Israel to confront complicity with Bosnian genocide

You approved the transfer of arms from the State of Israel – and not only through arms dealers – to Rwanda, and the Serbia of Slobodan Miloševic and the Serbian forces while the genocide was in progress.
The whole world knew about it in real time, and both of you also definitely knew.
Attorney Itai Mack and I have been working to uncover the facts about the arms deals that were carried out while the genocide was in progress, and when the United Nations had imposed an embargo on such sales.
It is clear that what the State of Israel did is nothing less than participation in war crimes and crimes against humanity.
read more: Shimon Peres, apologize for Israel's enablement of the Rwandan and Serbian genocides

You do realise that now it is the muslims that are guilty of the genocide dont you
Isn't it cute, in this day and age where Muslims are openly slaughtering and committing terrorism on Christians, Jews, and other Muslims who don't agree with their sect of Islam, and the entire world is on high alert for IslamoNazi terrorists, you have a complete imbecile like Fanger accusing Jews, of all people, of genocide?

If you read the OP, you'll discover that no-one is accusing Jewish people of committing genocide, just Zionist Israelis enabling and helping others to commit genocide. Is called being an accomplice to a crime, you may not get hung for it, but you'll spend a long time in prison...oh no wait, you have a "get out of jail free card", the USA.

...and Americans wonder why most of the world hates them. :rolleyes:
Some non israeli's make up all kinds of excuses to justify zionist crimes for no other reason than they share the same Religion, Bigot racists
Heh heh heh, look who's standing on top of the soap box, accusing people of "bigotry". Ya gotta love it!
You approved the transfer of arms from the State of Israel – and not only through arms dealers – to Rwanda, and the Serbia of Slobodan Miloševic and the Serbian forces while the genocide was in progress.
The whole world knew about it in real time, and both of you also definitely knew.
Attorney Itai Mack and I have been working to uncover the facts about the arms deals that were carried out while the genocide was in progress, and when the United Nations had imposed an embargo on such sales.
It is clear that what the State of Israel did is nothing less than participation in war crimes and crimes against humanity.
read more: Shimon Peres, apologize for Israel's enablement of the Rwandan and Serbian genocides

You do realise that now it is the muslims that are guilty of the genocide dont you
Isn't it cute, in this day and age where Muslims are openly slaughtering and committing terrorism on Christians, Jews, and other Muslims who don't agree with their sect of Islam, and the entire world is on high alert for IslamoNazi terrorists, you have a complete imbecile like Fanger accusing Jews, of all people, of genocide?

If you read the OP, you'll discover that no-one is accusing Jewish people of committing genocide, just Zionist Israelis enabling and helping others to commit genocide. Is called being an accomplice to a crime, you may not get hung for it, but you'll spend a long time in prison...oh no wait, you have a "get out of jail free card", the USA.

...and Americans wonder why most of the world hates them. :rolleyes:
Some non israeli's make up all kinds of excuses to justify zionist crimes for no other reason than they share the same Religion, Bigot racists

Projection of your own religious morals again, as we all know how vile islam is
fanger, et al,

This is another one of these academics that has no real skill set, trying his best to get his 15 minutes of fame through the tabloid media.

It never ceases to amaze me - the lengths to which - these pro-Palestinians will go to in order to make a connection between today's Israelis and the National Socialists of 1939.

“We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust when we’re committing acts like this,” Professor Yair Auron said. “To sell weapons to Serbia or to Rwanda during the genocide is similar to selling weapons to Nazi Germany during the Second World War. No country has the right to do it and especially not Israel.”

“I’m not expecting them to decide that they’re criminals. They’ll find one way or another to avoid the issue. But for me this is a basic moral issue. It’s a crime. And somebody who commits a crime like this needs to be punished,” Auron said.

- See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront its complicity with Bosnian genocide
Israel breaking sanctions, who'd of thunk it?


I'm trying to determine exactly what sanctions the Israeli Government violated. While it is true that the Serbs appeared to have a large quantity of Israeli Weapons, the source of these weapons has yet to be determined.

In all genocide issues, there are weapons. Most of these weapons are sold through private channels (Weapons Dealers) who effect the transition from the legal purchasers to the illegal deliveries. While the most popular weapons being sold in the mid-1990's were Russian and Chinese, weapons from all the top ten weapons producers found ways into the illegal weapons market.

When some self-righteous and often naive claimant beats this drum, like the Electron Intifada (ei) or attention seekers in academia, you have to ask --- is there really a sense of moral outrage? OR Is it an attempt to make a quick buck and short-term fame?

Most Respectfully,
fanger, et al,

This is another one of these academics that has no real skill set, trying his best to get his 15 minutes of fame through the tabloid media.

It never ceases to amaze me - the lengths to which - these pro-Palestinians will go to in order to make a connection between today's Israelis and the National Socialists of 1939.

“We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust when we’re committing acts like this,” Professor Yair Auron said. “To sell weapons to Serbia or to Rwanda during the genocide is similar to selling weapons to Nazi Germany during the Second World War. No country has the right to do it and especially not Israel.”

“I’m not expecting them to decide that they’re criminals. They’ll find one way or another to avoid the issue. But for me this is a basic moral issue. It’s a crime. And somebody who commits a crime like this needs to be punished,” Auron said.

- See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront its complicity with Bosnian genocide
Israel breaking sanctions, who'd of thunk it?


I'm trying to determine exactly what sanctions the Israeli Government violated. While it is true that the Serbs appeared to have a large quantity of Israeli Weapons, the source of these weapons has yet to be determined.

In all genocide issues, there are weapons. Most of these weapons are sold through private channels (Weapons Dealers) who effect the transition from the legal purchasers to the illegal deliveries. While the most popular weapons being sold in the mid-1990's were Russian and Chinese, weapons from all the top ten weapons producers found ways into the illegal weapons market.

