Israeli forces using Hebron Muslim cemetery for military drills

Zionist fantasies written of on Zionist Hate websites are not worth my time, I leave them for Zionists to revel in.

And as always, pv has nothing to say about the thread topic.

pv likely celebrates such Zionist fascist happenings.

No, your time is best spent trolling the bowels of the internet for the islamist propaganda sites you regularly cut and paste from.

Veteran you have been accused of "CELEBRATING" a report that IDF
soldiers did some "drills" in a muslim cemetary. Gee -----you have
been INSULTED-------your accuser asserts that you life is SOOOO dull-----
that you celebrate ---------nothingness

I am still curious as to what the "drills" were. I am fully aware of the fact
that muslims consider public prayers by jews to be an AFFRONT to their
perverse "gods" -------but what is wrong with "drills"? -------singing christmas
carols ----even in a private home is ILLEGAL in saudi arabia ------maybe the soldiers
<gasp> SANG!!!!!!!! ~~~la la la al FROM THE HALLS OF MONTEZUMA---

I would love to hear the BATTLE HYMN of THE REPUBLIC-----blared out
in Mecca during the HAJJ thing its an excellent marching song

I love to hear the boys chant when they march ANCHORS AWAY MY BOYS~~~

Have another question for this " christian"; Where in my posts have I " celebrated" such " happenings?" We know that she Celebrates every time Israelis are killed like the Fogel Family.

Since she dissaproves of Israelis " insulting" :lol: the Muslim dead; How does the " christian" feel about this?

The Punishment for reading a Bible in Saudi Arabia (photo) |

Just one SMALL example! Could you imagine if this happened in Israel? The " christian" will tell you the " Zionist entity" is making the above up :cuckoo:

Saudis Do Destroy Bibles, Think Tank Affirms - Patrick Goodenough -

Obviously there are Hundreds of other examples! Have to consider the source. She's just seething because the JEWISH STATE exists ! :smiliehug:
The posts have to do with a CHRISTIAN FAMILY found dead in a Syrian Well. Of course, she doesn't address it; She changes the subject. Then she accuses me and others of doing it ? lol

Quote: Originally Posted by Sally View Post
Mrs. Sherri, you can read Matthew all you want to if that is your bag, and regardless of how many times you read it, it is not going to change the fact that Muslims have been busy murdering non believers and even other Muslims since the 7th century and they are still murdering them in the name of their religion. If if makes you happy to close your eyes to this, be my guest. It will not affect my life one way or other. However, instead of constantly throwing out Scripture, it would be far better if you would mobilize the church ladies to start collecting clothing and other necessities plus money to help the Christians in Syria. At least then you will be doing some good.
I really am aurprised that Mrs. Sherri said nothing to Sunni Man about his having no problem with the Shia being eliminated since she has connections in Iran. As long as Sunni Man hates the "Zionists" as much as she does, this must be a trivial matter for her.
What I see when I look at History is that from the beginning, people have been killing one another because of perceived differences that lead them to hate one another. I do not see any one group with some greater capacity to hate than others.

The nation who kills more people in other nations far more than any other nation is the US. It certainly seems to reflect a whole lot of hate in the hearts of Americans.

Why is Sally so unconcerned about America's killings and hate?


Never knew we went around killing Muslims !


Quote: Originally Posted by proudveteran06 View Post
Quote: Originally Posted by Sally View Post
Why not tell us, Mrs. Sherri, how outraged you are by the Muslim violence which appears to happen in many various spots in this world. Don't you think they must be controlled by the Devil to commit all this violence in the name of their religion? It's very strange that you never bring this up.
This fake phony " Christian" never speaks up about Muslims murdering her own brethren . Apparently she was absent when "Jesus" taught that course.
You apparently do not know the Jesus story.

His response to Injustice was to offer His life as sacrifice on a cross for sin.

He embraced martyrdom.

He did not run from it.

That is the example He sets for His followers to follow.

