Israeli forces using Hebron Muslim cemetery for military drills

David Hosey worked with Sabeel in the ME and returned to the US a few years ago. He was a delegate at the Methodist Convention that recently considered BDS actions. I think all of that can be read about on his blog.
David Hosey worked with Sabeel in the ME and returned to the US a few years ago. He was a delegate at the Methodist Convention that recently considered BDS actions. I think all of that can be read about on his blog.

Tell us if he has ever visited Muslim countries to see what was going on with regard to the Christians living there. Perhaps he should get in touch with those Christian organizations operating in the Muslim countries so that he can get the scoop on what is happening to Christians. Then at the next Methodist Convention, he can bring up the subject of Christians in Muslim countries.
David Hosey worked with Sabeel in the ME and returned to the US a few years ago. He was a delegate at the Methodist Convention that recently considered BDS actions. I think all of that can be read about on his blog.

I wonder who writes sherri's petitions and briefs for court. Sherri-----even YOU
can learn. ---- Long ago----as a college kid-----I helped lots of "pre-law" kids---
who were just as lousy in writing as are you. It happens to be true that there
are some Methodists----in fact more than in most other sects of christianity----who
have a tendency to isa-respect
David Hosey worked with Sabeel in the ME and returned to the US a few years ago. He was a delegate at the Methodist Convention that recently considered BDS actions. I think all of that can be read about on his blog.

I wonder who writes sherri's petitions and briefs for court. Sherri-----even YOU
can learn. ---- Long ago----as a college kid-----I helped lots of "pre-law" kids---
who were just as lousy in writing as are you. It happens to be true that there
are some Methodists----in fact more than in most other sects of christianity----who
have a tendency to isa-respect

She is nothing but a fake phony " Christian". " Alleged Acts??" Translation; It never happened.

Not fantasies of Zionists about alleged acts of others In another time and another place.

Her post !

Yet I'm supposed to " care" about what happens in Muslim Cemetaries? Didn't realize the Israelis were digging up Graves and using them as latrines. OOOOPS ! LYING AGAIN !!!!!

" jesus" :lol: would not be happy with this " Christian" being both a Liar and a Hater :evil:
David Hosey worked with Sabeel in the ME and returned to the US a few years ago. He was a delegate at the Methodist Convention that recently considered BDS actions. I think all of that can be read about on his blog.

I wonder who writes sherri's petitions and briefs for court. Sherri-----even YOU
can learn. ---- Long ago----as a college kid-----I helped lots of "pre-law" kids---
who were just as lousy in writing as are you. It happens to be true that there
are some Methodists----in fact more than in most other sects of christianity----who
have a tendency to isa-respect

She is nothing but a fake phony " Christian". " Alleged Acts??" Translation; It never happened.

Not fantasies of Zionists about alleged acts of others In another time and another place.

Her post !

Yet I'm supposed to " care" about what happens in Muslim Cemetaries? Didn't realize the Israelis were digging up Graves and using them as latrines. OOOOPS ! LYING AGAIN !!!!!

" jesus" :lol: would not be happy with this " Christian" being both a Liar and a Hater :evil:

Another remark From Frau Sheri;

Carrying out training exercises on graves is defiling the graves of the dead.

Desecration - Introduction

The Old City, and the Jewish Quarter, officially fell on May 27, 1948. Israel's army liberated Jerusalem's Old City from Jordan in the 1967 Six Day War, nearly twenty years later. Under Jordanian control, the Jewish Quarter was completely neglected and virtually destroyed.

The following is a photographic record that is but a sample of the destruction. All but one of the thirty five houses of worship that graced the Old City for centuries were in shambles. The state of the revered Jewish graveyard on the Mount of Olives was in complete disarray.

It is the story of hundreds of Torah scrolls, reverently preserved for generations, plundered and burned to ashes; of thousands of holy books committed to the flames; of synagogues razed to the ground or covered into hollow shells of their glorious former selves, their interiors used as hen houses and stables, filled with dung-heaps, garbage and carcasses, or as sites for latrines and sewage canals; of tens of thousands of tombstones broken into pieces or used as flagstones, steps and building materials; of large areas of the cemetery leveled and converted into parking lots and a filling station; of graves ripped and skeletal bones scattered, and an asphalt short-cut through the pitiful remains to provide a short-cut to a new hotel built incongruously upon the Mount of Olives.

Does the Frau object to this? Of course not ! After all, they are only Jews ! Somehow, Desecration of their Dead doesn't matter . Read, Frau Sheri. They did a LOT MORE then " training excercises"

Forgot! These are alledged ( Like the Holocaust) This never really happened. I feel sorry for you with your denial of Historical Facts and your Hatred ! :evil:

" jesus" WHERE ARE YOU ????? :lol: :smiliehug:
I am still confused as to the "desecration of graves" by training drills.
When I was a kid----a little friend of mine and I would play in the cemetary---
because there was lots of opened space ----and----the lawns grew buttercups---
which we would pick. there were hills ----we rolled down the hills No one
cared. We did no harm. I wonder what harm the IDF kids are doing
in the cemetaries and what is the nature of the drills. Military drills take
many forms. Does anyone know the customs that muslims attach to cemetaries?

Maybe <heaven forfend> the kids are singing-----muslims hate it when jews
sing. It IS possible that muslims do not allow non muslims in their cemetaries---
THAT MAY BE THE ISSUE I do not know. ----my childhood playground
must have been a protestant cemetary----there were crosses and angels----
but I do not remember "MARYS" my friend was protestant and her
mother planted stuff on some of the gravesites. I really liked playing in the
Oh----I forgot to add------there were a few gravesites that had a flat to the ground
plaque------not a headstone------I did not like to step on those. And there was a
church with people buried----?? under the floor----or maybe those plaques were just
symbolic--------I did not step on them -------other people did-----were the also

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