When some self-righteous and often naive claimant beats this drum, like the Electron Intifada (ei) or attention seekers in academia, you have to ask --- is there really a sense of moral outrage? OR Is it an attempt to make a quick buck and short-term fame?

Most Respectfully,

"Last month Israel’s Supreme Court rejected their petition claiming it would damage the state’s security and foreign relations. - See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront complicity with Bosnian genocide"

If Zionist Israel is "innocent of the charges", you have to ask yourself, what are they hiding? What are they so worried about being discovered? Reminds me of the time the Zionists released the archives of up to 1948 in the 1980's and suddenly their entire narrative of the "Birth of Israel" was found to me one big lie after another. I note they've not made the same "mistake" since

Basically, Zionists lie, period.
fanger, et al,

This is another one of these academics that has no real skill set, trying his best to get his 15 minutes of fame through the tabloid media.

It never ceases to amaze me - the lengths to which - these pro-Palestinians will go to in order to make a connection between today's Israelis and the National Socialists of 1939.

“We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust when we’re committing acts like this,” Professor Yair Auron said. “To sell weapons to Serbia or to Rwanda during the genocide is similar to selling weapons to Nazi Germany during the Second World War. No country has the right to do it and especially not Israel.”

“I’m not expecting them to decide that they’re criminals. They’ll find one way or another to avoid the issue. But for me this is a basic moral issue. It’s a crime. And somebody who commits a crime like this needs to be punished,” Auron said.

- See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront its complicity with Bosnian genocide
Israel breaking sanctions, who'd of thunk it?


I'm trying to determine exactly what sanctions the Israeli Government violated. While it is true that the Serbs appeared to have a large quantity of Israeli Weapons, the source of these weapons has yet to be determined.

In all genocide issues, there are weapons. Most of these weapons are sold through private channels (Weapons Dealers) who effect the transition from the legal purchasers to the illegal deliveries. While the most popular weapons being sold in the mid-1990's were Russian and Chinese, weapons from all the top ten weapons producers found ways into the illegal weapons market.

When some self-righteous and often naive claimant beats this drum, like the Electron Intifada (ei) or attention seekers in academia, you have to ask --- is there really a sense of moral outrage? OR Is it an attempt to make a quick buck and short-term fame?

Most Respectfully,

"Last month Israel’s Supreme Court rejected their petition claiming it would damage the state’s security and foreign relations. - See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront complicity with Bosnian genocide"

If Zionist Israel is "innocent of the charges", you have to ask yourself, what are they hiding? What are they so worried about being discovered? Reminds me of the time the Zionists released the archives of up to 1948 in the 1980's and suddenly their entire narrative of the "Birth of Israel" was found to me one big lie after another. I note they've not made the same "mistake" since

Basically, Zionists lie, period.
Basically, your source for opinions; global research, is a laughable joke. They are among those few really silly internet based conspiracy theory websites that appeal to a certain.... how shall we say..... "less than critical thinking crowd" which scours the bowels of the web looking for cut and paste material.
fanger, et al,

This is another one of these academics that has no real skill set, trying his best to get his 15 minutes of fame through the tabloid media.

It never ceases to amaze me - the lengths to which - these pro-Palestinians will go to in order to make a connection between today's Israelis and the National Socialists of 1939.

“We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust when we’re committing acts like this,” Professor Yair Auron said. “To sell weapons to Serbia or to Rwanda during the genocide is similar to selling weapons to Nazi Germany during the Second World War. No country has the right to do it and especially not Israel.”

“I’m not expecting them to decide that they’re criminals. They’ll find one way or another to avoid the issue. But for me this is a basic moral issue. It’s a crime. And somebody who commits a crime like this needs to be punished,” Auron said.

- See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront its complicity with Bosnian genocide
Israel breaking sanctions, who'd of thunk it?


I'm trying to determine exactly what sanctions the Israeli Government violated. While it is true that the Serbs appeared to have a large quantity of Israeli Weapons, the source of these weapons has yet to be determined.

In all genocide issues, there are weapons. Most of these weapons are sold through private channels (Weapons Dealers) who effect the transition from the legal purchasers to the illegal deliveries. While the most popular weapons being sold in the mid-1990's were Russian and Chinese, weapons from all the top ten weapons producers found ways into the illegal weapons market.

When some self-righteous and often naive claimant beats this drum, like the Electron Intifada (ei) or attention seekers in academia, you have to ask --- is there really a sense of moral outrage? OR Is it an attempt to make a quick buck and short-term fame?

Most Respectfully,

"Last month Israel’s Supreme Court rejected their petition claiming it would damage the state’s security and foreign relations. - See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront complicity with Bosnian genocide"

If Zionist Israel is "innocent of the charges", you have to ask yourself, what are they hiding? What are they so worried about being discovered? Reminds me of the time the Zionists released the archives of up to 1948 in the 1980's and suddenly their entire narrative of the "Birth of Israel" was found to me one big lie after another. I not they've not made the same mistake since
fanger, et al,

This is another one of these academics that has no real skill set, trying his best to get his 15 minutes of fame through the tabloid media.

It never ceases to amaze me - the lengths to which - these pro-Palestinians will go to in order to make a connection between today's Israelis and the National Socialists of 1939.

“We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust when we’re committing acts like this,” Professor Yair Auron said. “To sell weapons to Serbia or to Rwanda during the genocide is similar to selling weapons to Nazi Germany during the Second World War. No country has the right to do it and especially not Israel.”

“I’m not expecting them to decide that they’re criminals. They’ll find one way or another to avoid the issue. But for me this is a basic moral issue. It’s a crime. And somebody who commits a crime like this needs to be punished,” Auron said.

- See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront its complicity with Bosnian genocide
Israel breaking sanctions, who'd of thunk it?