Apparently she suddenly remembered " jesus" . He forbids her to even mention the atrocities they impose on Christians. However, when it comes to her own paranoid illusions of the " atrocities" Israelis impose on Palestinians " jesus" ceases to exist lol

This post is a perfect illustration of a hate filled Zionist trying to divert from the threads topic .

She has no ability to rebut the Truths disclosed in the OP.

Behold Zionism, defilers of the bodies of dead nonJews in Palestine.
Muslims take the time to bury their dead?

When Israelis stop holding dead bodies of those they kill hostage, Palestinians bury them.

"For nearly three months Israel has held two Islamic radicals as hostages, saying they will be released only when leaders of their Gaza-based Hamas group disclose the whereabouts of a long-missing Israeli soldier.It is an unusual situation by any standard. But it includes an element also making it a ghoulish affair for many Israelis and Palestinians: All the key figures, the radicals and the missing soldier, are dead."

Israel and Arabs Quarrel Over 3 Unusual Hostages -
Muslims take the time to bury their dead?

When Israelis stop holding dead bodies of those they kill hostage, Palestinians bury them.

"For nearly three months Israel has held two Islamic radicals as hostages, saying they will be released only when leaders of their Gaza-based Hamas group disclose the whereabouts of a long-missing Israeli soldier.It is an unusual situation by any standard. But it includes an element also making it a ghoulish affair for many Israelis and Palestinians: All the key figures, the radicals and the missing soldier, are dead."

Israel and Arabs Quarrel Over 3 Unusual Hostages -

Sherri's point is that she supports the LONG CHERISHED tradition of isa-respecters
in their entertainment of their perverse females -------which includes mutilating
BOTH living and dead captives --------An interesting factoid about the meccaist
variety of isa-respecters is that they believe that the DEAD BODY----kinda
"suffers" ----which is why sherri and her fellow isa-respecters so ENJOY the
idea of MUTILATING dead jews it's her creed Another interesting reality---
is that Judaism absolutely outlaws mutilation-----of anyone ----dead or alive.
It is a matter discussed in the talmud. Crucifixtion is sometimes still practiced
by some isa-respecters -----it is part of their heritage-----and, of course, hers
Muslims take the time to bury their dead?

When Israelis stop holding dead bodies of those they kill hostage, Palestinians bury them.

"For nearly three months Israel has held two Islamic radicals as hostages, saying they will be released only when leaders of their Gaza-based Hamas group disclose the whereabouts of a long-missing Israeli soldier.It is an unusual situation by any standard. But it includes an element also making it a ghoulish affair for many Israelis and Palestinians: All the key figures, the radicals and the missing soldier, are dead."

Israel and Arabs Quarrel Over 3 Unusual Hostages -

I am sure many of the visitors to this forum remember that picture of two Palestinians holding up for public view the organs of an Israeli solder whom they killed. Since Mrs. Sherri appears to know everything about that one small area of the world, can she tell us if that soldier's body was ever returned; and if so, were his organs also returned?
Muslims take the time to bury their dead?

When Israelis stop holding dead bodies of those they kill hostage, Palestinians bury them.

"For nearly three months Israel has held two Islamic radicals as hostages, saying they will be released only when leaders of their Gaza-based Hamas group disclose the whereabouts of a long-missing Israeli soldier.It is an unusual situation by any standard. But it includes an element also making it a ghoulish affair for many Israelis and Palestinians: All the key figures, the radicals and the missing soldier, are dead."

