Israel Now Under Media Radar

I'd like to see you push a hand-truck with 800 pounds of Horse feed around, geezer.
I started working in a warehouse and made my way up. When I was 28 years old I was an entrepreneur that ran a small electronics manufacturing firm with 120 employees.

How can someone manage shit, who is given facts about the lack of Polish involvement in the Holocaust, but still blames Poland for the Holocaust anyways?

You seem more like one of those welfare Jews, like the ones who liter Kiryas Joel.
Hey, I think we have an opening for toilet cleaner. Would you like to submit your resume? Just label it "The pride of Poland" and I'll tell human resources to streamline it the job of your dreams. Side benefits: all you can eat buffet.

Does it bother the 31 year old mammy's boy that Jews are and Israel are so successful? Maybe mammy can bring you a pacifier.

Israel isn't exactly all that successful.
In IQ, PISA scores, and wealth it would be a bit lower than the European average.

You sound like a wanna be schoolyard bully, talk about a dumb, brutish loser.
Uh huh..less than a century old and it makes most other Eastern Hemisphere nations look like shit holes.

Where would Jews be if they never mixed with European like Polish, Italian, German etc.?
I wasn't aware that size determined the severity of theft and mass-murder...tell us why we shouldn't be concerned---considering the appalling amounts of our tax dollars that find their way there?
Mass murder has been occurring daily throughout the African continent. Yet you don’t have one post about it.

You hate black people too?

Oh but you evade the last question: why shouldn't I be concerned about the conflict in Israel to the extent that it poses a grave threat to the region and the world beyond? As for the subject of the African Continent I have a spate of posts on it, which has nothing to do with your typical evasions toward Israel...what are you afraid of?
The only grave threat to the region and world beyond is the one posed by your islamic terrorist heroes. If you happen to emerge from your coma, you will come to realize that it is the Islamist entity that is the grave threat to the region and specifically, the gravest threat to other islamics. How many islamics have been slaughtered by their co-religionists across Iraq, Syria and North Africa. Your Peaceful Inner Struggling heroes have been gee-hadin' the bejeezuz out of their co-religionists to somewhere in the neighborhood of half a million beheaded, burned, shot, stabbed, smooshed or otherwise dead islamics.

Israel is now a viable nation that doesn't need anything that international trade can't provide.

I have trouble saying the same for the Islamic shitholes in the Middle East or any country on the African continent who have been sucking the US dry for decades.

LOL!!!! Israel was never ' a viable nation' you fool...Israel is the leading welfare-dependency on the planet...HELLLLLOOOOOOOOO
Uh huh.
Anything even partially intelligent to say?
I'm sure you're aware that Israel didn't get a penny from the US until the US bribed them after the 67 war not to take over the entire ME.
But of course you knew that.

I would pose the same question to you dullard...typically no argument just re-cap: Israel is NOT a viable nation, it is a welfare appendage of U.S. foreign policy...

U.S. Aid to Israel Totals $233.7b Over Six Decades
Moshe Arens: Generous assistance reflects common strategic interests and values, rather than lobbying pressure.

Ora Coren and Nadan Feldman Mar 20, 2013 9:19 AM
read more: U.S. aid to Israel totals $233.7b over six decades
Gee we just gave 180 billion since 2001 to the Ben Laden hiding Pakishitainis.

...and how much did Israel get you whiny, ignorant little drone???
I started working in a warehouse and made my way up. When I was 28 years old I was an entrepreneur that ran a small electronics manufacturing firm with 120 employees.

How can someone manage shit, who is given facts about the lack of Polish involvement in the Holocaust, but still blames Poland for the Holocaust anyways?

You seem more like one of those welfare Jews, like the ones who liter Kiryas Joel.
Hey, I think we have an opening for toilet cleaner. Would you like to submit your resume? Just label it "The pride of Poland" and I'll tell human resources to streamline it the job of your dreams. Side benefits: all you can eat buffet.

Does it bother the 31 year old mammy's boy that Jews are and Israel are so successful? Maybe mammy can bring you a pacifier.

Israel isn't exactly all that successful.
In IQ, PISA scores, and wealth it would be a bit lower than the European average.

