Israel Now Under Media Radar

His admitting he needs his mommy to support him is a keeper.

I've personally got about 80K saved up, and make about 40K a year, at age 31.
So, I'm actually in better shape than most at my age.
Most Jews at your age have gotten out of an elite graduate school and are conquering the world, or earning over $250 K at least while you're eating dog shit at the animal feed store, while mommy pays for your expenses. You are pathetic.

I was made the Dean's List for good grades in college for Multimedia design.

I just didn't want to spend 8 hours a day behind a cubicle on a computer.

I much prefer this, I get to be active, and meet lots of cool people.
You moron, there are a billion Indians who do that for 1/4 of what you make and you will be replaced eventually by an H1-B.

What percentage of Wall Street is Jewish?
You know the Wall Street that has f*cked this country with foreigners doing jobs to our demise?
You mean why do non-Jews trust Jews with their assets?
Maybe you should start a thread to find out.

As far as the death of the FDR era, I didn't know that Ronald Reagan and Patrick Moynahan were Jews.
Yeah, you know Jack Shit about who turned us into the nation without borders.
A curious media phenomenon has emerged over the last two years, the volume of references to Israel in mainstream media is now a modest trickle or none! This seems to suggest several conclusions which those of us who've observed the conflict for decades might regard with considerable suspicion. Secrecy, lies and sustained misinformation are the bread-n-butter of media scrutiny on the subject. The recent media blackout might be considered an ominous portent, perhaps the early stages of an large-scale expulsion plan or comparable strategy to acquire more Palestinian lands while trumpeting the routine spate of Zionist lies...

Lol you mental midget are such a foolish bunch. Israel is a tiny country. One of the smallest in the world. Yet it dominates the news circulation and editorials and these sorry are negative against Israel 95% of the time. And that is only in the US. In Europe and the Arab world it is 100% negative on Israel. A Jew farts in the desert and the world media puts on the front page “Israel unleashed toxic gas on Palestinian Peace keepers.”

Seriously if the Jews own the media they are doing an awful poor job of distorting the media in their favor. When a Palestinian terrorist attacks Israel civilians and the IDF kills the scumbag. The world headline go “IDF Shoots and Kills Unarmed Palestinian Civilian.”

No the Jews don’t own the media, world Gov or banks. It is simply false

Sent from my iPhone using

Most understand that mainstream media genuflects to imbeciles keep referring to it as 'the smallest nation on earth' as if that somehow excuses the criminal occupation and its spate of equally criminal concomitants...The Jews are criminal occupiers Einstein, has no one explained to you in small words that the Palestinian population enjoys a legal right to defend themselves and their people from this toxic Euro-trash, not that they have the military resources to do so against the Jewish per your comparably absurd claim about the degree of Jewish ownership of Banks, Media and its influence on U.S. foreign policy try posting more than you clueless opinion...Jews essentially admit their domination...

Criminal occupiers? Was the land they now occupy not captured during warfare? Yes? End of discussion.

Let me ask you a very simple question. Have you ever been to Israel and traveled from Jerusalem into the West Bank?

Ever been to Tel Aviv?

How about Gaza?
Venting has been to Israel like P Fool Tinless.
His admitting he needs his mommy to support him is a keeper.

I've personally got about 80K saved up, and make about 40K a year, at age 31.
So, I'm actually in better shape than most at my age.
I try to not mock people’s work no matter how menial. It’s work and somebody has to do it and I’m happy someone is.

But damn you sure make it difficult from me going there.

I'd like to see you push a hand-truck with 800 pounds of Horse feed around, geezer.
I started working in a warehouse and made my way up. When I was 28 years old I was an entrepreneur that ran a small electronics manufacturing firm with 120 employees.

How can someone manage shit, who is given facts about the lack of Polish involvement in the Holocaust, but still blames Poland for the Holocaust anyways?

You seem more like one of those welfare Jews, like the ones who liter Kiryas Joel.
After a while and a certain number of unoriginal repetitions, well, you know how boring you are.
You do know?
His admitting he needs his mommy to support him is a keeper.

