Israeli citizens are barred

I just don't understand dimocraps......

What was Trump supposed to do? Announce his plan to the World? Assemble a committee? Hear testimony from hundreds of people? Take it to the UN? Get a vote of confidence from the House and Senate? Go on TV thirty-seven times to discuss it with some of the most ignorant FUCKS in the world?

Ask Madonna and that Judd scrunt what they think? Maybe seek approval from Jon Stewart and -- Whatevs.....?

Meanwhile, a thousand Jihadi asswipes are sneaking into the Country.

Trump did what he had to do.

Ever notice, dimocrap scum, that when you inevitably get fired, that you're not given any notice?

Ever wonder why that is? Probably not.

I bet dimocrap scum think we should have had an open discussion about when and where the invasion of Northern Europe should have taken place back in 1944.

dimocraps are some stupid fucks. They seriously are

Umh...just a thought there (vis a vis announcing to the world) - it was hardly a complete secret. It was one of his campaign promises :cuckoo:

What was unexpected was the extreme broadness and vagueness of the EO and the fact he didn't even run it through the relevant agencies. Trump is not a team player. Governance is a team sport. This is going to cause problems and embarrassment down the road.

And meanwhile...err...what Jihadists have been sneaking in?
I saw the explanation but it was pathetically weak. There was no crisis - no emergency - dictating the action to begin with. There was no imminent terrorist threat forcing an extreme action. There was no reason it couldn't have been quickly vetted by at least some of the relevant agencies. All I'm seeing is you guys making crappy excuses for Trump's messy and poorly executed EO and complete lack of professionalism. And, in case you haven't noticed, Obama isn't president now.

Well, unlike you (obviously) Jihadi murderers very likely listened to what Trump said during his campaign.

And, since you missed it, one of his points was that he was going to crack down HARD on murdering jihadis getting into this Country.

Since there was over two Months between his election and his inauguration, time was at a premium.

He did it, he did it hard and he did it fast.

Like it should have been done.
Actually, more then just statistics.

Travel bans need to evaluate a spectrum of issues:
  • the situation in the country in question - stability, terror threats, government in charge and how we work with it
  • who/what groups exactly should be covered (people with legal residency cards, those born in those countries but naturalized citizens of another, refugees, various visa types etc)
  • the effect of such a ban on the overall situation - blow back on the US, relations with other countries, effect on cooperative anti-terror efforts etc.

The current administration and it's rabid supporters don't see the need for those considerations.
On the contrary.....all of the above has been considered. The only difference being that nothing this current administration does goes uncritisized.....even if what they did was identical to the previous administration.

I don't think so, and here is why. It isn't "identical" to the previous administration. It also was not run by the various agencies normally involved in vetting EO's and in implementing their directives, prior to it's release. If it had been there would not have been all those detentions, confusion over green card holders, legal residents, naturalized citizens born in the affected countries etc. Trump's contempt for for the professionals in those agencies (state department, DHS, intelligence etc) is obvious, and this is the result of it.

Trump’s facile claim that his refugee policy is similar to Obama’s in 2011
So what’s the difference with Trump’s action?

First, Obama responded to an actual threat — the discovery that two Iraqi refugees had been implicated in bombmaking in Iraq that had targeted U.S. troops. (Iraq, after all, was a war zone.) Under congressional pressure, officials decided to reexamine all previous refugees and impose new screening procedures, which led to a slowdown in processing new applications. Trump, by contrast, issued his executive order without any known triggering threat. (His staff has pointed to attacks unrelated to the countries named in his order.)

Second, Obama did not announce a ban on visa applications. In fact, as seen in Napolitano’s answer to Collins, administration officials danced around that question. There was certainly a lot of news reporting that visa applications had slowed to a trickle. But the Obama administration never said it had a policy to halt all applications. Indeed, it is now clear that no ban was put in place. Even so, the delays did not go unnoticed, so there was a lot of critical news reporting at the time about the angst of Iraqis waiting for approval.

