Israeli citizens are barred

What is ISIS' most potent weapon? Recruits.

How do they get recruits? Propoganda.

No, they get recruits because young Muslim Arab Males grow up in abject poverty and despair.

They have no hope. None. They have no hope for a wife, they've never had sex except for with other boys, they have no hope for a job, they have no hope for a home and family..... They have nothing.

So when you have nothing, you have nothing to lose.

A good-sounding ISIS recruiter shows up talking about all the loot they're getting from Villages and Cities they've conquered, all the sex-slaves they're taken, all the riches they've found and, since they're not real bright in the first place (kinda like dims) they join up.

What have they got to lose? A meaningless and empty life??

Those dumb fucks couldn't care less about International relationships. The only relationship they're interested in is the one they're having with their Right Hand.

It is small-minded to think that those morons need any motivation from us to join ISIS.

Actually, it's kind of stupid
Prevention is only meaningful when you have real risks - risks worth significantly disrupting people's lives over, fracturing our relations with other countries and giving our worst enemy, ISIS, a propoganda coup. Still wondering what terrorist attacks have come out of the Syrian refugees we've brought in.

Trump doesn't want what's happening in Northern Europe to happen here.

What's wrong with that?

Remember the Ohio State Jihadist? A refugee.

Remember the reaction from some of the DISGUSTING FILTH? That the Cop who shot him 'over-reacted'?



Ohio state guy wasn't a Syrian refugee. He also doesn't appear to have been a "Jihadist" if you read what they say about him. Did the cop over react? No, I don't think so - you had a guy with a weapon trying to attack people.

Europe is a completel different situation than ours - they are flooded with migrants, assylum seekers, refugees - they have a far less adequate vetting system and multiple countries involved.

Again, I'd have to ask - what urgent risk? I can understand it after 9/11. I can understand reviewing security and vetting procedures on a regular basis or in response to new threats. But this was very badly done.
I saw the explanation but it was pathetically weak. There was no crisis - no emergency - dictating the action to begin with. There was no imminent terrorist threat forcing an extreme action. There was no reason it couldn't have been quickly vetted by at least some of the relevant agencies. All I'm seeing is you guys making crappy excuses for Trump's messy and poorly executed EO and complete lack of professionalism. And, in case you haven't noticed, Obama isn't president now.

Well, unlike you (obviously) Jihadi murderers very likely listened to what Trump said during his campaign.

And, since you missed it, one of his points was that he was going to crack down HARD on murdering jihadis getting into this Country.

Since there was over two Months between his election and his inauguration, time was at a premium.

He did it, he did it hard and he did it fast.

Like it should have been done.

The murdering Jihadi's aren't going to suddenly get in via the refugee program - they've got a to get through a 2 yr vetting process first. If they were that desperate to get in - well, they could have done so in those 2 months.

In the meantime what has Trump accomplished with this? A huge propoganda gift to ISIS.

"A huge propoganda gift to ISIS."

How is it a huge propaganda gift to ISIS, please elaborate or are you just repeating the MSM Propaganda Memo?

What is ISIS' most potent weapon? Recruits.

How do they get recruits? Propoganda.

What is the best propoganda for recruiting young, disenfranchised, alienated people? Selling them on the idea that the western world is trying to wipe out Islam, is attacking Muslims. Truth doesn't matter here. It doesn't matter whether or not the west is really trying to wipe out Islam - all ISIS needs is the appearance of it, the words of a few Islamophobic nutjobs and what looks like a Muslim ban (one, that would make exceptions for Syrian non-muslim refugees).

Not only that, but it is smack in the face to the many Muslims who are themselves fighting ISIS, and helping us in that fight. It's a smack in the face to the Muslims who helped us in Afghanistan and Iraq, and who's lives and families are in danger because they helped us. Who's going to trust us or assist us in those regions?

Their most important weapon is ISLAM itself. The second is ignorance. The rest is simply the manipulation of those two factors.

