Israeli citizens are barred


We know, for a FACT, that ISIS and al Qaeda are infiltrating groups of refugees with their own murdering scum.

If you don't then you are manifestly uninformed.

How many Americans have to die for you to agree that something has to be done?

It's shit like this that makes me lose my temper with dimocraps

How many Americans have to die before you agree to do something about gun control? That's the kind of argument you are making.

There is real risk. And there is perception of risk. How you deal with it depends on how real the risk is. Nothing is 100% guarenteed unless you want to live in a police state.

More Americans die from shark attacks then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we doing something?
More Americans die from bee stings then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we irradicating bees?
More Americans die in automobile accidents (by far) then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we calling for a ban on cars?

"How many Americans have to die before you agree to do something about gun control?"

You're comparing Americans who own guns to ISIS terrorists?

"More Americans die from shark attacks then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we doing something?
More Americans die from bee stings then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we irradicating bees?
More Americans die in automobile accidents (by far) then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we calling for a ban on cars?"

These are ridiculous statements and you KNOW they are.

No Lucy. It's not. It's REAL risk vs PERCEIVED risk. Are the process we have in place effective? By and large yes. Can they be improved? Possibly. Should they be regularly reviewed? Absolutely.

Should we turn our country into a police state with constant surveillance so we can "feel" safe? No. Should trash our countries values or our rights simply because people are afraid? That's a question for each individual to answer.

"It's REAL risk vs PERCEIVED risk."

And you want to take that chance? Remember, it's better safe than sorry and once people are dead from terrorist attacks, it's not a film, they don't come back, they stay dead forever.

"Should trash our countries values"

What are America's values? That EVERYONE from EVERY craphole on this planet has an AUTOMATIC RIGHT to move to America and claim welfare and breed and then vote Democratic?

Again, that is a strawman argument. NO ONE is saying that EVERYONE has an AUTOMATIC RIGHT to move here. No one. And unlike Europe, we don't have the extensive welfare benefits you do. People that come here come to work and by and large they do and are successful. And they don't all vote Democratic :lol: Some immigrant blocks tend to vote Republican, some Democrat, some a mixture.

That opportunity is part of our values.

That's a prime reason why Leftists want these people in to increase their voting base, see Minnesota which effectively should just be renamed Somalia, see California which effectively half of California is now Mexico again.

No. It isn't. It's because of what we feel is an important part of our country's values. Just like the Rightists are concerned about security and tradition. Not everything is about votes.

I'm not American, but I read and I've read about what's happening, you are NOT America ANYMORE, you have become a dumping ground and it's not been an accident, it's been deliberate and now you want to wave in people from some of the most dangerous and unstable nations of this planet?

Again why IMMEDIATELY? What's wrong with waiting the 90 days?

We are America, and as long as I'm alive, I will stand up for the America that I love and cherish.


Their parents were. They were little kids. You don't vet little kids.

From my link -- Opening fucking paragraph

Russian authorities warned the FBI in 2011 about Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of two Chechen brothers accused of carrying out last year's Boston Marathon bombings, but U.S. authorities missed chances to detain him, NBC News reported on Tuesday.

You're a damned fool and we're supposed to take National Security advice from you?
I saw the explanation but it was pathetically weak. There was no crisis - no emergency - dictating the action to begin with. There was no imminent terrorist threat forcing an extreme action. There was no reason it couldn't have been quickly vetted by at least some of the relevant agencies. All I'm seeing is you guys making crappy excuses for Trump's messy and poorly executed EO and complete lack of professionalism. And, in case you haven't noticed, Obama isn't president now.

Well, unlike you (obviously) Jihadi murderers very likely listened to what Trump said during his campaign.

And, since you missed it, one of his points was that he was going to crack down HARD on murdering jihadis getting into this Country.

Since there was over two Months between his election and his inauguration, time was at a premium.

He did it, he did it hard and he did it fast.

Like it should have been done.

The murdering Jihadi's aren't going to suddenly get in via the refugee program - they've got a to get through a 2 yr vetting process first. If they were that desperate to get in - well, they could have done so in those 2 months.

In the meantime what has Trump accomplished with this? A huge propoganda gift to ISIS.