You sound like a wanna be schoolyard bully, talk about a dumb, brutish loser.
Uh huh..less than a century old and it makes most other Eastern Hemisphere nations look like shit holes.

Where would Jews be if they never mixed with European like Polish, Italian, German etc.?
Israel, if the Holy Roman Empire comprised of those fine nations wasn't murdering people left and right.

Feel stupid yet?
Mass murder has been occurring daily throughout the African continent. Yet you don’t have one post about it.

You hate black people too?

Oh but you evade the last question: why shouldn't I be concerned about the conflict in Israel to the extent that it poses a grave threat to the region and the world beyond? As for the subject of the African Continent I have a spate of posts on it, which has nothing to do with your typical evasions toward Israel...what are you afraid of?
The only grave threat to the region and world beyond is the one posed by your islamic terrorist heroes. If you happen to emerge from your coma, you will come to realize that it is the Islamist entity that is the grave threat to the region and specifically, the gravest threat to other islamics. How many islamics have been slaughtered by their co-religionists across Iraq, Syria and North Africa. Your Peaceful Inner Struggling heroes have been gee-hadin' the bejeezuz out of their co-religionists to somewhere in the neighborhood of half a million beheaded, burned, shot, stabbed, smooshed or otherwise dead islamics.

LOL!!!! Israel was never ' a viable nation' you fool...Israel is the leading welfare-dependency on the planet...HELLLLLOOOOOOOOO
Uh huh.
Anything even partially intelligent to say?
I'm sure you're aware that Israel didn't get a penny from the US until the US bribed them after the 67 war not to take over the entire ME.
But of course you knew that.

I would pose the same question to you dullard...typically no argument just re-cap: Israel is NOT a viable nation, it is a welfare appendage of U.S. foreign policy...

U.S. Aid to Israel Totals $233.7b Over Six Decades
Moshe Arens: Generous assistance reflects common strategic interests and values, rather than lobbying pressure.

Ora Coren and Nadan Feldman Mar 20, 2013 9:19 AM
read more: U.S. aid to Israel totals $233.7b over six decades
Gee we just gave 180 billion since 2001 to the Ben Laden hiding Pakishitainis.

...and how much did Israel get you whiny, ignorant little drone???
Whatever they got didn't go to Araphart's wife; it came back to the US for goods and services.

Feel stupid yet?
How can someone manage shit, who is given facts about the lack of Polish involvement in the Holocaust, but still blames Poland for the Holocaust anyways?

You seem more like one of those welfare Jews, like the ones who liter Kiryas Joel.
Hey, I think we have an opening for toilet cleaner. Would you like to submit your resume? Just label it "The pride of Poland" and I'll tell human resources to streamline it the job of your dreams. Side benefits: all you can eat buffet.

Does it bother the 31 year old mammy's boy that Jews are and Israel are so successful? Maybe mammy can bring you a pacifier.

Israel isn't exactly all that successful.
In IQ, PISA scores, and wealth it would be a bit lower than the European average.

You sound like a wanna be schoolyard bully, talk about a dumb, brutish loser.
Uh huh..less than a century old and it makes most other Eastern Hemisphere nations look like shit holes.

Where would Jews be if they never mixed with European like Polish, Italian, German etc.?
Israel, if the Holy Roman Empire comprised of those fine nations wasn't murdering people left and right.

Feel stupid yet? cannot even navigate one modest sentence correctly...
Hey, I think we have an opening for toilet cleaner. Would you like to submit your resume? Just label it "The pride of Poland" and I'll tell human resources to streamline it the job of your dreams. Side benefits: all you can eat buffet.

Does it bother the 31 year old mammy's boy that Jews are and Israel are so successful? Maybe mammy can bring you a pacifier.

Israel isn't exactly all that successful.
In IQ, PISA scores, and wealth it would be a bit lower than the European average.

You sound like a wanna be schoolyard bully, talk about a dumb, brutish loser.
Uh huh..less than a century old and it makes most other Eastern Hemisphere nations look like shit holes.

Where would Jews be if they never mixed with European like Polish, Italian, German etc.?
Israel, if the Holy Roman Empire comprised of those fine nations wasn't murdering people left and right.

