Israeli hero considered for medal in Turkish boat assault


Zionist, proud to be
Oct 25, 2009
Excellent work. Bravo :clap2::clap2::clap2: - Israeli Commando Who Shot Six Activists in Aid Convoy in Line for Medal

Israeli Commando Who Shot Six Activists in Aid Convoy in Line for Medal

Six of the nine passengers killed in an Israeli raid on an aid convoy bound for Gaza were shot by a single Israeli commando, who is being considered for a medal of valor for saving his injured comrades as passengers attacked them with clubs, knives and even guns they had taken from downed Navy Seals

...There were reports that passengers who attacked the Israeli boarding party had been dragging three captured commandos into the hold of the ship when the shooting broke out.

And a British passenger who witnessed the deadly pre-dawn encounter in international waters said that some of the more peaceful activists on board had tried to protect captured Israeli soldiers being set upon by a hard core of passengers, most of them believed to be Turks linked to an Islamic charity accused by Israel of having links to extremists.

The Israeli commando who killed six of the passengers of Mavi Marmara, the Turkish ferry owned by the IHH charity, said that he had been the last of 15 soldiers to rappel down the rope from an overhead helicopter on to the decks of the ship, which he described as "a battlefield."

...As he landed on the ship's top deck, he said he saw three of his superior officers who had landed ahead of him lying wounded, one with a bullet wound to the stomach, another shot in the knee and the third beaten unconscious.

Taking charge, he formed his men in a perimeter around the wounded, pulled his 9mm Glock pistol and opened fire on passengers he accused of shooting at the boarding party with guns taken off the first soldiers, who had been overwhelmed as they landed one by one.

"When I hit the deck, I was immediately attacked by people with bats, metal pipes and axes," the sergeant recalled. "These were without a doubt terrorists. I could see the murderous rage in their eyes and that they were coming to kill us."

He said he saw one of the passengers holding a seized pistol to another Israeli commando's head.
Don't be surprised if the Turks react to this the same way Americans reacted to the Libyan who blew up the Pan Am plane receiving a hero's welcome when he arrive home from Scotland.
Don't be surprised if Israel doesn't continue to roll over at Turkish aggression.
First time I ever heard that shooting unarmed civilians could get you a medal and an official "hero" status. Used to be called "murder".
They were not unarmed civilians . They were armed mercenaries.

It's called self defense.
Excellent work. Bravo :clap2::clap2::clap2: - Israeli Commando Who Shot Six Activists in Aid Convoy in Line for Medal

Israeli Commando Who Shot Six Activists in Aid Convoy in Line for Medal

Six of the nine passengers killed in an Israeli raid on an aid convoy bound for Gaza were shot by a single Israeli commando, who is being considered for a medal of valor for saving his injured comrades as passengers attacked them with clubs, knives and even guns they had taken from downed Navy Seals

...There were reports that passengers who attacked the Israeli boarding party had been dragging three captured commandos into the hold of the ship when the shooting broke out.

And a British passenger who witnessed the deadly pre-dawn encounter in international waters said that some of the more peaceful activists on board had tried to protect captured Israeli soldiers being set upon by a hard core of passengers, most of them believed to be Turks linked to an Islamic charity accused by Israel of having links to extremists.

The Israeli commando who killed six of the passengers of Mavi Marmara, the Turkish ferry owned by the IHH charity, said that he had been the last of 15 soldiers to rappel down the rope from an overhead helicopter on to the decks of the ship, which he described as "a battlefield."

...As he landed on the ship's top deck, he said he saw three of his superior officers who had landed ahead of him lying wounded, one with a bullet wound to the stomach, another shot in the knee and the third beaten unconscious.

Taking charge, he formed his men in a perimeter around the wounded, pulled his 9mm Glock pistol and opened fire on passengers he accused of shooting at the boarding party with guns taken off the first soldiers, who had been overwhelmed as they landed one by one.

"When I hit the deck, I was immediately attacked by people with bats, metal pipes and axes," the sergeant recalled. "These were without a doubt terrorists. I could see the murderous rage in their eyes and that they were coming to kill us."

He said he saw one of the passengers holding a seized pistol to another Israeli commando's head.

"These were without a doubt terrorists. I could see the murderous rage in their eyes and that they were coming to kill us."

Everyone is a terrorist to these clowns. Even people who legitimately engage troops.
and in other news, Israel has a habit of letting jewish assassins of prime ministers get booty calls from prison.

this news shocks no one.

If anything, it's proof positive of how much zionist has in common with the third reich.
First time I ever heard that shooting unarmed civilians could get you a medal and an official "hero" status. Used to be called "murder".

Did you miss the part where he said that when he landed he found three of his superiors gravely injured; one was shot in the stomach, one was shot in the knee, and the third beaten unconscious?
I wouldn't mind shaking his hand. The man pulled it together and probably saved the lives of most of his team.

:salute: :salute: :salute:

Part of their plan was to kidnap some of them and hold them hostage.

Fantastic soldier, I hope he gets promoted too.:clap2:

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