"A huge propoganda gift to ISIS."

How is it a huge propaganda gift to ISIS, please elaborate or are you just repeating the MSM Propaganda Memo?

It's a popular theory. Muslims are
very sensitive to SUGGESTION. If
anyone SUGGESTS -----in any way---
that muslims are jihadists with violent
ambitions------they WILL be jihadists with violent ambitions. THUS---any program aimed at preventing violent jihadist acts will ----INEVITABLY produce more violent acts and more
violent jihadists
The parents never arrived as refugees in our refugee program - that's a defined program, with mandatory vetting. That's not an asylum seeker that "meets the definition of refugee". Asylum seekers can enter the country in any number of ways, including as illegal immigrants and receive less vetting, if any.

Read this, then you might be less unaware of the details....

Needless to say, the Boston bombers actually were refugees, with their parents arriving in the U.S. on tourist visas in 2002 and then claiming asylum on the basis that their ties to Chechnya could expose them to persecution back in Russia.

Read more: U.S. Refugee Chief Didn’t Know Boston Bombers Were Refugees
not surprised at all.
I saw the explanation but it was pathetically weak. There was no crisis - no emergency - dictating the action to begin with. There was no imminent terrorist threat forcing an extreme action. There was no reason it couldn't have been quickly vetted by at least some of the relevant agencies. All I'm seeing is you guys making crappy excuses for Trump's messy and poorly executed EO and complete lack of professionalism. And, in case you haven't noticed, Obama isn't president now.

Well, unlike you (obviously) Jihadi murderers very likely listened to what Trump said during his campaign.

And, since you missed it, one of his points was that he was going to crack down HARD on murdering jihadis getting into this Country.

Since there was over two Months between his election and his inauguration, time was at a premium.

He did it, he did it hard and he did it fast.

Like it should have been done.

The murdering Jihadi's aren't going to suddenly get in via the refugee program - they've got a to get through a 2 yr vetting process first. If they were that desperate to get in - well, they could have done so in those 2 months.

In the meantime what has Trump accomplished with this? A huge propoganda gift to ISIS.

"A huge propoganda gift to ISIS."

How is it a huge propaganda gift to ISIS, please elaborate or are you just repeating the MSM Propaganda Memo?

It's a popular theory. Muslims are
very sensitive to SUGGESTION. If
anyone SUGGESTS -----in any way---
that muslims are jihadists with violent
ambitions------they WILL be jihadists with violent ambitions. THUS---any program aimed at preventing violent jihadist acts will ----INEVITABLY produce more violent acts and more
violent jihadists

Muzzies are two legged Pavlov dogs, in other words...LOL.
I saw the explanation but it was pathetically weak. There was no crisis - no emergency - dictating the action to begin with. There was no imminent terrorist threat forcing an extreme action. There was no reason it couldn't have been quickly vetted by at least some of the relevant agencies. All I'm seeing is you guys making crappy excuses for Trump's messy and poorly executed EO and complete lack of professionalism. And, in case you haven't noticed, Obama isn't president now.

Well, unlike you (obviously) Jihadi murderers very likely listened to what Trump said during his campaign.

And, since you missed it, one of his points was that he was going to crack down HARD on murdering jihadis getting into this Country.

Since there was over two Months between his election and his inauguration, time was at a premium.

He did it, he did it hard and he did it fast.

Like it should have been done.

The murdering Jihadi's aren't going to suddenly get in via the refugee program - they've got a to get through a 2 yr vetting process first. If they were that desperate to get in - well, they could have done so in those 2 months.

In the meantime what has Trump accomplished with this? A huge propoganda gift to ISIS.

"A huge propoganda gift to ISIS."

How is it a huge propaganda gift to ISIS, please elaborate or are you just repeating the MSM Propaganda Memo?

It's a popular theory. Muslims are
very sensitive to SUGGESTION. If
anyone SUGGESTS -----in any way---
that muslims are jihadists with violent
ambitions------they WILL be jihadists with violent ambitions. THUS---any program aimed at preventing violent jihadist acts will ----INEVITABLY produce more violent acts and more
violent jihadists

Touché. But I bet they black out the bus windows.

