Israeli government spokesman David Mencer yesterday stated clearly just how compromised the U.N is with an anaolgy...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
It is humorous but an accurate assessment of what the U.N has become today, lead by some of the most authoritarian nations. As our Jewish brothers and sisters deal with rocket fire in the thousands, something which has been going on for many years, there is silence.

I Mr. Mencer who was quoting someone else "if Algeria forwarded a resolution that the world is flat and Israel flattened it, it would pass with 164 votes:"

Hashem will protect Israel as long as they remain the Good Guys. Stay principled and stay the course. Defend your citizens appropriately and no other nation will be in any position to criticize.
South Africa is a terrible mess, the people suffers.
How often do you hear the U.N raise this?

Yet, there is constant focus on Israel, this small little country. They didn't even have any dealings with Hamas or the area in which Hamas ruled for 18 years.

All of it suggest that Israels enemies have a plan and they utilize the U.N to harm them.

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