Israeli soldiers Rape Bedouin Girl 15

Another one, where 35 IDF solders all raped one 14 year old girl.
IDF probes huge sex scandal - informationliberation

Cleared for publication at Ynet's request: 35 soldiers at Air Force base suspected of raping, sexually assaulting 14-year-old girl; IDF officials: We're talking about grave events taking place inside a military base

What a lovely bunch they are, excusing themselves by claiming they thought she was older. Yep, a common excuse amongst kiddie fiddlers.
We Will Not Let IDF Soldiers Be Dragged To The ICC - TOTPI

Nutty yahoo won't allow IDF people to be taken to court in an attempt to decide guilt, regardless of any evidence presented.
How barbaric of him.

Israel will not permit its soldiers to be hauled in front of the International Criminal Court (ICC) on potential war crimes charges, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said on Sunday.

“We will not let Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers and officers be dragged to the International Criminal Court in The Hague,” Netanyahu said at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting. The Palestinian Authority (PA) formally presented a request to the United Nations on Friday to join the ICC.
The problem is that the evidence is non-existent and the witnesses... have no credibility.

The conversations are on the 'man's' computer for all to read.

Then prosecute him... if he's guilty he should be executed. Like every other pedophile.
Do you think that Freddie would ever bring up honor killings by his own Muslim brethren. He certainly isn't going to bring up rape by those in Muslim armies. The Palestinians have honor killed their own females, and the Israeli government feels this is something they shouldn't get involved in. Perhaps Freddie can set up some kind of court where those Arabs who have honored killed should be prosecuted. Too many Muslim soldiers have raped women so it would be quite a chore for Freddie to set something up to prosecute them.
Do you think that Freddie would ever bring up honor killings by his own Muslim brethren

I have condemned that stupidity many times, but you have failed to condemn rape committed by the IDF.
That tells its own story.
The IDF has a long history of sexually abusing its own people, men and women have been raped.

Indictments for sex crimes in IDF doubled in 2012 - National Israel News Haaretz

In 2011, hundreds of reports were received concerning various forms of sexual abuse – half related to sexual harassment of a physical nature and half related to verbal sexual harassment,
IndoFART and the fake Muslim outrage. Muslim armies are on the march, massacring, kidnapping and raping women in places like Iraq, Syria, Nigeria and Sudan. Did they find those 200 school girls the Boko Haram Muslim animals kidnapped and sold into slavery (after raping them of course)? Last I heard they attacked another village and pulled the same shit.
Another one, where 35 IDF solders all raped one 14 year old girl.
IDF probes huge sex scandal - informationliberation

Cleared for publication at Ynet's request: 35 soldiers at Air Force base suspected of raping, sexually assaulting 14-year-old girl; IDF officials: We're talking about grave events taking place inside a military base

What a lovely bunch they are, excusing themselves by claiming they thought she was older. Yep, a common excuse amongst kiddie fiddlers.
This must be the reason ISIS soldiers...rape women too....with impunity......They learn't from the Israeli Military.......these rapist are gutless criminals,says a lot about Israeli morality when the government and Nit and Yarhoo,sanction such behaviour..."LOVELY BUNCH OF BASTARDS" you mean Indo.........A lot of Israeli men have sexual behavioural problems.......I think it stems from a maternal up bringing........and total sexual inadequacy,moreover their being circumcised(such a barbaric act) at an early age..steve...Only inadequate men RAPE
ISIS mentality needs No comment from me because they are Filth...>>>>>PERIOD.
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Another one, where 35 IDF solders all raped one 14 year old girl.
IDF probes huge sex scandal - informationliberation

Cleared for publication at Ynet's request: 35 soldiers at Air Force base suspected of raping, sexually assaulting 14-year-old girl; IDF officials: We're talking about grave events taking place inside a military base

What a lovely bunch they are, excusing themselves by claiming they thought she was older. Yep, a common excuse amongst kiddie fiddlers.
This must be the reason ISIS soldiers...rape women too....with impunity......They learn't from the Israeli Military.......these rapist are gutless criminals,says a lot about Israeli morality when the government and Nit and Yarhoo,sanction such behaviour..."LOVELY BUNCH OF BASTARDS" you mean Indo.........A lot of Israeli men have sexual behavioural problems.......I think it stems from a maternal up bringing........and total sexual inadequacy,moreover their being circumcised(such a barbaric act) at an early age..steve
Steve, I can't believe you post such crap. Lighten up.
Ahh Team Palestine's finest in a desperate need of a shut down.