"Touché. But I bet they black out the bus windows."

Note to Coyote: The above is enlarged and the below is me still being On Topic in my own thread :smoke:

I don't know to many Austrians that would know about that Hanna/ Barrera production...

I have never seen or heard of this cartoon, I was wanting a Meme with Touché in and I Googled Touché and the fourth down was Touché Turtle and I wanted to know what that was, so I Wikipedia it and got this and from the below I went to YouTube.

Touché Turtle and Dum Dum - Wikipedia

I grew up with those cartoons :lol:

I can't find a full cartoon of that one.

I did watch this Foghorn Leghorn, a confusing character that I found from my friend in Dallas' 8 year-old son.

I don't know why this big chicken is called Foghorn Leghorn, but it is :confused-84:

Because he was a load mouth braggart...

We know, for a FACT, that ISIS and al Qaeda are infiltrating groups of refugees with their own murdering scum.

If you don't then you are manifestly uninformed.

How many Americans have to die for you to agree that something has to be done?

It's shit like this that makes me lose my temper with dimocraps

How many Americans have to die before you agree to do something about gun control? That's the kind of argument you are making.

There is real risk. And there is perception of risk. How you deal with it depends on how real the risk is. Nothing is 100% guarenteed unless you want to live in a police state.

More Americans die from shark attacks then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we doing something?
More Americans die from bee stings then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we irradicating bees?
More Americans die in automobile accidents (by far) then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we calling for a ban on cars?

"How many Americans have to die before you agree to do something about gun control?"

You're comparing Americans who own guns to ISIS terrorists?

"More Americans die from shark attacks then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we doing something?
More Americans die from bee stings then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we irradicating bees?
More Americans die in automobile accidents (by far) then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we calling for a ban on cars?"

These are ridiculous statements and you KNOW they are.

No Lucy. It's not. It's REAL risk vs PERCEIVED risk. Are the process we have in place effective? By and large yes. Can they be improved? Possibly. Should they be regularly reviewed? Absolutely.

Should we turn our country into a police state with constant surveillance so we can "feel" safe? No. Should trash our countries values or our rights simply because people are afraid? That's a question for each individual to answer.

"It's REAL risk vs PERCEIVED risk."

And you want to take that chance? Remember, it's better safe than sorry and once people are dead from terrorist attacks, it's not a film, they don't come back, they stay dead forever.

"Should trash our countries values"

What are America's values? That EVERYONE from EVERY craphole on this planet has an AUTOMATIC RIGHT to move to America and claim welfare and breed and then vote Democratic?

Again, that is a strawman argument. NO ONE is saying that EVERYONE has an AUTOMATIC RIGHT to move here. No one. And unlike Europe, we don't have the extensive welfare benefits you do. People that come here come to work and by and large they do and are successful. And they don't all vote Democratic :lol: Some immigrant blocks tend to vote Republican, some Democrat, some a mixture.

That opportunity is part of our values.

That's a prime reason why Leftists want these people in to increase their voting base, see Minnesota which effectively should just be renamed Somalia, see California which effectively half of California is now Mexico again.

No. It isn't. It's because of what we feel is an important part of our country's values. Just like the Rightists are concerned about security and tradition. Not everything is about votes.

I'm not American, but I read and I've read about what's happening, you are NOT America ANYMORE, you have become a dumping ground and it's not been an accident, it's been deliberate and now you want to wave in people from some of the most dangerous and unstable nations of this planet?

Again why IMMEDIATELY? What's wrong with waiting the 90 days?

We are America, and as long as I'm alive, I will stand up for the America that I love and cherish.
why do you believe that leftist get to decide american values?
I saw the explanation but it was pathetically weak. There was no crisis - no emergency - dictating the action to begin with. There was no imminent terrorist threat forcing an extreme action. There was no reason it couldn't have been quickly vetted by at least some of the relevant agencies. All I'm seeing is you guys making crappy excuses for Trump's messy and poorly executed EO and complete lack of professionalism. And, in case you haven't noticed, Obama isn't president now.

Well, unlike you (obviously) Jihadi murderers very likely listened to what Trump said during his campaign.