I'm trying to determine exactly what sanctions the Israeli Government violated. While it is true that the Serbs appeared to have a large quantity of Israeli Weapons, the source of these weapons has yet to be determined.

In all genocide issues, there are weapons. Most of these weapons are sold through private channels (Weapons Dealers) who effect the transition from the legal purchasers to the illegal deliveries. While the most popular weapons being sold in the mid-1990's were Russian and Chinese, weapons from all the top ten weapons producers found ways into the illegal weapons market.

When some self-righteous and often naive claimant beats this drum, like the Electron Intifada (ei) or attention seekers in academia, you have to ask --- is there really a sense of moral outrage? OR Is it an attempt to make a quick buck and short-term fame?

Most Respectfully,

"Last month Israel’s Supreme Court rejected their petition claiming it would damage the state’s security and foreign relations. - See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront complicity with Bosnian genocide"

If Zionist Israel is "innocent of the charges", you have to ask yourself, what are they hiding? What are they so worried about being discovered? Reminds me of the time the Zionists released the archives of up to 1948 in the 1980's and suddenly their entire narrative of the "Birth of Israel" was found to me one big lie after another. I note they've not made the same "mistake" since

Basically, Zionists lie, period.
Basically, your source for opinions; global research, is a laughable joke. They are among those few really silly internet based conspiracy theory websites that appeal to a certain.... how shall we say..... "less than critical thinking crowd" which scours the bowels of the web looking for cut and paste material.

Another hollow post from Hollie, just the first I came across, here's another

State archives to stay classified for 20 more years, PM instructs
Activists: Israel State Archives buries history to save government from shame

and if you don't like Haaretz, try Akevot an Israeli site

"The main government archives appear to open their gates to the public,
welcoming it to use their services, but whoever seeks to rely on them to gain
access to the records held therein is set to be disappointed: the scope of
archival material open for public consultation is negligible; the open archives
are in fact closed. A thorough reform in the government archives is required,
coupled with a deep understanding that records kept of the work done by the
government and its officials is the public’s property, rather than a secret to
be kept from it."

If you don't like these there are many, many more, just Google, "Israeli government blocks access to archives" or something similar.
fanger, et al,

This is another one of these academics that has no real skill set, trying his best to get his 15 minutes of fame through the tabloid media.

It never ceases to amaze me - the lengths to which - these pro-Palestinians will go to in order to make a connection between today's Israelis and the National Socialists of 1939.

“We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust when we’re committing acts like this,” Professor Yair Auron said. “To sell weapons to Serbia or to Rwanda during the genocide is similar to selling weapons to Nazi Germany during the Second World War. No country has the right to do it and especially not Israel.”

“I’m not expecting them to decide that they’re criminals. They’ll find one way or another to avoid the issue. But for me this is a basic moral issue. It’s a crime. And somebody who commits a crime like this needs to be punished,” Auron said.

- See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront its complicity with Bosnian genocide
Israel breaking sanctions, who'd of thunk it?


I'm trying to determine exactly what sanctions the Israeli Government violated. While it is true that the Serbs appeared to have a large quantity of Israeli Weapons, the source of these weapons has yet to be determined.

In all genocide issues, there are weapons. Most of these weapons are sold through private channels (Weapons Dealers) who effect the transition from the legal purchasers to the illegal deliveries. While the most popular weapons being sold in the mid-1990's were Russian and Chinese, weapons from all the top ten weapons producers found ways into the illegal weapons market.

When some self-righteous and often naive claimant beats this drum, like the Electron Intifada (ei) or attention seekers in academia, you have to ask --- is there really a sense of moral outrage? OR Is it an attempt to make a quick buck and short-term fame?

Most Respectfully,

"Last month Israel’s Supreme Court rejected their petition claiming it would damage the state’s security and foreign relations. - See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront complicity with Bosnian genocide"

If Zionist Israel is "innocent of the charges", you have to ask yourself, what are they hiding? What are they so worried about being discovered? Reminds me of the time the Zionists released the archives of up to 1948 in the 1980's and suddenly their entire narrative of the "Birth of Israel" was found to me one big lie after another. I not they've not made the same mistake since
fanger, et al,

This is another one of these academics that has no real skill set, trying his best to get his 15 minutes of fame through the tabloid media.

It never ceases to amaze me - the lengths to which - these pro-Palestinians will go to in order to make a connection between today's Israelis and the National Socialists of 1939.

“We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust when we’re committing acts like this,” Professor Yair Auron said. “To sell weapons to Serbia or to Rwanda during the genocide is similar to selling weapons to Nazi Germany during the Second World War. No country has the right to do it and especially not Israel.”

“I’m not expecting them to decide that they’re criminals. They’ll find one way or another to avoid the issue. But for me this is a basic moral issue. It’s a crime. And somebody who commits a crime like this needs to be punished,” Auron said.

- See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront its complicity with Bosnian genocide
Israel breaking sanctions, who'd of thunk it?


I'm trying to determine exactly what sanctions the Israeli Government violated. While it is true that the Serbs appeared to have a large quantity of Israeli Weapons, the source of these weapons has yet to be determined.

In all genocide issues, there are weapons. Most of these weapons are sold through private channels (Weapons Dealers) who effect the transition from the legal purchasers to the illegal deliveries. While the most popular weapons being sold in the mid-1990's were Russian and Chinese, weapons from all the top ten weapons producers found ways into the illegal weapons market.

When some self-righteous and often naive claimant beats this drum, like the Electron Intifada (ei) or attention seekers in academia, you have to ask --- is there really a sense of moral outrage? OR Is it an attempt to make a quick buck and short-term fame?