Go blow yourself up and get a harem of virgins from good ol' Allah.
Allah loves ya, baby. Just take out a few of the Great Satans and you're good to go.
I'd say before implementation...was not well written or thought out. That's why we have career people in State Department, and in the security and intelligence agencies - that's part of their job, to sort through the ramifications and legalities.

What Trump should do is rescind it, take his lumps, redo it and vet it before implementation, plus make sure the relevant agencies are onboard and clear about how to implement it (though personally I think it should be trashed)...
I think that admitting it might have been done more graciously is one thing, what you offer up is rather a pathetic effort for something different. There was a reason why it was done in the timeframe it was done, and he explained it. Look it up.

AS mud stated, if you want to go to rescinding mistakes, obummerscare would be one to start with. Why don't you suggest that to the dems.

I saw the explanation but it was pathetically weak. There was no crisis - no emergency - dictating the action to begin with. There was no imminent terrorist threat forcing an extreme action. There was no reason it couldn't have been quickly vetted by at least some of the relevant agencies. All I'm seeing is you guys making crappy excuses for Trump's messy and poorly executed EO and complete lack of professionalism. And, in case you haven't noticed, Obama isn't president now.
He's practicing prevention. It's a bit late after the bomb goes off. Just ask a few marathon runners in the Boston area.

Prevention is only meaningful when you have real risks - risks worth significantly disrupting people's lives over, fracturing our relations with other countries and giving our worst enemy, ISIS, a propoganda coup. Still wondering what terrorist attacks have come out of the Syrian refugees we've brought in.

Prevention, is by definition, the reduction of the probability of a given event. Fewer potential terrorists result in fewer terrorist events. Seriously, look at Europe. You don't want that over here.

Not if "prevention" creates more potential terrorists and effects cooperation with the countries we need to cooperate with in order to meet the threat.
I saw the explanation but it was pathetically weak. There was no crisis - no emergency - dictating the action to begin with. There was no imminent terrorist threat forcing an extreme action. There was no reason it couldn't have been quickly vetted by at least some of the relevant agencies. All I'm seeing is you guys making crappy excuses for Trump's messy and poorly executed EO and complete lack of professionalism. And, in case you haven't noticed, Obama isn't president now.

Well, unlike you (obviously) Jihadi murderers very likely listened to what Trump said during his campaign.

And, since you missed it, one of his points was that he was going to crack down HARD on murdering jihadis getting into this Country.

Since there was over two Months between his election and his inauguration, time was at a premium.

He did it, he did it hard and he did it fast.

Like it should have been done.

The murdering Jihadi's aren't going to suddenly get in via the refugee program - they've got a to get through a 2 yr vetting process first. If they were that desperate to get in - well, they could have done so in those 2 months.

In the meantime what has Trump accomplished with this? A huge propoganda gift to ISIS.

"A huge propoganda gift to ISIS."

How is it a huge propaganda gift to ISIS, please elaborate or are you just repeating the MSM Propaganda Memo?

The propaganda gift is the shit show whining of the left, trying to undermine the President and his efforts to stop imported terrorism.

The President is serving notice that a new Administration is in charge and the limp wristed BS of the last 8 years is over. In short, keep the shit up and WE'LL be coming...and we will kill you.

You'd have a valid point if we'd been inundated with terrorists coming in through the immigration and refugee systems but...we haven't. We have more trouble with the home grown variety. That's the real BS.
I think that admitting it might have been done more graciously is one thing, what you offer up is rather a pathetic effort for something different. There was a reason why it was done in the timeframe it was done, and he explained it. Look it up.

AS mud stated, if you want to go to rescinding mistakes, obummerscare would be one to start with. Why don't you suggest that to the dems.

I saw the explanation but it was pathetically weak. There was no crisis - no emergency - dictating the action to begin with. There was no imminent terrorist threat forcing an extreme action. There was no reason it couldn't have been quickly vetted by at least some of the relevant agencies. All I'm seeing is you guys making crappy excuses for Trump's messy and poorly executed EO and complete lack of professionalism. And, in case you haven't noticed, Obama isn't president now.
He's practicing prevention. It's a bit late after the bomb goes off. Just ask a few marathon runners in the Boston area.