Third, Obama’s policy did not prevent all citizens of that country, including green-card holders, from traveling to the United States. Trump’s policy is much more sweeping, though officials have appeared to pull back from barring permanent U.S. residents.

We have sought comment from the White House and from Obama administration officials and so may update this if more information becomes available. But so far this is worthy of at least Two Pinocchios.

Update: In light of the response from Obama administration officials that there never was a point when Iraqi resettlement was stopped or banned, we are updating this ruling to Three Pinocchios. Iraqi refugee processing was slowed, in response to a specific threat, but it was not halted. The Trump White House, meanwhile, has failed to provide any evidence for its statement.

I think they admitted they made mistakes on implementation.

I'd say before implementation...was not well written or thought out. That's why we have career people in State Department, and in the security and intelligence agencies - that's part of their job, to sort through the ramifications and legalities.

What Trump should do is rescind it, take his lumps, redo it and vet it before implementation, plus make sure the relevant agencies are onboard and clear about how to implement it (though personally I think it should be trashed)...

I am not convinced Trump made a mistake.

I think it is more than possible he was going for shock value.

He's not kidding around, he really does want to take the radicals down. Hard

That isn't the way to do it. You want to take radicals down? You have got to work with the countries that are also fighting with them - over THERE - and you have to work with the muslim communities HERE.
I truly believe most batshit leftists don't know we have a customs agency that checks in international travelers. Hey stups, in Chicago, that is terminal five at O'Hare. It's why the protests were outside only that one terminal. CUSTOMS. You don't get to put a foot on the street without going through........CUSTOMS. Why the fk don't you goofs know this?
I find that most leftists rarely travel outside of a few mile radius of where they live. Part of that bubble world mentality gives them a fear of travel.
I beg to make an exception to that concerning charter buses loaded with paid and unpaid people to go to marches and protests and riots...but generally speaking their traveling dwarfs to international traveling
Touché. But I bet they black out the bus windows.

"Touché. But I bet they black out the bus windows."

Note to Coyote: The above is enlarged and the below is me still being On Topic in my own thread :smoke:

I don't know to many Austrians that would know about that Hanna/ Barrera production...

I have never seen or heard of this cartoon, I was wanting a Meme with Touché in and I Googled Touché and the fourth down was Touché Turtle and I wanted to know what that was, so I Wikipedia it and got this and from the below I went to YouTube.

Touché Turtle and Dum Dum - Wikipedia
I saw the explanation but it was pathetically weak. There was no crisis - no emergency - dictating the action to begin with. There was no imminent terrorist threat forcing an extreme action. There was no reason it couldn't have been quickly vetted by at least some of the relevant agencies. All I'm seeing is you guys making crappy excuses for Trump's messy and poorly executed EO and complete lack of professionalism. And, in case you haven't noticed, Obama isn't president now.

Well, unlike you (obviously) Jihadi murderers very likely listened to what Trump said during his campaign.

And, since you missed it, one of his points was that he was going to crack down HARD on murdering jihadis getting into this Country.

Since there was over two Months between his election and his inauguration, time was at a premium.

He did it, he did it hard and he did it fast.

Like it should have been done.

The murdering Jihadi's aren't going to suddenly get in via the refugee program - they've got a to get through a 2 yr vetting process first. If they were that desperate to get in - well, they could have done so in those 2 months.

In the meantime what has Trump accomplished with this? A huge propoganda gift to ISIS.
I find that most leftists rarely travel outside of a few mile radius of where they live. Part of that bubble world mentality gives them a fear of travel.
I beg to make an exception to that concerning charter buses loaded with paid and unpaid people to go to marches and protests and riots...but generally speaking their traveling dwarfs to international traveling
Touché. But I bet they black out the bus windows.

"Touché. But I bet they black out the bus windows."

Note to Coyote: The above is enlarged and the below is me still being On Topic in my own thread :smoke:

I don't know to many Austrians that would know about that Hanna/ Barrera production...

