Israeli Miliatary Restraint


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
Tel Aviv — Israel routinely gets crucified by its enemies, not least for the behavior of the Israeli military. The Jewish state’s reckless soldiers eagerly spill Arab blood, as if for sport. Or so the story goes.

Kuwaiti officials accuse the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) of “intentional killing, intentional destruction of civilian objects, intentional scorched-earth policy.” Pakistani authorities complain that the “horrors of Israeli occupation continue to haunt the international community’s conscience.”

“The IDF faces a challenge,” according to Colonel Richard Kemp, former commander of British forces in Afghanistan and an outside expert on the IDF’s strategy and tactics. “It is the automatic, Pavlovian presumption by many in the international media, and international human rights groups, that the IDF are in the wrong, that they are abusing human rights.”

Israeli Military Restraint Saves Palestinian Lives - Deroy Murdock - Page full
My favorite was when they were spraying Palestinian houses with Israeli sewage.
Well if that is your favorite, you must be living right next to a cesspool. Meanwhile, even you will have to admit that the Israelis have used restraint. Can you just imagine what an Arab country would do? Look what is happening in Syria.

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