Israeli lawmaker calls US a third world country


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
Israeli lawmaker calls US a third world country

Here's the full quote from Member of the Knesset Moshe Feiglin, leader of the party's hard-right Manhigut Yehudit faction:

I fundamentally disagree with PM Netanyahu on many issues - including those issues over which the US has criticized the PM in the past. But if America does not officially distance itself from yesterday's personal attack against Prime Minister Netanyahu (who represents all the citizens of Israel) we can conclude that under Obama, the US has deteriorated to the cultural and essential level of a third world country. Its future is already behind it.​


I'm predicting that all the America-hating conservatives will applaud and agree with this clown.
"Cultural and essential levels of a third world country".

What a pathetic attempt at distortion by the OP, LOL.
"Cultural and essential levels of a third world country".

What a pathetic attempt at distortion by the OP, LOL.

It's a QUOTE from an Israeli politician, genius. A fairly odd one at that.

It's fair for Israeli politicians to criticise who they like, of course, but given the amount of money Obama has poured into Israel under Netanyahu's reign, I'd have thought he might have stayed silent on this.
Israeli lawmaker calls US a third world country

Here's the full quote from Member of the Knesset Moshe Feiglin, leader of the party's hard-right Manhigut Yehudit faction:

I fundamentally disagree with PM Netanyahu on many issues - including those issues over which the US has criticized the PM in the past. But if America does not officially distance itself from yesterday's personal attack against Prime Minister Netanyahu (who represents all the citizens of Israel) we can conclude that under Obama, the US has deteriorated to the cultural and essential level of a third world country. Its future is already behind it.​


I'm predicting that all the America-hating conservatives will applaud and agree with this clown.

So what? They are responding to someone from the Presidents of United States of America office who just called their Prime Minister "chickenshit". I honestly can't believe we have sunk to calling world leaders things like "chickenshit". Define chickenshit: "worthless or contemptible person", "coward".

It falls nothing short of a school yard insult which makes the US looks like we are grade-school level. Not to mention the second comment where another "anonymous source" says "Israel has shit all over the White House". Nice foreign relations we got gong on!

The irony is in the fact the "anonymous source" calls Bibi a worthless, contemptible, coward AKA chickenshit while hiding his identity.
"Cultural and essential levels of a third world country".

What a pathetic attempt at distortion by the OP, LOL.

It's a QUOTE from an Israeli politician, genius. A fairly odd one at that.

It's fair for Israeli politicians to criticise who they like, of course, but given the amount of money Obama has poured into Israel under Netanyahu's reign, I'd have thought he might have stayed silent on this.

If the anonymous Obama-admin. shill had instead denigrated Nawaz Sharif, King Abdullah, Ashraf Ghani, or any other head-of-state in a Muslim country which receives similar amounts of foreign aid as Israel- do you honestly think that some mere condemnation from lawmakers in that particular country would be the only thing coming your way?

You would probably have Benghazi v. 2.0 on your hands.

But alas, I guess liberals and their soft bigotry of lowered expectations for Muslims should just continue unabated and unchallenged.
Israeli lawmaker calls US a third world country

Here's the full quote from Member of the Knesset Moshe Feiglin, leader of the party's hard-right Manhigut Yehudit faction:

I fundamentally disagree with PM Netanyahu on many issues - including those issues over which the US has criticized the PM in the past. But if America does not officially distance itself from yesterday's personal attack against Prime Minister Netanyahu (who represents all the citizens of Israel) we can conclude that under Obama, the US has deteriorated to the cultural and essential level of a third world country. Its future is already behind it.​


I'm predicting that all the America-hating conservatives will applaud and agree with this clown.
"America hating"? That's funny, coming form somebody who sucks off the guy who's flooding our country with millions of illegals, among a plethora of other abuses.
Yea but they'll take all the Abrams tanks, F-16's, and cruise missile technology this hapless third world dystopia will send them. They even graced us with their presence on space shuttle flights and space station missions.