Prevention is only meaningful when you have real risks - risks worth significantly disrupting people's lives over, fracturing our relations with other countries and giving our worst enemy, ISIS, a propoganda coup. Still wondering what terrorist attacks have come out of the Syrian refugees we've brought in.

Prevention, is by definition, the reduction of the probability of a given event. Fewer potential terrorists result in fewer terrorist events. Seriously, look at Europe. You don't want that over here.

Not if "prevention" creates more potential terrorists and effects cooperation with the countries we need to cooperate with in order to meet the threat.
explain your rationale there bubbisk
I saw the explanation but it was pathetically weak. There was no crisis - no emergency - dictating the action to begin with. There was no imminent terrorist threat forcing an extreme action. There was no reason it couldn't have been quickly vetted by at least some of the relevant agencies. All I'm seeing is you guys making crappy excuses for Trump's messy and poorly executed EO and complete lack of professionalism. And, in case you haven't noticed, Obama isn't president now.
He's practicing prevention. It's a bit late after the bomb goes off. Just ask a few marathon runners in the Boston area.

Prevention is only meaningful when you have real risks - risks worth significantly disrupting people's lives over, fracturing our relations with other countries and giving our worst enemy, ISIS, a propoganda coup. Still wondering what terrorist attacks have come out of the Syrian refugees we've brought in.

Prevention, is by definition, the reduction of the probability of a given event. Fewer potential terrorists result in fewer terrorist events. Seriously, look at Europe. You don't want that over here.

Not if "prevention" creates more potential terrorists and effects cooperation with the countries we need to cooperate with in order to meet the threat.
explain your rationale there bubbisk

I already did, I'm not going to repeat stuff.
You'd have a valid point if we'd been inundated with terrorists coming in through the immigration and refugee systems but...we haven't. We have more trouble with the home grown variety. That's the real BS.


We know, for a FACT, that ISIS and al Qaeda are infiltrating groups of refugees with their own murdering scum.

If you don't then you are manifestly uninformed.

How many Americans have to die for you to agree that something has to be done?

It's shit like this that makes me lose my temper with dimocraps
I saw the explanation but it was pathetically weak. There was no crisis - no emergency - dictating the action to begin with. There was no imminent terrorist threat forcing an extreme action. There was no reason it couldn't have been quickly vetted by at least some of the relevant agencies. All I'm seeing is you guys making crappy excuses for Trump's messy and poorly executed EO and complete lack of professionalism. And, in case you haven't noticed, Obama isn't president now.

Well, unlike you (obviously) Jihadi murderers very likely listened to what Trump said during his campaign.

And, since you missed it, one of his points was that he was going to crack down HARD on murdering jihadis getting into this Country.

Since there was over two Months between his election and his inauguration, time was at a premium.

He did it, he did it hard and he did it fast.

Like it should have been done.

The murdering Jihadi's aren't going to suddenly get in via the refugee program - they've got a to get through a 2 yr vetting process first. If they were that desperate to get in - well, they could have done so in those 2 months.

In the meantime what has Trump accomplished with this? A huge propoganda gift to ISIS.

"A huge propoganda gift to ISIS."

How is it a huge propaganda gift to ISIS, please elaborate or are you just repeating the MSM Propaganda Memo?

What is ISIS' most potent weapon? Recruits.

How do they get recruits? Propoganda.

What is the best propoganda for recruiting young, disenfranchised, alienated people? Selling them on the idea that the western world is trying to wipe out Islam, is attacking Muslims. Truth doesn't matter here. It doesn't matter whether or not the west is really trying to wipe out Islam - all ISIS needs is the appearance of it, the words of a few Islamophobic nutjobs and what looks like a Muslim ban (one, that would make exceptions for Syrian non-muslim refugees).