I've personally got about 80K saved up, and make about 40K a year, at age 31.
So, I'm actually in better shape than most at my age.
Compared to my Town, you're pathetic.
40K/year at self-respecting Jewess would go out with you.
You need one with no self-respect.

Average Jewish American household income is $97,000, and obviously overwhelmingly 2 person household.
Cut $97,000 in half, and it's less than $49,000.
Not a whole lot more than I make.

Of course, the average U.S.A household makes over $55,000, cut that in half, and you get less than $28,000.

So, actually my wages are more similar to Jews, than the average American.

But, my family makes over $200,000, that doesn't include my wages.

So, actually my family is far beyond the average Jewish household.
In US, yes. In NYC/LI? Bullshit

Houses here in Pawling, New York are about half that of Westchester, or Nassau.

I'm not quite sure why, Pawling's every bit as cute as Bedford, NY, far less crowded than Westchester, or Nassau,
the people up here are much nicer, and less angry.

Probably because there's quite less Mediterranean Jews, and Italians up here.

No one likes Mediterraneans, even you Jews hate your own relatives the Arabs.
Wherever you live, the prices will be lower.
His admitting he needs his mommy to support him is a keeper.

I've personally got about 80K saved up, and make about 40K a year, at age 31.
So, I'm actually in better shape than most at my age.
Most Jews at your age have gotten out of an elite graduate school and are conquering the world, or earning over $250 K at least while you're eating dog shit at the animal feed store, while mommy pays for your expenses. You are pathetic.

I said I work mostly as a hobby.

I'm not greedy, Jews are.

You Jews never have enough, it's unreal.

My Polish cousins most certainly note of it.

My Polish father said Jews are not his kind of people, all they care about is their pile of cash.

Money is to live by, you Jews think money is life.

It's no wonder why most people despise you awful people.
Yeah hobby my ass.

Like I predicted your bigotry clearly comes from your shitty upbringing.

I bet you are a fucking embrassment to to your family. 31 years old and still dependent on your parents. Spends most of the time vomitting antisemtism on social media. Wow. The pride of Poland. Ha ha ha.

What does your bigotry come from?
You've said some very bigoted things about Arabs, and Poles.

But, I suppose that's "Okay"
You sound like a real hypocritical moron.

Are you admitting to your own shitty upbringing?

What's wrong with doing a job with fair pay, that you like, as opposed to a job with good pay, you hate?

You Jews are just greedy as shit.

My dad used to manage a group home, he said much of his clients were Jews who had breakdowns, because they couldn't please their parents in living up to their f*cked up expectations.

You come from a shitty ethnicity, no one likes you other than a few Asians, or Southern hicks whom both haven't experienced your awful people.
You just poopooed in your pants again. Call mammy and ask her to come change your diaper. Pride of Poland!
His admitting he needs his mommy to support him is a keeper.

I've personally got about 80K saved up, and make about 40K a year, at age 31.
So, I'm actually in better shape than most at my age.
I try to not mock people’s work no matter how menial. It’s work and somebody has to do it and I’m happy someone is.

But damn you sure make it difficult from me going there.

I'd like to see you push a hand-truck with 800 pounds of Horse feed around, geezer.
I started working in a warehouse and made my way up. When I was 28 years old I was an entrepreneur that ran a small electronics manufacturing firm with 120 employees.

How can someone manage shit, who is given facts about the lack of Polish involvement in the Holocaust, but still blames Poland for the Holocaust anyways?

You seem more like one of those welfare Jews, like the ones who liter Kiryas Joel.
Hey, I think we have an opening for toilet cleaner. Would you like to submit your resume? Just label it "The pride of Poland" and I'll tell human resources to streamline it the job of your dreams. Side benefits: all you can eat buffet.

