Israel / Palestine Peace Plan

Jan 3, 2010
Israel / Palestine Peace Plan - A Federation of two States.

Someday leaders in Israel / Palestine will discuss a time tested democratic political formula that has ended many wars in history called a Confederation or Federation of States.

Traditionally States in a Federation join their finalized State borders together to form sea to sea, undivided, maximized, International borders for all citizens of the Federation and all Federations share Federal capital. In my opinion each State requires two Provinces each and Jerusalem would be a mixed Province.

Canada and the USA are two examples of federations that ended wars. Federations need to pick a capital and in my opinion Jerusalem should be the world recognized undisputed capital of the State of Israel and the State of Palestine like Washington and Ottawa.

Islam has had a presence in the Holy Land for over 1,500 years and Judaism even longer so those who say the other religion has no claim are selfish and not wise in my opinion. The only hope for a lasting peace is a new win win political system and I believe this is it.

The plan suggests an all Hebrew language State government of Israel and an all Arabic language State government of Palestine in a two State Federation. In my opinion only the federal level should be bi-lingual but the two State governments should be conducted in the two different official languages of the Federation with different national anthems.

This plan would forever guarantee Hebrew as the official language of the State of Israel and it would guarantee Arabic as the official language of the State of Palestine.

If you are a non Jewish citizen or politician of the State of Israel you would remain an Israeli citizens unless you apply to be a citizen of the State of Palestine and give up your Israeli citizenship.

Agreed on Federal laws would protect both Israelis and Palestinian citizens as legal equals with equal rights. The main differences would be the elections you vote in. Under this plan non Jewish Israeli politicians would need to speak Hebrew in the State government or employ a translator if their particular area remains in the State of Israel.

Politically on the ground a federation requires all three levels of Government found in other federal democracies. Citizens would elect a city government, elect the State governments and in my opinion elect a Federal government of equality.

In my opinion a restored Holy Land with Jerusalem as the world recognized undisputed capital of the State of Israel and Palestine would be an economic Super State with new markets not to mention the peace dividend for both States.

All Federal laws and all Federal department publications and signs and forms would be bi-lingual printed in both Arabic and Hebrew. In my opinion the States governments affairs and publications would not be officially bi-lingual at the State level but private companies can do translations.

The proposed Federal constitution of Israel / Palestine is based upon equality and must forever guarantee only two States with 50% - 50% equal representation from each of the two States.

If other countries wanted to join the Federation there is a process. Any expansion of Israel / Palestine would require a unanimous vote of Federal Ministers from the two States and not effect the 50%-50% constitutional composition of the Federation.

In my opinion there should be two non voting federal leaders one from each State. These elected co-presidents of the Federation of Israel / Palestine would take turns directing questions asked to the federal department heads from other politicians, the media and the general public and about their department's business plan and progress.

If the federal ministers do not get along and can not come up with any programs that benefit both States they would probably not be re-elected in three years at the next Federal elections. In my opinions all municipal, State and Federal elections would be held on the same dates for both States. I'm suggesting 3 years because 2 is too short and 4 feels too long.

Permanent equal representation from each State will insure that no side is ever in power over the other side and only good ideas will pass that will benefit both States. The agreed on federal laws would apply to all the citizens of the Federation and like in other federations federal laws override State laws and citizens can appeal to the elected 10 member federal court of equality.

This federal solution also deals with Palestinian immigration and the right of return. Example of the Solution: If a new citizen of the Federation chooses Hebrew as their preferred language on the citizenship application they would become a citizen of the State of Israel only and have no effect on the State of Palestine elections.

Also Palestinians returning to or joining Palestine would probably choose Arabic as their preferred language on the citizenship application and would become citizens only of the State of Palestine only and have no vote in the State of Israel's affairs.

A Federation would eliminate the power struggle over majority language rule. The Federal level would always remain equal representation from each State therefore the number of citizens of each State has becomes totally irrelevant and not a threat.

The various cities and municipalities within Israel / Palestine can have Hebrew and Arabic names. The various municipalities would be classified on the internal map of Israel / Palestine as either blue for a Hebrew language city, or red for an Arabic language city or purple for a mixed language city on the map.

States in a federation have a common currency with one language per side. The States enjoy free trade between States. Federations have one army and all citizens have legal equality under Federal laws. There is also the freedom of mobility to live and work anywhere in the Federation you choose.