I wish this was the worst thing ever said about the US in Israel. It isn't, not by a long shot. So? Our president is a Jew-hating, Israel-hating Muslim halfwit. I think Israel is justified in blowing off a little steam now and then.
I can't even imagine the outrage if someone in Bibi's office called Obama a chickenshit and another said Obama/US shit all over Beit Aghion. The cries of racism who knows what else, would be like "the shot heard round the world".
America does have an increasing population of third world people.

Third world people = Third world country
"Cultural and essential levels of a third world country".

What a pathetic attempt at distortion by the OP, LOL.

It's a QUOTE from an Israeli politician, genius. A fairly odd one at that.

It's fair for Israeli politicians to criticise who they like, of course, but given the amount of money Obama has poured into Israel under Netanyahu's reign, I'd have thought he might have stayed silent on this.

It's not odd given what just came out of the White House, calling the Israeli PM chickenshit and stating Israel shit all over the White House.
Israeli lawmaker calls US a third world country

Here's the full quote from Member of the Knesset Moshe Feiglin, leader of the party's hard-right Manhigut Yehudit faction:

I fundamentally disagree with PM Netanyahu on many issues - including those issues over which the US has criticized the PM in the past. But if America does not officially distance itself from yesterday's personal attack against Prime Minister Netanyahu (who represents all the citizens of Israel) we can conclude that under Obama, the US has deteriorated to the cultural and essential level of a third world country. Its future is already behind it.​


I'm predicting that all the America-hating conservatives will applaud and agree with this clown.
"America hating"? That's funny, coming form somebody who sucks off the guy who's flooding our country with millions of illegals, among a plethora of other abuses.
Ronald Reagan flooded the country with illegal aliens, and you wingnuts can't get off your knees.
I can't even imagine the outrage if someone in Bibi's office called Obama a chickenshit and another said Obama/US shit all over Beit Aghion. The cries of racism who knows what else, would be like "the shot heard round the world".
I'm sure that Bibi Chickenshit's administration has nothing but nice things to say about President Obama (praise be unto Him!)
America does have an increasing population of third world people.

Third world people = Third world country
I called it!
I can't even imagine the outrage if someone in Bibi's office called Obama a chickenshit and another said Obama/US shit all over Beit Aghion. The cries of racism who knows what else, would be like "the shot heard round the world".
I'm sure that Bibi Chickenshit's administration has nothing but nice things to say about President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

You don't get what he is saying do you?

But if America does not officially distance itself from yesterday's personal attack against Prime Minister Netanyahu (who represents all the citizens of Israel) we can conclude that under Obama, the US has deteriorated to the cultural and essential level of a third world country. Its future is already behind it.

He is right, the Obama administration needs to officially distance themselves. Period. If they call Obama or any other world leader names behind their back, I would hope they are not stupid enough to get quoted on the record disparaging world leaders. I would expect the same response if the situation were reversed- Bibi would need to distance himself, and apologize.

Cafe au lait -

Well, what happened with the French president said much the same rhing about Netanyahu a couple of years ago?

Did he apolgise?
Cafe au lait -

Well, what happened with the French president said much the same rhing about Netanyahu a couple of years ago?

Did he apolgise?

There's a gaping difference between calling someone a "liar" and a "chickenshit".
Cafe au lait -

Well, what happened with the French president said much the same rhing about Netanyahu a couple of years ago?

Did he apolgise?

Sarkozy's comments to Obama and Obama's response showed there was a breakdown in the relationships between the US and Israel, one which has obviously gotten worse. It's obvious from this thread and the comments you just reminded me of - America can dish out insults, but can't take them.
Cafe au lait -

Well, what happened with the French president said much the same rhing about Netanyahu a couple of years ago?

Did he apolgise?

There's a gaping difference between calling someone a "liar" and a "chickenshit".

Is there?

I'd put them about on a par, mysef.

Well then, suit yourself and harbor melodramatic anger towards a justified response by an Israeli lawmaker.

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