Israeli Anti-Tunnel System Could Put End To Smugglers, Migrants From Mexico

The wall can't be built. Lawsuits from landowners and environmentalists alone can tie up the process for decades.

You are pinning your hopes to a pipe dream.

We can change the law so that environmentalists can go pound sand. Most of the land owners support building the wall. Do you actually believe they want thousands of rapists and drug dealers crossing their land?
The wall cannot put an end to immigrants as the OP suggests because 40% of them come through legal entry points.

The usual open borders shit: Finding excuses for doing nothing.

I didn't say anything about doing anything or nothing.

Oh, btw, Mr Anarchist, you can't build the wall without the government forcibly taking land away from private citizen ownership.

Work that into your longheld opposition to the government having any such power.

Yeah, because we all know if you wanted to do nothing you would come right out and admit it, right?

On the other hand, not matter what solution is proposed, douche bags like you have a thousand reasons why it won't work, cost to much, "it's not who we are," etc, etc, etc, bullshit.

When the government stops using eminent domain to build highways and shopping malls, perhaps then I will tart worrying about it using eminent domain to build the wall. After, not before.

But you have to agree that if you got your wish, which is to end eminent domain,

the building of the wall becomes impossible.

What's your Plan B.?

No, it's not impossible. What makes you think ranchers along the border would not agree to a easement on their land to build the wall?

The history of all the fights against eminent domain, most recently the Keystone Pipeline, proves me right.
The wall can't be built. Lawsuits from landowners and environmentalists alone can tie up the process for decades.

You are pinning your hopes to a pipe dream.

We can change the law so that environmentalists can go pound sand. Most of the land owners support building the wall. Do you actually believe they want thousands of rapists and drug dealers crossing their land?

There you go again with using the long arm of the law. You don't believe the government should even have that power.
The usual open borders shit: Finding excuses for doing nothing.

I didn't say anything about doing anything or nothing.

Oh, btw, Mr Anarchist, you can't build the wall without the government forcibly taking land away from private citizen ownership.

Work that into your longheld opposition to the government having any such power.

Yeah, because we all know if you wanted to do nothing you would come right out and admit it, right?

On the other hand, not matter what solution is proposed, douche bags like you have a thousand reasons why it won't work, cost to much, "it's not who we are," etc, etc, etc, bullshit.

When the government stops using eminent domain to build highways and shopping malls, perhaps then I will tart worrying about it using eminent domain to build the wall. After, not before.

But you have to agree that if you got your wish, which is to end eminent domain,

the building of the wall becomes impossible.

What's your Plan B.?

No, it's not impossible. What makes you think ranchers along the border would not agree to a easement on their land to build the wall?

The history of all the fights against eminent domain, most recently the Keystone Pipeline, proves me right.

Keystone failed because we have a Dem piece of shit in office, not because of eminent domain.
The wall can't be built. Lawsuits from landowners and environmentalists alone can tie up the process for decades.

You are pinning your hopes to a pipe dream.

We can change the law so that environmentalists can go pound sand. Most of the land owners support building the wall. Do you actually believe they want thousands of rapists and drug dealers crossing their land?

There you go again with using the long arm of the law. You don't believe the government should even have that power.

Eliminating the ability of Environmental commies to sue isn't using the long arm of the law. It's doing exactly the opposite.
You know what would stop tunneling? Bombing anything that moves within a mile of the border, plus look at all the bomb making jobs we'd create.

Get serious. You know damn well that such measures are never going to be implemented. No one wants to be responsible for killing people trying to cross the border.

Illegals kill over 3,000 American citizens each year, I'm damn serious.
The open borders traitors are running out of arguments for not building the wall:

TEL AVIV – The U.S. is cosponsoring an Israeli-invented tunnel detection system that could prevent drug smugglers and illegal migrants from cross-border passage with Mexico, ISRAEL21c reported.

The technology, which is being heralded as the underground Iron Dome anti-missile defense system, was behind the IDF’s recent discovery of a 1.5 mile-long Hamas terror tunnel from Gaza and into Israeli territory.

The U.S. has earmarked $120 million over the next three years to help develop the system, the Financial Times reported.

