Israeli soldiers Rape Bedouin Girl 15

The juden IDF are the most barbaric savages on the planet. ...... :cool:
Naaaaaaaaah......they're pretty good at smacking Mooooslim animals though. The entire civilized world should learn from Israel.

Sunni Welfare Troll has a tendency to accuse Jews of literally EXACTLY what Muslims are guilty of.

It's called "turnspeak", a technique Muslims learned well from the Nazis.
There was a particularly festive atmosphere at the Nirim outpost on August 12, 1949, the eve of Shabbat. ...
Shortly before the end of the party, at about 9:30, the platoon commander asked for quiet. He got up and, with a smile on his face, reminded the soldiers about the Bedouin girl they had caught earlier that day during a patrol in their sector. They had brought her to the outpost and she was now locked up in one of the huts. Platoon commander Moshe said he was putting forward two options for a vote. The first was that the Bedouin girl would become the outpost's kitchen worker; the second was for the soldiers to have their way with her. The proposals got an enthusiastic reception. A melee ensued. The soldiers raised their hands and the second option was accepted by majority vote. "We want to fuck," the soldiers chanted. The commander decided on the order: Squad A on day one, Squad B on day two and Squad C on day three. The driver, Corporal Shaul, asked jokingly, "And what about the drivers? Are they orphans?" The platoon commander replied that they were part of the staff squad, together with the sergeant, the squad commanders, the cooks, the medic and he himself, of course. He added a threat - if any of the soldiers touch the girl "the tommy [tommy gun] will talk." The soldiers took this as a warning not to violate the order the commander had decreed.
I saw fit to remove her from the world part 1 journal article

I saw fit to remove her from the world Jewish Voice for Peace

No Justice

1949 incident from a bias source. The haaretz article could not be accessed.

You're stretching to find ways to smear Israel
Another one, where 35 IDF solders all raped one 14 year old girl.
IDF probes huge sex scandal - informationliberation

Cleared for publication at Ynet's request: 35 soldiers at Air Force base suspected of raping, sexually assaulting 14-year-old girl; IDF officials: We're talking about grave events taking place inside a military base

What a lovely bunch they are, excusing themselves by claiming they thought she was older. Yep, a common excuse amongst kiddie fiddlers.
This must be the reason ISIS soldiers...rape women too....with impunity......They learn't from the Israeli Military.......these rapist are gutless criminals,says a lot about Israeli morality when the government and Nit and Yarhoo,sanction such behaviour..."LOVELY BUNCH OF BASTARDS" you mean Indo.........A lot of Israeli men have sexual behavioural problems.......I think it stems from a maternal up bringing........and total sexual inadequacy,moreover their being circumcised(such a barbaric act) at an early age..steve
Steve, I can't believe you post such crap. Lighten up.
The trouble is Hoss......regarding many Jewish is a need to wake up..steve
You really sound ridiculous, Steve. Can you tell us why the Muslims are the biggest buyers of Internet porn. Are they sexually inadequate so they resort to porn or are they sexually frustrated? Why did the Pakistani Army rape all those women in Bangladesh (over a couple of hundred thousand is no small number)? In fact, why are the men in ISIS (remember that some come from your own country) so sexually childish that they have to have slave markets to get women Are they sexually childish because of their maternal upbringing? Maybe you are projecting your own inadequacies here and want to blame others for your own shortcomings.

Rape during the Bangladesh Liberation War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
O Hoss I love you man..........LOL,LOL,As I said ISIS and others Indians,Muslims Americans,Aussies etc.,all Rape to some degree....It is disgusting and degrading to Women...............I am not ridiculous I am a person of high moral ethic......I hate Rapists in all their form.....some men are fcucking pathetic and inadequate and think they can rape,degrade and control women in this heidious way.....I have ZERO tolerance for pedo's and rapists..FULL STOP.

Don't lecture me on this subject in anyway because normal,strong males do not accept your premise.So stop talking Crap YOURSELF.