Not only that, but it is smack in the face to the many Muslims who are themselves fighting ISIS, and helping us in that fight. It's a smack in the face to the Muslims who helped us in Afghanistan and Iraq, and who's lives and families are in danger because they helped us. Who's going to trust us or assist us in those regions?

But we know that ISIS and Al-Nusra are smuggling in their people under the blanket of being "poor refugees"

We know that there are now at least 5,000 ISIS and Al-Nusra terrorists on my Continent, thanks to Traitor Bitch Merkel opening the floodgates to 1.6 million "poor refugees", all arriving without papers, without passports NOBODY having any idea who they were and now Interpol doesn't even know where these 5,000 ISIS and Al-Nusra terrorists are thanks to Traitor Bitch Merkel screaming RACIST NAZI RACIST NAZI at EVERYONE who wants to CLOSE OUR BORDERS.

Thankfully nobody in Europa gives a shit what that evil bitch thinks anymore and nearly ALL of Mitteleuropa have closed borders now.

However, the 5,000 ISIS and Al-Nusra terrorists long dispersed almost as soon as they got into my Continent, so Interpol has no idea where they are on my Continent.

Coyote your naïveté is absolutely SHOCKING, that you REFUSE to listen to those who have already experienced this crap with the hordes of "poor refugees", the majority are NOT refugees, they are Economic Migrants, only a tiny proportion of them are refugees and mixed in with them ARE ISIS and Al-Nusra terrorists and they want to KILL us and they have already KILLED many of our people.

Anyone NOT supporting the blocking of these "poor refugees" is simply either completely stupid or just essentially a Traitor to their own people and their nation.






"Poor refugees" or ISIS? How are you going to know? Answer you're NOT.

I saw the explanation but it was pathetically weak. There was no crisis - no emergency - dictating the action to begin with. There was no imminent terrorist threat forcing an extreme action. There was no reason it couldn't have been quickly vetted by at least some of the relevant agencies. All I'm seeing is you guys making crappy excuses for Trump's messy and poorly executed EO and complete lack of professionalism. And, in case you haven't noticed, Obama isn't president now.

Well, unlike you (obviously) Jihadi murderers very likely listened to what Trump said during his campaign.

And, since you missed it, one of his points was that he was going to crack down HARD on murdering jihadis getting into this Country.

Since there was over two Months between his election and his inauguration, time was at a premium.

He did it, he did it hard and he did it fast.

Like it should have been done.

The murdering Jihadi's aren't going to suddenly get in via the refugee program - they've got a to get through a 2 yr vetting process first. If they were that desperate to get in - well, they could have done so in those 2 months.

In the meantime what has Trump accomplished with this? A huge propoganda gift to ISIS.

"A huge propoganda gift to ISIS."

How is it a huge propaganda gift to ISIS, please elaborate or are you just repeating the MSM Propaganda Memo?

The propaganda gift is the shit show whining of the left, trying to undermine the President and his efforts to stop imported terrorism.

The President is serving notice that a new Administration is in charge and the limp wristed BS of the last 8 years is over. In short, keep the shit up and WE'LL be coming...and we will kill you.

You'd have a valid point if we'd been inundated with terrorists coming in through the immigration and refugee systems but...we haven't. We have more trouble with the home grown variety. That's the real BS.
And that is exactly what restricting immigration from the ISIS war zone nations does. It PREVENTS terrorists from getting here.

An example. Had we not had a porous border - we wouldn't have an illegal immigrant problem from the tune of what, 11 to 13 million. Odd how the RaTz sponsor both of those "immigration" events, isn't it.
The DISGUSTING FILTH is spreading the lie that the Tsarnaev boys weren't refugees...... THE FUCK THEY WEREN'T

The parents of those scum arrived here AS REFUGEES. They then applied for Asylum. A person applying for asylum MUST MEET THE DEFINITION OF A REFUGEE.

The parents of those scum then applied for 'derivative asylee' status for their scumbag children.

