Israeli soldiers and rabbis tell supporters to kill Palestinian children

Yes. Being "bitchy" is an emotion - it comes and goes. But Hasbara trolling is intentional and unwavering. They have no soul, no sense of right and wrong.
do you have an example of a paid hasbara troll? I am seeking to augment
my S.S.
43 min mark …. One Palestinian is told by an Israeli soldier that he wants to “kill Palestinian children” and sexually assault his mom

But we have been told by the propagandists that Israel doesn’t do this stuff. Most Palestinians and Israelis don’t do this kind of evil. But there are those who do. And the evidence is literally in the video above. These Israeli soldiers and rabbis are literally the same thing as Hamas militants who think it’s permissible in Islam to kill kids. It’s not ….here is the absolute undeniable proof. It’s in the very video they quoted the Quran and the hadith’s proving that it is not allowed in Islam to do that.

Also Most Jews say that Judaism does not allow attacking women and children.

And so this is what we have this pro Israel propaganda from the devil himself right here in America. From some bad people in the media saying that’s a Palestinian side is evil. When there is clearly and undeniably evil on both sides of Israel and Palestine. And there is also love and glory and in the end the love will prevail and we will have unity between Israel and Palestine.

For those supporters of the second amendment in America. Recall how we can arm ourselves here in America. But these Palestinian men who are peaceful, and who love Jews are not allowed to arm themselves. This is disgraceful. America needs to change his policy toward Israel and Palestine. If we give weapons to anybody, It should only be to honorable Palestinian Muslims and Israeli Jews.

It is sickening that there are elements of the Israeli army that are monstrous beasts. They are like the devil himself. You can simply look at the 43 minute mark of the video above to see the undeniable proof or not. The choice is yours, my friends.

Jesus, our Lord and Savior shine your light upon these beautiful Palestinian people who have to face off against the satanic soldiers in Israel, who think it’s OK to kill Palestinian children.

View attachment 843935

Imagine for a moment, that evil Israeli soldier, chasing down women and children in Palestine. And the Palestinian men don’t have the guns to defend themselves with. That’s not right that’s not right at all. And so American policy should keep this in mind.

may our Lord bring together the peaceful, loving people of Israel and Palestine against the bad people on both sides

Thanks for having the courage to stand up against the official narrative. Be ready for the Liberals and RINOs to cast stones in your direction. I, for one, admire free thinkers and truth seekers. Keep up the good work!!
do you have an example of a paid hasbara troll? I am seeking to augment
my S.S.
Now ain't that a Freudian slip of an admission. I never mentioned, "paid hasbara troll". You did. That's as close to a confession as I've seen yet ..... introducing "paid" so as to distance yourself. You thoroughly screwed yourself. :auiqs.jpg:
Thanks for having the courage to stand up against the official narrative. Be ready for the Liberals and RINOs to cast stones in your direction. I, for one, admire free thinkers and truth seekers. Keep up the good work!!
I appreciate that brother I know Jesus would Stand by the poor beleaguered people in Palestine. There’s so many people in America who notice even American Jews know that the pro Israeli line is propaganda.

The ten-day war back in the 60s played a huge role in events of today ….and that war involved in Israel launching an unprovoked invasion of its Neighbor Egypt. Totally unprovoked.

And a powerful Israeli lobby in America is unbelievable. They have Jewish businessman in America who send all this money back to Israel. We’re not allowed to do that with other countries, but they’re allowed to do it with an Israel. And then of course, the brainwashed or evil people in America Say , “your an anti-Semite.” You have politicians and business people in America, who make money with Israel and then in return good favors to the country Israel. It’s unbelievable man.

We used to have a law in America, where foreigners cannot operate media companies, but we got rid of that law and that’s what led to a lot of pro Israel people buying off the media companies in America and then giving us pro Israel propaganda like on Fox News . And again in response to this, the brainwashed or evil people will say “ oh you’re an anti Semite”

If any of these people who claim to support the second amendment in America, they claim to standby Christian values. If Any of them had to live in a situation, where a Jewish soldier was allowed to carry around a machine, gun and rifle butt their wife in the face and they were to just sit there and take it like a little you know what….well that’s what Mary Palestinian man have to deal with im the occupied territories where Palestinian police officers are not allowed to arrest Israeli settlers who engage in Violence and provocative actions against Palestinians.

Of course, there’s good people in Israel. But so many Americans are unaware of the basic facts of this situation, and what they do in response is laugh at it, they think it’s fake news they don’t give a darn about humanity, and they call people anti-Semitic because that’s what they hear on TV.

one of the good things about modern technology is we can see with photo evidence, we can see the barbaric acts that some people in Israel have committed toward Our Palestinian Brothers. Our Christian and Muslim brothers in Palestine.

And many of our Jewish brothers around the world are standing up for the Palestinians as well.
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Now ain't that a Freudian slip of an admission. I never mentioned, "paid hasbara troll". You did. That's as close to a confession as I've seen yet ..... introducing "paid" so as to distance yourself. You thoroughly screwed yourself. :auiqs.jpg:
wrong----you did mention financial reward as an instigator of your imaginary
program. And you mentioned identifying hashtags. You caved.
uhm I AM FASCINATED can anyone name a "jew only road"? how do they
Jews Only.jpg
It’s how land mass is obtained since the beginning of time….
It's how muslims obtained land. Jews have been buying it since Abraham bought
Hebron -----moving along David bought Jerusalem-----moving along--I bought a
little house which has a reasonable the USA

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