As for Jewish Guys,well I know loads and some are very inhibited the ways I have described......So don't think you can get a cheap laugh out of a matter that is a problem to them.

As for this latest Crop of Denyers sic.......What infuriates me is they are not capable of any honesty for the crime they have committed...but lie (Thought she was older..What Bull Shit) They are in a word COWARDS.

We were talking about the Israeli Military incedent......but you drag in Pakis and others...try to concentrate at the matter in hand,and Stop being an apologist for Rapist.....Grow Up and start acting like the Man You are.

And keep to the script of this thread...........steve
Another one, where 35 IDF solders all raped one 14 year old girl.
IDF probes huge sex scandal - informationliberation

Cleared for publication at Ynet's request: 35 soldiers at Air Force base suspected of raping, sexually assaulting 14-year-old girl; IDF officials: We're talking about grave events taking place inside a military base

What a lovely bunch they are, excusing themselves by claiming they thought she was older. Yep, a common excuse amongst kiddie fiddlers.
This must be the reason ISIS soldiers...rape women too....with impunity......They learn't from the Israeli Military.......these rapist are gutless criminals,says a lot about Israeli morality when the government and Nit and Yarhoo,sanction such behaviour..."LOVELY BUNCH OF BASTARDS" you mean Indo.........A lot of Israeli men have sexual behavioural problems.......I think it stems from a maternal up bringing........and total sexual inadequacy,moreover their being circumcised(such a barbaric act) at an early age..steve...Only inadequate men RAPE
ISIS mentality needs No comment from me because they are Filth...>>>>>PERIOD.

Put a muzzle on it, you're even worse than IndoFART. Muslims have been raping, killing and looting since Mohammad came unto the scene 1400 years ago. ISIS are just devout Muslims following true Islam.

Muslims don't need anyone to show them how to be barbaric savages, I think they are doing a great job showing the world exactly what the fruits of Islam truly are.
Yeah and Jews.... as we have just the same,so do all societies,Roudy .....Some men are creeps and pathetic with rape and violence towards women,so muzzle yourself.......and stop dribbling shit......ALL RAPES ARE A CRIME,no matter who does it
Another one, where 35 IDF solders all raped one 14 year old girl.
IDF probes huge sex scandal - informationliberation

Cleared for publication at Ynet's request: 35 soldiers at Air Force base suspected of raping, sexually assaulting 14-year-old girl; IDF officials: We're talking about grave events taking place inside a military base

What a lovely bunch they are, excusing themselves by claiming they thought she was older. Yep, a common excuse amongst kiddie fiddlers.
This must be the reason ISIS soldiers...rape women too....with impunity......They learn't from the Israeli Military.......these rapist are gutless criminals,says a lot about Israeli morality when the government and Nit and Yarhoo,sanction such behaviour..."LOVELY BUNCH OF BASTARDS" you mean Indo.........A lot of Israeli men have sexual behavioural problems.......I think it stems from a maternal up bringing........and total sexual inadequacy,moreover their being circumcised(such a barbaric act) at an early age..steve
Steve, I can't believe you post such crap. Lighten up.
The trouble is Hoss......regarding many Jewish is a need to wake up..steve
Link ?
Toastie,I don't need a link,because I speak openly to Jewish friends and I have many.....I am just speaking to you in an open and honest they did to me.

