rugged independence"
Ha! With what Israel has stolen and mooched, Haiti would be a prosperous country.
Ho! Well that's a good line as an excuse for Arab barbarism, depravity and incompetence.
You have this unique ability to make yourself the object of ridicule with your silly stuttering and mumbling.

Why even bother posting a puerile comment like this? It just makes you appear all that dumber...

Just pointing out your usual errors from ignorance.

Funny but I missed that...do you always make up reality?
Here's some made up IslamoNazi reality:

"Israel is the most heavily subsidized nation on earth" Ha ha ha ho ho ho!...to even use the word 'success' is inapplicable because the Jews' success was guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars...yet still the parasites brag about their 'rugged independence"
Why even bother posting a puerile comment like this? It just makes you appear all that dumber...

Just pointing out your usual errors from ignorance.

Funny but I missed that...do you always make up reality?
Here's some made up IslamoNazi reality:

"Israel is the most heavily subsidized nation on earth" Ha ha ha ho ho ho!...to even use the word 'success' is inapplicable because the Jews' success was guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars...yet still the parasites brag about their 'rugged independence"
Ha! With what Israel has stolen and mooched, Haiti would be a prosperous country.

Haiti...The Dominican Repuplic...Jamaica...Sub-Saharan Africa...Cuba...etc...etc. The most ironic part is you never here the Jews express gratitude to America for the hundreds of billions doled out...instead the bottom-feeders preen and swagger an brag about the 'rugged independence' of the Jewish people...
Yeah, actually the Jews did pretty well. They defeated the Arab Muslims in a civil war led by the Nazi Mufti pre-1948, and then subsequently managed to kick Arab asses in all their major wars including the 1967 war, without any US help whatsoever. It was only in the late 1960's that the US and Israel became closer and that was mostly due to US national interests rather than Israel's, after the US realized that all the Arab enemies of Israel had in effect become Soviet satellite puppet states, attacking Israel with Soviet weapons. The US saw Israel as a counter balance to Soviet dominance in the region.

You should catch up on your history instead of repeating bullshit antisemitic propaganda like a fucking robot.

Epic fail Achmed.
Just pointing out your usual errors from ignorance.

Funny but I missed that...do you always make up reality?
Here's some made up IslamoNazi reality:

"Israel is the most heavily subsidized nation on earth" Ha ha ha ho ho ho!...to even use the word 'success' is inapplicable because the Jews' success was guaranteed by U.S. taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars...yet still the parasites brag about their 'rugged independence"

Absolutely amazing!!! Who could withstand the scintillating brilliance of such posts?
Calling Jews parasites, wow, you're a fucking genius, Achmed.

Pray tell us low-brow...what part of 'parasites' do you question? Stick to your stale Hasbara #101
I don't need to "pray tell" anything to an internet jihadi piece of shit who calls Jews "parasites", got it, Achmed?

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