Most Respectfully,

"Last month Israel’s Supreme Court rejected their petition claiming it would damage the state’s security and foreign relations. - See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront complicity with Bosnian genocide"

If Zionist Israel is "innocent of the charges", you have to ask yourself, what are they hiding? What are they so worried about being discovered? Reminds me of the time the Zionists released the archives of up to 1948 in the 1980's and suddenly their entire narrative of the "Birth of Israel" was found to me one big lie after another. I note they've not made the same "mistake" since

Basically, Zionists lie, period.
Basically, your source for opinions; global research, is a laughable joke. They are among those few really silly internet based conspiracy theory websites that appeal to a certain.... how shall we say..... "less than critical thinking crowd" which scours the bowels of the web looking for cut and paste material.

Another hollow post from Hollie, just the first I came across, here's another

State archives to stay classified for 20 more years, PM instructs
Activists: Israel State Archives buries history to save government from shame

and if you don't like Haaretz, try Akevot an Israeli site

"The main government archives appear to open their gates to the public,
welcoming it to use their services, but whoever seeks to rely on them to gain
access to the records held therein is set to be disappointed: the scope of
archival material open for public consultation is negligible; the open archives
are in fact closed. A thorough reform in the government archives is required,
coupled with a deep understanding that records kept of the work done by the
government and its officials is the public’s property, rather than a secret to
be kept from it."

If you don't like these there are many, many more, just Google, "Israeli government blocks access to archives" or something similar.
Gee whiz. Another saliva-slinging tirade laced with goofy name-calling.

No government is perfect and all have made mistakes.

I'll require you to spend additional time scouring "global research", "what really happened" and similar conspiracy theory based websites and compile a list of cut and paste links to secret Jew gub'mint conspiracies.
Challenger, et al,

There could be any number of diplomatic reasons why the Ministry of Foreign Affairs might not want to politicize certain aspects of their operation.

fanger, et al,

This is another one of these academics that has no real skill set, trying his best to get his 15 minutes of fame through the tabloid media.

It never ceases to amaze me - the lengths to which - these pro-Palestinians will go to in order to make a connection between today's Israelis and the National Socialists of 1939.

“We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust when we’re committing acts like this,” Professor Yair Auron said. “To sell weapons to Serbia or to Rwanda during the genocide is similar to selling weapons to Nazi Germany during the Second World War. No country has the right to do it and especially not Israel.”

“I’m not expecting them to decide that they’re criminals. They’ll find one way or another to avoid the issue. But for me this is a basic moral issue. It’s a crime. And somebody who commits a crime like this needs to be punished,” Auron said.

- See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront its complicity with Bosnian genocide
Israel breaking sanctions, who'd of thunk it?


I'm trying to determine exactly what sanctions the Israeli Government violated. While it is true that the Serbs appeared to have a large quantity of Israeli Weapons, the source of these weapons has yet to be determined.

In all genocide issues, there are weapons. Most of these weapons are sold through private channels (Weapons Dealers and Brokers) who effect the transition from the legal purchasers to the illegal deliveries. While the most popular weapons being sold in the mid-1990's were Russian and Chinese, weapons from all the top ten weapons producers found ways into the illegal weapons market.

When some self-righteous and often naive claimant beats this drum, like the Electron Intifada (ei) or attention seekers in academia, you have to ask --- is there really a sense of moral outrage? OR Is it an attempt to make a quick buck and short-term fame?

Most Respectfully,

"Last month Israel’s Supreme Court rejected their petition claiming it would damage the state’s security and foreign relations. - See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront complicity with Bosnian genocide"

If Zionist Israel is "innocent of the charges", you have to ask yourself, what are they hiding? What are they so worried about being discovered? Reminds me of the time the Zionists released the archives of up to 1948 in the 1980's and suddenly their entire narrative of the "Birth of Israel" was found to me one big lie after another. I note they've not made the same "mistake" since

Basically, Zionists lie, period.

I have not actually heard a specific charge levied against any particular Israeli government or commercial activity. Can you point me to the charge and the name of the accuser and the accused?

This question you have about: you have to ask yourself, what are they hiding? What is you accusation? Be specific. I know you must know something; because, you just wouldn't throw unsubstantiated charges or innuendo around...


What does "Zionism" have to do with this question? I did not know that Zionism had a connection with Arms Dealing and Weapons Brokerage. Or do you just throw that term around just for show?

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
fanger, et al,

This is another one of these academics that has no real skill set, trying his best to get his 15 minutes of fame through the tabloid media.

It never ceases to amaze me - the lengths to which - these pro-Palestinians will go to in order to make a connection between today's Israelis and the National Socialists of 1939.

“We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust when we’re committing acts like this,” Professor Yair Auron said. “To sell weapons to Serbia or to Rwanda during the genocide is similar to selling weapons to Nazi Germany during the Second World War. No country has the right to do it and especially not Israel.”

“I’m not expecting them to decide that they’re criminals. They’ll find one way or another to avoid the issue. But for me this is a basic moral issue. It’s a crime. And somebody who commits a crime like this needs to be punished,” Auron said.

- See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront its complicity with Bosnian genocide
Israel breaking sanctions, who'd of thunk it?


I'm trying to determine exactly what sanctions the Israeli Government violated. While it is true that the Serbs appeared to have a large quantity of Israeli Weapons, the source of these weapons has yet to be determined.

In all genocide issues, there are weapons. Most of these weapons are sold through private channels (Weapons Dealers) who effect the transition from the legal purchasers to the illegal deliveries. While the most popular weapons being sold in the mid-1990's were Russian and Chinese, weapons from all the top ten weapons producers found ways into the illegal weapons market.

When some self-righteous and often naive claimant beats this drum, like the Electron Intifada (ei) or attention seekers in academia, you have to ask --- is there really a sense of moral outrage? OR Is it an attempt to make a quick buck and short-term fame?