A Palestinian may live in a Hebrew area within the State of Israel and only vote in the State of Palestine's elections. Citizenship is a language classification only and does not have to do with religion or race.

How to do it: The seeds for a Federation can be planted when the Palestinian and Israeli leaders discuss this peace plan and the State governments agree to elect representatives to co-chair a federal department to duplicate a State power and see the results. A federation based on equality requires co-ministers of Tourism, co-ministers of Public Education, Public Health, International Trade and many other typical federal departments.

To ensure equality every federal department would have an equal number of employees from each State to staff the federal departments. If you look at the list of the Canadian French / English federal government departments and programs there could almost be full employment just by staffing all the federal departments.

The proposed federal supreme court of Israel / Palestine would arbitrate State disputes and protect all citizens civil rights. In my opinion Israel / Palestine needs a new constitution based on my suggestions and there also a needs to be a citizen's charter of rights. Citizens can appeal State judgments to the higher Federal court.

In my opinion the federal politicians should have offices in a new Federal parliament building to be built in Jerusalem the capital of Israel / Palestine. In my opinion there should be protected public galleries built with microphones for citizen to participate in the Federal government.

I propose all members of integrated State police and integrated army of Palestine / Israel speak only in English while on the job. English should be the official second language of both States and be the official first language of the army and police. To be in the army, police department you need to know English and only speak in English while on the job carrying a gun to inure trust.

This peace plan would end the dispute in my opinion and put Israel / Palestine on the map at maximum borders. Jerusalem would be the world recognized undisputed capital of the State of Israel. It would also be the capital of State of Palestine. There would be blue and red municipalities contributing to State governments. The wars should end because if you are an equal citizen form coast to coast how can you want more than all of it.

The big question is when will the selfish people stop believing the other side has no rights and agree on a win win compromise. Please let me know if you have any questions, criticisms or ideas on how to improve the proposed federation of Israel / Palestine.

Thanks, Terry Hirchberg
OK Sgt.
I'll take that as a conditional yes vote.
Not all Muslims or Arabs kill Jews on a daily bases because
murder is against our common 10 commandments.


You ask a good question.
I'm from Canada and never heard of the place but
I did a search.

If you look at the original UN partition map and
the map that Mr. Arafat almost agreed to Najd is near Rammala
and would be in the State of Palestine.

I learned the original owners were forced to leave
and the whole town was leveled and a new city was built in it's place.

In my opinion the Israel / Palestine currency would do well on world currency markets
after there is a signed peace agreement and the country could afford to pay reparations
to all those who were victims of war.

I'm not sure if the new city built on the ashes is an Israeli settlement.
May you know the history and can inform me.

Israeli Hebrew settlements in either of the Provinces of the State of Palestine
would only vote in the State of Israel elections.

All cities call have Hebrew and Arabic names so the name Najd could be used again.

I also learned there is a city iin Saudia Arabia with the same Najd.
They have a unique dialect of Arabic.

If a tribe or people have a unique language it would be protected at the city or municipal level.
The North American so called Indians have language protection at their municipal (reserve) level and are equal citizens of the USA federation from coast to coast. That is why they stopped derailing trains and burning stuff down.
In my opinion the Indians would still be terrorists today if they were not included as equals citizens of the USA and Canadian Federations.

Please let me know if I answered your question.

Thanks, Terry
When the IDF stop shooting stone throwers, and the Pals stop suicide bombers, there might be a start.

If the occupiers of the West Bank get it through their thick skulls to leave the WB to the Palestinians, and the Pals realise that the right of return is never going to happen, then they might start getting somewhere.

It's all about compromise, something both sides are not good at...
the pals were already offered that at Oslo. Arafat told them to piss off.

They were offered less than one per cent of the i said a while ago, reading a book called The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East. The Israelis never had any intention of withdrawing from the WB or stopping settlements...
the pals were already offered that at Oslo. Arafat told them to piss off.

They were offered less than one per cent of the i said a while ago, reading a book called The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East. The Israelis never had any intention of withdrawing from the WB or stopping settlements...

I thought Sharon had those settlements destroyed.
the pals were already offered that at Oslo. Arafat told them to piss off.

They were offered less than one per cent of the i said a while ago, reading a book called The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East. The Israelis never had any intention of withdrawing from the WB or stopping settlements...

I thought Sharon had those settlements destroyed.