Israel and Arabs Quarrel Over 3 Unusual Hostages -

I am sure many of the visitors to this forum remember that picture of two Palestinians holding up for public view the organs of an Israeli solder whom they killed. Since Mrs. Sherri appears to know everything about that one small area of the world, can she tell us if that soldier's body was ever returned; and if so, were his organs also returned?

she lies I am fascinated she IS INDIGNANT that Israel demands the body
of its own sons IN RETURN for the bodies of her baby murdering colleagues-----
she sees such a demand as "UNFAIR" SHE IS INDIGNANT
The posts have to do with a CHRISTIAN FAMILY found dead in a Syrian Well. Of course, she doesn't address it; She changes the subject. Then she accuses me and others of doing it ? lol

Quote: Originally Posted by Sally View Post
Mrs. Sherri, you can read Matthew all you want to if that is your bag, and regardless of how many times you read it, it is not going to change the fact that Muslims have been busy murdering non believers and even other Muslims since the 7th century and they are still murdering them in the name of their religion. If if makes you happy to close your eyes to this, be my guest. It will not affect my life one way or other. However, instead of constantly throwing out Scripture, it would be far better if you would mobilize the church ladies to start collecting clothing and other necessities plus money to help the Christians in Syria. At least then you will be doing some good.
I really am aurprised that Mrs. Sherri said nothing to Sunni Man about his having no problem with the Shia being eliminated since she has connections in Iran. As long as Sunni Man hates the "Zionists" as much as she does, this must be a trivial matter for her.
What I see when I look at History is that from the beginning, people have been killing one another because of perceived differences that lead them to hate one another. I do not see any one group with some greater capacity to hate than others.

The nation who kills more people in other nations far more than any other nation is the US. It certainly seems to reflect a whole lot of hate in the hearts of Americans.

Why is Sally so unconcerned about America's killings and hate?


Never knew we went around killing Muslims !


Quote: Originally Posted by proudveteran06 View Post
Quote: Originally Posted by Sally View Post
Why not tell us, Mrs. Sherri, how outraged you are by the Muslim violence which appears to happen in many various spots in this world. Don't you think they must be controlled by the Devil to commit all this violence in the name of their religion? It's very strange that you never bring this up.
This fake phony " Christian" never speaks up about Muslims murdering her own brethren . Apparently she was absent when "Jesus" taught that course.
You apparently do not know the Jesus story.

His response to Injustice was to offer His life as sacrifice on a cross for sin.

He embraced martyrdom.

He did not run from it.

That is the example He sets for His followers to follow.

Apparently she suddenly remembered " jesus" . He forbids her to even mention the atrocities they impose on Christians. However, when it comes to her own paranoid illusions of the " atrocities" Israelis impose on Palestinians " jesus" ceases to exist lol

This post is a perfect illustration of a hate filled Zionist trying to divert from the threads topic .

She has no ability to rebut the Truths disclosed in the OP.

Behold Zionism, defilers of the bodies of dead nonJews in Palestine.

I am " Hate Filled " after I produce proof she changes the subject all the time? :cuckoo: Typical Hate Filled Anti Semetic Bigot changing the " topic" when it's suitable for her.

I'll address it; Prove that the Israelis are digging up bodies or destroying those Graves. That is what was done to Jewish Cemetaries There aren't you Pro Palestinian liar
No, your time is best spent trolling the bowels of the internet for the islamist propaganda sites you regularly cut and paste from.

Veteran you have been accused of "CELEBRATING" a report that IDF
soldiers did some "drills" in a muslim cemetary. Gee -----you have
been INSULTED-------your accuser asserts that you life is SOOOO dull-----
that you celebrate ---------nothingness

I am still curious as to what the "drills" were. I am fully aware of the fact
that muslims consider public prayers by jews to be an AFFRONT to their
perverse "gods" -------but what is wrong with "drills"? -------singing christmas
carols ----even in a private home is ILLEGAL in saudi arabia ------maybe the soldiers
<gasp> SANG!!!!!!!! ~~~la la la al FROM THE HALLS OF MONTEZUMA---

I would love to hear the BATTLE HYMN of THE REPUBLIC-----blared out
in Mecca during the HAJJ thing its an excellent marching song

I love to hear the boys chant when they march ANCHORS AWAY MY BOYS~~~

Have another question for this " christian"; Where in my posts have I " celebrated" such " happenings?" We know that she Celebrates every time Israelis are killed like the Fogel Family.

Since she dissaproves of Israelis " insulting" :lol: the Muslim dead; How does the " christian" feel about this?