Most Respectfully,

"Last month Israel’s Supreme Court rejected their petition claiming it would damage the state’s security and foreign relations. - See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront complicity with Bosnian genocide"

If Zionist Israel is "innocent of the charges", you have to ask yourself, what are they hiding? What are they so worried about being discovered? Reminds me of the time the Zionists released the archives of up to 1948 in the 1980's and suddenly their entire narrative of the "Birth of Israel" was found to me one big lie after another. I note they've not made the same "mistake" since

Basically, Zionists lie, period.
Basically, your source for opinions; global research, is a laughable joke. They are among those few really silly internet based conspiracy theory websites that appeal to a certain.... how shall we say..... "less than critical thinking crowd" which scours the bowels of the web looking for cut and paste material.
Global Composte is a very entertaining site, I think they're trying to compete with The Onion by combining humor with fake news.
fanger, et al,

This is another one of these academics that has no real skill set, trying his best to get his 15 minutes of fame through the tabloid media.

It never ceases to amaze me - the lengths to which - these pro-Palestinians will go to in order to make a connection between today's Israelis and the National Socialists of 1939.

“We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust when we’re committing acts like this,” Professor Yair Auron said. “To sell weapons to Serbia or to Rwanda during the genocide is similar to selling weapons to Nazi Germany during the Second World War. No country has the right to do it and especially not Israel.”

“I’m not expecting them to decide that they’re criminals. They’ll find one way or another to avoid the issue. But for me this is a basic moral issue. It’s a crime. And somebody who commits a crime like this needs to be punished,” Auron said.

- See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront its complicity with Bosnian genocide
Israel breaking sanctions, who'd of thunk it?


I'm trying to determine exactly what sanctions the Israeli Government violated. While it is true that the Serbs appeared to have a large quantity of Israeli Weapons, the source of these weapons has yet to be determined.

In all genocide issues, there are weapons. Most of these weapons are sold through private channels (Weapons Dealers) who effect the transition from the legal purchasers to the illegal deliveries. While the most popular weapons being sold in the mid-1990's were Russian and Chinese, weapons from all the top ten weapons producers found ways into the illegal weapons market.

When some self-righteous and often naive claimant beats this drum, like the Electron Intifada (ei) or attention seekers in academia, you have to ask --- is there really a sense of moral outrage? OR Is it an attempt to make a quick buck and short-term fame?

Most Respectfully,

That's it weapons can be bought from third parties at arms fairs and the original manufacturers have no say in who they are sold to. Find out who those third parties are and you can go after them, not the makers.
fanger, et al,

This is another one of these academics that has no real skill set, trying his best to get his 15 minutes of fame through the tabloid media.

It never ceases to amaze me - the lengths to which - these pro-Palestinians will go to in order to make a connection between today's Israelis and the National Socialists of 1939.

“We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust when we’re committing acts like this,” Professor Yair Auron said. “To sell weapons to Serbia or to Rwanda during the genocide is similar to selling weapons to Nazi Germany during the Second World War. No country has the right to do it and especially not Israel.”

“I’m not expecting them to decide that they’re criminals. They’ll find one way or another to avoid the issue. But for me this is a basic moral issue. It’s a crime. And somebody who commits a crime like this needs to be punished,” Auron said.

- See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront its complicity with Bosnian genocide
Israel breaking sanctions, who'd of thunk it?


I'm trying to determine exactly what sanctions the Israeli Government violated. While it is true that the Serbs appeared to have a large quantity of Israeli Weapons, the source of these weapons has yet to be determined.

In all genocide issues, there are weapons. Most of these weapons are sold through private channels (Weapons Dealers) who effect the transition from the legal purchasers to the illegal deliveries. While the most popular weapons being sold in the mid-1990's were Russian and Chinese, weapons from all the top ten weapons producers found ways into the illegal weapons market.

When some self-righteous and often naive claimant beats this drum, like the Electron Intifada (ei) or attention seekers in academia, you have to ask --- is there really a sense of moral outrage? OR Is it an attempt to make a quick buck and short-term fame?

Most Respectfully,

"Last month Israel’s Supreme Court rejected their petition claiming it would damage the state’s security and foreign relations. - See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront complicity with Bosnian genocide"

If Zionist Israel is "innocent of the charges", you have to ask yourself, what are they hiding? What are they so worried about being discovered? Reminds me of the time the Zionists released the archives of up to 1948 in the 1980's and suddenly their entire narrative of the "Birth of Israel" was found to me one big lie after another. I note they've not made the same "mistake" since

Basically, Zionists lie, period.

Not as much as muslims and neo marxists, in fact less than most other people
fanger, et al,

This is another one of these academics that has no real skill set, trying his best to get his 15 minutes of fame through the tabloid media.

It never ceases to amaze me - the lengths to which - these pro-Palestinians will go to in order to make a connection between today's Israelis and the National Socialists of 1939.

“We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust when we’re committing acts like this,” Professor Yair Auron said. “To sell weapons to Serbia or to Rwanda during the genocide is similar to selling weapons to Nazi Germany during the Second World War. No country has the right to do it and especially not Israel.”

“I’m not expecting them to decide that they’re criminals. They’ll find one way or another to avoid the issue. But for me this is a basic moral issue. It’s a crime. And somebody who commits a crime like this needs to be punished,” Auron said.

- See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront its complicity with Bosnian genocide
Israel breaking sanctions, who'd of thunk it?


I'm trying to determine exactly what sanctions the Israeli Government violated. While it is true that the Serbs appeared to have a large quantity of Israeli Weapons, the source of these weapons has yet to be determined.

In all genocide issues, there are weapons. Most of these weapons are sold through private channels (Weapons Dealers) who effect the transition from the legal purchasers to the illegal deliveries. While the most popular weapons being sold in the mid-1990's were Russian and Chinese, weapons from all the top ten weapons producers found ways into the illegal weapons market.

When some self-righteous and often naive claimant beats this drum, like the Electron Intifada (ei) or attention seekers in academia, you have to ask --- is there really a sense of moral outrage? OR Is it an attempt to make a quick buck and short-term fame?

