Israel showed its true colors

Let's get real. The Zionists have crowded 2.3 million people into an area smaller than Chicago. This is why Gaza is so poor.

Just more of your typical excuses for the Islamic terrorists. It’s pretty clear that any number of societies can thrive in spite of difficult circumstances. The people of Israel, South Korea, Hong Kong, South Vietnam don’t have any need for your silly excuses. In spite of a dedicated UN welfare agency showering the Islamic terrorists with money, they’re still unable to cobble together a functioning civil society.

Your rabid antisemitism is a poor excuse for failure, ineptitude and incompetence you so admire in your Islamic terrorist heroes.

The Islamic terrorists are poor because they’re little more than welfare cheats.
Yup, the Zionists constantly need us to bail them out... We should really stop doing that. It just makes us enemies in a part of the world that has nothing to do with us.
Right now we need boots on the ground in Israel to keep Iran out of the struggle. I am glad that support for Israel's survival has always had bi partisan support in the United States.
They have been denounced and suppressed. They have never been disproved. They have the facts on their side. Look at the data.

I have looked at the data.. and the causality of 400 years of systematic racism that has a more definable effect than skull shapes or alleles or whatever debunked junk science you want to drag out.

The people of Israel, South Korea, Hong Kong, South Vietnam don’t have any need for your silly excuses.

Israel is propped up by US dollars. So was South Korea. Hong Kong was propped up by British Dollars combined with being a through point for Chinese goods.

"South Vietnam"? That country hasn't existed for 50 years, and it collapsed the minute we stopped funding it.

Right now we need boots on the ground in Israel to keep Iran out of the struggle. I am glad that support for Israel's survival has always had bi partisan support in the United States.

No, actually, we don't.

Iran is only what it is because of 70 years of Stupid American Policy. If we couldn't subdue Iraq, we can't subdue Iran.
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Right now we need boots on the ground in Israel to keep Iran out of the struggle.
That could have the opposite effect.

There is also a plan being discussed now to put in US, UK and French soldiers into Gaza after Israel finishes its military operations there. Seems like an infinitely bad idea, since all 3 are the biggest supporters of Israel. The soldiers will just get rocks thrown at them.
Are you going to measure their skulls too?

You are using the same types of arguments as Nazis have.
Scientific American, January 1, 2016

Does Brain Size Matter?​

More intelligent people do better in life...

In healthy volunteers, total brain volume weakly correlates with intelligence, with a correlation value between 0.3 and 0.4 out of a possible 1.0. In other words, brain size accounts for between 9 and 16 percent of the overall variability in general intelligence.

I have looked at the data.. and the causality of 400 years of systematic racism that has a more definable effect than skull shapes or alleles or whatever debunked junk science you want to drag out.
You were looking at the wrong data. Ashkenazi Jews were persecuted for nearly two thousand years. This culminated in the Holocaust. Nevertheless the 0.2% of the human population that is Jewish is the most accomplished intellectually. During the early twentieth century Jews even made a name for themselves in boxing.
Iran is only what it is because of 70 years of Stupid American Policy. If we couldn't subdue Iraq, we can't subdue Iran.
The war consisted of two phases the first was codenamed Operation Desert Shield (2 August 1990 – 17 January 1991) for operations leading to the buildup of troops and defense of Saudi Arabia. And the second was Operation Desert Storm (17 January 1991 – 28 February 1991) was the combat phase.

The initial conflict to expel Iraqi troops from Kuwait began with an aerial and naval bombardment on 17 January 1991, continuing for five weeks. This was followed by a ground assault on 24 February. This was a decisive victory for the coalition forces, which liberated Kuwait and advanced into Iraqi territory. The coalition ceased its advance, and declared a ceasefire 100 hours after the ground campaign started.


Estimates of the number of Iraqi troops in the Kuwait theatre range from 180,000 to 630,000, and estimates of Iraqi military deaths range from 8,000 to 50,000. Allied casualties, by contrast, were remarkably light. Just 147 U.S. personnel and 47 British troops were killed in action; for the duration of Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm.


We subdued Iraq quickly with minimal casualties.
I have looked at the data.. and the causality of 400 years of systematic racism that has a more definable effect than skull shapes or alleles or whatever debunked junk science you want to drag out.

Israel is propped up by US dollars. So was South Korea. Hong Kong was propped up by British Dollars combined with being a through point for Chinese goods.

"South Vietnam"? That country hasn't existed for 50 years, and it collapsed the minute we stopped funding it.

No, actually, we don't.

Iran is only what it is because of 70 years of Stupid American Policy. If we couldn't subdue Iraq, we can't subdue Iran.

You have a typically stunted view of history. Obviously you can’t deny the successes of Hong Kong, South Korea, Vietnam so you desperately try to find excuses for the failures of your Islamic terrorist heroes.

You can’t acknowledge it but your rabid Jew hatreds cause you to launch into some pretty outlandish conspiracy theories as to the obvious success of many societies while your heroes in Islamic terrorist enclaves languish in failure and incompetence.
You have a typically stunted view of history. Obviously you can’t deny the successes of Hong Kong, South Korea, Vietnam so you desperately try to find excuses for the failures of your Islamic terrorist heroes.