Does it bother the 31 year old mammy's boy that Jews are and Israel are so successful? Maybe mammy can bring you a pacifier.
And about 2 weeks ago he was veering from that story.
I really have to bookmark the posts where they put my foot in their mouths.
His admitting he needs his mommy to support him is a keeper.

I've personally got about 80K saved up, and make about 40K a year, at age 31.
So, I'm actually in better shape than most at my age.
Most Jews at your age have gotten out of an elite graduate school and are conquering the world, or earning over $250 K at least while you're eating dog shit at the animal feed store, while mommy pays for your expenses. You are pathetic.

I was made the Dean's List for good grades in college for Multimedia design.

I just didn't want to spend 8 hours a day behind a cubicle on a computer.

I much prefer this, I get to be active, and meet lots of cool people.
You moron, there are a billion Indians who do that for 1/4 of what you make and you will be replaced eventually by an H1-B.
Leave him alone! Didn't you know that the animal feed store is hippest place in the boonies that he lives, where you get to meet the coolest people in town! I'm literally jealous, I wish we had an animal feed store where I live!
I've personally got about 80K saved up, and make about 40K a year, at age 31.
So, I'm actually in better shape than most at my age.
Most Jews at your age have gotten out of an elite graduate school and are conquering the world, or earning over $250 K at least while you're eating dog shit at the animal feed store, while mommy pays for your expenses. You are pathetic.

I said I work mostly as a hobby.

I'm not greedy, Jews are.

You Jews never have enough, it's unreal.

My Polish cousins most certainly note of it.

My Polish father said Jews are not his kind of people, all they care about is their pile of cash.

Money is to live by, you Jews think money is life.

It's no wonder why most people despise you awful people.
Yeah hobby my ass.

Like I predicted your bigotry clearly comes from your shitty upbringing.

I bet you are a fucking embrassment to to your family. 31 years old and still dependent on your parents. Spends most of the time vomitting antisemtism on social media. Wow. The pride of Poland. Ha ha ha.

What does your bigotry come from?
You've said some very bigoted things about Arabs, and Poles.

But, I suppose that's "Okay"
You sound like a real hypocritical moron.

Are you admitting to your own shitty upbringing?

What's wrong with doing a job with fair pay, that you like, as opposed to a job with good pay, you hate?

You Jews are just greedy as shit.

My dad used to manage a group home, he said much of his clients were Jews who had breakdowns, because they couldn't please their parents in living up to their f*cked up expectations.

You come from a shitty ethnicity, no one likes you other than a few Asians, or Southern hicks whom both haven't experienced your awful people.
You just poopooed in your pants again. Call mammy and ask her to come change your diaper. Pride of Poland!

You're just proving what a child you are mentally.

Rather than addressing why you're a bigot, who accuses others of being "Bad bigots"

You give this childish crap?

You're definitely not all there.
I've personally got about 80K saved up, and make about 40K a year, at age 31.
So, I'm actually in better shape than most at my age.
I try to not mock people’s work no matter how menial. It’s work and somebody has to do it and I’m happy someone is.

But damn you sure make it difficult from me going there.

I'd like to see you push a hand-truck with 800 pounds of Horse feed around, geezer.
I started working in a warehouse and made my way up. When I was 28 years old I was an entrepreneur that ran a small electronics manufacturing firm with 120 employees.

How can someone manage shit, who is given facts about the lack of Polish involvement in the Holocaust, but still blames Poland for the Holocaust anyways?

You seem more like one of those welfare Jews, like the ones who liter Kiryas Joel.
Hey, I think we have an opening for toilet cleaner. Would you like to submit your resume? Just label it "The pride of Poland" and I'll tell human resources to streamline it the job of your dreams. Side benefits: all you can eat buffet.

Does it bother the 31 year old mammy's boy that Jews are and Israel are so successful? Maybe mammy can bring you a pacifier.

Israel isn't exactly all that successful.
In IQ, PISA scores, and wealth it would be a bit lower than the European average.