Here is my personal story.

During my early service in the IDF - I was accused for raping a 55 years old woman(Palestinian) in captive, If I was turning out guilty she was set for life with compensation but despite the poor "evidence" she presented a completely ridiculous groundless story to the investigators, when I was summoned to the investigation I was shocked when I realized it was the Palestinian woman captured infiltrating Israel with a knife - the 55 years old one I just couldn't hold it in and started laughing so loud a guard from outside came in with a taser aimed to my face.

Wanna know why we are so racists and never raping Palestinian woman??

That's why, and I swear to God, this one down here looks like a model compared to that woman.


Now that we all had our little laughter, back to history channel, 2003 "HA'ARETZ" - Nothing so far up until today - 12 years, now where is Penelope to call it a discriminating apartheid? Thanks for the good time thou.
Don't be silly.............Most if not all Military Rape Danny.........Not referring to you of course....but the Sad fact is they do.......steve
Another one, where 35 IDF solders all raped one 14 year old girl.
IDF probes huge sex scandal - informationliberation

Cleared for publication at Ynet's request: 35 soldiers at Air Force base suspected of raping, sexually assaulting 14-year-old girl; IDF officials: We're talking about grave events taking place inside a military base

What a lovely bunch they are, excusing themselves by claiming they thought she was older. Yep, a common excuse amongst kiddie fiddlers.
This must be the reason ISIS soldiers...rape women too....with impunity......They learn't from the Israeli Military.......these rapist are gutless criminals,says a lot about Israeli morality when the government and Nit and Yarhoo,sanction such behaviour..."LOVELY BUNCH OF BASTARDS" you mean Indo.........A lot of Israeli men have sexual behavioural problems.......I think it stems from a maternal up bringing........and total sexual inadequacy,moreover their being circumcised(such a barbaric act) at an early age..steve
Steve, I can't believe you post such crap. Lighten up.
The trouble is Hoss......regarding many Jewish is a need to wake up..steve
Another one, where 35 IDF solders all raped one 14 year old girl.
IDF probes huge sex scandal - informationliberation

Cleared for publication at Ynet's request: 35 soldiers at Air Force base suspected of raping, sexually assaulting 14-year-old girl; IDF officials: We're talking about grave events taking place inside a military base

What a lovely bunch they are, excusing themselves by claiming they thought she was older. Yep, a common excuse amongst kiddie fiddlers.
This must be the reason ISIS soldiers...rape women too....with impunity......They learn't from the Israeli Military.......these rapist are gutless criminals,says a lot about Israeli morality when the government and Nit and Yarhoo,sanction such behaviour..."LOVELY BUNCH OF BASTARDS" you mean Indo.........A lot of Israeli men have sexual behavioural problems.......I think it stems from a maternal up bringing........and total sexual inadequacy,moreover their being circumcised(such a barbaric act) at an early age..steve
Steve, I can't believe you post such crap. Lighten up.
The trouble is Hoss......regarding many Jewish is a need to wake up..steve
You really sound ridiculous, Steve. Can you tell us why the Muslims are the biggest buyers of Internet porn. Are they sexually inadequate so they resort to porn or are they sexually frustrated? Why did the Pakistani Army rape all those women in Bangladesh (over a couple of hundred thousand is no small number)? In fact, why are the men in ISIS (remember that some come from your own country) so sexually childish that they have to have slave markets to get women Are they sexually childish because of their maternal upbringing? Maybe you are projecting your own inadequacies here and want to blame others for your own shortcomings.

Rape during the Bangladesh Liberation War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Another one, where 35 IDF solders all raped one 14 year old girl.
IDF probes huge sex scandal - informationliberation

Cleared for publication at Ynet's request: 35 soldiers at Air Force base suspected of raping, sexually assaulting 14-year-old girl; IDF officials: We're talking about grave events taking place inside a military base

What a lovely bunch they are, excusing themselves by claiming they thought she was older. Yep, a common excuse amongst kiddie fiddlers.
This must be the reason ISIS soldiers...rape women too....with impunity......They learn't from the Israeli Military.......these rapist are gutless criminals,says a lot about Israeli morality when the government and Nit and Yarhoo,sanction such behaviour..."LOVELY BUNCH OF BASTARDS" you mean Indo.........A lot of Israeli men have sexual behavioural problems.......I think it stems from a maternal up bringing........and total sexual inadequacy,moreover their being circumcised(such a barbaric act) at an early age..steve...Only inadequate men RAPE
ISIS mentality needs No comment from me because they are Filth...>>>>>PERIOD.