The Punishment for reading a Bible in Saudi Arabia (photo) |

Just one SMALL example! Could you imagine if this happened in Israel? The " christian" will tell you the " Zionist entity" is making the above up :cuckoo:

Saudis Do Destroy Bibles, Think Tank Affirms - Patrick Goodenough -

Obviously there are Hundreds of other examples! Have to consider the source. She's just seething because the JEWISH STATE exists ! :smiliehug:

If you liked the idea of worshipping a rapist and enjoyed little gala affairs
focused on mutilating people------you would not like jews either
Respect for "shrines" must be an international concern and absolutely equitable.
Jews lived in the city of YATHRIB----for more than 1000 years before the birth of
the rapist pig who was born in mecca. They had cemetaries, synagogues and
yeshivas there. A careful examination of the city WOULD reveal their locations. ---
unfortunately ----disgusting dogs have actually BARRED all jews from their own city--
their own shrines etc etc and planted the .

what "rubbish" ? ----YOU have declared my post "rubbish"----on what basis?

On the basis of you basing your whole argument on some 1000+ years of religious bullshit claims that has no ground in the scientific world view of the history.

People who value the positive sciences of the west dont give a crap about what your rabbi claim.

Same goes for the muslims and their retarded religious claims too.

If you want you kill each otherover some useless religion, be my guest. But please leave children and people who are not extremists like you retards out of this business.
Muslims take the time to bury their dead?

When Israelis stop holding dead bodies of those they kill hostage, Palestinians bury them.

"For nearly three months Israel has held two Islamic radicals as hostages, saying they will be released only when leaders of their Gaza-based Hamas group disclose the whereabouts of a long-missing Israeli soldier.It is an unusual situation by any standard. But it includes an element also making it a ghoulish affair for many Israelis and Palestinians: All the key figures, the radicals and the missing soldier, are dead."

Israel and Arabs Quarrel Over 3 Unusual Hostages -

I am sure many of the visitors to this forum remember that picture of two Palestinians holding up for public view the organs of an Israeli solder whom they killed. Since Mrs. Sherri appears to know everything about that one small area of the world, can she tell us if that soldier's body was ever returned; and if so, were his organs also returned?

Another Zionist fantasy?

And when I look at your posts, I see none of the threads you have contributed to addressing such an incident.

I think you made this up.
Last edited:
The posts have to do with a CHRISTIAN FAMILY found dead in a Syrian Well. Of course, she doesn't address it; She changes the subject. Then she accuses me and others of doing it ? lol

Quote: Originally Posted by Sally View Post
Mrs. Sherri, you can read Matthew all you want to if that is your bag, and regardless of how many times you read it, it is not going to change the fact that Muslims have been busy murdering non believers and even other Muslims since the 7th century and they are still murdering them in the name of their religion. If if makes you happy to close your eyes to this, be my guest. It will not affect my life one way or other. However, instead of constantly throwing out Scripture, it would be far better if you would mobilize the church ladies to start collecting clothing and other necessities plus money to help the Christians in Syria. At least then you will be doing some good.
I really am aurprised that Mrs. Sherri said nothing to Sunni Man about his having no problem with the Shia being eliminated since she has connections in Iran. As long as Sunni Man hates the "Zionists" as much as she does, this must be a trivial matter for her.
What I see when I look at History is that from the beginning, people have been killing one another because of perceived differences that lead them to hate one another. I do not see any one group with some greater capacity to hate than others.

The nation who kills more people in other nations far more than any other nation is the US. It certainly seems to reflect a whole lot of hate in the hearts of Americans.

Why is Sally so unconcerned about America's killings and hate?


Never knew we went around killing Muslims !


Quote: Originally Posted by proudveteran06 View Post
Quote: Originally Posted by Sally View Post
Why not tell us, Mrs. Sherri, how outraged you are by the Muslim violence which appears to happen in many various spots in this world. Don't you think they must be controlled by the Devil to commit all this violence in the name of their religion? It's very strange that you never bring this up.
This fake phony " Christian" never speaks up about Muslims murdering her own brethren . Apparently she was absent when "Jesus" taught that course.
You apparently do not know the Jesus story.

