The invention of Arab Palestine founded by invented Palestinians

RE: The Issue of the Land.
SUBTOPIC: What does it mean?
※→ surada, et al,

Being a "majority" means nothing in an Islamic Regime. And remember, the central theme of organizations like the Islamic Revolutionary Movement (HAMAS) is to assemble "the whole community of Muslims bound together by ties of religion." HAMAS (and the associated Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters) are of a mind holding in its core principle - that "Palestine is at the heart of the Arab and Islamic Ummah and enjoys a special status."


Name a single country in Middle East and North Africa (MENA), that ranks higher in Human Development than Israel.

Name a single country in MENA that has contributed more Nobel Laureates to the world than has Israel.

View attachment 853712
Most Respectfully,

Then Israel should know right from wrong.

At the time of the Basel congress, Arabs represented 95 percent of the population of Palestine and they owned 99 percent of the land.2 Thus it was obvious from the beginning of Zionism that dispossession of the Palestinian majority, either politically or physically, would be an inevitable requirement for achieving a Jewish state. It was not only land that was needed to reach Zionism's goal, but land without another people in the majority.

Since Palestinian Arabs were by far the majority throughout the period up to Israel's establishment as a Jewish state in 1948, the Zionist state could emerge only by denying the majority its rights or by becoming the majority either through immigration or in reducing the number of Palestinians by ethnic cleansing. There was no other way to create a Jewish, rather than democratic, state.3

That the Jewish state was secured in 1948 by the expulsion of the Palestinians should have come as no surprise. Expulsion as Zionism's logical imperative was clearly seen by Herzl as early as June 12, 1895. At the time he was still formulating his ideas about Zionism and confided to his diary: "We shall try to spirit the penniless population [Palestinians] across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our own country. Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly."4 Even if this was perhaps the fanciful imagining of a rather romantic personality, as some sympathizers of Herzl contend, its essential imperative was inescapable. This was recognized by most early Zionists, as evidenced by the fact that the theme of expulsion consistently ran through Zionist thought from the very beginning.5

For instance, as early as 1905, Israel Zangwill, an organizer of Zionism in Britain and one of Zionism's top propagandists, who had coined the slogan "a land without a people for a people without a land," acknowledged in a speech in Manchester that Palestine was not a land without people. In fact, it was filled with Arabs: "[We] must be prepared either to drive out by the sword the [Arab] tribes in possession as our forefathers did or to grapple with the problem of a large alien population, mostly Mohammedan and accustomed for centuries to despise us."6 This comment came at a time when there were around 645,000 Muslims and Christians in Palestine and only 55,000 Jews, mainly non-Zionists or anti-Zionists in the Orthodox neighborhoods of Jerusalem and other cities.7

David Ben-Gurion, the man who along with Herzl and Chaim Weizmann was one of the progenitors of Israel, explicitly acknowledged the linkage between Zionism and expulsion: "Zionism is a transfer of the Jews. Regarding the transfer of the Arabs this is much easier than any other transfer."8 Or, as Israeli scholar Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi put it: "While the basic problem confronting Diaspora Jews was to survive as a minority, the basic problem of Zionism in Palestine was to dispossess the natives and become a majority."9

Much attention has been paid to how the early Zionists secured land in Palestine, but relatively little study has focused on the equally essential effort by Zionists to delegitimize and replace the Palestinian majority.10 Without Jewish control, the Zionists concluded they would be no better off than in Europe, where Zionism arose specifically as a way to escape antisemitism, pogroms, the ghetto and minority status.

As former defense minister Ariel Sharon, a leading spokesman of Zionism's right wing, has commented: "Our forefathers did not come here in order to build a democracy but to build a Jewish state."11 A similar view was recently expressed by Labor leader and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin: "I don't believe that for 2,000 years Jews dreamed and prayed about the return to Zion to create a binational state."12 Though the terms are softer, the meaning is the same.

Thus from the very beginning of Zionism's dream of creating a Jewish state, there were two complementary and equally imperative objectives: gain land and replace the majority population, either by denying them their rights, out-populating them or displacing them by one method or another. Despite soothing promises by Herzl and other Zionists that Jews and Palestinians would live happily side by side, there was, indeed, no other way to create Zionism's envisioned Jewish state in Palestine.

The early Zionists pursued several strategies to achieve their goal. One was Jewish immigration. In their early enthusiasm, many Zionists and their supporters genuinely believed that large-scale Jewish immigration would soon solve the "Palestinian problem" by giving Jews a majority. Another rested on the belief that enough Palestinian farmers and labors, denied work, would accomplish the same thing by migrating out of Palestine. A third strategy, less well-known because it was conducted largely in the corridors of power in Constantinople, Berlin, London and Washington, was to gain the sponsorship of a world power, thereby affording legitimacy to Jewish claims as a counterbalance to the rights of the Palestinian majority.

