Israeli Forces Interrogate Jerusalem Children


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
I am always amazed by how egregious the human rights abuses of Israel against Palestinian children are becoming. In the story reported in Maan today, I read about the interrogation of children in Jerusalem age 5 and 6. Israeli forces 'interrogate Jerusalem children' Published today 12:05 JERUSALEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces interrogated two Palestinian children in Jerusalem on Thursday, their father said.Iyad al-Awar told Ma'an that Israeli forces raided his home and tried to detain his children, 6-year-old Qassam and 5-year-old Nasrallah.Al-Awar prevented the arrest but troops handed him a warrant ordering him to bring his children to the Russian Compound in Jerusalem."We arrived to the Russian Compound and the troops wanted to take my kids for investigations, I refused and they beat me in the ear and the leg. My kids started crying and were so scared from the troops. They took my kids by force," al-Awar said.*Intelligence officers questioned the children about their detained cousin Shadad, and asked if they had seen him throwing stones or Molotov cocktails at Israeli forces, the father said.
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. Why should I be surprised when the IDF treats children walking to school like this? This is what being a Palestinian child in Occupied Palestine is all about.
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Former Israeli soldiers disclose routine mistreatment of Palestinian children

Booklet of testimonies of former Israeli soldiers describes beatings, intimidation and humiliation of childrenMore than 30 former Israeli soldiers have disclosed their experiences of the treatment of Palestinian children during military operations and arrests, pointing to a pattern of abuse.A booklet of testimonies, published by*Breaking the Silence, an organisation of former Israeli soldiers dedicated to publicising the day-to-day actions of the army in the occupied territories, contains descriptions of beatings, intimidation, humiliation, verbal abuse, night-time arrests and injury. Most of the children had been suspected of stone-throwing.Former Israeli soldiers disclose routine mistreatment of Palestinian children

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