His response to Injustice was to offer His life as sacrifice on a cross for sin.

He embraced martyrdom.

He did not run from it.

That is the example He sets for His followers to follow.

Apparently she suddenly remembered " jesus" . He forbids her to even mention the atrocities they impose on Christians. However, when it comes to her own paranoid illusions of the " atrocities" Israelis impose on Palestinians " jesus" ceases to exist lol

This post is a perfect illustration of a hate filled Zionist trying to divert from the threads topic .

She has no ability to rebut the Truths disclosed in the OP.

Behold Zionism, defilers of the bodies of dead nonJews in Palestine.

I am " Hate Filled " after I produce proof she changes the subject all the time? :cuckoo: Typical Hate Filled Anti Semetic Bigot changing the " topic" when it's suitable for her.

I'll address it; Prove that the Israelis are digging up bodies or destroying those Graves. That is what was done to Jewish Cemetaries There aren't you Pro Palestinian liar

Your whole post was a hate rant with nothing to do with this thread, a hate rant where you selectively vomit out select cut and paste pieces of posts from other threads, some not even my posts, in an exercise that proves nothing but that you thing in your sick hate filled Zionist head condemns me.

Carrying out training exercises on graves is defiling the graves of the dead.
This post is a perfect illustration of a hate filled Zionist trying to divert from the threads topic .

She has no ability to rebut the Truths disclosed in the OP.

Behold Zionism, defilers of the bodies of dead nonJews in Palestine.

I am " Hate Filled " after I produce proof she changes the subject all the time? :cuckoo: Typical Hate Filled Anti Semetic Bigot changing the " topic" when it's suitable for her.

I'll address it; Prove that the Israelis are digging up bodies or destroying those Graves. That is what was done to Jewish Cemetaries There aren't you Pro Palestinian liar
Carrying out training exercises on graves is defiling the graves of the dead.

Your whole post was a hate rant with nothing to do with this thread, a hate rant where you selectively vomit out select cut and paste pieces of posts from other threads, some not even my posts, in an exercise that proves nothing but that you thing in your sick hate filled Zionist head condemns me.

Speaking of hate rants, Mrs. Sherri, I really think you should look in the mirror and see who has been ranting and raving about the Jews and Israel all the time. I don't think anyone expected you to post about how the Muslims treat the cemeteries and gravestones of others, but have you ever ranted and raved about those Muslims, whether they are Sunni or Shia, who blow up other Muslim people while they are on pilgrimages or even in their mosques praying? Have you ever condemned the Muslims for murdering Hindus on their way to pilgrimages and destroying their holy shrines? Your needle seems to be struck mainly on the Jews and Israel. I really think that if you want to have any creditability, you should change the needle once in a while and start talking about what is happening in the Middle East as a whole. Here you are attempting to make people believe that you are a devout practicing Christian when you have had nothing to say about the way the Christians are treated in Iran, and I think most people here know you have a connection to Iran.
Sally once again can say nothing to rebut the truths addressed in the OP.

She has no interest in discussing Israels human rights abuses carried out in her Occupation of Palestine.
Sally once again can say nothing to rebut the truths addressed in the OP.

She has no interest in discussing Israels human rights abuses carried out in her Occupation of Palestine.

Muslim Tolerance in Action: Desecrating Jewish Graves

Libya: Muslims Destroy Christian-Jewish Cemetery From WWII

Libya: Muslims Destroy Christian-Jewish Cemetery From WWII

/Once again she has no interest in discussing her double standard. Accuses myself and others of " changing the subject?" That's because when threads do introduce the subjects like MUSLIMS KILLING CHRISTIANS, etc, etc. she ignores them.

I forgot; " jesus" :lol: told her to do so.:smiliehug:
This post is a perfect illustration of a hate filled Zionist trying to divert from the threads topic .