Again with the facts, quit it you will make them mad.
They were offered less than one per cent of the i said a while ago, reading a book called The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East. The Israelis never had any intention of withdrawing from the WB or stopping settlements...

I thought Sharon had those settlements destroyed.

Again with the facts, quit it you will make them mad.

From Wiki:

'In December 2009, the Israeli government ordered a 10-month lull in permits for new settlement homes in the West Bank.[32] The restrictions, which Israeli politicians and media have referred to as a "freeze"[32], do not apply to East Jerusalem (whose annexation by Israel is not recognised internationally), municipal buildings, schools, synagogues and other community infrastructure in the settlements.[32][33] About 3,000 homes already under construction will be allowed to proceed.[32] The Israeli government said the move was aimed at restarting peace talks, but Palestinian officials said it was insufficient.[32] Palestinian officials have refused to rejoin peace talks until a total building halt is imposed, including in East Jerusalem.[32] The announcement followed calls by the US government for a total freeze in settlement building.[32] The US government, the European Union, Russia and the UN have criticized Israel's plans to continue building in East Jerusalem[34] but both the US and the EU have stated that there should be no preconditions for resuming the suspended peace talks.[35]"

Maybe he did, but other building is ongoing...
the pals were already offered that at Oslo. Arafat told them to piss off.

They were offered less than one per cent of the i said a while ago, reading a book called The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East. The Israelis never had any intention of withdrawing from the WB or stopping settlements...

as i recall, they were offered all of gaza (which they were given anyway and then used as a staging area for missile strikes), all of the west i recall, it came to about 98 percent of what was being demanded.

bill clinton's plan, i learned later, even HAD a right of return of sorts....something I would never expect israel to agree to.

the palestinians have zero interest in any resolution that leaves israel in existence. before any deal can be worked THAT has to change.
as i recall, they were offered all of gaza (which they were given anyway and then used as a staging area for missile strikes), all of the west i recall, it came to about 98 percent of what was being demanded.

bill clinton's plan, i learned later, even HAD a right of return of sorts....something I would never expect israel to agree to.

the palestinians have zero interest in any resolution that leaves israel in existence. before any deal can be worked THAT has to change.

They were offered all of the west bank, but don't you find it disingenuous that AFTER Arafat and Rabin shook hands on the WH lawn, the Israelis were STILL building settlements? And there are still settlements there.

I would say SOME Pals don't want an Israel, just as some Israelis don't want a Palestine....There are enough quotes from both sides in the book stating such. However, there are also a tonne of quotes from both sides who want an end to the fighting and would be happy for the Shin Bet/Mossad killings and Palestinian suicide bombers to cease. Quite a number of Pals hate the Islamists.

one thing the book pointed out, which I doubt a lot of people realised, was how weak Arafat was..not just with dealing with Israel, but with his own people...
They were offered all of the west bank, but don't you find it disingenuous that AFTER Arafat and Rabin shook hands on the WH lawn, the Israelis were STILL building settlements? And there are still settlements there.

I would say SOME Pals don't want an Israel, just as some Israelis don't want a Palestine....There are enough quotes from both sides in the book stating such. However, there are also a tonne of quotes from both sides who want an end to the fighting and would be happy for the Shin Bet/Mossad killings and Palestinian suicide bombers to cease. Quite a number of Pals hate the Islamists.

one thing the book pointed out, which I doubt a lot of people realised, was how weak Arafat was..not just with dealing with Israel, but with his own people...

I'm not sure that they were still building settlements. I'd have to go back and check. I seem to recall Israeli's being dragged out of their homes by Israeli officers who were none too happy about doing it.

And that wasn't the reason no agreement was signed. It wasn't signed because Arafat said he couldn't make a deal or he'd be "drinking tea with Rabin". Israel, at that point, would have given almost anything... mind you, I said almost.

Arafat wasn't that weak at that point because he had the international community backing him.

Don't you find it interesting that every time Israel makes a peace deal, they stick to it. They made a deal with Egypt... they made a deal with Jordan... they would stay peaceful with Lebanon too if Hezbollah didn't have so much power there.

Also, if you think about it, every time there is a jewish community in trouble, Israel takes them in. Don't you wonder why no one takes in the pals?

Also, in terms of history, it just seems absurd to me in a way. Even if the jews really were the bad guys (which they weren't and aren't) every displaced population in history has gone elsewhere.... except the Pals who are used by the arabs to be the thorn in their people's sides and distract from their own internal problems.

