Israel's Lies

RE: Israel's Lies
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Most previously surveyed or registration points, especially those used to establish maps, demarcations, and boundaries for sovereignty, locations, and surface features. And this registration point will remain on the record, in there original naming convention, no matter what sovereignty originally commissioned the survey.

The International Borders were formed for the "Government of Palestine" (an entity of the British Government) as established by the Allied Powers.
Then why were they referenced in the 1949 UN armistice Agreements almost a year after the Mandate left?

In terms of reference, let's use, for example, the current Egyptian-Israeli Demarcation: "The permanent boundary between Egypt and Israel is the recognized international boundary between Egypt and the former mandated territory of Palestine, as shown on the map at Annex II, without prejudice to the issue of the status of the Gaza Strip. The Parties recognize this boundary as inviolable. Each will respect the territorial waters and airspace."

Most Respectfully,
the former mandated territory of Palestine,
Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Jordan are also former Mandated territories.

What is your point?
RE: Israel's Lies
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Most previously surveyed or registration points, especially those used to establish maps, demarcations, and boundaries for sovereignty, locations, and surface features. And this registration point will remain on the record, in there original naming convention, no matter what sovereignty originally commissioned the survey.

The International Borders were formed for the "Government of Palestine" (an entity of the British Government) as established by the Allied Powers.
Then why were they referenced in the 1949 UN armistice Agreements almost a year after the Mandate left?

In terms of reference, let's use, for example, the current Egyptian-Israeli Demarcation: "The permanent boundary between Egypt and Israel is the recognized international boundary between Egypt and the former mandated territory of Palestine, as shown on the map at Annex II, without prejudice to the issue of the status of the Gaza Strip. The Parties recognize this boundary as inviolable. Each will respect the territorial waters and airspace."

Most Respectfully,
"The permanent boundary between Egypt and Israel
A treaty brokered by the US. You know, the country that illegally gave Jerusalem and the Golan to Israel.
RE: Israel's Lies
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Most previously surveyed or registration points, especially those used to establish maps, demarcations, and boundaries for sovereignty, locations, and surface features. And this registration point will remain on the record, in there original naming convention, no matter what sovereignty originally commissioned the survey.

The International Borders were formed for the "Government of Palestine" (an entity of the British Government) as established by the Allied Powers.
Then why were they referenced in the 1949 UN armistice Agreements almost a year after the Mandate left?

In terms of reference, let's use, for example, the current Egyptian-Israeli Demarcation: "The permanent boundary between Egypt and Israel is the recognized international boundary between Egypt and the former mandated territory of Palestine, as shown on the map at Annex II, without prejudice to the issue of the status of the Gaza Strip. The Parties recognize this boundary as inviolable. Each will respect the territorial waters and airspace."

Most Respectfully,
Then why were they referenced in the 1949 UN armistice Agreements almost a year after the Mandate left?
Why did you duck my question?
RE: Israel's Lies
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: You are not very good at all, for keeping the timeline or the answers straight.

You did NOT read the next answer. Sovereignty had not yet been assigned by the Allied Powers.
Who has the authority to assign sovereignty?

See Comment #1 on Posxting #327.

Those the have the Title and Rights.
Britain had title and rights?


The Title and Rights
(Posting #327 supra) was renounced by the Turkishish Republic and relinquished by Treaty to the Allied Powers.

The Allied Powers then granted the total administration of the territory of Palestine, full powers of legislation, defense of the territory, immigration, enacting a nationality law and control of the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews, facilitation of political and economic conditions, social and other matters as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home. The Mandatory was also responsible for seeing that the judicial system established in Palestine
(for both foreigners and inhabitants), and all diplomatic matters.

There was no aspect of governance that was not assigned to the Mandatory. The League Mandate Council essentially had total oversight through Article 22 (8) League of Nation Covenant. It is provided that the degree of authority, control or administration to be exercised by the Mandatory, not having been previously agreed upon by the Members of the League, shall be explicitly defined by the Council of the League of Nations.

