Israel says Gaza war cost military $2.5 bn

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
Of course there are other economic costs to this assault.
Jerusalem (AFP) - Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said on Tuesday that the direct cost of the 50-day military offensive in the Gaza Strip was more than $2.5 billion (1.9 billion euros).

"The expenditure on Operation Protective Edge -- military expenditure, the direct expenditure -- is more than nine billion shekels," Yaalon told an economic conference in Tel Aviv.

Israel says Gaza war cost military 2.5 bn - Yahoo News
Of course there are other economic costs to this assault.
Jerusalem (AFP) - Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said on Tuesday that the direct cost of the 50-day military offensive in the Gaza Strip was more than $2.5 billion (1.9 billion euros).

"The expenditure on Operation Protective Edge -- military expenditure, the direct expenditure -- is more than nine billion shekels," Yaalon told an economic conference in Tel Aviv.

Israel says Gaza war cost military 2.5 bn - Yahoo News

This is an interesting article, The Zionists claim that the Palestinian resistance movement, fired 8000 assorted projectiles at Zionist Israel, of those 600 were intercepted by Iron Dome. Iron Dome, as we all know only launches when a projectile is likely to strike within a critical area defended by the system. This means that 7400 assorted projectiles fell in areas where there was no risk to the Zionist colonists, that's a hit rate of 0.075%! ...and this makes, 'Hamas rockets an existential threat to Israel' how exactly?
Of course there are other economic costs to this assault.
Jerusalem (AFP) - Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said on Tuesday that the direct cost of the 50-day military offensive in the Gaza Strip was more than $2.5 billion (1.9 billion euros).

"The expenditure on Operation Protective Edge -- military expenditure, the direct expenditure -- is more than nine billion shekels," Yaalon told an economic conference in Tel Aviv.

Israel says Gaza war cost military 2.5 bn - Yahoo News

This is an interesting article, The Zionists claim that the Palestinian resistance movement, fired 8000 assorted projectiles at Zionist Israel, of those 600 were intercepted by Iron Dome. Iron Dome, as we all know only launches when a projectile is likely to strike within a critical area defended by the system. This means that 7400 assorted projectiles fell in areas where there was no risk to the Zionist colonists, that's a hit rate of 0.075%! ...and this makes, 'Hamas rockets an existential threat to Israel' how exactly?
'Iron Dome' is the system that intercept the missiles.
'Alta' is the system that monitors the projectiles and calculate where it would fall, giving the indication to where sound the red code sirens.
Since most of the rockets were fired on the south which is not the most populated district in Israel, and nearly half of the residents left the south, most of them were missed, and not even intercepted in the first place, thank God.
$1.2million for every dead Palestinian. There you are, yanks, that's where your tax dollars go.


Or to put it another way, Israel America is paying about $5 million per Hamas member it kills.
I feel sure that most would accept maybe $3 million each to just emigrate voluntarily.
Actually, 1.5% of 2.5billion.

Why don't these damn Jews just let themselves be killed!
Of course there are other economic costs to this assault.
Jerusalem (AFP) - Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said on Tuesday that the direct cost of the 50-day military offensive in the Gaza Strip was more than $2.5 billion (1.9 billion euros).

Euros? - I believe Joe American taxpayer paid for the lot, so the Jews don't need to care.
The nosy-envy combo is bad for your health.
The American taxpayers favor Israel, and see it a legitimate and fully necessary to aid Israel in return most of it recycled back to the US, and it is the Israeli taxpayers that fund it, the American aid the Israeli government, but of course the billions sent to Gaza over the years couldn't cure the conflict, because money only breeds their greed, and the erection they get for the thought of the weapons and violence they could promote with it, like a gambler they choose to be violent, and surprised they lost, pathetic.
The nosy-envy combo is bad for your health.
The American taxpayers favor Israel, and see it a legitimate and fully necessary to aid Israel in return most of it recycled back to the US, and it is the Israeli taxpayers that fund it, the American aid the Israeli government, but of course the billions sent to Gaza over the years couldn't cure the conflict, because money only breeds their greed, and the erection they get for the thought of the weapons and violence they could promote with it, like a gambler they choose to be violent, and surprised they lost, pathetic.

It is the Israelis that get excited murdering children with F16s, tanks and naval artillery. Disgusting people the Israelis. Israel costs the U.S. trillions in terms of the enemies our support of Israel creates for us. Eventually Americans will come to understand how ridiculous it is to support an invading group of Europeans and their offspring in support of a colonial venture.
The extremist Zionist Israeli government has killed over two thousand people, all in retaliation for a few dead, most killed whilst the mad IDF were invading Gaza.
This lot cost Joe Taxpayer a fortune, whilst many American ex servicemen are living on the streets.
Of course there are other economic costs to this assault.
Jerusalem (AFP) - Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said on Tuesday that the direct cost of the 50-day military offensive in the Gaza Strip was more than $2.5 billion (1.9 billion euros).

