Israel Sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Hamas Turns It Away

My English not that well.... :(
You said my claim the Palestinians are trashed 24/7 was a lie. At which point, I asked you to say something nice about the Pals. That would be the easiest way to prove I was mistaken. So, say something nice!
My English not that well.... :(
You said my claim the Palestinians are trashed 24/7 was a lie. At which point, I asked you to say something nice about the Pals. That would be the easiest way to prove I was mistaken. So, say something nice!

I cant say somthing nice about all of them as I cant say something nice about all Israelians and not all the jews..
Some of them are junk some of them are good ppl just want to live they life in peace, like in every nation...
To the Israel haters, this article comes with plenty of links and backup.

Two large Israeli trucks filled with humanitarian aid supplies were turned away by Hamas at the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, The Jerusalem Post reported. The aid was intended to provide relief for medical shortages following days of violent conflict on the Israel-Gaza border.

In addition to 53 tons of medical equipment set to be transported into Gaza this week via the crossing, the increased Israeli aid included more than 14,000 units of intravenous infusions, 40 medical basins, 20 medical examination couches, 25 infusion stands, 85,000 disinfectant pads and 12,500 bandages,” The Jerusalem Post reported.

From Israel Sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Hamas Turns It Away

Surprise: Hamas Admits Vast Majority of ‘Peaceful Protesters’ Killed by Israel Were Actually Terrorists @ SURPRISE: Hamas Admits Vast Majority of 'Peaceful Protesters' Killed by Israel Were Actually Terrorists

Screw 'em. Let the fucks eat dirt. Hamas would only be too glad to see more die for lack of care just for the bad media they'd create out of it and to fuel their eternal war of hatred against the Jews.
It would be tantamount to a rapist sending flowers to his latest victim.

No, it would be tantamount to a victor extending the hand of friendship and peace towards a defeated enemy that he doesn't have to, but in the hopes that the fighting can end and that permanent solutions can be found.
Actually, it's more like a group of criminals (zionists) staged a home invasion and moved into your house.

Later, in a magnanimous gesture, they offered to let you and your family live in the garage, and offered a handshake in the spirit of friendship.

How many people here would shake their hand if it happened to you? ..... :cool:
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Actually, it's more like a group of criminals (zionists) staged a home invasion and moved into your house.

Later, in a magnanimous gesture, they offered to let you and your family live in the garage, and offered a handshake in the spirit of friendship.

How many people here would shake their hand? ..... :cool:
Nice story, but far from the reality...
Poor Arabs should've thought better before starting their wars and pogroms against Palestinian Jews.
Eventually, there will be a world wide "final solution" concerning the Jewish problem. .... :thup:

It’s always comical to see converts to Islamism as making the goofiest threats. Looking for some islamo-street creed from your fellow converts?

Really, sweetie, as you slam away at your keyboard, safely ensconced in the Great Satan™️, never having to actually live in the Islamic backwaters you know nothing of, maybe you should just be silent.

OK, pumpkin?
If You want to get rid of Jews, Your only option is to shoot at the moon.
It's happened several time throughout history. But was too localized.

The next time it needs to be a coordinated world wide effort. ..... :thup: ... :cool:
Really, sweetie, as you slam away at your keyboard, safely ensconced in the Great Satan™️, never having to actually live in the Islamic backwaters you know nothing of, maybe you should just be silent.
You still posing as a lesbian on that other board?

Bet you didn't think I'd remember. ..... :cool:
To the Israel haters, this article comes with plenty of links and backup.

Two large Israeli trucks filled with humanitarian aid supplies were turned away by Hamas at the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, The Jerusalem Post reported. The aid was intended to provide relief for medical shortages following days of violent conflict on the Israel-Gaza border.

In addition to 53 tons of medical equipment set to be transported into Gaza this week via the crossing, the increased Israeli aid included more than 14,000 units of intravenous infusions, 40 medical basins, 20 medical examination couches, 25 infusion stands, 85,000 disinfectant pads and 12,500 bandages,” The Jerusalem Post reported.

From Israel Sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Hamas Turns It Away

Surprise: Hamas Admits Vast Majority of ‘Peaceful Protesters’ Killed by Israel Were Actually Terrorists @ SURPRISE: Hamas Admits Vast Majority of 'Peaceful Protesters' Killed by Israel Were Actually Terrorists

they would rather send women and children to be human shields than have peace
If You want to get rid of Jews, Your only option is to shoot at the moon.
It's happened several time throughout history. But was too localized.

The next time it needs to be a coordinated world wide effort. ..... :thup: ... :cool:

No one expects you goofy converts to do anything but slam away at your keyboard. Such silly bluster from a wannabe. :thup: ...


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