You don't see me shooting bombs over the border of Belarus and demanding my family's land back.
Why should Israel trust anything the PA says when their leader is straight from Hamas?
They were offered all of the west bank, but don't you find it disingenuous that AFTER Arafat and Rabin shook hands on the WH lawn, the Israelis were STILL building settlements? And there are still settlements there.

I would say SOME Pals don't want an Israel, just as some Israelis don't want a Palestine....There are enough quotes from both sides in the book stating such. However, there are also a tonne of quotes from both sides who want an end to the fighting and would be happy for the Shin Bet/Mossad killings and Palestinian suicide bombers to cease. Quite a number of Pals hate the Islamists.

one thing the book pointed out, which I doubt a lot of people realised, was how weak Arafat was..not just with dealing with Israel, but with his own people...

I'm not sure that they were still building settlements. I'd have to go back and check. I seem to recall Israeli's being dragged out of their homes by Israeli officers who were none too happy about doing it.

And that wasn't the reason no agreement was signed. It wasn't signed because Arafat said he couldn't make a deal or he'd be "drinking tea with Rabin". Israel, at that point, would have given almost anything... mind you, I said almost.

Arafat wasn't that weak at that point because he had the international community backing him.

Don't you find it interesting that every time Israel makes a peace deal, they stick to it. They made a deal with Egypt... they made a deal with Jordan... they would stay peaceful with Lebanon too if Hezbollah didn't have so much power there.

Also, if you think about it, every time there is a jewish community in trouble, Israel takes them in. Don't you wonder why no one takes in the pals?

Also, in terms of history, it just seems absurd to me in a way. Even if the jews really were the bad guys (which they weren't and aren't) every displaced population in history has gone elsewhere.... except the Pals who are used by the arabs to be the thorn in their people's sides and distract from their own internal problems.

You don't see me shooting bombs over the border of Belarus and demanding my family's land back.

It you look at the link to Wiki, they were still giving permits to build.

Arafat was weak - his own people hated him for Oslo and never forgave him for going into negotiations without their permission. They knew it was as bad deal from the get-go. They wanted UN 242 to be adhered to (except for the right of return, I see no problem with the deal)...

Er, but the Pals were always there....the name of the people may have changed, but they have always been there..where else are they to go?

And don't get all high and mighty about the Jews being the good guys (as far as this conflict goes). There is enough shame on both sides IMO.
It you look at the link to Wiki, they were still giving permits to build.

Arafat was weak - his own people hated him for Oslo and never forgave him for going into negotiations without their permission. They knew it was as bad deal from the get-go. They wanted UN 242 to be adhered to (except for the right of return, I see no problem with the deal)...

Er, but the Pals were always there....the name of the people may have changed, but they have always been there..where else are they to go?

And don't get all high and mighty about the Jews being the good guys (as far as this conflict goes). There is enough shame on both sides IMO.

I'll look at the wiki link. But even if that were the case, what other nation is asked to make it's concessions BEFORE negotiations?

Oslo wasn't a bad deal at all. How could 98 percent of what they wanted be a bad deal? The fact that his "people" didn't want it should tell you something. Rabin died for his willingness to make that deal. Whether it was a perfect deal from either wasn't... but I've always been told that any good resolution leaves both parties a little ticked off.

Blame? Maybe... I certainly didn't agree with some of the things Sharon did when he was in charge. But if you look at the percentages of pals who want a two-state solution and who are willing to make peace, you'll find that isn't what they want. Did the PA ever remove it's goal of the destruction of Israel from its charter?

and, no, they weren't "always there"... they were mostly bedouin. and they were part of transjordan. like is said, i'm not at the border of belarus demanding my ancestral property back... my family was always there.
Why should Israel trust anything the PA says when their leader is straight from Hamas?

Why should the Pals trust the Israelis, who never intended to keep their word with Oslo?

so because a treaty may have been violated, the palis should be allowed to blow Israelis to pieces and attempt to drive the Jews into the Mediterranean? That is, after all, the goal of Hamas.
Why should Israel trust anything the PA says when their leader is straight from Hamas?

Why should the Pals trust the Israelis, who never intended to keep their word with Oslo?

why would you say that when arafat is the one who wouldn't sign the deal?

israel has kept to its treaties with Egypt, Jordan, Syria... and Lebanon (except for defending itself from Hezbollah since Lebanon couldn't control them) why would you say that?

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