I have never seen or heard of this cartoon, I was wanting a Meme with Touché in and I Googled Touché and the fourth down was Touché Turtle and I wanted to know what that was, so I Wikipedia it and got this and from the below I went to YouTube.

Touché Turtle and Dum Dum - Wikipedia

I grew up with those cartoons :lol:
Umh...just a thought there (vis a vis announcing to the world) - it was hardly a complete secret. It was one of his campaign promises :cuckoo:

What was unexpected was the extreme broadness and vagueness of the EO and the fact he didn't even run it through the relevant agencies. Trump is not a team player. Governance is a team sport. This is going to cause problems and embarrassment down the road.

And meanwhile...err...what Jihadists have been sneaking in?

Okay, let's think about this for a minute......

The broadness and vagueness may well have been intentional. I already said that. Good, bad or whatevs? YMMV

Trump isn't a 'Team Player'?? No kidding?? 4cereal? Well, that surely does change things, doesn't it?


As to why he didn't run it by the relevant agencies?

Did it occur to you (not being sardonic because it almost certainly didn't) that those agencies are still stock full of dimocrap appointees awaiting their replacements? And they're not in a real cooperative mood right now?

Trump did what he had to do.
On the contrary.....all of the above has been considered. The only difference being that nothing this current administration does goes uncritisized.....even if what they did was identical to the previous administration.

I don't think so, and here is why. It isn't "identical" to the previous administration. It also was not run by the various agencies normally involved in vetting EO's and in implementing their directives, prior to it's release. If it had been there would not have been all those detentions, confusion over green card holders, legal residents, naturalized citizens born in the affected countries etc. Trump's contempt for for the professionals in those agencies (state department, DHS, intelligence etc) is obvious, and this is the result of it.

Trump’s facile claim that his refugee policy is similar to Obama’s in 2011
So what’s the difference with Trump’s action?

First, Obama responded to an actual threat — the discovery that two Iraqi refugees had been implicated in bombmaking in Iraq that had targeted U.S. troops. (Iraq, after all, was a war zone.) Under congressional pressure, officials decided to reexamine all previous refugees and impose new screening procedures, which led to a slowdown in processing new applications. Trump, by contrast, issued his executive order without any known triggering threat. (His staff has pointed to attacks unrelated to the countries named in his order.)

Second, Obama did not announce a ban on visa applications. In fact, as seen in Napolitano’s answer to Collins, administration officials danced around that question. There was certainly a lot of news reporting that visa applications had slowed to a trickle. But the Obama administration never said it had a policy to halt all applications. Indeed, it is now clear that no ban was put in place. Even so, the delays did not go unnoticed, so there was a lot of critical news reporting at the time about the angst of Iraqis waiting for approval.

Third, Obama’s policy did not prevent all citizens of that country, including green-card holders, from traveling to the United States. Trump’s policy is much more sweeping, though officials have appeared to pull back from barring permanent U.S. residents.

We have sought comment from the White House and from Obama administration officials and so may update this if more information becomes available. But so far this is worthy of at least Two Pinocchios.

Update: In light of the response from Obama administration officials that there never was a point when Iraqi resettlement was stopped or banned, we are updating this ruling to Three Pinocchios. Iraqi refugee processing was slowed, in response to a specific threat, but it was not halted. The Trump White House, meanwhile, has failed to provide any evidence for its statement.

I think they admitted they made mistakes on implementation.

I'd say before implementation...was not well written or thought out. That's why we have career people in State Department, and in the security and intelligence agencies - that's part of their job, to sort through the ramifications and legalities.

What Trump should do is rescind it, take his lumps, redo it and vet it before implementation, plus make sure the relevant agencies are onboard and clear about how to implement it (though personally I think it should be trashed)...
I think that admitting it might have been done more graciously is one thing, what you offer up is rather a pathetic effort for something different. There was a reason why it was done in the timeframe it was done, and he explained it. Look it up.

AS mud stated, if you want to go to rescinding mistakes, obummerscare would be one to start with. Why don't you suggest that to the dems.

