Israel showed its true colors

Nobody is getting degrees in Gender Studies.

Also, when I went to UIC in the 1980's, I was still conservative.

It took 30 years of watching Republicans fuck things up to change my mind.

I would LOVE to say I turned on the GOP when Bush lied us into a war in Iraq or let people drown in NOLA. But I didn't turn until his incompetence affected me personally.
An invented history intended to explain your various pathologies.
Black countries, on the other hand, were exploited by the Europeans, who carved up the continents, looted it for slaves and resources for centuries...
Europeans tried to bring civilization to sub Saharan Africa, building schools, hospitals, water purification plants, electric power plants, and so on. All of that has declined since independence.

By the way, the whites did not enslave Negroes. They enslaved each other and sold their Negro slaves to whites.
Um, when did this happen? Our Allies knew we were pulling out. In fact, Biden extended the deadline to give people more time to get out.

US credibility with military allies at risk over Afghanistan pullout​

The messy withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan and the subsequent scramble to protect civilians who aided the American war effort are triggering a ripple effect of concern among allies who rely on the United States for military protection.

US credibility with military allies at risk over Afghanistan pullout

Ignored in Afghanistan pullout, NATO allies fear ‘America First’​

The core reason for their concern is that a war launched and prosecuted for two decades alongside America’s partners in the transatlantic NATO alliance was ended in a matter of weeks – by a unilateral U.S. decision, on a unilateral U.S. timetable, with little consultation and virtually no meaningful input from the allies.

Ignored in Afghanistan pullout, NATO allies fear âAmerica Firstâ

The problem was the Afghan Government folded like a cheap suit.
Biden was warned by his intel people.....he ignored them.

In the end, the CIA’s description of what a worst-case scenario could look like “was pretty close to what happened,” one former official briefed on the matter said.

The White House won’t confirm whether President Joe Biden ever received such a dire forecast from his national security team. The president himself appeared to dispute a month ago that intelligence suggested the increasing likelihood that the Afghan military would fold.

CIA warned of rapid Afghanistan collapse. So why did U.S. get it so wrong?

The problem was the Afghan Government folded like a cheap suit. Understandable, after Trump totally sold them out at Doha. I guess it was unrealistic to expect these guys to keep fighting for us, but Trump and Biden worked on exactly that expectation.
Biden changed the Doha timeline.

That is a very interesting topic. There are certain parallels between Israel and the US, in a sort of messianic right to the land. While the US is not in the Bible, many of the early settlers were religious fanatics and probably have thought about the land they were on as their "Israel". And many have looked on the Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny with quasi-religious zeal.

Besides that, Hitler has written that he was heavily influenced by what the US has done to its native peoples, and at one time was hoping the US would join the Axis Powers.
Actually, I have a degree in history, taught by guys who weren't disowned by their universities.
That is because they blamed white racism for black social pathology. Black social pathology is not the result of white racism; it causes white racism. Black social pathology exists because human evolution has not prepared most Negroes for the social and intellectual demands of civilization.

We do not force Negroes to do poorly in school. We do not force them to commit all those crimes, and to have all those illegitimate children that we are expected to support on welfare.
Yes, the Ashekenazi Jews have accomplished a lot. They cheated, swindled, and annoyed their goyim neighbors to the point where they all got chased out of Europe, and not learning their fucking lesson, are doing the same thing in Palestine.
Jews are not cheaters. They are achievers. As a result they incur the resentment of many Gentiles who cannot compete with them. Harvard used to have a quota to restrict Jewish admission.

As intelligence becomes more important to our economy the wealth and power of the Jews sill increase.
But the important thing is that Jamal stuffed your sissy ass into a locker, and you hate black people for it.
Your friend Jamal does not exist, but young black men like Jamal do exist. Some are even named "Jamal."

They have felony convictions, illegitimate children they do nothing to support, and fathers whose names they do not know because they do not know who their fathers are.

You like ghetto garbage like that, because they give you people to look down on.

I admire the Jews because they give me people to look up to.
Europeans tried to bring civilization to sub Saharan Africa, building schools, hospitals, water purification plants, electric power plants, and so on. All of that has declined since independence.

Not really. Hey, here's a picture of Nairobi in 1940.

Nairobi today.


By the way, the whites did not enslave Negroes. They enslaved each other and sold their Negro slaves to whites.

That's so retarded it's laughable.