You can’t acknowledge it but your rabid Jew hatreds cause you to launch into some pretty outlandish conspiracy theories as to the obvious success of many societies while your heroes in Islamic terrorist enclaves languish in failure and incompetence.
Let's not forget the success the success of Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, and Israel, and the failure and incompetence of countries with black majorities and black rulers.
I thought his decision on Afghanistan was pretty consistent.
He was inconsistent with the withdrawal.....
We expended all this money, time, effort and lives into it, so we kept doing that for 20 years, even though EVERYONE knew the minute we left, the Taliban would be back in power by popular demand.
Step right up to Biden's Ukraine Circus.
As for Ukraine, he was able to pull together an international coalition (after Trump spent years alienating most of our allies) to build support for Ukraine.
That is very funny after Biden left all our allies naked at the gate when he decided to pull out.
And in the Uke, NATO is increasingly wary of another Biden back stab.

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You were looking at the wrong data. Ashkenazi Jews were persecuted for nearly two thousand years. This culminated in the Holocaust. Nevertheless the 0.2% of the human population that is Jewish is the most accomplished intellectually. During the early twentieth century Jews even made a name for themselves in boxing.

Yup, until Black people were allowed to compete, and now you can't find a white boxer. (Not that I am in favor of boxing, it's a barbaric sport that should be banned.)

Yes, the Ashekenazi Jews have accomplished a lot. They cheated, swindled, and annoyed their goyim neighbors to the point where they all got chased out of Europe, and not learning their fucking lesson, are doing the same thing in Palestine.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

But here's what Jews didn't face.

Jim Crow
Sundown Laws
Voter Suppression

Put a Jew in a crowd of other white people, you wouldn't be able to pick them out. This notion that they've been discriminated against is laughable.

They've CHOSEN to set themselves apart on the delusion that their imaginary sky friend loves them the best. While I firmly support their right to believe in any superstitious nonsense they want, they shouldn't be surprised when not everyone is as understanding as I am.

The war consisted of two phases the first was codenamed Operation Desert Shield (2 August 1990 – 17 January 1991) for operations leading to the buildup of troops and defense of Saudi Arabia. And the second was Operation Desert Storm (17 January 1991 – 28 February 1991) was the combat phase.
You're babbling, stupid. The fact is, we had the good sense in 1991 NOT to go into Iraq. But that wasn't good enough for AIPAC, PNAC, and the other Zionist stooges who dictate our government policy, so they LIED about WMDs, and we engaged in a half-ass invasion of Iraq, lost 10,000 lives, murdered half a million Iraqis, and the ones we didn't kill all hate us now.

So, instead of making the Zionist Entity safer, Iran now has influence in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, right up to the Zionist border.

Because the Jews are so fucking smart... really.
That is very funny after Biden left all our allies naked at the gate when he decided to pull out.
And in the Uke, NATO is increasingly wary of another Biden back stab.

Um, when did this happen? Our Allies knew we were pulling out. In fact, Biden extended the deadline to give people more time to get out.

He was inconsistent with the withdrawal.....

Seemed pretty consistent to me. He took the Doha Accords, and reached an agreement with the Afghan Government that we'd pull out the last troops in August.

The problem was the Afghan Government folded like a cheap suit. Understandable, after Trump totally sold them out at Doha. I guess it was unrealistic to expect these guys to keep fighting for us, but Trump and Biden worked on exactly that expectation.
You have a typically stunted view of history. Obviously you can’t deny the successes of Hong Kong, South Korea, Vietnam so you desperately try to find excuses for the failures of your Islamic terrorist heroes.

No, I point out, you know, the actual history.

You can’t acknowledge it but your rabid Jew hatreds cause you to launch into some pretty outlandish conspiracy theories as to the obvious success of many societies while your heroes in Islamic terrorist enclaves languish in failure and incompetence.

Except there are a lot of success stories in the Islamic World. The UAE is incredibly wealthy, as are Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain. Why? Because they have those petro-dollars rolling in.

Let's not forget the success the success of Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, and Israel, and the failure and incompetence of countries with black majorities and black rulers.

Singapore had a ton of money poured into it by the British. Japan was successful because it was a major imperialist power. They were "Successful" because they spent half a century looting China, Korea, and Taiwan. (Still lost the war and needed the US to rebuild it, though.) Taiwan- had a shitload of US money propping it up. Israel... those guys have their hands in our pockets up to the fucking elbow.

Black countries, on the other hand, were exploited by the Europeans, who carved up the continents, looted it for slaves and resources for centuries...

But the important thing is that Jamal stuffed your sissy ass into a locker, and you hate black people for it.
No, I point out, you know, the actual history.

Except there are a lot of success stories in the Islamic World. The UAE is incredibly wealthy, as are Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain. Why? Because they have those petro-dollars rolling in.

Singapore had a ton of money poured into it by the British. Japan was successful because it was a major imperialist power. They were "Successful" because they spent half a century looting China, Korea, and Taiwan. (Still lost the war and needed the US to rebuild it, though.) Taiwan- had a shitload of US money propping it up. Israel... those guys have their hands in our pockets up to the fucking elbow.

Black countries, on the other hand, were exploited by the Europeans, who carved up the continents, looted it for slaves and resources for centuries...

But the important thing is that Jamal stuffed your sissy ass into a locker, and you hate black people for it.

You have something of a wiki'ized version of history.
Actually, your history degree in Gender Studies explains your whackadoodle, Dem / Socialist nonsense views.
Nobody is getting degrees in Gender Studies.

Also, when I went to UIC in the 1980's, I was still conservative.

It took 30 years of watching Republicans fuck things up to change my mind.

I would LOVE to say I turned on the GOP when Bush lied us into a war in Iraq or let people drown in NOLA. But I didn't turn until his incompetence affected me personally.
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