And, since you missed it, one of his points was that he was going to crack down HARD on murdering jihadis getting into this Country.

Since there was over two Months between his election and his inauguration, time was at a premium.

He did it, he did it hard and he did it fast.

Like it should have been done.

The murdering Jihadi's aren't going to suddenly get in via the refugee program - they've got a to get through a 2 yr vetting process first. If they were that desperate to get in - well, they could have done so in those 2 months.

In the meantime what has Trump accomplished with this? A huge propoganda gift to ISIS.

"A huge propoganda gift to ISIS."

How is it a huge propaganda gift to ISIS, please elaborate or are you just repeating the MSM Propaganda Memo?

It's a popular theory. Muslims are
very sensitive to SUGGESTION. If
anyone SUGGESTS -----in any way---
that muslims are jihadists with violent
ambitions------they WILL be jihadists with violent ambitions. THUS---any program aimed at preventing violent jihadist acts will ----INEVITABLY produce more violent acts and more
violent jihadists

Muzzies are two legged Pavlov dogs, in other words...LOL.

yes----that is precisely what the New Mayor of London said.
The difference between refugees and asylum seekers:
What's the Difference Between Refugee and Asylee Applicants?

You must really enjoy proving how right I am all the time -- From your link above

To seek asylum in the U.S. under current laws,

  • You fit the requirements of living under threat of persecution as a refugee (listed above).
  • You are already present in the United States or are seeking admission at a port of entry.

But did you miss the part that said asylum seekers are ALREADY IN THE COUNTRY? No vetting. Refugees go through a specific program and are VETTED.
Dear President Assad. We have 93,546 people from Syria we wish to do a background check on. Please send us the criminal backgrounds of each person (list attached) and if they have any known links to terrorist organizations (list attached).
PS - sorry about that Assad must go thing from Obama. It wasn't meant personal that he wanted you dead.
Last edited:
How many Americans have to die before you agree to do something about gun control? That's the kind of argument you are making.

There is real risk. And there is perception of risk. How you deal with it depends on how real the risk is. Nothing is 100% guarenteed unless you want to live in a police state.

More Americans die from shark attacks then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we doing something?
More Americans die from bee stings then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we irradicating bees?
More Americans die in automobile accidents (by far) then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we calling for a ban on cars?

"How many Americans have to die before you agree to do something about gun control?"

You're comparing Americans who own guns to ISIS terrorists?

"More Americans die from shark attacks then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we doing something?
More Americans die from bee stings then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we irradicating bees?
More Americans die in automobile accidents (by far) then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we calling for a ban on cars?"

These are ridiculous statements and you KNOW they are.

No Lucy. It's not. It's REAL risk vs PERCEIVED risk. Are the process we have in place effective? By and large yes. Can they be improved? Possibly. Should they be regularly reviewed? Absolutely.

Should we turn our country into a police state with constant surveillance so we can "feel" safe? No. Should trash our countries values or our rights simply because people are afraid? That's a question for each individual to answer.

"It's REAL risk vs PERCEIVED risk."

And you want to take that chance? Remember, it's better safe than sorry and once people are dead from terrorist attacks, it's not a film, they don't come back, they stay dead forever.

"Should trash our countries values"

What are America's values? That EVERYONE from EVERY craphole on this planet has an AUTOMATIC RIGHT to move to America and claim welfare and breed and then vote Democratic?

Again, that is a strawman argument. NO ONE is saying that EVERYONE has an AUTOMATIC RIGHT to move here. No one. And unlike Europe, we don't have the extensive welfare benefits you do. People that come here come to work and by and large they do and are successful. And they don't all vote Democratic :lol: Some immigrant blocks tend to vote Republican, some Democrat, some a mixture.

That opportunity is part of our values.

That's a prime reason why Leftists want these people in to increase their voting base, see Minnesota which effectively should just be renamed Somalia, see California which effectively half of California is now Mexico again.

No. It isn't. It's because of what we feel is an important part of our country's values. Just like the Rightists are concerned about security and tradition. Not everything is about votes.

I'm not American, but I read and I've read about what's happening, you are NOT America ANYMORE, you have become a dumping ground and it's not been an accident, it's been deliberate and now you want to wave in people from some of the most dangerous and unstable nations of this planet?