Feel stupid yet? cannot even navigate one modest sentence correctly...
I fully understand the fact that a proper sentence that doesn't contain Jew hating content is beyond your emotional capacity to comprehend.

I also notice you not addressing the content of how my post exposes the historic barbaric behavior of your ancestors.
Israel isn't exactly all that successful.
In IQ, PISA scores, and wealth it would be a bit lower than the European average.

You sound like a wanna be schoolyard bully, talk about a dumb, brutish loser.
Uh huh..less than a century old and it makes most other Eastern Hemisphere nations look like shit holes.

Where would Jews be if they never mixed with European like Polish, Italian, German etc.?
Israel, if the Holy Roman Empire comprised of those fine nations wasn't murdering people left and right.

Feel stupid yet? cannot even navigate one modest sentence correctly...
I fully understand the fact that a proper sentence that doesn't contain Jew hating content is beyond your emotional capacity to comprehend.

I also notice you not addressing the content of how my post exposes the historic barbaric behavior of your ancestors.

I wonder if you even understand what a transparent Hasbara troll you are? All of the behavioral signatures fit like a velvet glove: bone dumb...belligerent...bigoted and incapable of debate...LOL
Uh huh..less than a century old and it makes most other Eastern Hemisphere nations look like shit holes.

Where would Jews be if they never mixed with European like Polish, Italian, German etc.?
Israel, if the Holy Roman Empire comprised of those fine nations wasn't murdering people left and right.

Feel stupid yet? cannot even navigate one modest sentence correctly...
I fully understand the fact that a proper sentence that doesn't contain Jew hating content is beyond your emotional capacity to comprehend.

I also notice you not addressing the content of how my post exposes the historic barbaric behavior of your ancestors.

I wonder if you even understand what a transparent Hasbara troll you are? All of the behavioral signatures fit like a velvet glove: bone dumb...belligerent...bigoted and incapable of debate...LOL
What I admire about you is your honesty in terms of your desire to do what your ancestors did.
It must frustrate you that you cannot legally go on murder sprees.
Where would Jews be if they never mixed with European like Polish, Italian, German etc.?
Israel, if the Holy Roman Empire comprised of those fine nations wasn't murdering people left and right.

Feel stupid yet? cannot even navigate one modest sentence correctly...
I fully understand the fact that a proper sentence that doesn't contain Jew hating content is beyond your emotional capacity to comprehend.

I also notice you not addressing the content of how my post exposes the historic barbaric behavior of your ancestors.

I wonder if you even understand what a transparent Hasbara troll you are? All of the behavioral signatures fit like a velvet glove: bone dumb...belligerent...bigoted and incapable of debate...LOL
What I admire about you is your honesty in terms of your desire to do what your ancestors did.
It must frustrate you that you cannot legally go on murder sprees.

Sincere thanks for essentially proving my point low-brow...tell me how far you advanced in school? Do you recall big colorful alphabet letters over the blackboard, and nap-time?
Israel, if the Holy Roman Empire comprised of those fine nations wasn't murdering people left and right.

Feel stupid yet? cannot even navigate one modest sentence correctly...
I fully understand the fact that a proper sentence that doesn't contain Jew hating content is beyond your emotional capacity to comprehend.

I also notice you not addressing the content of how my post exposes the historic barbaric behavior of your ancestors.

I wonder if you even understand what a transparent Hasbara troll you are? All of the behavioral signatures fit like a velvet glove: bone dumb...belligerent...bigoted and incapable of debate...LOL
What I admire about you is your honesty in terms of your desire to do what your ancestors did.
It must frustrate you that you cannot legally go on murder sprees.

Sincere thanks for essentially proving my point low-brow...tell me how far you advanced in school? Do you recall big colorful alphabet letters over the blackboard, and nap-time?
I graduated Grade school by borrowing the Cross from the Priest across the street and reciting "Kill the Jews" in class.1
Most Jews at your age have gotten out of an elite graduate school and are conquering the world, or earning over $250 K at least while you're eating dog shit at the animal feed store, while mommy pays for your expenses. You are pathetic.