The Zionists pursued all of these strategies simultaneously with lesser and greater success. But in the end it was only forced expulsion that secured their state.
RE: The Issue of the Land.
SUBTOPIC: What does it mean?
※→ surada, et al,

Being a "majority" means nothing in an Islamic Regime. And remember, the central theme of organizations like the Islamic Revolutionary Movement (HAMAS) is to assemble "the whole community of Muslims bound together by ties of religion." HAMAS (and the associated Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters) are of a mind holding in its core principle - that "Palestine is at the heart of the Arab and Islamic Ummah and enjoys a special status."


Name a single country in Middle East and North Africa (MENA), that ranks higher in Human Development than Israel.

Name a single country in MENA that has contributed more Nobel Laureates to the world than has Israel.

View attachment 853712
Most Respectfully,

Do you think that gives Israel the right to take their land?
“SOMETIMES brainwashing can become so uncontested and thoroughly convincing, what’s left after the spin cycle is nothing but falsehood.
Take the case of the “nation-laundering “of the Palestinian people. Here’s what decades of impeccable PR, global gullibility, and re-imagined anti-Semitism has enabled many to bizarrely believe:
There once was an Arab nation called Palestine, with the people in it known as Palestinians. After the Holocaust (which was either a hoax or exaggeration), the Western powers, duped by scheming Jews, were guilted into creating a Jewish state, fashioned solely from stolen Arab land.

Israel’s colonial imperialism required a massive population transfer of invaders and settlers. Jews from Europe, America, Canada, and South Africa—all white-skinned with absolutely no connection to the Holy Land—“occupied Palestine.” They formed an army, fortified by advanced weaponry supplied by the West, and then forcibly drove Palestinians from their homes, confiscated their property, and scattered them either to other Arab states or wretched refugee camps.

An otherwise peaceful people, the Palestinians who remained in the West Bank and Gaza have been relentlessly tormented by Israeli aggression, mistreatment, and, of course, illegal occupation, ever since.

Not a single sentence of that storyline is remotely true.

There never has been an Arab nation-state called Palestine. At the time of Israel’s founding, in 1948, the word Palestinian did not describe a distinct Arab people. In fact, the word itself was created by the ancient Romans and they were referring to Jews, not Arabs.

Jews have been living continuously in what is today Israel since the time of the Jewish patriarchs of the Old Testament and the creation of the first Jewish state – the Kingdom of Judea - which preceded the Ancient Greeks by several hundred years. After the fall of Judea, until Israel was created, the land was occupied by a host of other nations for well over 2,000 years. Ironically, the occupation of “Palestine” ended with the creation of Israel.”


They were Palestinian Arabs just like there are Kuwaiti Arabs or Iraqi Arabs.

Before the Greeks there were Egyptians, Natufians, Akkadians and Cannanites etc.

The Greeks called it Syria Palestine in 500 BC. Read Herodotus.
They were Palestinian Arabs just like there are Kuwaiti Arabs or Iraqi Arabs.

Before the Greeks there were Egyptians, Natufians, Akkadians and Cannanites etc.

The Greeks called it Syria Palestine in 500 BC. Read Herodotus.

Arabs still can't pronounce "P - alestine"...

“SOMETIMES brainwashing can become so uncontested and thoroughly convincing, what’s left after the spin cycle is nothing but falsehood.
Take the case of the “nation-laundering “of the Palestinian people. Here’s what decades of impeccable PR, global gullibility, and re-imagined anti-Semitism has enabled many to bizarrely believe:
There once was an Arab nation called Palestine, with the people in it known as Palestinians. After the Holocaust (which was either a hoax or exaggeration), the Western powers, duped by scheming Jews, were guilted into creating a Jewish state, fashioned solely from stolen Arab land.

Israel’s colonial imperialism required a massive population transfer of invaders and settlers. Jews from Europe, America, Canada, and South Africa—all white-skinned with absolutely no connection to the Holy Land—“occupied Palestine.” They formed an army, fortified by advanced weaponry supplied by the West, and then forcibly drove Palestinians from their homes, confiscated their property, and scattered them either to other Arab states or wretched refugee camps.

An otherwise peaceful people, the Palestinians who remained in the West Bank and Gaza have been relentlessly tormented by Israeli aggression, mistreatment, and, of course, illegal occupation, ever since.

Not a single sentence of that storyline is remotely true.

There never has been an Arab nation-state called Palestine. At the time of Israel’s founding, in 1948, the word Palestinian did not describe a distinct Arab people. In fact, the word itself was created by the ancient Romans and they were referring to Jews, not Arabs.

Jews have been living continuously in what is today Israel since the time of the Jewish patriarchs of the Old Testament and the creation of the first Jewish state – the Kingdom of Judea - which preceded the Ancient Greeks by several hundred years. After the fall of Judea, until Israel was created, the land was occupied by a host of other nations for well over 2,000 years. Ironically, the occupation of “Palestine” ended with the creation of Israel.”