She has no ability to rebut the Truths disclosed in the OP.

Behold Zionism, defilers of the bodies of dead nonJews in Palestine.

I am " Hate Filled " after I produce proof she changes the subject all the time? :cuckoo: Typical Hate Filled Anti Semetic Bigot changing the " topic" when it's suitable for her.

I'll address it; Prove that the Israelis are digging up bodies or destroying those Graves. That is what was done to Jewish Cemetaries There aren't you Pro Palestinian liar

Your whole post was a hate rant with nothing to do with this thread, a hate rant where you selectively vomit out select cut and paste pieces of posts from other threads, some not even my posts, in an exercise that proves nothing but that you thing in your sick hate filled Zionist head condemns me.

Carrying out training exercises on graves is defiling the graves of the dead.

Not fantasies of Zionists about alleged acts of others In another time and another place.

The above is a remark from the " Christian" who claims atricities on Jewish Cemetaries and Graves are " Zionist Fantasies" and made up.

Carrying out " training excercises" on graves is defiling the Graves of the dead? :cuckoo:


__Access to holy sites[edit]

Jordan had obligated itself within the framework of the 3 April 1949 Armistice Agreement to allow "free access to the holy sites and cultural institutions and use of the cemeteries on the Mount of Olives." Christian pilgrims were allowed to visit the Temple Mount, but Jews of all countries and non-Jewish Israelis were barred from entering Jordan and therefore could not travel to the area.[30] Tourists entering East Jerusalem had to present baptismal certificates or other proof they were not Jewish.[31][32]

The special committee that was to make arrangements for visits to holy places was never formed and Israelis, irrespective of religion, were barred from entering the Old City and other holy sites.[33] The Jewish Quarter and its ancient synagogues were systematically destroyed, and gravestones from the Jewish Cemetery on the Mount of Olives were used to build latrines for Jordanian army barracks.[34][35]

How do you feel about this, you Fake Christian? Bet you don't believe the Jordanians were defiling the JEWISH CEMETARY, do you? Obviously, this is only one example. There are many others. Wait... The FAKE " CHRISTIAN" will tell us that this is a ZIONIST LIE :cuckoo:

Putting it in another thread, of course you will either not read it or ignore it. At least here we can expose your Bigotry, Racism, Double Standard, and Anti Semitism Realize you can't answer now " jesus" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: is calling :smiliehug:_________
Last edited by a moderator:
I am " Hate Filled " after I produce proof she changes the subject all the time? :cuckoo: Typical Hate Filled Anti Semetic Bigot changing the " topic" when it's suitable for her.

I'll address it; Prove that the Israelis are digging up bodies or destroying those Graves. That is what was done to Jewish Cemetaries There aren't you Pro Palestinian liar

Your whole post was a hate rant with nothing to do with this thread, a hate rant where you selectively vomit out select cut and paste pieces of posts from other threads, some not even my posts, in an exercise that proves nothing but that you thing in your sick hate filled Zionist head condemns me.

Carrying out training exercises on graves is defiling the graves of the dead.

Not fantasies of Zionists about alleged acts of others In another time and another place.

The above is a remark from the " Christian" who claims atricities on Jewish Cemetaries and Graves are " Zionist Fantasies" and made up.

Carrying out " training excercises" on graves is defiling the Graves of the dead? :cuckoo:


__Access to holy sites[edit]

Jordan had obligated itself within the framework of the 3 April 1949 Armistice Agreement to allow "free access to the holy sites and cultural institutions and use of the cemeteries on the Mount of Olives." Christian pilgrims were allowed to visit the Temple Mount, but Jews of all countries and non-Jewish Israelis were barred from entering Jordan and therefore could not travel to the area.[30] Tourists entering East Jerusalem had to present baptismal certificates or other proof they were not Jewish.[31][32]