You sound like a wanna be schoolyard bully, talk about a dumb, brutish loser.
I've personally got about 80K saved up, and make about 40K a year, at age 31.
So, I'm actually in better shape than most at my age.
Compared to my Town, you're pathetic.
40K/year at self-respecting Jewess would go out with you.
You need one with no self-respect.

Average Jewish American household income is $97,000, and obviously overwhelmingly 2 person household.
Cut $97,000 in half, and it's less than $49,000.
Not a whole lot more than I make.

Of course, the average U.S.A household makes over $55,000, cut that in half, and you get less than $28,000.

So, actually my wages are more similar to Jews, than the average American.

But, my family makes over $200,000, that doesn't include my wages.

So, actually my family is far beyond the average Jewish household.
In US, yes. In NYC/LI? Bullshit

Houses here in Pawling, New York are about half that of Westchester, or Nassau.

I'm not quite sure why, Pawling's every bit as cute as Bedford, NY, far less crowded than Westchester, or Nassau,
the people up here are much nicer, and less angry.

Probably because there's quite less Mediterranean Jews, and Italians up here.

No one likes Mediterraneans, even you Jews hate your own relatives the Arabs.
Wherever you live, the prices will be lower.

Actually, the disparity between Dutchess, and Putnam counties in wealth, and housing was even more pronounced before I moved there.

People from the Bronx took longer to discover Dutchess, and of course overpaid for houses up here.

But, there's still a lot of original local families here in Pawling, unlike Putnam.
His admitting he needs his mommy to support him is a keeper.

I've personally got about 80K saved up, and make about 40K a year, at age 31.
So, I'm actually in better shape than most at my age.
Most Jews at your age have gotten out of an elite graduate school and are conquering the world, or earning over $250 K at least while you're eating dog shit at the animal feed store, while mommy pays for your expenses. You are pathetic.

I was made the Dean's List for good grades in college for Multimedia design.

I just didn't want to spend 8 hours a day behind a cubicle on a computer.

I much prefer this, I get to be active, and meet lots of cool people.
You moron, there are a billion Indians who do that for 1/4 of what you make and you will be replaced eventually by an H1-B.
Leave him alone! Didn't you know that the animal feed store is hippest place in the boonies that he lives, where you get to meet the coolest people in town! I'm literally jealous, I wish we had an animal feed store where I live!

Well, Pawling is nicer than Putnam Lake, simply because it has more bars, and doesn't have a bunch of fist-fighting big nosed Italian f*cks.
His admitting he needs his mommy to support him is a keeper.

I've personally got about 80K saved up, and make about 40K a year, at age 31.
So, I'm actually in better shape than most at my age.
Most Jews at your age have gotten out of an elite graduate school and are conquering the world, or earning over $250 K at least while you're eating dog shit at the animal feed store, while mommy pays for your expenses. You are pathetic.

I was made the Dean's List for good grades in college for Multimedia design.

I just didn't want to spend 8 hours a day behind a cubicle on a computer.

I much prefer this, I get to be active, and meet lots of cool people.
You moron, there are a billion Indians who do that for 1/4 of what you make and you will be replaced eventually by an H1-B.
Leave him alone! Didn't you know that the animal feed store is hippest place in the boonies that he lives, where you get to meet the coolest people in town! I'm literally jealous, I wish we had an animal feed store where I live!

Like Williamsburg?

Why you stupid Jews will overpay by about 3X more than Pawling, to live in a neighborhood that's not even half as safe as Pawling, with no yard is beyond me.
I try to not mock people’s work no matter how menial. It’s work and somebody has to do it and I’m happy someone is.

But damn you sure make it difficult from me going there.

I'd like to see you push a hand-truck with 800 pounds of Horse feed around, geezer.
I started working in a warehouse and made my way up. When I was 28 years old I was an entrepreneur that ran a small electronics manufacturing firm with 120 employees.

How can someone manage shit, who is given facts about the lack of Polish involvement in the Holocaust, but still blames Poland for the Holocaust anyways?