Again why IMMEDIATELY? What's wrong with waiting the 90 days?

We are America, and as long as I'm alive, I will stand up for the America that I love and cherish.
why do you believe that leftist get to decide american values?
And isn't protecting Americans an American value?
"How many Americans have to die before you agree to do something about gun control?"

You're comparing Americans who own guns to ISIS terrorists?

"More Americans die from shark attacks then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we doing something?
More Americans die from bee stings then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we irradicating bees?
More Americans die in automobile accidents (by far) then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we calling for a ban on cars?"

These are ridiculous statements and you KNOW they are.

No Lucy. It's not. It's REAL risk vs PERCEIVED risk. Are the process we have in place effective? By and large yes. Can they be improved? Possibly. Should they be regularly reviewed? Absolutely.

Should we turn our country into a police state with constant surveillance so we can "feel" safe? No. Should trash our countries values or our rights simply because people are afraid? That's a question for each individual to answer.

"It's REAL risk vs PERCEIVED risk."

And you want to take that chance? Remember, it's better safe than sorry and once people are dead from terrorist attacks, it's not a film, they don't come back, they stay dead forever.

"Should trash our countries values"

What are America's values? That EVERYONE from EVERY craphole on this planet has an AUTOMATIC RIGHT to move to America and claim welfare and breed and then vote Democratic?

Again, that is a strawman argument. NO ONE is saying that EVERYONE has an AUTOMATIC RIGHT to move here. No one. And unlike Europe, we don't have the extensive welfare benefits you do. People that come here come to work and by and large they do and are successful. And they don't all vote Democratic :lol: Some immigrant blocks tend to vote Republican, some Democrat, some a mixture.

That opportunity is part of our values.

That's a prime reason why Leftists want these people in to increase their voting base, see Minnesota which effectively should just be renamed Somalia, see California which effectively half of California is now Mexico again.

No. It isn't. It's because of what we feel is an important part of our country's values. Just like the Rightists are concerned about security and tradition. Not everything is about votes.

I'm not American, but I read and I've read about what's happening, you are NOT America ANYMORE, you have become a dumping ground and it's not been an accident, it's been deliberate and now you want to wave in people from some of the most dangerous and unstable nations of this planet?

Again why IMMEDIATELY? What's wrong with waiting the 90 days?

We are America, and as long as I'm alive, I will stand up for the America that I love and cherish.
why do you believe that leftist get to decide american values?
And isn't protecting Americans an American value?

I thought so. But since only the left get to decide that, we should maybe ask them.
"How many Americans have to die before you agree to do something about gun control?"

You're comparing Americans who own guns to ISIS terrorists?

"More Americans die from shark attacks then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we doing something?
More Americans die from bee stings then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we irradicating bees?
More Americans die in automobile accidents (by far) then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we calling for a ban on cars?"

These are ridiculous statements and you KNOW they are.

No Lucy. It's not. It's REAL risk vs PERCEIVED risk. Are the process we have in place effective? By and large yes. Can they be improved? Possibly. Should they be regularly reviewed? Absolutely.

Should we turn our country into a police state with constant surveillance so we can "feel" safe? No. Should trash our countries values or our rights simply because people are afraid? That's a question for each individual to answer.

"It's REAL risk vs PERCEIVED risk."

And you want to take that chance? Remember, it's better safe than sorry and once people are dead from terrorist attacks, it's not a film, they don't come back, they stay dead forever.

"Should trash our countries values"

What are America's values? That EVERYONE from EVERY craphole on this planet has an AUTOMATIC RIGHT to move to America and claim welfare and breed and then vote Democratic?

Again, that is a strawman argument. NO ONE is saying that EVERYONE has an AUTOMATIC RIGHT to move here. No one. And unlike Europe, we don't have the extensive welfare benefits you do. People that come here come to work and by and large they do and are successful. And they don't all vote Democratic :lol: Some immigrant blocks tend to vote Republican, some Democrat, some a mixture.

That opportunity is part of our values.

That's a prime reason why Leftists want these people in to increase their voting base, see Minnesota which effectively should just be renamed Somalia, see California which effectively half of California is now Mexico again.