In the case of Jordanian sovereignty, Article 1 of the UK-Jordanian Treaty of 1946, the King of England recognized the Emir as the sovereign:

Atricle 1 UK-JORDAN Treaty 1946.png

Most Respectfully,
RE: Israel's Lies
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: You are not very good at all, for keeping the timeline or the answers straight.

You did NOT read the next answer. Sovereignty had not yet been assigned by the Allied Powers.
Who has the authority to assign sovereignty?

See Comment #1 on Posxting #327.

Those the have the Title and Rights.
Britain had title and rights?


The Title and Rights
(Posting #327 supra) was renounced by the Turkishish Republic and relinquished by Treaty to the Allied Powers.

The Allied Powers then granted the total administration of the territory of Palestine, full powers of legislation, defense of the territory, immigration, enacting a nationality law and control of the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews, facilitation of political and economic conditions, social and other matters as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home. The Mandatory was also responsible for seeing that the judicial system established in Palestine
(for both foreigners and inhabitants), and all diplomatic matters.

There was no aspect of governance that was not assigned to the Mandatory. The League Mandate Council essentially had total oversight through Article 22 (8) League of Nation Covenant. It is provided that the degree of authority, control or administration to be exercised by the Mandatory, not having been previously agreed upon by the Members of the League, shall be explicitly defined by the Council of the League of Nations.

In the case of Jordanian sovereignty, Article 1 of the UK-Jordanian Treaty of 1946, the King of England recognized the Emir as the sovereign:

Most Respectfully,
The Allied Powers then granted the total administration of the territory of Palestine, full powers of legislation,
Military control is not title and rights.
In the case of Jordanian sovereignty, Article 1 of the UK-Jordanian Treaty of 1946, the King of England recognized the Emir as the sovereign:
Where is the treaty between the UK and Israel?

RE: Israel's Lies
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Here again, you've made a timeline mistake of fact.

In the case of Jordanian sovereignty, Article 1 of the UK-Jordanian Treaty of 1946, the King of England recognized the Emir as the sovereign:
Where is the treaty between the UK and Israel?


There was no treaty because the National Council for the Jewish State had applied for recognition to the UN Palestine Commission for a time after the departure of the Mandatory. Israel was created under the umbrella of self-determination and the recommendation of the UN Special Committee for Palestine.
Most Respectfully,
RE: Israel's Lies
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: You are not very good at all, for keeping the timeline or the answers straight.

You did NOT read the next answer. Sovereignty had not yet been assigned by the Allied Powers.
Who has the authority to assign sovereignty?

See Comment #1 on Posxting #327.

Those the have the Title and Rights.
Britain had title and rights?


The Title and Rights
(Posting #327 supra) was renounced by the Turkishish Republic and relinquished by Treaty to the Allied Powers.

The Allied Powers then granted the total administration of the territory of Palestine, full powers of legislation, defense of the territory, immigration, enacting a nationality law and control of the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews, facilitation of political and economic conditions, social and other matters as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home. The Mandatory was also responsible for seeing that the judicial system established in Palestine
(for both foreigners and inhabitants), and all diplomatic matters.

There was no aspect of governance that was not assigned to the Mandatory. The League Mandate Council essentially had total oversight through Article 22 (8) League of Nation Covenant. It is provided that the degree of authority, control or administration to be exercised by the Mandatory, not having been previously agreed upon by the Members of the League, shall be explicitly defined by the Council of the League of Nations.

In the case of Jordanian sovereignty, Article 1 of the UK-Jordanian Treaty of 1946, the King of England recognized the Emir as the sovereign:

Most Respectfully,
The Allied Powers then granted the total administration of the territory of Palestine, full powers of legislation,
Military control is not title and rights.
In the case of Jordanian sovereignty, Article 1 of the UK-Jordanian Treaty of 1946, the King of England recognized the Emir as the sovereign:
Where is the treaty between the UK and Israel?

Why was there a need for a treaty?

RE: Israel's Lies
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Most previously surveyed or registration points, especially those used to establish maps, demarcations, and boundaries for sovereignty, locations, and surface features. And this registration point will remain on the record, in there original naming convention, no matter what sovereignty originally commissioned the survey.