My preface to the comment was somewhat idiotic(ISIS learned from Israelis) but Fcuk I'm not perfect.steve
Another one, where 35 IDF solders all raped one 14 year old girl.
IDF probes huge sex scandal - informationliberation

Cleared for publication at Ynet's request: 35 soldiers at Air Force base suspected of raping, sexually assaulting 14-year-old girl; IDF officials: We're talking about grave events taking place inside a military base

What a lovely bunch they are, excusing themselves by claiming they thought she was older. Yep, a common excuse amongst kiddie fiddlers.
This must be the reason ISIS soldiers...rape women too....with impunity......They learn't from the Israeli Military.......these rapist are gutless criminals,says a lot about Israeli morality when the government and Nit and Yarhoo,sanction such behaviour..."LOVELY BUNCH OF BASTARDS" you mean Indo.........A lot of Israeli men have sexual behavioural problems.......I think it stems from a maternal up bringing........and total sexual inadequacy,moreover their being circumcised(such a barbaric act) at an early age..steve
Steve, I can't believe you post such crap. Lighten up.
The trouble is Hoss......regarding many Jewish is a need to wake up..steve

Do you perhaps have any numbers or stats on that, or would it be those Jew hating voices in your empty head. Maybe you can tell us why it is that Jews statistically commit the least crimes and therefore so little of them are convicted criminals, or in prison?

And while you're at it, tell us why there are tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Catholic priests worldwide who love to sodomize young boys? Now there's a stat you should look into, bigmouth.
I know that Israelis/Jewish males have a high use of Prostitutes etc., and so does the Government and are doing a lot to rid Israel of the PIMPS and change male culture generally in this go find those stats...."bigmouth" fcuk you do make me LOL steve
Another one, where 35 IDF solders all raped one 14 year old girl.
IDF probes huge sex scandal - informationliberation

Cleared for publication at Ynet's request: 35 soldiers at Air Force base suspected of raping, sexually assaulting 14-year-old girl; IDF officials: We're talking about grave events taking place inside a military base

What a lovely bunch they are, excusing themselves by claiming they thought she was older. Yep, a common excuse amongst kiddie fiddlers.
This must be the reason ISIS soldiers...rape women too....with impunity......They learn't from the Israeli Military.......these rapist are gutless criminals,says a lot about Israeli morality when the government and Nit and Yarhoo,sanction such behaviour..."LOVELY BUNCH OF BASTARDS" you mean Indo.........A lot of Israeli men have sexual behavioural problems.......I think it stems from a maternal up bringing........and total sexual inadequacy,moreover their being circumcised(such a barbaric act) at an early age..steve
Steve, I can't believe you post such crap. Lighten up.
The trouble is Hoss......regarding many Jewish is a need to wake up..steve
You really sound ridiculous, Steve. Can you tell us why the Muslims are the biggest buyers of Internet porn. Are they sexually inadequate so they resort to porn or are they sexually frustrated? Why did the Pakistani Army rape all those women in Bangladesh (over a couple of hundred thousand is no small number)? In fact, why are the men in ISIS (remember that some come from your own country) so sexually childish that they have to have slave markets to get women Are they sexually childish because of their maternal upbringing? Maybe you are projecting your own inadequacies here and want to blame others for your own shortcomings.

Rape during the Bangladesh Liberation War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Inadequate Hoss.....Now you are being very silly indeed.....steve
I'm not sure if this is just a myth or a true story, but in fact many Palestinians have blue eyes and blond hair, probably since the British Mandate.
IndoFART and the fake Muslim outrage. Muslim armies are on the march, massacring, kidnapping and raping women in places like Iraq, Syria, Nigeria and Sudan. Did they find those 200 school girls the Boko Haram Muslim animals kidnapped and sold into slavery (after raping them of course)? Last I heard they attacked another village and pulled the same shit.

Nice rant, but no condemnation of your rapist mates.
I condemn without reservation, any Muslim that rapes, you excuse your rapists.
IndoFART and the fake Muslim outrage. Muslim armies are on the march, massacring, kidnapping and raping women in places like Iraq, Syria, Nigeria and Sudan. Did they find those 200 school girls the Boko Haram Muslim animals kidnapped and sold into slavery (after raping them of course)? Last I heard they attacked another village and pulled the same shit.