I said I work mostly as a hobby.

I'm not greedy, Jews are.

You Jews never have enough, it's unreal.

My Polish cousins most certainly note of it.

My Polish father said Jews are not his kind of people, all they care about is their pile of cash.

Money is to live by, you Jews think money is life.

It's no wonder why most people despise you awful people.
Yeah hobby my ass.

Like I predicted your bigotry clearly comes from your shitty upbringing.

I bet you are a fucking embrassment to to your family. 31 years old and still dependent on your parents. Spends most of the time vomitting antisemtism on social media. Wow. The pride of Poland. Ha ha ha.

What does your bigotry come from?
You've said some very bigoted things about Arabs, and Poles.

But, I suppose that's "Okay"
You sound like a real hypocritical moron.

Are you admitting to your own shitty upbringing?

What's wrong with doing a job with fair pay, that you like, as opposed to a job with good pay, you hate?

You Jews are just greedy as shit.

My dad used to manage a group home, he said much of his clients were Jews who had breakdowns, because they couldn't please their parents in living up to their f*cked up expectations.

You come from a shitty ethnicity, no one likes you other than a few Asians, or Southern hicks whom both haven't experienced your awful people.
You just poopooed in your pants again. Call mammy and ask her to come change your diaper. Pride of Poland!

You're just proving what a child you are mentally.

Rather than addressing why you're a bigot, who accuses others of being "Bad bigots"

You give this childish crap?

You're definitely not all there.
Go ahead and tell us again how you learned to hate Jews from your father...
I try to not mock people’s work no matter how menial. It’s work and somebody has to do it and I’m happy someone is.

But damn you sure make it difficult from me going there.

I'd like to see you push a hand-truck with 800 pounds of Horse feed around, geezer.
I started working in a warehouse and made my way up. When I was 28 years old I was an entrepreneur that ran a small electronics manufacturing firm with 120 employees.

How can someone manage shit, who is given facts about the lack of Polish involvement in the Holocaust, but still blames Poland for the Holocaust anyways?

You seem more like one of those welfare Jews, like the ones who liter Kiryas Joel.
Hey, I think we have an opening for toilet cleaner. Would you like to submit your resume? Just label it "The pride of Poland" and I'll tell human resources to streamline it the job of your dreams. Side benefits: all you can eat buffet.

Does it bother the 31 year old mammy's boy that Jews are and Israel are so successful? Maybe mammy can bring you a pacifier.

Israel isn't exactly all that successful.
In IQ, PISA scores, and wealth it would be a bit lower than the European average.

You sound like a wanna be schoolyard bully, talk about a dumb, brutish loser.
Sounds like you're eating the animal feed again. I'm surprised they haven't fired your ass yet. Probably because you're a stupid grunt who's only good for loading heavy stuff into trucks.
Last edited: cannot even navigate one modest sentence correctly...
I fully understand the fact that a proper sentence that doesn't contain Jew hating content is beyond your emotional capacity to comprehend.

I also notice you not addressing the content of how my post exposes the historic barbaric behavior of your ancestors.

I wonder if you even understand what a transparent Hasbara troll you are? All of the behavioral signatures fit like a velvet glove: bone dumb...belligerent...bigoted and incapable of debate...LOL
What I admire about you is your honesty in terms of your desire to do what your ancestors did.
It must frustrate you that you cannot legally go on murder sprees.

Sincere thanks for essentially proving my point low-brow...tell me how far you advanced in school? Do you recall big colorful alphabet letters over the blackboard, and nap-time?
I graduated Grade school by borrowing the Cross from the Priest across the street and reciting "Kill the Jews" in class.1
I think he graduated from the local Madrassa with honors kaboom.
I've personally got about 80K saved up, and make about 40K a year, at age 31.
So, I'm actually in better shape than most at my age.
Most Jews at your age have gotten out of an elite graduate school and are conquering the world, or earning over $250 K at least while you're eating dog shit at the animal feed store, while mommy pays for your expenses. You are pathetic.

I was made the Dean's List for good grades in college for Multimedia design.

I just didn't want to spend 8 hours a day behind a cubicle on a computer.