US credibility with military allies at risk over Afghanistan pullout​

The messy withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan and the subsequent scramble to protect civilians who aided the American war effort are triggering a ripple effect of concern among allies who rely on the United States for military protection.
The Hill? Really?

Then why do they win one fourth of Nobel Prizes?
You mean when they aren't giving them to retarded Swedish girls?
Your friend Jamal does not exist, but young black men like Jamal do exist. Some are even named "Jamal."

They have felony convictions, illegitimate children they do nothing to support, and fathers whose names they do not know because they do not know who their fathers are.
And he got the girl you were creeping on. Tells me that you are upset Jamal is having sex and you aren't.
The Hill? Really?
Yes.....From the article you are afraid to read:

“We believe that our commitments to our allies and partners are sacrosanct and always have been,” Sullivan said. “We believe our commitment to Taiwan and to Israel remains as strong as it’s ever been.”

Such pronouncements by the administration — bluntly blaming Afghan security forces for the Taliban takeover — have elicited striking pushback in the United Kingdom (U.K.), arguably America’s closest ally and key partner over the two-decade war in Afghanistan.

“To see their commander in chief call into question the courage of men I fought with, to claim that they ran, is shameful,” Tom Tugendhat, the conservative chairman of the U.K. Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee and a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, said during a contentious session on Wednesday.

“Those who have not fought for the colors they fly should be careful about criticizing those who have,” he added.
Yes.....From the article you are afraid to read:

“We believe that our commitments to our allies and partners are sacrosanct and always have been,” Sullivan said. “We believe our commitment to Taiwan and to Israel remains as strong as it’s ever been.”

Those aren't the European Allies.

As for Taiwan, um, China has every right to invade Taiwan if it wants to. Taiwan is a province of China. We'd be on fairly shaky legal ground if we attempted to intervene.

And we'll be supporting Israel even after she has alienated the rest of the world.
And he got the girl you were creeping on. Tells me that you are upset Jamal is having sex and you aren't.
The real Jamal's of the United States never came to the attention of any girl or woman I would have bothered with. The fact that you keep bringing up this pathetic fantasy of yours demonstrates how threadbare your arguments against race realism are.

My favorite minority is associated with intelligence, success, and prosperity. Your favorite minority is associated with low intelligence, crime, and illegitimacy.

There are decent blacks. They are outnumbered by the blacks who are criminals, welfare recipients, and academic failures.


RACE, EVOLUTION AND BEHAVIOR: A Life History Perspective, 2nd Special Abridged Edition, by Professor J. Philippe Rushton​

University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5C2

Modern science shows a three-way pattern of race differences in both physical traits and behavior. On average, Orientals are slower to mature, less fertile, less sexually active, less aggressive, and have larger brains and higher IQ scores. Blacks are at the other pole. Whites fall in the middle, but closer to Orientals than to Blacks...

Race differences start in the womb. Blacks are born earlier and grow quicker than Whites and Orientals. The three-way race pattern occurs in milestones such as sexual maturity, family stability, crime rates, and population growth...

Race differences exist in sexual behavior. The races differ in how often they like to have sexual intercourse. This affects rates of sexually transmitted diseases. On all the counts, Orientals are the least sexually active, Blacks the most, and Whites are in between...

[You are so degenerate that you think promiscuity and illegitimacy are to be proud of. When I asked you who should take care of illegitimate children, you said "the government." You mean the tax payers, don't you? ]

IQ tests measure intelligence and predict real life success. The races differ in brain size and on IQ tests. On average Orientals have the largest brains and highest IQs. Blacks average the lowest, and Whites fall in between. The brain size differences explain the IQ differences both within groups and between groups...

Cross-race adoptions give some of the best proof that the genes cause race differences in IQ. Growing up in a middle-class White home does not lower the average IQ for Orientals nor raise it for Blacks.

China has the right to invade Taiwan if it wants to. Taiwan is a province of China. We'd be on fairly shaky legal ground if we attempted to intervene.

And we'll be supporting Israel even after she has alienated the rest of the world.
With Taiwan's higher standard of living, democratic government, and even less economic inequality than what is found in Communist China, Taiwan demonstrates what the Chinese people are capable.

The success of Chinese Americans demonstrates the same thing, while Negroes continue to languish at the bottom of our society, blaming whites for their problems.

Israel alienates those who resent her for succeeding against the odds. It is an old Jewish story. When the Palestinians occupied the land it was a third word backwater. That is what the land will revert to if your deranged aspiration of the destruction of the only civilized country in the Mid East happens.

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