The special committee that was to make arrangements for visits to holy places was never formed and Israelis, irrespective of religion, were barred from entering the Old City and other holy sites.[33] The Jewish Quarter and its ancient synagogues were systematically destroyed, and gravestones from the Jewish Cemetery on the Mount of Olives were used to build latrines for Jordanian army barracks.[34][35]

How do you feel about this, you Fake Christian? Bet you don't believe the Jordanians were defiling the JEWISH CEMETARY, do you? Obviously, this is only one example. There are many others. Wait... The FAKE " CHRISTIAN" will tell us that this is a ZIONIST LIE :cuckoo:

Putting it in another thread, of course you will either not read it or ignore it. At least here we can expose your Bigotry, Racism, Double Standard, and Anti Semitism Realize you can't answer now " jesus" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: is calling :smiliehug:_________

Sherri did not invent the technique-----the nazi war criminals who escaped the
neuremberg trials -----published pamphlets featuring the piles of emaciated
dead that they had murdered in the name of isa/allah-------FROM ISA-RESPECTING
countries like egypt and syria in the immediate post world war II period and simply
LABELED them "blue eyed christians murdered by jews" Sherri is not at all
Your whole post was a hate rant with nothing to do with this thread, a hate rant where you selectively vomit out select cut and paste pieces of posts from other threads, some not even my posts, in an exercise that proves nothing but that you thing in your sick hate filled Zionist head condemns me.

Carrying out training exercises on graves is defiling the graves of the dead.

Not fantasies of Zionists about alleged acts of others In another time and another place.

The above is a remark from the " Christian" who claims atricities on Jewish Cemetaries and Graves are " Zionist Fantasies" and made up.

Carrying out " training excercises" on graves is defiling the Graves of the dead? :cuckoo:


__Access to holy sites[edit]

Jordan had obligated itself within the framework of the 3 April 1949 Armistice Agreement to allow "free access to the holy sites and cultural institutions and use of the cemeteries on the Mount of Olives." Christian pilgrims were allowed to visit the Temple Mount, but Jews of all countries and non-Jewish Israelis were barred from entering Jordan and therefore could not travel to the area.[30] Tourists entering East Jerusalem had to present baptismal certificates or other proof they were not Jewish.[31][32]

The special committee that was to make arrangements for visits to holy places was never formed and Israelis, irrespective of religion, were barred from entering the Old City and other holy sites.[33] The Jewish Quarter and its ancient synagogues were systematically destroyed, and gravestones from the Jewish Cemetery on the Mount of Olives were used to build latrines for Jordanian army barracks.[34][35]

How do you feel about this, you Fake Christian? Bet you don't believe the Jordanians were defiling the JEWISH CEMETARY, do you? Obviously, this is only one example. There are many others. Wait... The FAKE " CHRISTIAN" will tell us that this is a ZIONIST LIE :cuckoo:

Putting it in another thread, of course you will either not read it or ignore it. At least here we can expose your Bigotry, Racism, Double Standard, and Anti Semitism Realize you can't answer now " jesus" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: is calling :smiliehug:_________

Sherri did not invent the technique-----the nazi war criminals who escaped the
neuremberg trials -----published pamphlets featuring the piles of emaciated
dead that they had murdered in the name of isa/allah-------FROM ISA-RESPECTING
countries like egypt and syria in the immediate post world war II period and simply
LABELED them "blue eyed christians murdered by jews" Sherri is not at all

I agree. What keeps me laughing is that she refers to herself as a CHRISTIAN and always mentions " jesus". It really takes a sick twisted mindset to claim that the Graves and Jewish Cemetaries destroyed by Jorden, at Mount Olive and other places are " Zionist lies and fantasies" :cuckoo:
An American Christian takes a tour through ethnically cleansed Christian villages in the Galilee.

They walk through Al Bassa, two deserted churches still stand there.

"And, most disturbingly of all, a Christian cemetery, sandwiched between a road and a factory, overgrown with weeds. Most of the graves were smashed open, revealing dried bones, exposed to sunlight and wind and the discarded wine bottles and chip wrappers of late night thrill seekers."