You seem more like one of those welfare Jews, like the ones who liter Kiryas Joel.
Hey, I think we have an opening for toilet cleaner. Would you like to submit your resume? Just label it "The pride of Poland" and I'll tell human resources to streamline it the job of your dreams. Side benefits: all you can eat buffet.

Does it bother the 31 year old mammy's boy that Jews are and Israel are so successful? Maybe mammy can bring you a pacifier.

Israel isn't exactly all that successful.
In IQ, PISA scores, and wealth it would be a bit lower than the European average.

You sound like a wanna be schoolyard bully, talk about a dumb, brutish loser.
Uh huh..less than a century old and it makes most other Eastern Hemisphere nations look like shit holes.
“Israel jumped eight places to rank 16th in the world from 137 countries in the latest edition of the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) published by the Geneva-based World Economic Forum this week.

Israel came in third in innovation, seventh in technological readiness; 11th in financial market development and 15th in business sophistication.“

That's a far cry from the whole World depends on Israel and only Israel claim.

The tech capitals are Hong Kong and Silicon Valley, Israel doesn't even make the top-twenty...apparently we are all expected to genuflect to the superior Jews who manage to do what they do with nothing more than hundreds of billions in subsidies from the raped the U.S. taxpayer...what a ruggedly independent breed they are!!


Let's do a math lesson! You said we gave them how much in aid over the last 60 years? Take that number, divide it by 60 and it doesn't even come close to hundred of billions in subsidies, unless you are talking about smaller amouts over the last 20 years or so.

So were you lying then or are you lying now?

Math isn't your thing putz...adding up all the direct aid and military technology equates to 'hundreds of billions"...

U.S. Aid to Israel Totals $233.7b Over Six Decades
Moshe Arens: Generous assistance reflects common strategic interests and values, rather than lobbying pressure.

Ora Coren and Nadan Feldman Mar 20, 2013 9:19 AM
read more: U.S. aid to Israel totals $233.7b over six decades
“Israel jumped eight places to rank 16th in the world from 137 countries in the latest edition of the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) published by the Geneva-based World Economic Forum this week.

Israel came in third in innovation, seventh in technological readiness; 11th in financial market development and 15th in business sophistication.“

That's a far cry from the whole World depends on Israel and only Israel claim.

The tech capitals are Hong Kong and Silicon Valley, Israel doesn't even make the top-twenty...apparently we are all expected to genuflect to the superior Jews who manage to do what they do with nothing more than hundreds of billions in subsidies from the raped the U.S. taxpayer...what a ruggedly independent breed they are!!


Let's do a math lesson! You said we gave them how much in aid over the last 60 years? Take that number, divide it by 60 and it doesn't even come close to hundred of billions in subsidies, unless you are talking about smaller amouts over the last 20 years or so.

So were you lying then or are you lying now?

Math isn't your thing putz...adding up all the direct aid and military technology equates to 'hundreds of billions"...

U.S. Aid to Israel Totals $233.7b Over Six Decades
Moshe Arens: Generous assistance reflects common strategic interests and values, rather than lobbying pressure.

Ora Coren and Nadan Feldman Mar 20, 2013 9:19 AM
read more: U.S. aid to Israel totals $233.7b over six decades

The United States has provided Israel with $233.7 billion in aid ‏(after adjusting for inflation‏) since the state was formed in 1948 through the end of last year, research by TheMarker has found.
In nominal terms, total American aid was $112 billion over the years, according to data that appears on the website of the U.S. Congress.
The impression created is that the partnership between the two countries results from pressure by the pro-Israeli lobby in Washington, which expressed itself particularly strongly in last year’s U.S. elections. But the U.S. government has a clear strategic interest in strong ties with Israel, which is the largest single recipient of American foreign aid, says Moshe Arens, a former foreign minister, defense minister and ambassador to Washington.
read more: U.S. aid to Israel totals $233.7b over six decades
“Israel jumped eight places to rank 16th in the world from 137 countries in the latest edition of the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) published by the Geneva-based World Economic Forum this week.