No. It isn't. It's because of what we feel is an important part of our country's values. Just like the Rightists are concerned about security and tradition. Not everything is about votes.

I'm not American, but I read and I've read about what's happening, you are NOT America ANYMORE, you have become a dumping ground and it's not been an accident, it's been deliberate and now you want to wave in people from some of the most dangerous and unstable nations of this planet?

Again why IMMEDIATELY? What's wrong with waiting the 90 days?

We are America, and as long as I'm alive, I will stand up for the America that I love and cherish.
why do you believe that leftist get to decide american values?
And isn't protecting Americans an American value?

Not just a value, an imperative for the CIC.
And isn't protecting Americans an American value?


Not to dimocrap scum.

Believe me when I tell you that, to dimocrraps, Americans are no more valuable or deserving of protection than any other member/inhabitant of Gaia.

You just don't understand dimocraps the way I do.

Sick people.

And do NOT think I'm kidding
Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

Israeli passport - Wikipedia
Yup, it's just like Trump's immigration Executive Order. Those Muslim countries and Trump's EO are all based on a RELIGIOUS TEST! The difference is that here in the US a religious test such as that is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

You are a moron, thank you for illustrating you are.

There is NOTHING in President Trump's EO that mentions religion, his EO is not UnConstitutional as he's using the existing law that Obama used on SIX occasions when Obama barred people from six predominantly Muslim nations....yet you Leftist Maniacs weren't screaming at Obama were you?

No you weren't.
A moron might well be described as a person who gets most of their daily exercise jumping to conclusions! Pay attention now.... Out of the nearly 2300 posts I have placed on this Board, I challenge you to find a single post of mine declaring that I'm a Democrat or that I was an Obama supporter. They're not there SHIT FOR BRAINS! You are fucking wrong on that score. You obviously have a problem with reflexive compartmentalization. See someone about that.

To the other bit, Trump's EO 13769 included Section 5(B) which created two separate but unequal religious classes. The larger class was definitely going to be and WERE discriminated against on the basis of religion when they arrived at the US Ports of Entry last weekend. Those exclusions BASED ON RELIGION were violative of the Establishment, Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of Amendments I & V. Read and understand the legal implications of Section 5(B) before parroting and making baseless assertions.

Further, any Executive Order is NOT EFFECTIVE until it is published in the Federal Register (FR). I checked on that this weekend, yesterday and today and the EO was filed with FR at 11:15 AM Tuesday Jan 31 and was scheduled for printing today Feb 1. That means that the EO that had not been properly printed and therefor NOT EFFECTIVE with the REQUIRED LEGAL NOTICE to the People being given but was being enforced before it was lawful to do so. There are so many self-inflicted fuck ups by this hap hazard administration I find it incredible that more folks haven't been screaming a the top of their lungs that the Emperor has no bloody cloths!

BTW, You might want check to see if it was printed so you might get a glance at Section 5(B) because it's not in the Executive Orders Disposition Tables yet maintained by the National Archives for EO 13769.
And isn't protecting Americans an American value?


Not to dimocrap scum.

Believe me when I tell you that, to dimocrraps, Americans are no more valuable or deserving of protection than any other member/inhabitant of Gaia.

You just don't understand dimocraps the way I do.

Sick people.

And do NOT think I'm kidding
Well, I'm no fan of the useful idiot democraps either :thup:
You'd have a valid point if we'd been inundated with terrorists coming in through the immigration and refugee systems but...we haven't. We have more trouble with the home grown variety. That's the real BS.


We know, for a FACT, that ISIS and al Qaeda are infiltrating groups of refugees with their own murdering scum.

If you don't then you are manifestly uninformed.

How many Americans have to die for you to agree that something has to be done?

It's shit like this that makes me lose my temper with dimocraps

How many Americans have to die before you agree to do something about gun control? That's the kind of argument you are making.

There is real risk. And there is perception of risk. How you deal with it depends on how real the risk is. Nothing is 100% guarenteed unless you want to live in a police state.

More Americans die from shark attacks then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we doing something?
More Americans die from bee stings then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we irradicating bees?
More Americans die in automobile accidents (by far) then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we calling for a ban on cars?