I saw the explanation but it was pathetically weak. There was no crisis - no emergency - dictating the action to begin with. There was no imminent terrorist threat forcing an extreme action. There was no reason it couldn't have been quickly vetted by at least some of the relevant agencies. All I'm seeing is you guys making crappy excuses for Trump's messy and poorly executed EO and complete lack of professionalism. And, in case you haven't noticed, Obama isn't president now.
He's practicing prevention. It's a bit late after the bomb goes off. Just ask a few marathon runners in the Boston area.
The murdering Jihadi's aren't going to suddenly get in via the refugee program - they've got a to get through a 2 yr vetting process first. If they were that desperate to get in - well, they could have done so in those 2 months.

In the meantime what has Trump accomplished with this? A huge propoganda gift to ISIS.

It wasn't about refugees.

2nd down, 10 yards to go
I saw the explanation but it was pathetically weak. There was no crisis - no emergency - dictating the action to begin with. There was no imminent terrorist threat forcing an extreme action. There was no reason it couldn't have been quickly vetted by at least some of the relevant agencies. All I'm seeing is you guys making crappy excuses for Trump's messy and poorly executed EO and complete lack of professionalism. And, in case you haven't noticed, Obama isn't president now.

Well, unlike you (obviously) Jihadi murderers very likely listened to what Trump said during his campaign.

And, since you missed it, one of his points was that he was going to crack down HARD on murdering jihadis getting into this Country.

Since there was over two Months between his election and his inauguration, time was at a premium.

He did it, he did it hard and he did it fast.

Like it should have been done.

The murdering Jihadi's aren't going to suddenly get in via the refugee program - they've got a to get through a 2 yr vetting process first. If they were that desperate to get in - well, they could have done so in those 2 months.

In the meantime what has Trump accomplished with this? A huge propoganda gift to ISIS.

"A huge propoganda gift to ISIS."

How is it a huge propaganda gift to ISIS, please elaborate or are you just repeating the MSM Propaganda Memo?
I grew up with those cartoons :lol:

I'm a little older than you. I grew up with Popeye, the Little Rascals, Bugs and Daffy.

I don't think so, and here is why. It isn't "identical" to the previous administration. It also was not run by the various agencies normally involved in vetting EO's and in implementing their directives, prior to it's release. If it had been there would not have been all those detentions, confusion over green card holders, legal residents, naturalized citizens born in the affected countries etc. Trump's contempt for for the professionals in those agencies (state department, DHS, intelligence etc) is obvious, and this is the result of it.

Trump’s facile claim that his refugee policy is similar to Obama’s in 2011
So what’s the difference with Trump’s action?

First, Obama responded to an actual threat — the discovery that two Iraqi refugees had been implicated in bombmaking in Iraq that had targeted U.S. troops. (Iraq, after all, was a war zone.) Under congressional pressure, officials decided to reexamine all previous refugees and impose new screening procedures, which led to a slowdown in processing new applications. Trump, by contrast, issued his executive order without any known triggering threat. (His staff has pointed to attacks unrelated to the countries named in his order.)

Second, Obama did not announce a ban on visa applications. In fact, as seen in Napolitano’s answer to Collins, administration officials danced around that question. There was certainly a lot of news reporting that visa applications had slowed to a trickle. But the Obama administration never said it had a policy to halt all applications. Indeed, it is now clear that no ban was put in place. Even so, the delays did not go unnoticed, so there was a lot of critical news reporting at the time about the angst of Iraqis waiting for approval.

Third, Obama’s policy did not prevent all citizens of that country, including green-card holders, from traveling to the United States. Trump’s policy is much more sweeping, though officials have appeared to pull back from barring permanent U.S. residents.

We have sought comment from the White House and from Obama administration officials and so may update this if more information becomes available. But so far this is worthy of at least Two Pinocchios.

Update: In light of the response from Obama administration officials that there never was a point when Iraqi resettlement was stopped or banned, we are updating this ruling to Three Pinocchios. Iraqi refugee processing was slowed, in response to a specific threat, but it was not halted. The Trump White House, meanwhile, has failed to provide any evidence for its statement.