Israel came in third in innovation, seventh in technological readiness; 11th in financial market development and 15th in business sophistication.“

That's a far cry from the whole World depends on Israel and only Israel claim.

The tech capitals are Hong Kong and Silicon Valley, Israel doesn't even make the top-twenty...apparently we are all expected to genuflect to the superior Jews who manage to do what they do with nothing more than hundreds of billions in subsidies from the raped the U.S. taxpayer...what a ruggedly independent breed they are!!


Let's do a math lesson! You said we gave them how much in aid over the last 60 years? Take that number, divide it by 60 and it doesn't even come close to hundred of billions in subsidies, unless you are talking about smaller amouts over the last 20 years or so.

So were you lying then or are you lying now?

Math isn't your thing putz...adding up all the direct aid and military technology equates to 'hundreds of billions"...

U.S. Aid to Israel Totals $233.7b Over Six Decades
Moshe Arens: Generous assistance reflects common strategic interests and values, rather than lobbying pressure.

Ora Coren and Nadan Feldman Mar 20, 2013 9:19 AM
read more: U.S. aid to Israel totals $233.7b over six decades

Do you need overtime pay at 7-11?
A curious media phenomenon has emerged over the last two years, the volume of references to Israel in mainstream media is now a modest trickle or none! This seems to suggest several conclusions which those of us who've observed the conflict for decades might regard with considerable suspicion. Secrecy, lies and sustained misinformation are the bread-n-butter of media scrutiny on the subject. The recent media blackout might be considered an ominous portent, perhaps the early stages of an large-scale expulsion plan or comparable strategy to acquire more Palestinian lands while trumpeting the routine spate of Zionist lies...

Lol you mental midget are such a foolish bunch. Israel is a tiny country. One of the smallest in the world. Yet it dominates the news circulation and editorials and these sorry are negative against Israel 95% of the time. And that is only in the US. In Europe and the Arab world it is 100% negative on Israel. A Jew farts in the desert and the world media puts on the front page “Israel unleashed toxic gas on Palestinian Peace keepers.”

Seriously if the Jews own the media they are doing an awful poor job of distorting the media in their favor. When a Palestinian terrorist attacks Israel civilians and the IDF kills the scumbag. The world headline go “IDF Shoots and Kills Unarmed Palestinian Civilian.”

No the Jews don’t own the media, world Gov or banks. It is simply false

Sent from my iPhone using

Most understand that mainstream media genuflects to imbeciles keep referring to it as 'the smallest nation on earth' as if that somehow excuses the criminal occupation and its spate of equally criminal concomitants...The Jews are criminal occupiers Einstein, has no one explained to you in small words that the Palestinian population enjoys a legal right to defend themselves and their people from this toxic Euro-trash, not that they have the military resources to do so against the Jewish per your comparably absurd claim about the degree of Jewish ownership of Banks, Media and its influence on U.S. foreign policy try posting more than you clueless opinion...Jews essentially admit their domination...

Criminal occupiers? Was the land they now occupy not captured during warfare? Yes? End of discussion.

Let me ask you a very simple question. Have you ever been to Israel and traveled from Jerusalem into the West Bank?

Ever been to Tel Aviv?

How about Gaza?

Apparently the term 'occupied lands' eludes your tiny brain...everything the European Jews acquired in Palestine is STOLEN...You have no grasp of law or ethics...the much-distorted '67 land-grab' was cynically planned to 'expand Israel's territory'...Admitted by Begin and others...Try educating yourself before spewing your propaganda here...
“Israel jumped eight places to rank 16th in the world from 137 countries in the latest edition of the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) published by the Geneva-based World Economic Forum this week.

Israel came in third in innovation, seventh in technological readiness; 11th in financial market development and 15th in business sophistication.“

That's a far cry from the whole World depends on Israel and only Israel claim.

The tech capitals are Hong Kong and Silicon Valley, Israel doesn't even make the top-twenty...apparently we are all expected to genuflect to the superior Jews who manage to do what they do with nothing more than hundreds of billions in subsidies from the raped the U.S. taxpayer...what a ruggedly independent breed they are!!