The International Borders were formed for the "Government of Palestine" (an entity of the British Government) as established by the Allied Powers.
Then why were they referenced in the 1949 UN armistice Agreements almost a year after the Mandate left?

In terms of reference, let's use, for example, the current Egyptian-Israeli Demarcation: "The permanent boundary between Egypt and Israel is the recognized international boundary between Egypt and the former mandated territory of Palestine, as shown on the map at Annex II, without prejudice to the issue of the status of the Gaza Strip. The Parties recognize this boundary as inviolable. Each will respect the territorial waters and airspace."

Most Respectfully,
"The permanent boundary between Egypt and Israel
A treaty brokered by the US. You know, the country that illegally gave Jerusalem and the Golan to Israel.
When did the US illegally (or otherwise) give Jerusalem and the Golan to Israel?

Tinmore, you said Palestine became a state . Can you please elaborate, with a link as to when that took place?
I have many times but my posts were too complicated for you and they went over your head.

Here is just one,

That silly YouTube video does nothing to support your claim that the Treaty of Lausanne invented the “State of Pallyland”.
I never said it did. It was just one treaty in the process.
What process?


Why do you continuously duck the question regarding ''how did the Treaty of Lausanne invent the country of Pally'land''?
Tinmore, you said Palestine became a state . Can you please elaborate, with a link as to when that took place?
I have many times but my posts were too complicated for you and they went over your head.

Here is just one,

That silly YouTube video does nothing to support your claim that the Treaty of Lausanne invented the “State of Pallyland”.
I never said it did. It was just one treaty in the process.
What process?


Why do you continuously duck the question regarding ''how did the Treaty of Lausanne invent the country of Pally'land''?
He also ducked two of my questions: a link to Palestine becoming a state when he said they did and a link to Palestine’s alleged international borders ....
Tinmore, you said Palestine became a state . Can you please elaborate, with a link as to when that took place?
I have many times but my posts were too complicated for you and they went over your head.

Here is just one,

That silly YouTube video does nothing to support your claim that the Treaty of Lausanne invented the “State of Pallyland”.
I never said it did. It was just one treaty in the process.
What process?


Why do you continuously duck the question regarding ''how did the Treaty of Lausanne invent the country of Pally'land''?
He also ducked two of my questions: a link to Palestine becoming a state when he said they did and a link to Palestine’s alleged international borders ....
He's scouring YouTube for a video.
The zionist Israeli pukes have created a gigantic lie to explain how their theft of other people's land wasn't really theft. ... :cuckoo:

^It comes.
RE: Israel's Lies
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Here again, you've made a timeline mistake of fact.

In the case of Jordanian sovereignty, Article 1 of the UK-Jordanian Treaty of 1946, the King of England recognized the Emir as the sovereign:
Where is the treaty between the UK and Israel?


There was no treaty because the National Council for the Jewish State had applied for recognition to the UN Palestine Commission for a time after the departure of the Mandatory. Israel was created under the umbrella of self-determination and the recommendation of the UN Special Committee for Palestine.
Most Respectfully,
Israel did not comply to the UN.
Tinmore, you said Palestine became a state . Can you please elaborate, with a link as to when that took place?
I have many times but my posts were too complicated for you and they went over your head.

Here is just one,

That silly YouTube video does nothing to support your claim that the Treaty of Lausanne invented the “State of Pallyland”.
I never said it did. It was just one treaty in the process.
What process?


Why do you continuously duck the question regarding ''how did the Treaty of Lausanne invent the country of Pally'land''?
He also ducked two of my questions: a link to Palestine becoming a state when he said they did and a link to Palestine’s alleged international borders ....
Tinmore, you said Palestine became a state . Can you please elaborate, with a link as to when that took place?
I have many times but my posts were too complicated for you and they went over your head.

Here is just one,

That silly YouTube video does nothing to support your claim that the Treaty of Lausanne invented the “State of Pallyland”.
I never said it did. It was just one treaty in the process.
What process?