Nice rant, but no condemnation of your rapist mates.
I condemn without reservation, any Muslim that rapes, you excuse your rapists.
Innocent until proved otherwise, get your stuff and go home Freddy.
Another one, where 35 IDF solders all raped one 14 year old girl.
IDF probes huge sex scandal - informationliberation

Cleared for publication at Ynet's request: 35 soldiers at Air Force base suspected of raping, sexually assaulting 14-year-old girl; IDF officials: We're talking about grave events taking place inside a military base

What a lovely bunch they are, excusing themselves by claiming they thought she was older. Yep, a common excuse amongst kiddie fiddlers.
This must be the reason ISIS soldiers...rape women too....with impunity......They learn't from the Israeli Military.......these rapist are gutless criminals,says a lot about Israeli morality when the government and Nit and Yarhoo,sanction such behaviour..."LOVELY BUNCH OF BASTARDS" you mean Indo.........A lot of Israeli men have sexual behavioural problems.......I think it stems from a maternal up bringing........and total sexual inadequacy,moreover their being circumcised(such a barbaric act) at an early age..steve...Only inadequate men RAPE
ISIS mentality needs No comment from me because they are Filth...>>>>>PERIOD.

Put a muzzle on it, you're even worse than IndoFART. Muslims have been raping, killing and looting since Mohammad came unto the scene 1400 years ago. ISIS are just devout Muslims following true Islam.

Muslims don't need anyone to show them how to be barbaric savages, I think they are doing a great job showing the world exactly what the fruits of Islam truly are.
Yeah and Jews.... as we have just the same,so do all societies,Roudy .....Some men are creeps and pathetic with rape and violence towards women,so muzzle yourself.......and stop dribbling shit......ALL RAPES ARE A CRIME,no matter who does it

Geez, Jews commit crime? What a revelation. I thought they were perfect.

What else can you enlighten us with? Moron.
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Another one, where 35 IDF solders all raped one 14 year old girl.
IDF probes huge sex scandal - informationliberation

What a lovely bunch they are, excusing themselves by claiming they thought she was older. Yep, a common excuse amongst kiddie fiddlers.
This must be the reason ISIS soldiers...rape women too....with impunity......They learn't from the Israeli Military.......these rapist are gutless criminals,says a lot about Israeli morality when the government and Nit and Yarhoo,sanction such behaviour..."LOVELY BUNCH OF BASTARDS" you mean Indo.........A lot of Israeli men have sexual behavioural problems.......I think it stems from a maternal up bringing........and total sexual inadequacy,moreover their being circumcised(such a barbaric act) at an early age..steve
Steve, I can't believe you post such crap. Lighten up.
The trouble is Hoss......regarding many Jewish is a need to wake up..steve

Do you perhaps have any numbers or stats on that, or would it be those Jew hating voices in your empty head. Maybe you can tell us why it is that Jews statistically commit the least crimes and therefore so little of them are convicted criminals, or in prison?

And while you're at it, tell us why there are tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Catholic priests worldwide who love to sodomize young boys? Now there's a stat you should look into, bigmouth.
I know that Israelis/Jewish males have a high use of Prostitutes etc., and so does the Government and are doing a lot to rid Israel of the PIMPS and change male culture generally in this go find those stats...."bigmouth" fcuk you do make me LOL steve

You seem to know a lot of stuff that is worthy of a nice flush.

"Israelis have a high use for prostitutes". Ha ha ha.

I would say that ARABS and MUSLIMS are the biggest whore-mongerers in the world. Dubai is practically one big whorehouse filled with hookers from all over the world, where wealthy Arabs go to meet whores from Russia and Eastern Europe. All in the name of "doing business" of course. And here in the US, Arabs are practically known on first name basis by brothels in Nevada and whorehouses elsewhere across the country. Which is why the first thing Arabs do when they get off the plane in any Western country, is they hit the whorehouses. Leaving a trail of saliva dripping from their mouths. They can't get women to sleep with them any other way.