Let's do a math lesson! You said we gave them how much in aid over the last 60 years? Take that number, divide it by 60 and it doesn't even come close to hundred of billions in subsidies, unless you are talking about smaller amouts over the last 20 years or so.

So were you lying then or are you lying now?

Math isn't your thing putz...adding up all the direct aid and military technology equates to 'hundreds of billions"...

U.S. Aid to Israel Totals $233.7b Over Six Decades
Moshe Arens: Generous assistance reflects common strategic interests and values, rather than lobbying pressure.

Ora Coren and Nadan Feldman Mar 20, 2013 9:19 AM
read more: U.S. aid to Israel totals $233.7b over six decades

The United States has provided Israel with $233.7 billion in aid ‏(after adjusting for inflation‏) since the state was formed in 1948 through the end of last year, research by TheMarker has found.
In nominal terms, total American aid was $112 billion over the years, according to data that appears on the website of the U.S. Congress.
The impression created is that the partnership between the two countries results from pressure by the pro-Israeli lobby in Washington, which expressed itself particularly strongly in last year’s U.S. elections. But the U.S. government has a clear strategic interest in strong ties with Israel, which is the largest single recipient of American foreign aid, says Moshe Arens, a former foreign minister, defense minister and ambassador to Washington.
read more: U.S. aid to Israel totals $233.7b over six decades

"...But the U.S. government has a clear strategic interest in strong ties with Israel...."

That is true.

Now go outside and play in traffic.
A curious media phenomenon has emerged over the last two years, the volume of references to Israel in mainstream media is now a modest trickle or none! This seems to suggest several conclusions which those of us who've observed the conflict for decades might regard with considerable suspicion. Secrecy, lies and sustained misinformation are the bread-n-butter of media scrutiny on the subject. The recent media blackout might be considered an ominous portent, perhaps the early stages of an large-scale expulsion plan or comparable strategy to acquire more Palestinian lands while trumpeting the routine spate of Zionist lies...

Lol you mental midget are such a foolish bunch. Israel is a tiny country. One of the smallest in the world. Yet it dominates the news circulation and editorials and these sorry are negative against Israel 95% of the time. And that is only in the US. In Europe and the Arab world it is 100% negative on Israel. A Jew farts in the desert and the world media puts on the front page “Israel unleashed toxic gas on Palestinian Peace keepers.”

Seriously if the Jews own the media they are doing an awful poor job of distorting the media in their favor. When a Palestinian terrorist attacks Israel civilians and the IDF kills the scumbag. The world headline go “IDF Shoots and Kills Unarmed Palestinian Civilian.”

No the Jews don’t own the media, world Gov or banks. It is simply false

Sent from my iPhone using

Most understand that mainstream media genuflects to imbeciles keep referring to it as 'the smallest nation on earth' as if that somehow excuses the criminal occupation and its spate of equally criminal concomitants...The Jews are criminal occupiers Einstein, has no one explained to you in small words that the Palestinian population enjoys a legal right to defend themselves and their people from this toxic Euro-trash, not that they have the military resources to do so against the Jewish per your comparably absurd claim about the degree of Jewish ownership of Banks, Media and its influence on U.S. foreign policy try posting more than you clueless opinion...Jews essentially admit their domination...

Criminal occupiers? Was the land they now occupy not captured during warfare? Yes? End of discussion.

Let me ask you a very simple question. Have you ever been to Israel and traveled from Jerusalem into the West Bank?

Ever been to Tel Aviv?

How about Gaza?

Apparently the term 'occupied lands' eludes your tiny brain...everything the European Jews acquired in Palestine is STOLEN...You have no grasp of law or ethics...the much-distorted '67 land-grab' was cynically planned to 'expand Israel's territory'...Admitted by Begin and others...Try educating yourself before spewing your propaganda here...

You conspiracy theory loons are a hoot.

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