Israeli rabbis call for establishment of extermination camps for Palestinians


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– A Zionist magazine, apparently reflecting popular Israeli opinion, promoted the idea of extermination camps for the Palestinians.

The weekly magazine distributed in synagogues throughout the country published an advisory opinion undersigned by major rabbis calling the establishment of those camps a “legitimate duty”, the Israeli e-newspaper YNet reported Saturday.

The statement attacked rabbis who had reservations on signing the document, calling the Palestinians the “giants” who religious texts say the Lord commanded the Israelites to slaughter them, their children, their women, their elders, and even their beasts more than two thousand years ago.

According to those rabbis, the Torah requires the Jews to wipe out any trace of those giants in this era, in reference to the Palestinians.

Jewish thinker Audi Aloni said calls to eliminate the Palestinians are openly made in the synagogues as the genocidal idea has become a practical option.

“No one objected to Rabbi Shlomo Eliahu, chief rabbi of Safed, and Rabbi Shlomo Avner, Chief Rabbi of Beit El, who undersigned the advisory opinion, which suggests approval of their opinion,” Aloni said.

Israeli rabbis call for establishment of extermination camps for Palestinians | Occupied Palestine |
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– A Zionist magazine, apparently reflecting popular Israeli opinion, promoted the idea of extermination camps for the Palestinians.

The weekly magazine distributed in synagogues throughout the country published an advisory opinion undersigned by major rabbis calling the establishment of those camps a “legitimate duty”, the Israeli e-newspaper YNet reported Saturday.

The statement attacked rabbis who had reservations on signing the document, calling the Palestinians the “giants” who religious texts say the Lord commanded the Israelites to slaughter them, their children, their women, their elders, and even their beasts more than two thousand years ago.

According to those rabbis, the Torah requires the Jews to wipe out any trace of those giants in this era, in reference to the Palestinians.

Jewish thinker Audi Aloni said calls to eliminate the Palestinians are openly made in the synagogues as the genocidal idea has become a practical option.

“No one objected to Rabbi Shlomo Eliahu, chief rabbi of Safed, and Rabbi Shlomo Avner, Chief Rabbi of Beit El, who undersigned the advisory opinion, which suggests approval of their opinion,” Aloni said.

Israeli rabbis call for establishment of extermination camps for Palestinians | Occupied Palestine |

Of course these camps are the perfect source for the blood they need to make thier matzo......


I love the use of weasel phrases "apparently reflecting popular Israeli opinion", and "major rabbis"

And of course no sources, no references, and when I look up one of the rabbi's all i get is that he created a prayer for people feeling guilty about surfing web porn.
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– A Zionist magazine, apparently reflecting popular Israeli opinion, promoted the idea of extermination camps for the Palestinians.

The weekly magazine distributed in synagogues throughout the country published an advisory opinion undersigned by major rabbis calling the establishment of those camps a “legitimate duty”, the Israeli e-newspaper YNet reported Saturday.

The statement attacked rabbis who had reservations on signing the document, calling the Palestinians the “giants” who religious texts say the Lord commanded the Israelites to slaughter them, their children, their women, their elders, and even their beasts more than two thousand years ago.

According to those rabbis, the Torah requires the Jews to wipe out any trace of those giants in this era, in reference to the Palestinians.

Jewish thinker Audi Aloni said calls to eliminate the Palestinians are openly made in the synagogues as the genocidal idea has become a practical option.

“No one objected to Rabbi Shlomo Eliahu, chief rabbi of Safed, and Rabbi Shlomo Avner, Chief Rabbi of Beit El, who undersigned the advisory opinion, which suggests approval of their opinion,” Aloni said.

Israeli rabbis call for establishment of extermination camps for Palestinians | Occupied Palestine |

Of course these camps are the perfect source for the blood they need to make thier matzo......


I love the use of weasel phrases "apparently reflecting popular Israeli opinion", and "major rabbis"

And of course no sources, no references, and when I look up one of the rabbi's all i get is that he created a prayer for people feeling guilty about surfing web porn.

Israel-Palestine: The Missing Headlines: Israeli rabbis call for extermination camps for Palestinians

Rabbis Call for Extermination Camps - IMEMC News
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Unlike you, Truthseeker, I've been to Israel many times and I have Israeli relatives. This does not represent popular opinion in Israel (despite all the atrocities that the Palestinians have committed). It's like posting an obscure article from the KKK, and then saying, "This represents popular opinion in America".
Unlike you, Truthseeker, I've been to Israel many times and I have Israeli relatives. This does not represent popular opinion in Israel (despite all the atrocities that the Palestinians have committed). It's like posting an obscure article from the KKK, and then saying, "This represents popular opinion in America".