David Hosey says he has to hold back vomit as he looks upon thigh bones, once buried, now exposed to the sun.

They find a piece of a headstone which has been flung face down into the dirt, which is inscribed with Arabic poetry.

He finds out the Islamic movement had gotten permission to clean the nearby Muslim cemetery, and had come and done what they could to clean the Christian cemetery as well.

They wonder out loud what the public reaction would be if this were a Jewish cemetery. He wonders what the people who live and work around the ruined churches and mosques and cemeteries would think of that.

And he wonders how the people living there now justify it, what do they think, day after day, as they pass these skeletal reminders of the past.
An American Christian takes a tour through ethnically cleansed Christian villages in the Galilee.

They walk through Al Bassa, two deserted churches still stand there.

"And, most disturbingly of all, a Christian cemetery, sandwiched between a road and a factory, overgrown with weeds. Most of the graves were smashed open, revealing dried bones, exposed to sunlight and wind and the discarded wine bottles and chip wrappers of late night thrill seekers."

David Hosey says he has to hold back vomit as he looks upon thigh bones, once buried, now exposed to the sun.

They find a piece of a headstone which has been flung face down into the dirt, which is inscribed with Arabic poetry.

He finds out the Islamic movement had gotten permission to clean the nearby Muslim cemetery, and had come and done what they could to clean the Christian cemetery as well.

They wonder out loud what the public reaction would be if this were a Jewish cemetery. He wonders what the people who live and work around the ruined churches and mosques and cemeteries would think of that.

And he wonders how the people living there now justify it, what do they think, day after day, as they pass these skeletal reminders of the past.

Sherri makes an interesting point------I agree-----there should be an INTENATIONAL
comission to deal with CEMETARIES. ALL should be treated EQUALLY.
The cemetaries of jews and christians and zoroastrians etc in muslim lands
should be PROTECTED ----even in those lands completely ethnically cleansed of
jews and christians and zoroastrians . My own relatives are barred from the
cemetaries of their ancestors------my own husband cannot visit the cemetary of
his grandfather who died when he was an infant---------I am sure sherri will look
into the ATROCITY.
An American Christian takes a tour through ethnically cleansed Christian villages in the Galilee.

They walk through Al Bassa, two deserted churches still stand there.

"And, most disturbingly of all, a Christian cemetery, sandwiched between a road and a factory, overgrown with weeds. Most of the graves were smashed open, revealing dried bones, exposed to sunlight and wind and the discarded wine bottles and chip wrappers of late night thrill seekers."

David Hosey says he has to hold back vomit as he looks upon thigh bones, once buried, now exposed to the sun.

They find a piece of a headstone which has been flung face down into the dirt, which is inscribed with Arabic poetry.

He finds out the Islamic movement had gotten permission to clean the nearby Muslim cemetery, and had come and done what they could to clean the Christian cemetery as well.

They wonder out loud what the public reaction would be if this were a Jewish cemetery. He wonders what the people who live and work around the ruined churches and mosques and cemeteries would think of that.

And he wonders how the people living there now justify it, what do they think, day after day, as they pass these skeletal reminders of the past.

Sherri makes an interesting point------I agree-----there should be an INTENATIONAL
comission to deal with CEMETARIES. ALL should be treated EQUALLY.
The cemetaries of jews and christians and zoroastrians etc in muslim lands
should be PROTECTED ----even in those lands completely ethnically cleansed of
jews and christians and zoroastrians . My own relatives are barred from the
cemetaries of their ancestors------my own husband cannot visit the cemetary of
his grandfather who died when he was an infant---------I am sure sherri will look
into the ATROCITY.

I agree with you. Cemeteries should be protected all over. I wonder how the man mentioned in Mrs. Sherri's post would feel about this:

When Christians are persecuted, not even the dead are free from harm. In Pakistan, Muslims have desecrated Christian cemeteries, transformed them into farmland, and have allowed animals to graze over buried Christians.

Desecrating Cemeteries

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