Most Respectfully,

"Last month Israel’s Supreme Court rejected their petition claiming it would damage the state’s security and foreign relations. - See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront complicity with Bosnian genocide"

If Zionist Israel is "innocent of the charges", you have to ask yourself, what are they hiding? What are they so worried about being discovered? Reminds me of the time the Zionists released the archives of up to 1948 in the 1980's and suddenly their entire narrative of the "Birth of Israel" was found to me one big lie after another. I not they've not made the same mistake since
fanger, et al,

This is another one of these academics that has no real skill set, trying his best to get his 15 minutes of fame through the tabloid media.

It never ceases to amaze me - the lengths to which - these pro-Palestinians will go to in order to make a connection between today's Israelis and the National Socialists of 1939.

“We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust when we’re committing acts like this,” Professor Yair Auron said. “To sell weapons to Serbia or to Rwanda during the genocide is similar to selling weapons to Nazi Germany during the Second World War. No country has the right to do it and especially not Israel.”

“I’m not expecting them to decide that they’re criminals. They’ll find one way or another to avoid the issue. But for me this is a basic moral issue. It’s a crime. And somebody who commits a crime like this needs to be punished,” Auron said.

- See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront its complicity with Bosnian genocide
Israel breaking sanctions, who'd of thunk it?


I'm trying to determine exactly what sanctions the Israeli Government violated. While it is true that the Serbs appeared to have a large quantity of Israeli Weapons, the source of these weapons has yet to be determined.

In all genocide issues, there are weapons. Most of these weapons are sold through private channels (Weapons Dealers) who effect the transition from the legal purchasers to the illegal deliveries. While the most popular weapons being sold in the mid-1990's were Russian and Chinese, weapons from all the top ten weapons producers found ways into the illegal weapons market.

When some self-righteous and often naive claimant beats this drum, like the Electron Intifada (ei) or attention seekers in academia, you have to ask --- is there really a sense of moral outrage? OR Is it an attempt to make a quick buck and short-term fame?

Most Respectfully,

"Last month Israel’s Supreme Court rejected their petition claiming it would damage the state’s security and foreign relations. - See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront complicity with Bosnian genocide"

If Zionist Israel is "innocent of the charges", you have to ask yourself, what are they hiding? What are they so worried about being discovered? Reminds me of the time the Zionists released the archives of up to 1948 in the 1980's and suddenly their entire narrative of the "Birth of Israel" was found to me one big lie after another. I note they've not made the same "mistake" since

Basically, Zionists lie, period.
Basically, your source for opinions; global research, is a laughable joke. They are among those few really silly internet based conspiracy theory websites that appeal to a certain.... how shall we say..... "less than critical thinking crowd" which scours the bowels of the web looking for cut and paste material.

Another hollow post from Hollie, just the first I came across, here's another

State archives to stay classified for 20 more years, PM instructs
Activists: Israel State Archives buries history to save government from shame

and if you don't like Haaretz, try Akevot an Israeli site

"The main government archives appear to open their gates to the public,
welcoming it to use their services, but whoever seeks to rely on them to gain
access to the records held therein is set to be disappointed: the scope of
archival material open for public consultation is negligible; the open archives
are in fact closed. A thorough reform in the government archives is required,
coupled with a deep understanding that records kept of the work done by the
government and its officials is the public’s property, rather than a secret to
be kept from it."

If you don't like these there are many, many more, just Google, "Israeli government blocks access to archives" or something similar.

And how many are linked to this one through left wing politics ?
I have not actually heard a specific charge levied against any particular Israeli government or commercial activity. Can you point me to the charge and the name of the accuser and the accused?

I can't but apparently Jewish professor Yair Auron has evidence, ask him.

This question you have about: you have to ask yourself, what are they hiding? What is you accusation? Be specific. I know you must know something; because, you just wouldn't throw unsubstantiated charges or innuendo around...

See the article by jewish professor Yair Auron, but if the Zionist regime had nothing to hide there'd be no reason to seal their archives, they could issue a denial, or even a strong denial, better yet, provide evidence to refute the allegations, but instead all they say is these records could "damage Israel's security and foreign relations". To me, and most rational people, that's tantamount to an admission that they're hiding something incriminating.

What does "Zionism" have to do with this question? I did not know that Zionism had a connection with Arms Dealing and Weapons Brokerage. Or do you just throw that term around just for show?

For your and anyone else's future reference, I feel it important to differentiate between Zionists and others, not all Jewish people are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jewish people, as you are very well aware. I use the term descriptively and to add emphasis, much like people use "Nazi Germany" or "Communist Russia/North Korea/China" or "Capitalist America"; or in reference to political groups like "Fascists", "Socialists", etc. OK?
fanger, et al,

This is another one of these academics that has no real skill set, trying his best to get his 15 minutes of fame through the tabloid media.

It never ceases to amaze me - the lengths to which - these pro-Palestinians will go to in order to make a connection between today's Israelis and the National Socialists of 1939.

“We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust when we’re committing acts like this,” Professor Yair Auron said. “To sell weapons to Serbia or to Rwanda during the genocide is similar to selling weapons to Nazi Germany during the Second World War. No country has the right to do it and especially not Israel.”

“I’m not expecting them to decide that they’re criminals. They’ll find one way or another to avoid the issue. But for me this is a basic moral issue. It’s a crime. And somebody who commits a crime like this needs to be punished,” Auron said.

- See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront its complicity with Bosnian genocide
Israel breaking sanctions, who'd of thunk it?


I'm trying to determine exactly what sanctions the Israeli Government violated. While it is true that the Serbs appeared to have a large quantity of Israeli Weapons, the source of these weapons has yet to be determined.

In all genocide issues, there are weapons. Most of these weapons are sold through private channels (Weapons Dealers) who effect the transition from the legal purchasers to the illegal deliveries. While the most popular weapons being sold in the mid-1990's were Russian and Chinese, weapons from all the top ten weapons producers found ways into the illegal weapons market.