How do you know where i have been? I would compare it to the bigoted Islamophobes in America, they are a small population but have a big voice in the government.

There are a lot of good Israeli as well as a lot of good Palestinians.
Unlike you, Truthseeker, I've been to Israel many times and I have Israeli relatives. This does not represent popular opinion in Israel (despite all the atrocities that the Palestinians have committed). It's like posting an obscure article from the KKK, and then saying, "This represents popular opinion in America".

How do you know where i have been? I would compare it to the bigoted Islamophobes in America, they are a small population but have a big voice in the government.

There are a lot of good Israeli as well as a lot of good Palestinians.

But the article you quote implies that this is a majority opinion. Are you trying to have it both ways, or are you to intellectually stunted to get it?
Unlike you, Truthseeker, I've been to Israel many times and I have Israeli relatives. This does not represent popular opinion in Israel (despite all the atrocities that the Palestinians have committed). It's like posting an obscure article from the KKK, and then saying, "This represents popular opinion in America".

How do you know where i have been? I would compare it to the bigoted Islamophobes in America, they are a small population but have a big voice in the government.

There are a lot of good Israeli as well as a lot of good Palestinians.

But the article you quote implies that this is a majority opinion. Are you trying to have it both ways, or are you to intellectually stunted to get it?

I pick the third option that you are wrong.
How do you know where i have been? I would compare it to the bigoted Islamophobes in America, they are a small population but have a big voice in the government.

There are a lot of good Israeli as well as a lot of good Palestinians.

But the article you quote implies that this is a majority opinion. Are you trying to have it both ways, or are you to intellectually stunted to get it?

I pick the third option that you are wrong.

You should have added a "neener neener" after it, it would have had more effect.

Your debate style is that of 3rd grader with poor research skills.

Oh, and Neener Neener.
Unlike you, Truthseeker, I've been to Israel many times and I have Israeli relatives. This does not represent popular opinion in Israel (despite all the atrocities that the Palestinians have committed). It's like posting an obscure article from the KKK, and then saying, "This represents popular opinion in America".

How do you know where i have been? I would compare it to the bigoted Islamophobes in America, they are a small population but have a big voice in the government.

There are a lot of good Israeli as well as a lot of good Palestinians.

well, it's pretty clear to those of us who actually have been in the middle east that you haven't been to either israel or gaza/west bank because you know nothing of the reality of the area.
It's a good thing we, here in America, don't choose to maintain an ethnic choke hold on validating dominance to a favored people though, eh Jillian? violence begets violence. Ask a black man who grew up in the 40s all about it.
Unlike you, Truthseeker, I've been to Israel many times and I have Israeli relatives. This does not represent popular opinion in Israel (despite all the atrocities that the Palestinians have committed). It's like posting an obscure article from the KKK, and then saying, "This represents popular opinion in America".

How do you know where i have been? I would compare it to the bigoted Islamophobes in America, they are a small population but have a big voice in the government.

There are a lot of good Israeli as well as a lot of good Palestinians.

well, it's pretty clear to those of us who actually have been in the middle east that you haven't been to either israel or gaza/west bank because you know nothing of the reality of the area.

well it was pretty clear to neonuts on here that McCain/Palin would be our next President.
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How do you know where i have been? I would compare it to the bigoted Islamophobes in America, they are a small population but have a big voice in the government.

There are a lot of good Israeli as well as a lot of good Palestinians.

well, it's pretty clear to those of us who actually have been in the middle east that you haven't been to either israel or gaza/west bank because you know nothing of the reality of the area.

well it was pretty clear to neonuts on here that McCain/Palin would be our next President.

i wouldn't know. did you have a point?

or do you just have trouble keeping up?
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well, it's pretty clear to those of us who actually have been in the middle east that you haven't been to either israel or gaza/west bank because you know nothing of the reality of the area.

well it was pretty clear to neonuts on here that McCain/Palin would be our next President.

i wouldn't know. did you have a point?

or do you just have trouble keeping up?

My point was neocon posters( Dem or Rep) know nothing about politics and less about me.
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– A Zionist magazine, apparently reflecting popular Israeli opinion, promoted the idea of extermination camps for the Palestinians.