I think they admitted they made mistakes on implementation.

I'd say before implementation...was not well written or thought out. That's why we have career people in State Department, and in the security and intelligence agencies - that's part of their job, to sort through the ramifications and legalities.

What Trump should do is rescind it, take his lumps, redo it and vet it before implementation, plus make sure the relevant agencies are onboard and clear about how to implement it (though personally I think it should be trashed)...
I think that admitting it might have been done more graciously is one thing, what you offer up is rather a pathetic effort for something different. There was a reason why it was done in the timeframe it was done, and he explained it. Look it up.

AS mud stated, if you want to go to rescinding mistakes, obummerscare would be one to start with. Why don't you suggest that to the dems.

I saw the explanation but it was pathetically weak. There was no crisis - no emergency - dictating the action to begin with. There was no imminent terrorist threat forcing an extreme action. There was no reason it couldn't have been quickly vetted by at least some of the relevant agencies. All I'm seeing is you guys making crappy excuses for Trump's messy and poorly executed EO and complete lack of professionalism. And, in case you haven't noticed, Obama isn't president now.
He's practicing prevention. It's a bit late after the bomb goes off. Just ask a few marathon runners in the Boston area.

Prevention is only meaningful when you have real risks - risks worth significantly disrupting people's lives over, fracturing our relations with other countries and giving our worst enemy, ISIS, a propoganda coup. Still wondering what terrorist attacks have come out of the Syrian refugees we've brought in.
I saw the explanation but it was pathetically weak. There was no crisis - no emergency - dictating the action to begin with. There was no imminent terrorist threat forcing an extreme action. There was no reason it couldn't have been quickly vetted by at least some of the relevant agencies. All I'm seeing is you guys making crappy excuses for Trump's messy and poorly executed EO and complete lack of professionalism. And, in case you haven't noticed, Obama isn't president now.

Well, unlike you (obviously) Jihadi murderers very likely listened to what Trump said during his campaign.

And, since you missed it, one of his points was that he was going to crack down HARD on murdering jihadis getting into this Country.

Since there was over two Months between his election and his inauguration, time was at a premium.

He did it, he did it hard and he did it fast.

Like it should have been done.

The murdering Jihadi's aren't going to suddenly get in via the refugee program - they've got a to get through a 2 yr vetting process first. If they were that desperate to get in - well, they could have done so in those 2 months.

In the meantime what has Trump accomplished with this? A huge propoganda gift to ISIS.

"A huge propoganda gift to ISIS."

How is it a huge propaganda gift to ISIS, please elaborate or are you just repeating the MSM Propaganda Memo?

The propaganda gift is the shit show whining of the left, trying to undermine the President and his efforts to stop imported terrorism.

The President is serving notice that a new Administration is in charge and the limp wristed BS of the last 8 years is over. In short, keep the shit up and WE'LL be coming...and we will kill you.
Last edited:
I beg to make an exception to that concerning charter buses loaded with paid and unpaid people to go to marches and protests and riots...but generally speaking their traveling dwarfs to international traveling
Touché. But I bet they black out the bus windows.

"Touché. But I bet they black out the bus windows."

Note to Coyote: The above is enlarged and the below is me still being On Topic in my own thread :smoke:

I don't know to many Austrians that would know about that Hanna/ Barrera production...

I have never seen or heard of this cartoon, I was wanting a Meme with Touché in and I Googled Touché and the fourth down was Touché Turtle and I wanted to know what that was, so I Wikipedia it and got this and from the below I went to YouTube.

Touché Turtle and Dum Dum - Wikipedia

I grew up with those cartoons :lol:

I can't find a full cartoon of that one.

I did watch this Foghorn Leghorn, a confusing character that I found from my friend in Dallas' 8 year-old son.