When some self-righteous and often naive claimant beats this drum, like the Electron Intifada (ei) or attention seekers in academia, you have to ask --- is there really a sense of moral outrage? OR Is it an attempt to make a quick buck and short-term fame?

Most Respectfully,

"Last month Israel’s Supreme Court rejected their petition claiming it would damage the state’s security and foreign relations. - See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront complicity with Bosnian genocide"

If Zionist Israel is "innocent of the charges", you have to ask yourself, what are they hiding? What are they so worried about being discovered? Reminds me of the time the Zionists released the archives of up to 1948 in the 1980's and suddenly their entire narrative of the "Birth of Israel" was found to me one big lie after another. I note they've not made the same "mistake" since

Basically, Zionists lie, period.
Basically, your source for opinions; global research, is a laughable joke. They are among those few really silly internet based conspiracy theory websites that appeal to a certain.... how shall we say..... "less than critical thinking crowd" which scours the bowels of the web looking for cut and paste material.
Global Composte is a very entertaining site, I think they're trying to compete with The Onion by combining humor with fake news.
Oh, you mean like the Gatestone Institute or the Middle East Forum? Got it.
I have not actually heard a specific charge levied against any particular Israeli government or commercial activity. Can you point me to the charge and the name of the accuser and the accused?

I can't but apparently Jewish professor Yair Auron has evidence, ask him.

This question you have about: you have to ask yourself, what are they hiding? What is you accusation? Be specific. I know you must know something; because, you just wouldn't throw unsubstantiated charges or innuendo around...

See the article by jewish professor Yair Auron, but if the Zionist regime had nothing to hide there'd be no reason to seal their archives, they could issue a denial, or even a strong denial, better yet, provide evidence to refute the allegations, but instead all they say is these records could "damage Israel's security and foreign relations". To me, and most rational people, that's tantamount to an admission that they're hiding something incriminating.

What does "Zionism" have to do with this question? I did not know that Zionism had a connection with Arms Dealing and Weapons Brokerage. Or do you just throw that term around just for show?

For your and anyone else's future reference, I feel it important to differentiate between Zionists and others, not all Jewish people are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jewish people, as you are very well aware. I use the term descriptively and to add emphasis, much like people use "Nazi Germany" or "Communist Russia/North Korea/China" or "Capitalist America"; or in reference to political groups like "Fascists", "Socialists", etc. OK?

If the labour party had nothing to hide it would come clean on how many front benchers were involved in the sting to find kiddy fiddlers. We know of at least two who were named at the time, but the word was most of the cabinet were involved
fanger, et al,

This is another one of these academics that has no real skill set, trying his best to get his 15 minutes of fame through the tabloid media.

It never ceases to amaze me - the lengths to which - these pro-Palestinians will go to in order to make a connection between today's Israelis and the National Socialists of 1939.

“We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust when we’re committing acts like this,” Professor Yair Auron said. “To sell weapons to Serbia or to Rwanda during the genocide is similar to selling weapons to Nazi Germany during the Second World War. No country has the right to do it and especially not Israel.”

“I’m not expecting them to decide that they’re criminals. They’ll find one way or another to avoid the issue. But for me this is a basic moral issue. It’s a crime. And somebody who commits a crime like this needs to be punished,” Auron said.

- See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront its complicity with Bosnian genocide
Israel breaking sanctions, who'd of thunk it?


I'm trying to determine exactly what sanctions the Israeli Government violated. While it is true that the Serbs appeared to have a large quantity of Israeli Weapons, the source of these weapons has yet to be determined.

In all genocide issues, there are weapons. Most of these weapons are sold through private channels (Weapons Dealers) who effect the transition from the legal purchasers to the illegal deliveries. While the most popular weapons being sold in the mid-1990's were Russian and Chinese, weapons from all the top ten weapons producers found ways into the illegal weapons market.

When some self-righteous and often naive claimant beats this drum, like the Electron Intifada (ei) or attention seekers in academia, you have to ask --- is there really a sense of moral outrage? OR Is it an attempt to make a quick buck and short-term fame?

Most Respectfully,

"Last month Israel’s Supreme Court rejected their petition claiming it would damage the state’s security and foreign relations. - See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront complicity with Bosnian genocide"

If Zionist Israel is "innocent of the charges", you have to ask yourself, what are they hiding? What are they so worried about being discovered? Reminds me of the time the Zionists released the archives of up to 1948 in the 1980's and suddenly their entire narrative of the "Birth of Israel" was found to me one big lie after another. I note they've not made the same "mistake" since

Basically, Zionists lie, period.
Basically, your source for opinions; global research, is a laughable joke. They are among those few really silly internet based conspiracy theory websites that appeal to a certain.... how shall we say..... "less than critical thinking crowd" which scours the bowels of the web looking for cut and paste material.
Global Composte is a very entertaining site, I think they're trying to compete with The Onion by combining humor with fake news.
Oh, you mean like the Gatestone Institute or the Middle East Forum? Got it.

That are valid when you use them to prove your point, making you two faced and a hypocrite
fanger, et al,

This is another one of these academics that has no real skill set, trying his best to get his 15 minutes of fame through the tabloid media.

It never ceases to amaze me - the lengths to which - these pro-Palestinians will go to in order to make a connection between today's Israelis and the National Socialists of 1939.

“We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust when we’re committing acts like this,” Professor Yair Auron said. “To sell weapons to Serbia or to Rwanda during the genocide is similar to selling weapons to Nazi Germany during the Second World War. No country has the right to do it and especially not Israel.”

“I’m not expecting them to decide that they’re criminals. They’ll find one way or another to avoid the issue. But for me this is a basic moral issue. It’s a crime. And somebody who commits a crime like this needs to be punished,” Auron said.