Why do you continuously duck the question regarding ''how did the Treaty of Lausanne invent the country of Pally'land''?
He also ducked two of my questions: a link to Palestine becoming a state when he said they did and a link to Palestine’s alleged international borders ....
Oh, my. Not that silly article, again.
RE: Israel's Lies
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,


◈ What "Compliance requirement was not met?" You've said this many times over the years, but you never really cite what "Binding" Compliance requirement you are talking about relative to the Independence issue.
◈ The independence process was accepted by the Jewish Agency (JA); but, rejected by the Arab Higher Committee (AHC). The JA did meet the Charter expectations and the Montevideo Convention, however, the AHC and Arab League were in violation of the Charter by the actual "use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence."
◈ The AHC (Arab Palestinians) has very questionable standing on any issue pertaining to Jewish Independence because the Arab Palestinian through the AHC rejected the joint participation in the establishment of self-governing institutions. The Arab Palestinians cannot start a fight, and then file a grievance because they lost in combat.

In the case of Jordanian sovereignty, Article 1 of the UK-Jordanian Treaty of 1946, the King of England recognized the Emir as the sovereign:
Where is the treaty between the UK and Israel?

There was no treaty because the National Council for the Jewish State had applied for recognition to the UN Palestine Commission for a time after the departure of the Mandatory. Israel was created under the umbrella of self-determination and the recommendation of the UN Special Committee for Palestine.
Israel did not comply to the UN.

A/RES/181(II) • 29 NOV 47 • Future Government of Palestine was a recommendation adopted by the UN General Assembly. The National Council for the Jewish State had applied for recognition to the UN Palestine Commission (UNPC), the appointed successor government. AND the UNPC, acting as an operating agency of the Security Council (Part I, Section B, Paragrpah 14, "The Commission shall be guided in its activities by the recommendations of the General Assembly and by such instructions as the Security Council may consider necessary to issue."), reported: "In fact the resolution of last November 29 has been implemented. (sic)"

The Arab Palestinian has no standing in determining, well after the fact, that the independence of Israel is not consistent with customary interpretations a half-century later. Just because the Arab Palestinians do not think the National Council for the Jewish State met today's Arab Palestinian interpretation on what should have happened, does not mean that they have cause for redress. In general, there is no instant replay, in the outcome of a conflict 5, 10, 25 or 50 years after the fact, and grounds to demand a reinterpretation of the facts. Just as it is impossible now to reinterpret the incorporation of Tibet, the annexation of the Crimea, or the Chinese establishment of artificial islands in the South China Sea.

Most Respectfully,
Remember, A/RES/181(II) • 29 NOV 47 • Future Government of Palestine was a recommendation adopted by the UN General Assembly.
Then there is the question you always duck.


There are 15 steps. Which ones were implemented?

Then there is:

Chapter 3

Citizenship, international conventions and financial obligations

1. Citizenship. Palestinian citizens residing in Palestine outside the City of Jerusalem, as well as Arabs and Jews who, not holding Palestinian citizenship, reside in Palestine outside the City of Jerusalem shall, upon the recognition of independence, become citizens of the State in which they are resident and enjoy full civil and political rights.

I await your duck.
◈ The independence process was accepted by the Jewish Agency (JA); but, rejected by the Arab Higher Committee (AHC). The JA did meet the Charter expectations and the Montevideo Convention,
Where is Israel's defined territory?

◈ The independence process was accepted by the Jewish Agency (JA); but, rejected by the Arab Higher Committee (AHC). The JA did meet the Charter expectations and the Montevideo Convention,
Where is Israel's defined territory?

The territory over which it holds sovereignty. The territory delineated by borders defined by treaty.

What territory is held as sovereign by either of the Islamic terrorist enclaves?

◈ The independence process was accepted by the Jewish Agency (JA); but, rejected by the Arab Higher Committee (AHC). The JA did meet the Charter expectations and the Montevideo Convention,
Where is Israel's defined territory?

The territory over which it holds sovereignty. The territory delineated by borders defined by treaty.

What territory is held as sovereign by either of the Islamic terrorist enclaves?

The territory over which it holds sovereignty. The territory delineated by borders defined by treaty.
What treaty?


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