"As I lived in Palestine, everyone I knew could trace their heritage back to the original country their great grandparents came from. Everyone knew their origin was not from the Canaanites, but ironically, this is the kind of stuff our education in the Middle East included. The fact is that today's Palestinians are immigrants from the surrounding nations! I grew up well knowing the history and origins of today's Palestinians as being from Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Christians from Greece, muslim Sherkas from Russia, muslims from Bosnia, and the Jordanians next door. My grandfather, who was a dignitary in Bethlehem, almost lost his life by Abdul Qader Al-Husseni (the leader of the Palestinian revolution) after being accused of selling land to Jews. He used to tell us that his village Beit Sahur (The Shepherds Fields) in Bethlehem County was empty before his father settled in the area with six other families. The town has now grown to 30,000 inhabitants".​

- Walid Shoebat, an "ex-Palestinian" Arab -
Walid Shoebat is a professional hatemonger and liar. The Palestinians are descendants of Jewish farmers who stayed behind and tended the Roman terraces and aquaducts.
Walid Shoebat is a professional hatemonger and liar. The Palestinians are descendants of Jewish farmers who stayed behind and tended the Roman terraces and aquaducts.
For some reason every Arab that has firsthand experience, far more than you, that says something you call them a liar or hatemonger. :cuckoo:

"There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are all part of one nation. It is only for political reasons that we carefully underline our Palestinian identity... yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel".​

- Zuhair Muhsin, military commander of the PLO and member of the PLO Executive Council -​
Was your prophet Mohammad a liar too? :rofl:

"And thereafter We [Allah] said to the Children of Israel: 'Dwell securely in the Promised Land. And when the last warning will come to pass, we will gather you together in a mingled crowd'.".​
- Qur'an 17:104 -​
RE: The Issue of the Land.
SUBTOPIC: What does it mean?
※→ surada, et al,


Let us use more precise language.

Do you think that gives Israel the right to take their land?

Taking "territorial control" is NOT the same thing as "right to take land."

◈ The assumption of "territorial control" has the implication of an outcome by political means, successful conflict, economic peril, or through abandonment (including Terra Nullius).​

◈ The implication made by the phrase "right to take land" is more in the realm of "real estate" transactions and "ownership."​

The Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) have a tendency to oversimplify the their political and policy positions. But this effort does NOT improve the quality or condition of being easy to understand. To the contrary, it becomes ambiguous, misleading and/or deceptive.

In the case of the Israeli Conflict with the HoAP, the HoAP try to suggest that they have acquired the "right to control" the territory from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. The HoAP have convinced themselves that they have some "right to the territory" by virtue of being former Ottoman Empire/Turkish Republic subjects and resident in the territory formerly known as Palestine. And while in some part this is true, → they did not inherent sovereignty (the ultimate territorial control).

The HoAP, anti-Israeli Campaigners, and pro-Palestinian Movement must, at some point, recognize the fact that they had not had true territorial control for more than a thousand years.


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Wouldn't it be "invented" by the British?
Correct, Palestine is a British colonial name given by the British to that region after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Very ironic.
For some reason every Arab that has firsthand experience, far more than you, that says something you call them a liar or hatemonger. :cuckoo:

"There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are all part of one nation. It is only for political reasons that we carefully underline our Palestinian identity... yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel".​

- Zuhair Muhsin, military commander of the PLO and member of the PLO Executive Council -​

It’s all built on a lie. Perpetrated to this day.

So the fact that Palestinian identity is a fiction invented solely to destroy the Jewish claim to Israel is ignored. The evidence that international law upholds Israeli actions is dismissed. The way the UN and international law have been hijacked to destroy Israel is denied.​

In Mandatory Palestine, Britain betrayed its legal obligations to the Jews. The FCO has a history of Arabism and antisemitism. Progressive transnationalism seems to have allowed it to progress from all that straight into lawfare against Israel without even passing “Go.”​

It’s all built on a lie. Perpetrated to this day.

So the fact that Palestinian identity is a fiction invented solely to destroy the Jewish claim to Israel is ignored. The evidence that international law upholds Israeli actions is dismissed. The way the UN and international law have been hijacked to destroy Israel is denied.​

In Mandatory Palestine, Britain betrayed its legal obligations to the Jews. The FCO has a history of Arabism and antisemitism. Progressive transnationalism seems to have allowed it to progress from all that straight into lawfare against Israel without even passing “Go.”​

Great, informative.
Correct, Palestine is a British colonial name given by the British to that region after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Very ironic.

Herodotus the Greek historian called it Syria-Palestine in 500 BC. Even Chaucer and Shakespeare refer to Palestine.

The Jews are just Canaanites like the Palestinians and Phoenicians. They have all lived there 4 thousand years.

It's heartbreaking that the Zionists can't live with others. I have always liked Palestinians and Lebanese people, Christian or Muslim.

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