- See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront its complicity with Bosnian genocide
Israel breaking sanctions, who'd of thunk it?


I'm trying to determine exactly what sanctions the Israeli Government violated. While it is true that the Serbs appeared to have a large quantity of Israeli Weapons, the source of these weapons has yet to be determined.

In all genocide issues, there are weapons. Most of these weapons are sold through private channels (Weapons Dealers) who effect the transition from the legal purchasers to the illegal deliveries. While the most popular weapons being sold in the mid-1990's were Russian and Chinese, weapons from all the top ten weapons producers found ways into the illegal weapons market.

When some self-righteous and often naive claimant beats this drum, like the Electron Intifada (ei) or attention seekers in academia, you have to ask --- is there really a sense of moral outrage? OR Is it an attempt to make a quick buck and short-term fame?

Most Respectfully,

"Last month Israel’s Supreme Court rejected their petition claiming it would damage the state’s security and foreign relations. - See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront complicity with Bosnian genocide"

If Zionist Israel is "innocent of the charges", you have to ask yourself, what are they hiding? What are they so worried about being discovered? Reminds me of the time the Zionists released the archives of up to 1948 in the 1980's and suddenly their entire narrative of the "Birth of Israel" was found to me one big lie after another. I note they've not made the same "mistake" since

Basically, Zionists lie, period.
Basically, your source for opinions; global research, is a laughable joke. They are among those few really silly internet based conspiracy theory websites that appeal to a certain.... how shall we say..... "less than critical thinking crowd" which scours the bowels of the web looking for cut and paste material.
Global Composte is a very entertaining site, I think they're trying to compete with The Onion by combining humor with fake news.
Oh, you mean like the Gatestone Institute or the Middle East Forum? Got it.
You do realize that the Nazi Mufti, the founder of the Palestinian national movement was the person that laid the seed of nazism and committed genocide on Jews and Christians in that region? He even created a Bosnian Muslim Nazi army to help him carry out his atrocities against non Muslims.
Yeah...Israel doesn't have enough of it's own problems it needs to get involved in Bosnia.

It's probably the Russians.
Challenger, et al,

Professor Yair Auron has published more than a half-dozen books. He is more of a writer than a Professor, and is capitalizing no the anti-Semitic trending --- for the sake of profit. I imagine he finds it amusing that anti-Semites are contributing to the lifestyle of a Jewish Writer; yes I imagine he gets a good laugh out of that. There are a number of Jewish writers that have cashed-in on the anti-semitism; Noam Chomsky one of the most notable anti-everything activists.

I have not actually heard a specific charge levied against any particular Israeli government or commercial activity. Can you point me to the charge and the name of the accuser and the accused?
I can't but apparently Jewish professor Yair Auron has evidence, ask him.

Yes, I thought so.

"A specific allegation must exist."
"How do you know."
"Because Professor Yair Auron says so."
"Why should I believe Professor Yair Auron?"
"Because Professor Yair Auron wrote the allegations were true."

This question you have about: you have to ask yourself, what are they hiding? What is you accusation? Be specific. I know you must know something; because, you just wouldn't throw unsubstantiated charges or innuendo around...
See the article by jewish professor Yair Auron, but if the Zionist regime had nothing to hide there'd be no reason to seal their archives, they could issue a denial, or even a strong denial, better yet, provide evidence to refute the allegations, but instead all they say is these records could "damage Israel's security and foreign relations". To me, and most rational people, that's tantamount to an admission that they're hiding something incriminating.

Yes, this is another one of those shadow anomalies you cast. The "right to silence" (the right against self-incrimination) is actually being challenged when you say: "if the Zionist regime had nothing to hide there'd be no reason to seal their archives." This is essentially saying that all state secrets are attempts to hide criminal activity.

Let's see how this works?

Any "right to privacy" that YOU invoke is actually an attempt to hide criminal activity. If the YOU had nothing to hide there'd be no reason to invoke the right of privacy --- no need for a search warrant, or restrictions no electronic surveillance.

What does "Zionism" have to do with this question? I did not know that Zionism had a connection with Arms Dealing and Weapons Brokerage. Or do you just throw that term around just for show?
For your and anyone else's future reference, I feel it important to differentiate between Zionists and others, not all Jewish people are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jewish people, as you are very well aware. I use the term descriptively and to add emphasis, much like people use "Nazi Germany" or "Communist Russia/North Korea/China" or "Capitalist America"; or in reference to political groups like "Fascists", "Socialists", etc. OK?

All that aside, what does you implication of "zionism" have to do with Arms Dealing and Weapons Brokerage?
Are you implying that only "Zionist" would engage in the illegal side of that activity?

Professor Yair Auron only uses the term "Zionist" once (third paragraph from the bottom) and in an entirely difference context (a perspective on genocide).

Auron says he’s the only professor in the entire country who teaches genocide studies with a universal approach, without the Jewish, Zionist perspective. Much of Israeli policy and society are mired in racism, the one necessary component for any genocide to occur, Auron explained. - See more at: ‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront complicity with Bosnian genocide

If you are going to pass-on allegations, and maintain credibility, you need to do much better than that. You need to either present a reasonable logic chain or establish a line of verifiable facts that justify a reasonable man to believe your allegations are founded.

In this case, why should a reasonable man believe that an Israeli Interest is involved in the illegal sales or brokerage of illegal weapons in violation of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), --- regulating the international trade in conventional arms – from small arms to battle tanks, combat aircraft and warships – entered into force on 24 December 2014.

Most Respectfully,
You do realize that the Nazi Mufti, the founder of the Palestinian national movement was the person that laid the seed of nazism and committed genocide on Jews and Christians in that region? He even created a Bosnian Muslim Nazi army to help him carry out his atrocities against non Muslims.


*sigh* I've debunked this so many times, just can't be bothered to do it yet again. :rolleyes:

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