Meanwhile, other anti-infiltration innovations include a counter-tunnel barrier along the Israel-Gaza border that “will also feature a state-of-the-art fence, complete with sensors, observation balloons, see-shoot systems, and intelligence gathering measures, as well as an underground wall.”

The U.S. has for years closely studied Israel’s border technology and security for its own border with Mexico. In the past, the Department of Homeland Security tested Israeli ground surveillance radars used to detect intruders before they reach the border.
Hire minimum wage peeps to discover tunnels...on both sides of border. I don't believe tunneling is a super secret technology. Take the one built to allow el Crappo to escape. Find tunnel Pump in lethal oderless colorless gas. They'll get the message.
The open borders traitors are running out of arguments for not building the wall:

TEL AVIV – The U.S. is cosponsoring an Israeli-invented tunnel detection system that could prevent drug smugglers and illegal migrants from cross-border passage with Mexico, ISRAEL21c reported.

The technology, which is being heralded as the underground Iron Dome anti-missile defense system, was behind the IDF’s recent discovery of a 1.5 mile-long Hamas terror tunnel from Gaza and into Israeli territory.

The U.S. has earmarked $120 million over the next three years to help develop the system, the Financial Times reported.

Meanwhile, other anti-infiltration innovations include a counter-tunnel barrier along the Israel-Gaza border that “will also feature a state-of-the-art fence, complete with sensors, observation balloons, see-shoot systems, and intelligence gathering measures, as well as an underground wall.”

The U.S. has for years closely studied Israel’s border technology and security for its own border with Mexico. In the past, the Department of Homeland Security tested Israeli ground surveillance radars used to detect intruders before they reach the border.

Your article is wrong in many ways

1- Palestine , which includes Israhell, is Hamas territory whether you stupid fucks like it or not

2- The zionuts are trying to prevent poor Palestinian from returning home - but the US Mexican border is used by the MULTIBILLION DOLLARS blackmarket to bring merchandise into the US - the anti-tunnel system will not be a deterrent

3- And one point that you are forgetting is that if President Clinton nominates another fascist scumbag to SCOTUS our right to bear arms will disappear . We will then depend on the blackmarket to keep us supplied with arms and ammunitions. Think about that before attempting to defend your bullshit thread.


The usual close the borders and prevent our Mexican and South American alien friends from soling our Country with their presence. Bullshit KKK, Aryan Brotherhood , neonazi narrative,

No, it's a legitimate concern. Illegal aliens are one of the main causes of wage stagnation in this country. I won't even go into the crime they commit, but the actual act of working in this country does harm to every working person in this country by allowing corporations to keep wages low. Add to that the actual crime that they do commit, and it is apparent that they cause far more harm than benefit to this country.
Build two walls 1 mile apart, 2 if need be. At some distance it will be too far to tunnel.
The open borders traitors are running out of arguments for not building the wall:

TEL AVIV – The U.S. is cosponsoring an Israeli-invented tunnel detection system that could prevent drug smugglers and illegal migrants from cross-border passage with Mexico, ISRAEL21c reported.

The technology, which is being heralded as the underground Iron Dome anti-missile defense system, was behind the IDF’s recent discovery of a 1.5 mile-long Hamas terror tunnel from Gaza and into Israeli territory.

The U.S. has earmarked $120 million over the next three years to help develop the system, the Financial Times reported.

Meanwhile, other anti-infiltration innovations include a counter-tunnel barrier along the Israel-Gaza border that “will also feature a state-of-the-art fence, complete with sensors, observation balloons, see-shoot systems, and intelligence gathering measures, as well as an underground wall.”

The U.S. has for years closely studied Israel’s border technology and security for its own border with Mexico. In the past, the Department of Homeland Security tested Israeli ground surveillance radars used to detect intruders before they reach the border.
This sounds like a good idea, except for see-shoot systems. We aren't at war with Mexicans, including women and children, so the shooting and land-mining ideas some people have wouldn't be appropriate. But everything else sounds very smart to me. If I were trying to enter another country illegally and had the choice of walking across a field or climbing a 30' fence, I'd choose the field. Don't know why some people are so sure a wall wouldn't help at all. It would. Will people find a work-around? Undoubtedly. But it won't be close to the number now entering the country, would it?

We are at war with mexico.
They made numerous claims they will take over the country without firing a shot....maybe it's time we did.

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