Remember -- You MUST meet the definition of 'refugee' to apply for asylum.

dimocraps are lying scum

ALL of them

Trump did the right thing. What we need now is a way to stop dimocrap scum from breedng
You'd have a valid point if we'd been inundated with terrorists coming in through the immigration and refugee systems but...we haven't. We have more trouble with the home grown variety. That's the real BS.


We know, for a FACT, that ISIS and al Qaeda are infiltrating groups of refugees with their own murdering scum.

If you don't then you are manifestly uninformed.

How many Americans have to die for you to agree that something has to be done?

It's shit like this that makes me lose my temper with dimocraps

How many Americans have to die before you agree to do something about gun control? That's the kind of argument you are making.

There is real risk. And there is perception of risk. How you deal with it depends on how real the risk is. Nothing is 100% guarenteed unless you want to live in a police state.

More Americans die from shark attacks then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we doing something?
More Americans die from bee stings then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we irradicating bees?
More Americans die in automobile accidents (by far) then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we calling for a ban on cars?
Prevention is only meaningful when you have real risks - risks worth significantly disrupting people's lives over, fracturing our relations with other countries and giving our worst enemy, ISIS, a propoganda coup. Still wondering what terrorist attacks have come out of the Syrian refugees we've brought in.

Trump doesn't want what's happening in Northern Europe to happen here.

What's wrong with that?

Remember the Ohio State Jihadist? A refugee.

Remember the reaction from some of the DISGUSTING FILTH? That the Cop who shot him 'over-reacted'?



Ohio state guy wasn't a Syrian refugee. He also doesn't appear to have been a "Jihadist" if you read what they say about him. Did the cop over react? No, I don't think so - you had a guy with a weapon trying to attack people.

Europe is a completel different situation than ours - they are flooded with migrants, assylum seekers, refugees - they have a far less adequate vetting system and multiple countries involved.

Again, I'd have to ask - what urgent risk? I can understand it after 9/11. I can understand reviewing security and vetting procedures on a regular basis or in response to new threats. But this was very badly done.

"Again, I'd have to ask - what urgent risk?"

And I ask why is it so urgent they are let into America IMMEDIATELY, like NOW?

This is what the Leftist Maniacs are on the streets demanding, that they are let in IMMEDIATELY, no vetting NOTHING, just let them in and NOW.

Why? Why do Leftists want this crowd in so URGENTLY?

What's the problem with waiting the 90 days as President Trump's EO is saying to wait?
You'd have a valid point if we'd been inundated with terrorists coming in through the immigration and refugee systems but...we haven't. We have more trouble with the home grown variety. That's the real BS.


We know, for a FACT, that ISIS and al Qaeda are infiltrating groups of refugees with their own murdering scum.

If you don't then you are manifestly uninformed.

How many Americans have to die for you to agree that something has to be done?

It's shit like this that makes me lose my temper with dimocraps

How many Americans have to die before you agree to do something about gun control? That's the kind of argument you are making.

There is real risk. And there is perception of risk. How you deal with it depends on how real the risk is. Nothing is 100% guarenteed unless you want to live in a police state.

More Americans die from shark attacks then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we doing something?
More Americans die from bee stings then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we irradicating bees?
More Americans die in automobile accidents (by far) then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we calling for a ban on cars?

"How many Americans have to die before you agree to do something about gun control?"

You're comparing Americans who own guns to ISIS terrorists?

"More Americans die from shark attacks then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we doing something?
More Americans die from bee stings then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we irradicating bees?
More Americans die in automobile accidents (by far) then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we calling for a ban on cars?"

These are ridiculous statements and you KNOW they are.
How many Americans have to die before you agree to do something about gun control? That's the kind of argument you are making.

The background check for getting a gun is more comprehensive than for getting into the USA.

Until now.

Thanks for making my point.

And my gun control is really, really good. If I can see it, I can hit it.