I much prefer this, I get to be active, and meet lots of cool people.
You moron, there are a billion Indians who do that for 1/4 of what you make and you will be replaced eventually by an H1-B.
Leave him alone! Didn't you know that the animal feed store is hippest place in the boonies that he lives, where you get to meet the coolest people in town! I'm literally jealous, I wish we had an animal feed store where I live!

Well, Pawling is nicer than Putnam Lake, simply because it has more bars, and doesn't have a bunch of fist-fighting big nosed Italian f*cks.
Igor, you live in an area that has an animal feed store, and you WORK there. Case closed.
I said I work mostly as a hobby.

I'm not greedy, Jews are.

You Jews never have enough, it's unreal.

My Polish cousins most certainly note of it.

My Polish father said Jews are not his kind of people, all they care about is their pile of cash.

Money is to live by, you Jews think money is life.

It's no wonder why most people despise you awful people.
Yeah hobby my ass.

Like I predicted your bigotry clearly comes from your shitty upbringing.

I bet you are a fucking embrassment to to your family. 31 years old and still dependent on your parents. Spends most of the time vomitting antisemtism on social media. Wow. The pride of Poland. Ha ha ha.

What does your bigotry come from?
You've said some very bigoted things about Arabs, and Poles.

But, I suppose that's "Okay"
You sound like a real hypocritical moron.

Are you admitting to your own shitty upbringing?

What's wrong with doing a job with fair pay, that you like, as opposed to a job with good pay, you hate?

You Jews are just greedy as shit.

My dad used to manage a group home, he said much of his clients were Jews who had breakdowns, because they couldn't please their parents in living up to their f*cked up expectations.

You come from a shitty ethnicity, no one likes you other than a few Asians, or Southern hicks whom both haven't experienced your awful people.
You just poopooed in your pants again. Call mammy and ask her to come change your diaper. Pride of Poland!

You're just proving what a child you are mentally.

Rather than addressing why you're a bigot, who accuses others of being "Bad bigots"

You give this childish crap?

You're definitely not all there.
Go ahead and tell us again how you learned to hate Jews from your father...
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8, 44
I started working in a warehouse and made my way up. When I was 28 years old I was an entrepreneur that ran a small electronics manufacturing firm with 120 employees.

How can someone manage shit, who is given facts about the lack of Polish involvement in the Holocaust, but still blames Poland for the Holocaust anyways?

You seem more like one of those welfare Jews, like the ones who liter Kiryas Joel.
Hey, I think we have an opening for toilet cleaner. Would you like to submit your resume? Just label it "The pride of Poland" and I'll tell human resources to streamline it the job of your dreams. Side benefits: all you can eat buffet.

Does it bother the 31 year old mammy's boy that Jews are and Israel are so successful? Maybe mammy can bring you a pacifier.

Israel isn't exactly all that successful.
In IQ, PISA scores, and wealth it would be a bit lower than the European average.

You sound like a wanna be schoolyard bully, talk about a dumb, brutish loser.
Uh huh..less than a century old and it makes most other Eastern Hemisphere nations look like shit holes.

Where would Jews be if they never mixed with European like Polish, Italian, German etc.?
They didn't really mix, but where would these people be had the Jews and Middle Easterners not invaded and brought them out of the dark ages that they lived as Neanderthals.
Yeah hobby my ass.

Like I predicted your bigotry clearly comes from your shitty upbringing.

I bet you are a fucking embrassment to to your family. 31 years old and still dependent on your parents. Spends most of the time vomitting antisemtism on social media. Wow. The pride of Poland. Ha ha ha.

What does your bigotry come from?
You've said some very bigoted things about Arabs, and Poles.

But, I suppose that's "Okay"
You sound like a real hypocritical moron.

Are you admitting to your own shitty upbringing?

What's wrong with doing a job with fair pay, that you like, as opposed to a job with good pay, you hate?

You Jews are just greedy as shit.

My dad used to manage a group home, he said much of his clients were Jews who had breakdowns, because they couldn't please their parents in living up to their f*cked up expectations.