You anti Semites are the biggest ignoramuses in the world.
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IndoFART and the fake Muslim outrage. Muslim armies are on the march, massacring, kidnapping and raping women in places like Iraq, Syria, Nigeria and Sudan. Did they find those 200 school girls the Boko Haram Muslim animals kidnapped and sold into slavery (after raping them of course)? Last I heard they attacked another village and pulled the same shit.

Nice rant, but no condemnation of your rapist mates.
I condemn without reservation, any Muslim that rapes, you excuse your rapists.

Get a grip on yourself Indonesian FART. Rape occurs in many countries. However it seems to occur the least in civilized societies where it is punished, and the most in lawless, barbaric, chauvinistic Muslim societies filled with Islamic savages like ISIS or Boko Haram trying to carry out true Islam.
I'm not sure if this is just a myth or a true story, but in fact many Palestinians have blue eyes and blond hair, probably since the British Mandate.
Hell they could even be royalty and not know it. :cool:
I'm not sure if this is just a myth or a true story, but in fact many Palestinians have blue eyes and blond hair, probably since the British Mandate.
and over 20% of the white world population have some Jewish blood your point is??????????the usual Bullshit implying the Palestinians were somehow not a true race are an Idiot........In the Italian city of Bari,within the city walls there is a huge population of Blond haired and Blue eyed people...due to the past invasions and settlement of Normans etc., You can make these statements all you like but remember I am a sentinel against Zionist Terrorist PROPAGANDA
This must be the reason ISIS soldiers...rape women too....with impunity......They learn't from the Israeli Military.......these rapist are gutless criminals,says a lot about Israeli morality when the government and Nit and Yarhoo,sanction such behaviour..."LOVELY BUNCH OF BASTARDS" you mean Indo.........A lot of Israeli men have sexual behavioural problems.......I think it stems from a maternal up bringing........and total sexual inadequacy,moreover their being circumcised(such a barbaric act) at an early age..steve
Steve, I can't believe you post such crap. Lighten up.
The trouble is Hoss......regarding many Jewish is a need to wake up..steve

Do you perhaps have any numbers or stats on that, or would it be those Jew hating voices in your empty head. Maybe you can tell us why it is that Jews statistically commit the least crimes and therefore so little of them are convicted criminals, or in prison?

And while you're at it, tell us why there are tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Catholic priests worldwide who love to sodomize young boys? Now there's a stat you should look into, bigmouth.
I know that Israelis/Jewish males have a high use of Prostitutes etc., and so does the Government and are doing a lot to rid Israel of the PIMPS and change male culture generally in this go find those stats...."bigmouth" fcuk you do make me LOL steve

You seem to know a lot of stuff that is worthy of a nice flush.

"Israelis have a high use for prostitutes". Ha ha ha.

I would say that ARABS and MUSLIMS are the biggest whore-mongerers in the world. Dubai is practically one big whorehouse filled with hookers from all over the world, where wealthy Arabs go to meet whores from Russia and Eastern Europe. All in the name of "doing business" of course. And here in the US, Arabs are practically known on first name basis by brothels in Nevada and whorehouses elsewhere across the country. Which is why the first thing Arabs do when they get off the plane in any Western country, is they hit the whorehouses. Leaving a trail of saliva dripping from their mouths. They can't get women to sleep with them any other way.

You anti Semites are the biggest ignoramuses in the world.
I know it's hard for you to digest facts Roudy.....just as well the Israeli government are a little more savvy..steve
I'm not sure if this is just a myth or a true story, but in fact many Palestinians have blue eyes and blond hair, probably since the British Mandate.
and over 20% of the white world population have some Jewish blood your point is??????????the usual Bullshit implying the Palestinians were somehow not a true race are an Idiot........In the Italian city of Bari,within the city walls there is a huge population of Blond haired and Blue eyed people...due to the past invasions and settlement of Normans etc., You can make these statements all you like but remember I am a sentinel against Zionist Terrorist PROPAGANDA
link ?

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