The weekly magazine distributed in synagogues throughout the country published an advisory opinion undersigned by major rabbis calling the establishment of those camps a “legitimate duty”, the Israeli e-newspaper YNet reported Saturday.

The statement attacked rabbis who had reservations on signing the document, calling the Palestinians the “giants” who religious texts say the Lord commanded the Israelites to slaughter them, their children, their women, their elders, and even their beasts more than two thousand years ago.

According to those rabbis, the Torah requires the Jews to wipe out any trace of those giants in this era, in reference to the Palestinians.

Jewish thinker Audi Aloni said calls to eliminate the Palestinians are openly made in the synagogues as the genocidal idea has become a practical option.

“No one objected to Rabbi Shlomo Eliahu, chief rabbi of Safed, and Rabbi Shlomo Avner, Chief Rabbi of Beit El, who undersigned the advisory opinion, which suggests approval of their opinion,” Aloni said.

Israeli rabbis call for establishment of extermination camps for Palestinians | Occupied Palestine |

Of course these camps are the perfect source for the blood they need to make thier matzo......


I love the use of weasel phrases "apparently reflecting popular Israeli opinion", and "major rabbis"

And of course no sources, no references, and when I look up one of the rabbi's all i get is that he created a prayer for people feeling guilty about surfing web porn.

It doesn't fit their agenda though. :)
Unlike you, Truthseeker, I've been to Israel many times and I have Israeli relatives. This does not represent popular opinion in Israel (despite all the atrocities that the Palestinians have committed). It's like posting an obscure article from the KKK, and then saying, "This represents popular opinion in America".

It's like posting an obscure article from the KKK, and then saying, "This represents popular opinion in America".

Like MEMRI does.
What is the name of this magazine? What is its actual paid circulation? is there a link to the actual article in question?

I am sure there are jews this demented. Either of them could have written something like this. But unless and until I see some real details, I have to assume that, as usual, you are lying through your dentures.
Unlike you, Truthseeker, I've been to Israel many times and I have Israeli relatives. This does not represent popular opinion in Israel (despite all the atrocities that the Palestinians have committed). It's like posting an obscure article from the KKK, and then saying, "This represents popular opinion in America".

I have been to Israel too and never met anyone like this but that was about 35 years ago and even then I was warned to keep away from the Kibbutz where the extreme religious lived.

I knew I had read something similar. It is an article by Uri Avnery

Extremist rabbis propagate call for killing goyim in Israel’s perpetual war | Jews for Justice for Palestinians .

I think it is a mistake to minimise this. Of course it is not accepted in Israel, that is why the Rabbi has been arrested for his book. However as you will see from the above link, this kind of extremist thinking is becoming embodied in National Religious settler thinking.

The Jewish Halakha, like the Islamic Shari’a, regulates every single aspect of life. Whenever Jewish law clashes with Israeli law, which one should prevail? The one enacted by the democratically elected Knesset, which can be changed at any moment if the people want it, or the one handed down by God on Mount Sinai for all time, that cannot ever be changed (at most can be interpreted differently)?

Religious fanatics in Israel insist that religious law stands above the secular law (as in several Arab counties), and that the state courts have no jurisdiction over the clerics in matters that concern religion (as in Iran). When the Supreme Court ruled otherwise, the most respected Orthodox rabbi easily mobilized 100 thousand protesters in Jerusalem. For years now, religious cabinet ministers, law professors and politicians, as well as their political supporters, have been busy chipping away at the integrity, independence and jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.

This is the crux of the matter. The Attorney General considers a book calling for the killing of innocent children an act of criminal incitement. The rabbis and their supporters consider this an impertinent interference in a learned religious debate. There can be no real compromise between these two views.

For Israelis, this is not just an academic question. The entire religious community, with all its diverse factions, now belongs to the rightist, ultra-nationalist camp (except for pitiful little outposts like Reform and Conservative Jewry, who are the majority among American Jews). Transforming Israel into a Halakha state means castrating the democratic system and turning Israel into a second Iran governed by Jewish ayatollahs.

It will also make peace impossible for all time, since according to the rabbis all of the Holy Land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River belongs solely to the Jews, and giving the Goyim even an inch of it is a mortal sin, punishable by death. For this sin, Yitzhak Rabin was executed by the student of a religious university, a former settler.