You come from a shitty ethnicity, no one likes you other than a few Asians, or Southern hicks whom both haven't experienced your awful people.
You just poopooed in your pants again. Call mammy and ask her to come change your diaper. Pride of Poland!

You're just proving what a child you are mentally.

Rather than addressing why you're a bigot, who accuses others of being "Bad bigots"

You give this childish crap?

You're definitely not all there.
Go ahead and tell us again how you learned to hate Jews from your father...
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8, 44
I love it when Muslim Internet jihadis start quoting the Christian Bible. Ha ha ha.
What does your bigotry come from?
You've said some very bigoted things about Arabs, and Poles.

But, I suppose that's "Okay"
You sound like a real hypocritical moron.

Are you admitting to your own shitty upbringing?

What's wrong with doing a job with fair pay, that you like, as opposed to a job with good pay, you hate?

You Jews are just greedy as shit.

My dad used to manage a group home, he said much of his clients were Jews who had breakdowns, because they couldn't please their parents in living up to their f*cked up expectations.

You come from a shitty ethnicity, no one likes you other than a few Asians, or Southern hicks whom both haven't experienced your awful people.
You just poopooed in your pants again. Call mammy and ask her to come change your diaper. Pride of Poland!

You're just proving what a child you are mentally.

Rather than addressing why you're a bigot, who accuses others of being "Bad bigots"

You give this childish crap?

You're definitely not all there.
Go ahead and tell us again how you learned to hate Jews from your father...
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8, 44
I love it when Muslim Internet jihadis start quoting the Christian Bible. Ha ha ha.
But because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me
Mass murder has been occurring daily throughout the African continent. Yet you don’t have one post about it.

You hate black people too?

Oh but you evade the last question: why shouldn't I be concerned about the conflict in Israel to the extent that it poses a grave threat to the region and the world beyond? As for the subject of the African Continent I have a spate of posts on it, which has nothing to do with your typical evasions toward Israel...what are you afraid of?
The only grave threat to the region and world beyond is the one posed by your islamic terrorist heroes. If you happen to emerge from your coma, you will come to realize that it is the Islamist entity that is the grave threat to the region and specifically, the gravest threat to other islamics. How many islamics have been slaughtered by their co-religionists across Iraq, Syria and North Africa. Your Peaceful Inner Struggling heroes have been gee-hadin' the bejeezuz out of their co-religionists to somewhere in the neighborhood of half a million beheaded, burned, shot, stabbed, smooshed or otherwise dead islamics.

LOL!!!! Israel was never ' a viable nation' you fool...Israel is the leading welfare-dependency on the planet...HELLLLLOOOOOOOOO
Uh huh.
Anything even partially intelligent to say?
I'm sure you're aware that Israel didn't get a penny from the US until the US bribed them after the 67 war not to take over the entire ME.
But of course you knew that.

I would pose the same question to you dullard...typically no argument just re-cap: Israel is NOT a viable nation, it is a welfare appendage of U.S. foreign policy...

U.S. Aid to Israel Totals $233.7b Over Six Decades
Moshe Arens: Generous assistance reflects common strategic interests and values, rather than lobbying pressure.

Ora Coren and Nadan Feldman Mar 20, 2013 9:19 AM
read more: U.S. aid to Israel totals $233.7b over six decades
Gee we just gave 180 billion since 2001 to the Ben Laden hiding Pakishitainis.

...and how much did Israel get you whiny, ignorant little drone???
Israel gets about 2 billion a year, which is about the price of a high rise in Tel Aviv today. Now tell us jihadi boy, why should the US be the biggest contributor to the Palestinians, sending about 800 million a year to people that danced on 9-11 and their greatest contribution to the world is hatred and Islamic terrorism?
You just poopooed in your pants again. Call mammy and ask her to come change your diaper. Pride of Poland!

You're just proving what a child you are mentally.

Rather than addressing why you're a bigot, who accuses others of being "Bad bigots"

You give this childish crap?

You're definitely not all there.
Go ahead and tell us again how you learned to hate Jews from your father...
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8, 44
I love it when Muslim Internet jihadis start quoting the Christian Bible. Ha ha ha.
But because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me
You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the head.

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