Israeli Citizens infuriated with their government, especially the right wing government in Israel.

I respect your postings. I just go by what was said in the video. They’re from israeli citizens who have lost victims in the attack against hamas and are not one-sided they want to see a Hamas destroyed.

It only makes sense to question the Israeli intelligence agencies for this colossal failure.

I’m neutral. I’m not one-sided.
You have made a whole slew of anti-Israeli posts, seemingly backing the terrorists. It was one video showing only one side.
Yes, thanks to all the isolationist Burb Brats on both left and right wingnuts. Reagan paved the way,catering to terrorist regimes, then the rest followed, especially Obama. You can thank them for the current outbreaks all over. This is also good for the Russians, the U.S. will now have to cut aid to Ukraine, which will make a lot of right wing loons believe their taxes are going to go down n stuff. lol they're as clueless as their commie school mates.
Lighten up a bit.
All people have to do is watch what the Israeli citizens say in the video

Unfortunate to see how divisive the Palestine Israel topic is. We should be neutral as Americans. I certainly am as an American and a Christian.
How can you be neutral when barbarians hunted down and massacred every Jew they could find? It’s pure evil.
You have made a whole slew of anti-Israeli posts, seemingly backing the terrorists. It was one video showing only one side.
That’s not the case. The video which I don’t know if you watched shows is rally citizens who are denouncing hummus, and also questioning how the attack of occurred in the first place.

All over the board I have expressed my neutrality, and that is how I think. I’m not concerned with if somebody wrongly assumed my thoughts.
Because I said I’m neutral. That’s how I think about this issue.

Israel has also had fanatical Jewish criminals just like Palestine has had fanatical Muslim criminals

There’s no moral equivalency here: Jews are warning Palestinians to evacuate so as to limit casualties even AFTER Muslims intentionally went house to house, seeking out to torture and murder every innocent Jew they could find.

It is not a neutral situation, and anyone who thinks so is either a Democrat or an antisemite.

And don’t link to liberal sites as “proof” of anything.
I am sure, right now, they have an overwhelming, all consuming hate of Hamas and the Palestinians at this time. The Jews are not thinking of their government's failures.

Hell, if they are thinking into things at that level, I am sure they are blaming the press and the opposition party for persecuting Netanyahu to the point that Netanyahu could not do his job.
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That’s not the case. The video which I don’t know if you watched shows is rally citizens who are denouncing hummus, and also questioning how the attack of occurred in the first place.

All over the board I have expressed my neutrality, and that is how I think. I’m not concerned with if somebody wrongly assumed my thoughts.
OK. But, I don't think this is the time to play neutral. That's like saying Israel should just suck up the terrorist attacks and not retaliate. The bottom line is that Arabs want a Palestinian state right there on the border with Israel and yet that state refuses to recognize Israel's right to exist. We have had these kinds of attacks before and if they were to get their own state on Israel's border, things would get even worse.

Palestinians don't want peace, they want Israel to cease to exist, which is why Israel can't give them their own state on Israel's border. It is the Palestinians who refuse to coexist. If Israel knew 100% that the Palestinians could have their own state and live in peace Israel would be OK with a two state solution. But, that is not the reality. The reality is Israel is a very small country surrounded by a shitload of people who want them to cease to exist so giving the Palestinians their own state would just hasten that process.
All people have to do is watch what the Israeli citizens say in the video

Unfortunate to see how divisive the Palestine Israel topic is. We should be neutral as Americans. I certainly am as an American and a Christian.
Neutral is what America was in 1939
Neutral is what America was in 1939
That was the sound policy of the time years before the holocaust came to light.

It was a different time compared to what we have in the world, including the western world today.

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, cited America, as accepting and helping more Jewish refugees than any other country in World War II

Imagine for a moment, if the United States do not enter World War II. And they simply said well it’s a European issue we’re just going to go fight the empire of Japan even. What if they simply decided to fight the empire of Japan and not Germany. It would make things that much more difficult for the Soviets, who alongside the Americans and the English liberated The concentration camps where the Jews were being exterminated. Nobody will forget it.
That was the sound policy of the time years before the holocaust came to light.

It was a different time compared to what we have in the world, including the western world today.

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, cited America, as accepting and helping more Jewish refugees than any other country in World War II

Imagine for a moment, if the United States do not enter World War II. And they simply said well it’s a European issue we’re just going to go fight the empire of Japan even. What if they simply decided to fight the empire of Japan and not Germany. It would make things that much more difficult for the Soviets, who alongside the Americans and the English liberated The concentration camps where the Jews were being exterminated. Nobody will forget it.
The Soviets were out of the war; the Brits and then the U.S. put them back in.
The Brits claim that Israeli citizens are what? Infuriated at their "right wing government" but not the monsters who killed their babies and raped their daughters? It's amazing how left wingers can twist facts.
The Brits claim that Israeli citizens are what? Infuriated at their "right wing government" but not the monsters who killed their babies and raped their daughters? It's amazing how left wingers can twist facts.

86% of Jews are outraged by this failure, not just 'left wingers'; Brits have always been antisemitic, and in fact are a major cause of the problems in Palestine, which is why they need to project their nonsense on the Israeli govt. They laid the groundwork for today's problems in the aftermath of WW I and WW II.
The Brits claim that Israeli citizens are what? Infuriated at their "right wing government" but not the monsters who killed their babies and raped their daughters? It's amazing how left wingers can twist facts.
A leftist didn't make this post dunce......whine at him about it
with whom was I speaking and what makes me a "right-winger"?
I have noticed most right-wingers like to play dumb about their positions when they get called out

The person who made this post, the person you were initially responding to - is a hate-filled right-winger just like you...he just happens to hate Jews too....
with whom was I speaking and what makes me a "right-winger"?

You're supposed to only post stuff that is approved by the assorted PC Thought Police that patrol these boards searching for heretics and Undesirables. Both gangs of wingnuts scour the populace for signs of violations.

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