"The expenditure on Operation Protective Edge -- military expenditure, the direct expenditure -- is more than nine billion shekels," Yaalon told an economic conference in Tel Aviv.

Israel says Gaza war cost military 2.5 bn - Yahoo News
How many dead Hamas?

How many destroyed rocket-launchers?

How many destroyed munitions bunkers?

How many destroyed terror-commando tunnels?

How much damage to Hamas' ability to wage war?

How much damage to Hamas' credibility amongst the Gazans who so foolishly elevated them to power several years ago?

What lessons taught to Hamas about the futility of attacking (and phukking with) Israel?

How many innocent Israeli civilians will live because the war-making capability of Hamas was degraded?


And, to be sure, some US taxpayer dollars were involved in that, however...

The approximate $3billion in military aid that we grant to the Israelis each year is five (5%) percent of the IDF's annual $58billion defense budget...

Five (5%) percent...

A drop in the bucket...

And, most of that $3billion is in the form of credits, that benefit our own arms industry...

So, whatever they spent, we floated 5% of the total expenditure...

And, the Israelis are more than willing to buy-up some of our Reserve Munitions that are fast approaching their freshness/sell-by date, to replenish their stocks after burning-through some of their inventory in recent weeks.

Dead Hamas?

Well worth the price, to help bitch-slap those savage, stupid little wankers.
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The Americans forgave us, a long long time ago.
Bringing such matter indicate how you don't care about it as long as it serve your cause of dissing Israel, waging rift between Israel and the US by delegitimizing, you must be desperate.
The nosy-envy combo is bad for your health.
The American taxpayers favor Israel, and see it a legitimate and fully necessary to aid Israel in return most of it recycled back to the US, and it is the Israeli taxpayers that fund it, the American aid the Israeli government, but of course the billions sent to Gaza over the years couldn't cure the conflict, because money only breeds their greed, and the erection they get for the thought of the weapons and violence they could promote with it, like a gambler they choose to be violent, and surprised they lost, pathetic.

It is the Israelis that get excited murdering children with F16s, tanks and naval artillery. Disgusting people the Israelis. Israel costs the U.S. trillions in terms of the enemies our support of Israel creates for us. Eventually Americans will come to understand how ridiculous it is to support an invading group of Europeans and their offspring in support of a colonial venture.
and most are not even Semitic,unlike the Palestinians and Shepardic Jews
The Americans forgave us, a long long time ago.
Bringing such matter indicate how you don't care about it as long as it serve your cause of dissing Israel, waging rift between Israel and the US by delegitimizing, you must be desperate.

Israel just give the "FINGER" to the US every and anytime they feel like it.....but some Americans are MUGS but they will learn in time,lets hope before they go Bankrupt supporting Israel......who are only friends to themselves.
Of course there are other economic costs to this assault.
Jerusalem (AFP) - Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said on Tuesday that the direct cost of the 50-day military offensive in the Gaza Strip was more than $2.5 billion (1.9 billion euros).

"The expenditure on Operation Protective Edge -- military expenditure, the direct expenditure -- is more than nine billion shekels," Yaalon told an economic conference in Tel Aviv.

Israel says Gaza war cost military 2.5 bn - Yahoo News
How many dead Hamas?

How many destroyed rocket-launchers?

How many destroyed munitions bunkers?

How many destroyed terror-commando tunnels?

How much damage to Hamas' ability to wage war?

How much damage to Hamas' credibility amongst the Gazans who so foolishly elevated them to power several years ago?

What lessons taught to Hamas about the futility of attacking (and phukking with) Israel?

How many innocent Israeli civilians will live because the war-making capability of Hamas was degraded?


And, to be sure, some US taxpayer dollars were involved in that, however...

The approximate $3billion in military aid that we grant to the Israelis each year is five (5%) percent of the IDF's annual $58billion defense budget...

Five (5%) percent...

A drop in the bucket...

And, most of that $3billion is in the form of credits, that benefit our own arms industry...

So, whatever they spent, we floated 5% of the total expenditure...

And, the Israelis are more than willing to buy-up some of our Reserve Munitions that are fast approaching their freshness/sell-by date, to replenish their stocks after burning-through some of their inventory in recent weeks.

Dead Hamas?

Well worth the price, to help bitch-slap those savage, stupid little wankers.

The US should stop sending money and arms to Israel.......for your information Wankdor..the Palestinians have one of the highest matriculation rates for University Entrants.....hardly savages you Troll but Wank On

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