I don't know why this big chicken is called Foghorn Leghorn, but it is :confused-84:

Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

Israeli passport - Wikipedia


are you suggesting that the US should be like those countries? :cuckoo:
Prevention is only meaningful when you have real risks - risks worth significantly disrupting people's lives over, fracturing our relations with other countries and giving our worst enemy, ISIS, a propoganda coup. Still wondering what terrorist attacks have come out of the Syrian refugees we've brought in.

Trump doesn't want what's happening in Northern Europe to happen here.

What's wrong with that?

Remember the Ohio State Jihadist? A refugee.

Remember the reaction from some of the DISGUSTING FILTH? That the Cop who shot him 'over-reacted'?


I saw the explanation but it was pathetically weak. There was no crisis - no emergency - dictating the action to begin with. There was no imminent terrorist threat forcing an extreme action. There was no reason it couldn't have been quickly vetted by at least some of the relevant agencies. All I'm seeing is you guys making crappy excuses for Trump's messy and poorly executed EO and complete lack of professionalism. And, in case you haven't noticed, Obama isn't president now.

Well, unlike you (obviously) Jihadi murderers very likely listened to what Trump said during his campaign.

And, since you missed it, one of his points was that he was going to crack down HARD on murdering jihadis getting into this Country.

Since there was over two Months between his election and his inauguration, time was at a premium.

He did it, he did it hard and he did it fast.

Like it should have been done.

The murdering Jihadi's aren't going to suddenly get in via the refugee program - they've got a to get through a 2 yr vetting process first. If they were that desperate to get in - well, they could have done so in those 2 months.

In the meantime what has Trump accomplished with this? A huge propoganda gift to ISIS.

"A huge propoganda gift to ISIS."

How is it a huge propaganda gift to ISIS, please elaborate or are you just repeating the MSM Propaganda Memo?

What is ISIS' most potent weapon? Recruits.

How do they get recruits? Propoganda.

What is the best propoganda for recruiting young, disenfranchised, alienated people? Selling them on the idea that the western world is trying to wipe out Islam, is attacking Muslims. Truth doesn't matter here. It doesn't matter whether or not the west is really trying to wipe out Islam - all ISIS needs is the appearance of it, the words of a few Islamophobic nutjobs and what looks like a Muslim ban (one, that would make exceptions for Syrian non-muslim refugees).

Not only that, but it is smack in the face to the many Muslims who are themselves fighting ISIS, and helping us in that fight. It's a smack in the face to the Muslims who helped us in Afghanistan and Iraq, and who's lives and families are in danger because they helped us. Who's going to trust us or assist us in those regions?
I think they admitted they made mistakes on implementation.

I'd say before implementation...was not well written or thought out. That's why we have career people in State Department, and in the security and intelligence agencies - that's part of their job, to sort through the ramifications and legalities.

What Trump should do is rescind it, take his lumps, redo it and vet it before implementation, plus make sure the relevant agencies are onboard and clear about how to implement it (though personally I think it should be trashed)...
I think that admitting it might have been done more graciously is one thing, what you offer up is rather a pathetic effort for something different. There was a reason why it was done in the timeframe it was done, and he explained it. Look it up.

AS mud stated, if you want to go to rescinding mistakes, obummerscare would be one to start with. Why don't you suggest that to the dems.

I saw the explanation but it was pathetically weak. There was no crisis - no emergency - dictating the action to begin with. There was no imminent terrorist threat forcing an extreme action. There was no reason it couldn't have been quickly vetted by at least some of the relevant agencies. All I'm seeing is you guys making crappy excuses for Trump's messy and poorly executed EO and complete lack of professionalism. And, in case you haven't noticed, Obama isn't president now.
He's practicing prevention. It's a bit late after the bomb goes off. Just ask a few marathon runners in the Boston area.

Prevention is only meaningful when you have real risks - risks worth significantly disrupting people's lives over, fracturing our relations with other countries and giving our worst enemy, ISIS, a propoganda coup. Still wondering what terrorist attacks have come out of the Syrian refugees we've brought in.

Prevention, is by definition, the reduction of the probability of a given event. Fewer potential terrorists result in fewer terrorist events. Seriously, look at Europe. You don't want that over here.

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