Put a muzzle on it, you're even worse than IndoFART. Muslims have been raping, killing and looting since Mohammad came unto the scene 1400 years ago. ISIS are just devout Muslims following true Islam.

Muslims don't need anyone to show them how to be barbaric savages, I think they are doing a great job showing the world exactly what the fruits of Islam truly are.
Another one, where 35 IDF solders all raped one 14 year old girl.
IDF probes huge sex scandal - informationliberation

Cleared for publication at Ynet's request: 35 soldiers at Air Force base suspected of raping, sexually assaulting 14-year-old girl; IDF officials: We're talking about grave events taking place inside a military base

What a lovely bunch they are, excusing themselves by claiming they thought she was older. Yep, a common excuse amongst kiddie fiddlers.
This must be the reason ISIS soldiers...rape women too....with impunity......They learn't from the Israeli Military.......these rapist are gutless criminals,says a lot about Israeli morality when the government and Nit and Yarhoo,sanction such behaviour..."LOVELY BUNCH OF BASTARDS" you mean Indo.........A lot of Israeli men have sexual behavioural problems.......I think it stems from a maternal up bringing........and total sexual inadequacy,moreover their being circumcised(such a barbaric act) at an early age..steve...Only inadequate men RAPE
ISIS mentality needs No comment from me because they are Filth...>>>>>PERIOD.

"They learn't from the Israeli Military"

It's comments like these that prove my statement that pro Palestinians are the most deluded, delusional people on earth. What an incredibly moronic comment. Do you think before you post?

ISIS rapes other people because it goes with their religion. They are emulating their rapist prophet.
Another one, where 35 IDF solders all raped one 14 year old girl.
IDF probes huge sex scandal - informationliberation

Cleared for publication at Ynet's request: 35 soldiers at Air Force base suspected of raping, sexually assaulting 14-year-old girl; IDF officials: We're talking about grave events taking place inside a military base

What a lovely bunch they are, excusing themselves by claiming they thought she was older. Yep, a common excuse amongst kiddie fiddlers.
This must be the reason ISIS soldiers...rape women too....with impunity......They learn't from the Israeli Military.......these rapist are gutless criminals,says a lot about Israeli morality when the government and Nit and Yarhoo,sanction such behaviour..."LOVELY BUNCH OF BASTARDS" you mean Indo.........A lot of Israeli men have sexual behavioural problems.......I think it stems from a maternal up bringing........and total sexual inadequacy,moreover their being circumcised(such a barbaric act) at an early age..steve
Steve, I can't believe you post such crap. Lighten up.
The trouble is Hoss......regarding many Jewish is a need to wake up..steve

Do you perhaps have any numbers or stats on that, or would it be those Jew hating voices in your empty head. Maybe you can tell us why it is that Jews statistically commit the least crimes and therefore so little of them are convicted criminals, or in prison?

And while you're at it, tell us why there are tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Catholic priests worldwide who love to sodomize young boys? Now there's a stat you should look into, bigmouth.
Another one, where 35 IDF solders all raped one 14 year old girl.
IDF probes huge sex scandal - informationliberation

Cleared for publication at Ynet's request: 35 soldiers at Air Force base suspected of raping, sexually assaulting 14-year-old girl; IDF officials: We're talking about grave events taking place inside a military base

What a lovely bunch they are, excusing themselves by claiming they thought she was older. Yep, a common excuse amongst kiddie fiddlers.
This must be the reason ISIS soldiers...rape women too....with impunity......They learn't from the Israeli Military.......these rapist are gutless criminals,says a lot about Israeli morality when the government and Nit and Yarhoo,sanction such behaviour..."LOVELY BUNCH OF BASTARDS" you mean Indo.........A lot of Israeli men have sexual behavioural problems.......I think it stems from a maternal up bringing........and total sexual inadequacy,moreover their being circumcised(such a barbaric act) at an early age..steve
Steve, I can't believe you post such crap. Lighten up.
The trouble is Hoss......regarding many Jewish is a need to wake up..steve
Link ?
The juden IDF are the most barbaric savages on the planet. ...... :cool:
Naaaaaaaaah......they're pretty good at smacking Mooooslim animals though. The entire civilized world should learn from Israel.

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