Every time.
The DISGUSTING FILTH is spreading the lie that the Tsarnaev boys weren't refugees...... THE FUCK THEY WEREN'T

The parents of those scum arrived here AS REFUGEES. They then applied for Asylum. A person applying for asylum MUST MEET THE DEFINITION OF A REFUGEE.

The parents of those scum then applied for 'derivative asylee' status for their scumbag children.

Remember -- You MUST meet the definition of 'refugee' to apply for asylum.

dimocraps are lying scum

ALL of them

Trump did the right thing. What we need now is a way to stop dimocrap scum from breedng

The parents never arrived as refugees in our refugee program - that's a defined program, with mandatory vetting. That's not an asylum seeker that "meets the definition of refugee". Asylum seekers can enter the country in any number of ways, including as illegal immigrants and receive less vetting, if any.
Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

Israeli passport - Wikipedia
Yup, it's just like Trump's immigration Executive Order. Those Muslim countries and Trump's EO are all based on a RELIGIOUS TEST! The difference is that here in the US a religious test such as that is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!
"Again, I'd have to ask - what urgent risk?"

And I ask why is it so urgent they are let into America IMMEDIATELY, like NOW?

This is what the Leftist Maniacs are on the streets demanding, that they are let in IMMEDIATELY, no vetting NOTHING, just let them in and NOW.

Why? Why do Leftists want this crowd in so URGENTLY?

What's the problem with waiting the 90 days as President Trump's EO is saying to wait?

In 2011, the Lying Cocksucker and dimocrap scum formed what is known as 'the obama coalition'

Which is, basically, the exclusion of White People. Or at least White People that work.

Look it up.

dimocrap scum will not tolerate ANYTHING they deem hostile to their attempts to increase their voter base, their voting demographics -- More minorities, fewer Whites.

I know it's hard to take, but it happens to be true.

Think about it when you read and listen to what's going on in this Country. You'll see I'm right....... As usual
You'd have a valid point if we'd been inundated with terrorists coming in through the immigration and refugee systems but...we haven't. We have more trouble with the home grown variety. That's the real BS.


We know, for a FACT, that ISIS and al Qaeda are infiltrating groups of refugees with their own murdering scum.

If you don't then you are manifestly uninformed.

How many Americans have to die for you to agree that something has to be done?

It's shit like this that makes me lose my temper with dimocraps

How many Americans have to die before you agree to do something about gun control? That's the kind of argument you are making.

There is real risk. And there is perception of risk. How you deal with it depends on how real the risk is. Nothing is 100% guarenteed unless you want to live in a police state.

More Americans die from shark attacks then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we doing something?
More Americans die from bee stings then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we irradicating bees?
More Americans die in automobile accidents (by far) then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we calling for a ban on cars?

"How many Americans have to die before you agree to do something about gun control?"

You're comparing Americans who own guns to ISIS terrorists?

"More Americans die from shark attacks then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we doing something?
More Americans die from bee stings then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we irradicating bees?
More Americans die in automobile accidents (by far) then from terrorist attacks - why aren't we calling for a ban on cars?"

These are ridiculous statements and you KNOW they are.

No Lucy. It's not. It's REAL risk vs PERCEIVED risk. Are the process we have in place effective? By and large yes. Can they be improved? Possibly. Should they be regularly reviewed? Absolutely.

Should we turn our country into a police state with constant surveillance so we can "feel" safe? No. Should trash our countries values or our rights simply because people are afraid? That's a question for each individual to answer.
Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

Israeli passport - Wikipedia
Yup, it's just like Trump's immigration Executive Order. Those Muslim countries and Trump's EO are all based on a RELIGIOUS TEST! The difference is that here in the US a religious test such as that is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

You are a moron, thank you for illustrating you are.

There is NOTHING in President Trump's EO that mentions religion, his EO is not UnConstitutional as he's using the existing law that Obama used on SIX occasions when Obama barred people from six predominantly Muslim nations....yet you Leftist Maniacs weren't screaming at Obama were you?

No you weren't.

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