"How many Americans have to die before you agree to do something about gun control?"

You're comparing Americans who own guns to ISIS terrorists?

"More Americans die from shark attacks then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we doing something?
More Americans die from bee stings then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we irradicating bees?
More Americans die in automobile accidents (by far) then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we calling for a ban on cars?"

These are ridiculous statements and you KNOW they are.

No Lucy. It's not. It's REAL risk vs PERCEIVED risk. Are the process we have in place effective? By and large yes. Can they be improved? Possibly. Should they be regularly reviewed? Absolutely.

Should we turn our country into a police state with constant surveillance so we can "feel" safe? No. Should trash our countries values or our rights simply because people are afraid? That's a question for each individual to answer.

"It's REAL risk vs PERCEIVED risk."

And you want to take that chance? Remember, it's better safe than sorry and once people are dead from terrorist attacks, it's not a film, they don't come back, they stay dead forever.

"Should trash our countries values"

What are America's values? That EVERYONE from EVERY craphole on this planet has an AUTOMATIC RIGHT to move to America and claim welfare and breed and then vote Democratic?

That's a prime reason why Leftists want these people in to increase their voting base, see Minnesota which effectively should just be renamed Somalia, see California which effectively half of California is now Mexico again.

I'm not American, but I read and I've read about what's happening, you are NOT America ANYMORE, you have become a dumping ground and it's not been an accident, it's been deliberate and now you want to wave in people from some of the most dangerous and unstable nations of this planet?

Again why IMMEDIATELY? What's wrong with waiting the 90 days?

The problem goes deeper than vetting as far as regards the long term. muslims have a greater fertility rate than non muslims. They will multiply far greater than non muslims and will try to destroy non muslims once they gain power, so it won't be any different in this country as what's now happening in Europe.
Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

Israeli passport - Wikipedia
Yup, it's just like Trump's immigration Executive Order. Those Muslim countries and Trump's EO are all based on a RELIGIOUS TEST! The difference is that here in the US a religious test such as that is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

You are a moron, thank you for illustrating you are.

There is NOTHING in President Trump's EO that mentions religion, his EO is not UnConstitutional as he's using the existing law that Obama used on SIX occasions when Obama barred people from six predominantly Muslim nations....yet you Leftist Maniacs weren't screaming at Obama were you?

No you weren't.
A moron might well be described as a person who gets most of their daily exercise jumping to conclusions! Pay attention now.... Out of the nearly 2300 posts I have placed on this Board, I challenge you to find a single post of mine declaring that I'm a Democrat or that I was an Obama supporter. They're not there SHIT FOR BRAINS! You are fucking wrong on that score. You obviously have a problem with reflexive compartmentalization. See someone about that.

To the other bit, Trump's EO 13769 included Section 5(B) which created two separate but unequal religious classes. The larger class was definitely going to be and WERE discriminated against on the basis of religion when they arrived at the US Ports of Entry last weekend. Those exclusions BASED ON RELIGION were violative of the Establishment, Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of Amendments I & V. Read and understand the legal implications of Section 5(B) before parroting and making baseless assertions.

Further, any Executive Order is NOT EFFECTIVE until it is published in the Federal Register (FR). I checked on that this weekend, yesterday and today and the EO was filed with FR at 11:15 AM Tuesday Jan 31 and was scheduled for printing today Feb 1. That means that the EO that had not been properly printed and therefor NOT EFFECTIVE with the REQUIRED LEGAL NOTICE to the People being given but was being enforced before it was lawful to do so. There are so many self-inflicted fuck ups by this hap hazard administration I find it incredible that more folks haven't been screaming a the top of their lungs that the Emperor has no bloody cloths!

BTW, You might want check to see if it was printed so you might get a glance at Section 5(B) because it's not in the Executive Orders Disposition Tables yet maintained by the National Archives for EO 13769.
You are worse than a RaT. You're a full "blowing" socialist. Don't like the immediate protecting of America? Tuff scheisse. Take it up with Brocefus, if you can track your fellow socialist down on vacation.

Maybe he will issue a press release about how hurt your collective feelings are. Otherwise, no one gives a scheisse about your opinion.


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