Not the whole religious camp subscribes to the unrelenting extremism of Rabbi Lior and his ilk. There are many other trends. But all of these keep quiet. It is Lior, the rabbi who Possesses the Light, and his like-minded colleagues, who chart the course.

The OP article was I understand originally in the Israeli Jewish Orthodox publication "Fountains of Salvation".

It is an issue which has also been seen in such activities as banning the letting of apartments or giving jobs to non Jews, pogroms in Palestinian villages and came in for serious concern in Cast Lead because of the number of national religious getting high positions in the army.

There are also concerns for Israelis about conflict between the authority of the courts and religious authority.

Read the whole of Avnery's article it gives you a better description of what it is about.

Extremist rabbis propagate call for killing goyim in Israel’s perpetual war | Jews for Justice for Palestinians
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On the other hand...

[ame=]YouTube - ‪85 sleepless Gaza Jerusalem.divx‬‏[/ame]
Created by inbreds following the script.
Did Imaneedinajob get that fucking bomb ready yet :confused:

Thank you. Yes, I was aware when I posted that for me it can be confusing who the orthodox are. I was also aware that early Zionism was opposed by most religious Jews.

Here is another article by Uri Avnery on the subject. He, being an early settler and member of the Stern gang does not seem to be very sympathetic to religious Jews of any kind - he says near the beginning 'Zionism was, among other things, a rebellion against the Jewish religion' and goes on to criticise the States relationship to Judaism.

IN THE early days of the state, the Orthodox Ashkenazis, though extreme in their religious beliefs, were moderate in national affairs. Not only did they not celebrate the Independence Day of the Zionist state or salute the flag of the Zionist heretics, but they also obstructed the nationalist adventures of David Ben-Gurion, Moshe Dayan and Shimon Peres. Later they opposed the annexation of the occupied territories – not because of any excessive love for peace or the Palestinians, but because of the Halakhic ruling that forbids the provocation of the Goyim, because it could cause harm to the Jews.

When the Orthodox set up settlements, they did not do so with any ideological fervor, but solely because of the need to find housing for their ever-growing numbers of offspring. The government gave them cheap land only beyond the Green Line. Nowadays, the largest settlements are Orthodox – Beitar Illit, Immanuel and Modi’in Illit – the last of which is located on land stolen from the Arab village of Bil’in.

WHEREAS THE large religious camp opposed the new Zionist movement, a religious splinter group supported it. In the religious camp they were a small minority. Between the two sides, ardent hatred was the rule.

Thanks to the massive support of the Zionist leadership, the “national-religious” camp grew in Israel at a dizzying pace. Ben Gurion set up a special branch of the educational system for them, which grew more extremist by the year, as did the national-religious youth movement, Bnei Akiva. Members of one generation of the national-religious community became the teachers of the next, which guaranteed an inbuilt process of radicalization. With the beginning of the occupation, they created Gush Emunim (“the Bloc of the Faithful’), the ideological core of the settlement movement. Nowadays this camp is directed by Rabbis whose teachings emit a strong odor of Fascism.

This would not be so terrible if the two opposing religious factions neutralized each other, as was indeed the case 50 years ago. But since then, the opposite has happened. The national-religious have become more and more extreme on the religious level, and the Orthodox more and more extreme on the nationalist level. The two factions are very close to each other today and together constitute an Orthodox-national-religious bloc.

The youngsters of the national-religious faction despise the lukewarm religiosity of their fathers and admire the robust religiosity of the Orthodox. The youngsters of the Orthodox faction are seduced by the nationalist melody, unlike their fathers, for whom Israel was just like any goyim-state to be milked.

The union of the two factions is based on the essence of the Jewish religion, as fostered in Israel. It does not resemble the Judaism which existed in the Diaspora – neither the Orthodox nor the Reform model. It must be said: the Jewish religion in Israel is a mutation of Judaism, a tribal, racist, extreme nationalist and anti-democratic creed.


The typical alumni of these systems know that the Jews are the chosen (and vastly superior) people, that all Goyim are vicious anti-Semites, that God promised us this country and that no one else has a right to one square inch of its land. The natural conclusion is that the “foreigners” (meaning the Arabs, who have been living here for 13 centuries at least) must be expelled - unless this would endanger the Jews.

The Original Sin - Gush Shalom - Israeli Peace Bloc

To him this is an issue Israel must deal with if they want democracy and he also makes it clear that what is going on is not to be mistaken with Judaism, it is rather cult activity.
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